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Posts posted by TerraplaneGuy

  1. On 10/25/2019 at 1:02 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    This is a good product, whether you get it from Aliexpress or somewhere on Lazada....



    I just got this product (SNDWAY PM2.5 detector) and fired it up.  Seems to work.  My condo is showing around 20 μg/m³ today (still haven't bought a purifier but intend to soon).  That calculates to 68 AQI which is a  lower than the nearby stations on Airvisual and aqicn.org (85-95).  Not sure if that's because I'm up pretty high (24th floor) although they say that doesn't have a big effect, or the SNDWAY reads a bit low.  Anybody notice a tendency of the SNDWAY in one direction or the other?  BTW I'm not currently running aircon.

  2. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



    So, you can run the air purifier and it functions normally as a purifier, and leave the Plasmacluster switch turned off and non functioning all the same, if so desired.  That aspect resolved my concerns.


    That’s good to know.  Is the Sharp steam function also optional? I’m not sure whether it is part of the plasma cluster function or what exactly it’s supposed to do.   

  3. Further research only complicates things, of course.  I see that both the Sharp and the Toshiba have an ionizing feature.  The way they work apparently is to project the ions onto certain particles to chemically combine with them and make them fall to the floor and other surfaces.  But they can also cause ozone which is dangerous:  https://molekule.science/air-purifiers-ionic-ionizers-bad-or-good/       I found a few sites that claim the Sharp ionizing method (plasmacluster) does not emit any (or significant) ozone, for example:   https://www.allergytech.com/sharp_plasmacluster.htm


    Haven't found any such reassurance for the Toshiba ionizing feature which seems to use a different technology.  I do suspect that the ozone produced even by the Toshiba would be considerably less than the notorious ionizing purifiers (like Ionic Breeze) that relied solely on that method (no HEPA filter) and which were pilloried by Consumer Reports.  But I don't know whether there's any ozone risk with the Toshiba.  

  4. 18 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I thought the difference WAS the color.... The B version has a black top surface, while the A version has a blue top surface...


    When I compare the two models on Sharp's TH specs website, other than the color, their listings are identical in every listed spec:




    I bought the slightly smaller capacity FP-F30TA-A, which works very well in our master bedroom. And both the F30 and J30 series units use the exact same HEPA filter.


    Thanks, I was having trouble making the compare page work but got it now and you're right.  About the Toshiba CAF-H20 unit, you mentioned it tops out at 24 sqm but it seems the Sharp FP-J30TA tops out at 23 sqm so they seem about the same on that.  I know you're not endorsing products but do you see a reason to prefer one, other that the Sharp is now discounted to B3,390 which is B900 cheaper than the Toshiba (IF the Sharp is available:  the website seems to indicate it's now out of stock) whereas the Toshiba has the built-in monitor?

  5. Thanks for the Powerbuy items.  I was in their Central Rama 9 store yesterday but there are more here online (not surprising).  Any thoughts on the Toshiba CAF-H20?  It looks pretty decent for the B4K range - not sure it's True HEPA but the rest of the specs look good, has pass rate CFM 200 and it has a built-in sensor which is handy.



    Btw interestingly the Sharp FP-J30TA-B is not listed on online but is available in store for B3,390.  I'm having trouble figuring out the difference between that and the very similar Sharp FP-J30TA-A.  It's not the color.  The -B model can generate steam which I'm not sure the -A can (and I'm not sure why anyone would want steam unless maybe they live in a dry place unlike Thailand).

  6. 1 hour ago, mahjongguy said:

    .... but surely this optional method requires forfeiture of the withheld amounts. No other view of it makes sense. The rule update was intended to increase collections, not to create a new exemption.


    I suspect the idea was to increase collections by encouraging account holders to authorize banks to report all their interest to Revenue.   Apparently some were not doing that and were failing to declare it themselves and pay tax on it.  But they were only ever required to pay on interest over B20,000.  According to the sources I name, that 20K exemption remains if you give your bank your tax ID and authorize it to report your interest.  And in that case there is no forfeiture of a withheld amount because the bank will not withhold anything.


    The reason I started this thread is that this summer for the first time Krungsri started withholding tax on my interest.  And I guess the new rule did its job by motivating me to give Krungsri my ID number etc. to stop the withholding.   Not that I was evading any tax, but now Revenue can monitor me more easily.  


  7. I'm now looking at a few of the recommended purifiers but since many do not have a built-in AQ monitor, any suggestions as to a good affordable monitor easily available in Thailand?  Hopefully something compact (for travel).

  8. My understanding is that there is a tax exemption for B20,000 of interest on bank accounts, even if the bank does not withhold tax.  I get that from the following sources.


    First, the Sherrings site that I linked above clearly states that there is such an exemption and that this year's new rules (Notification 346) simply require that taxpayers, to continue to avail themselves of it, must notify the bank of their tax ID and do not instruct the bank to not report their income to Revenue.  Sherrings states "If a taxpayer does not comply with the above rules, the taxpayer loses the right to the 20,000 Baht exemption, and the banks shall withhold 15% tax ..".   So by their account, the exemption is quite independent of the withholding and in fact the two would appear to now be mutually exclusive.  


    Krungsri Bank states the same thing:  https://www.krungsri.com/bank/en/Other/AboutUs/krungsri-announce/exemption-tax-interest-savings-deposit.html


    Sherrings cites as its authority for the existing exemption Clause 2(38) of Ministerial Regulation No. 126.  I looked that Regulation up (it goes back to 1966) and it does indeed state that "Interests on deposits of saving type at domestic banks that must be returned upon demand, but only where the income earners receive such interests in aggregate not more than 20,000 baht throughout such tax year" are income under s. 42(17) of the Revenue Code.  Turning to s. 42(17), it provides for various kinds of income to be "exempt for the purpose of income tax calculation" by Ministerial Regulations.  So it appears that Sherrings and Krungsri have it right.  Note these legislative provisions say nothing about withholding.


    I also note The Revenue Dept. site states the following in their summary of personal income tax rules:


     "The following forms of interest income may, at the taxpayer’s selection, be excluded from the computation of PIT provided that a tax of 15 per cent is withheld at source:   ...  2. interest on saving deposits in commercial banks if the aggregate amount of interest received is not more than 20,000 baht during a taxable year"



    So this also confirms there is a an exemption for B20,000 of interest.  While this summary appears to make that contingent on the bank withholding tax, which contradicts this year's Notification 346, that is not surprising since this summary was last updated in 2014.


    Here's the legislation links if you're interested: https://www.rd.go.th/publish/fileadmin/user_upload/kormor/eng/MR_126.pdf     

  9. 48 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Hatari says -- "HEPA FILTER traps dust and foreign radicals up to 0.3 microns."  But that could be correct for a HEPA type filter vs. a true HEPA filter, because it's the 99.97% efficiency rating that makes something a "true" HEPA

    I wonder in practical terms how much difference it makes. For example say the Hatari only removes 90%.  If you’re living in BKK and breathing unfiltered air at least a few hours a day, perhaps the extra 9.97% home filtering may not make a big difference to your overall daily particle intake.   

  10. 14 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    In the Thai market, Hatari makes a good purifier, the HT-AP12, that's widely available, well priced and has replacement filters easily available.


    You also can look at the Xiaomi 2S, which has many of those same characteristics. Sharp and Philips make models you can find in a lot of the consumer electronics stores here.


    In terms of specs:

    --you want a unit with a "true" HEPA filter that's capable of filtering out particles down to the size of 0.3 microns.



    Thanks very helpful!  I checked the Hatari and it looks good but although it says it has a HEPA filter it doesn’t say “true HEPA”.  Do you know if it is “true” and how we would tell for this and other brands if they just say HEPA?

  11. 14 hours ago, seb2015 said:


    I ended buying a new unit (different brand though) for the lounge area mostly because I got fed up with moving the fans around in the apartment and needed something a bit more capable at handling the air volume of that room .


    Thanks.  Can you tell us what brand you got for the lounge and if it's doing a good job?  Also what kind of size/air volume capability would you recommend for that main room?  I'm seeing Dyson and Samsung on Thai websites, heard that Wynd is considered good in the U.S. but haven't seen it for sale here.

  12. Can people please report their experience with air purifiers available in Thailand?  Above there's a bit about XPX purifiers and also DIY units (HEPA filter taped to a fan).   Do they work well?  Any other suggestions?  Dyson, other brands?  I've got a 2 bedroom condo, about 100 sq meters.  Looking for the best solution to PM2.5.  What about putting HEPA filters in existing aircon (mine are Daikin, one unit in each room) is that feasible?

  13. On 10/18/2019 at 7:36 PM, Pib said:

    I showed my Krungsri branch both my tax ID card which was just a handwritten card given to me by the tax office years ago (nothing fancy like a computer printed and laminated card) and I showed a tax filing receipt from several years earlier which was the last time I filed to get a refund of tax withheld on a fixed saving acct.  The branch only made a copy of the tax filing receipt and not my poor boy's tax card.   


    And for my Bangkok Bank branch they also just copied my tax receipt....maybe because the tax ID looked like something a 3rd grader would draw.  ...

    For the record I went to Krungsri this week and just gave them my tax ID card since I had no tax filing receipt.  The card is a paper card I got a few years ago, with my name and number typed in, fairly official looking although not laminated.  Krungsri was fine with that card, didn't ask for any tax receipt, and had me fill out the paperwork that is supposed to stop them from withholding tax on my interest.  I'll check next month to see if they in fact stopped.

  14. 46 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    Said that I was late filing hence the fine. They also said they could have fined me up to 2,000 baht but they were being nice.

    Pointed out that if I actually did file they would owe me money on the stock dividend tax withheld and just got a smile back.

    Not too hard to work out where I was filing my taxes if you look at my avatar.

    Maybe I’m missing something but how could you be late filing if you owed no tax?  Surely filing merely to get a refund is not an obligation and not something the failure to do would make one liable for a fine.  Was this just a shake-down for “tea money”? 

  15. 19 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    When I obtained my tax id earlier this year I was fined 500 baht for not filing a return the previous year The only income I have is from bank interest and share dividends, well below the 20,000 threshold. When I asked if I needed to file in the future or a face a fine, even if I closed my accounts and had zero income, I was told that they would not "chase" me.

    On what basis did they fine you? What reason did they give for saying you should have filed a return if in fact you had no taxable income?  Also please tell us what tax district you are in.  

  16. 9 minutes ago, TigerandDog said:

    The problem with this tax notification is that banks are NOT strictly adhering to it. Tax is only supposed to be deducted on interest of 20k baht or more for Thais and foreigners. ...

    According to what Krungsri told me recently and the explanation by Sherrings in the link I posted above, the new rule is that tax is withheld on ALL interest, not just if it exceeds B20K.  The reason being that some people were splitting their money into multiple accounts to avoid the appearance of exceeding the B20K threshhold.  If in fact your total across all accounts is less than B20K, you can get back the withheld tax by filing a return (for refund).  OR you can stop the withholding in the first place by giving the bank your Tax ID which they report to Revenue.  My question (posted above) is whether you also have to give the bank a tax return receipt, as some report, in which case those of us who have not filed returns have a problem.

  17. 15 hours ago, Pib said:

    Just because you have Thai tax ID does not mean you "must" file a tax return year each.   It just means you may have a need to file a return or did have a need to file for one or more years like to reclaim tax withheld on a bank acct.   


    I got my tax ID a half dozen or so years ago when I needed to file for refund of tax withheld on some fixed accts I had for a couple of years.  I have not filed since...no need  to as I don't have any taxable income in Thailand..  


    Below post provides instructions on how to stop the tax withholding for a Krungsri bank acct with info on why interest is being withheld.   And for any other bank it's the same....provide them your tax ID number.  I stopped the tax withholding on my Krungsri and Bangkok Bank accts by providing them my Thai tax ID.



    I looked at that related thread and saw some people said that to stop the withholding tax you need to give Krungsri not only your Tax ID but also a tax return filing receipt, apparently as confirmation that the ID was valid.  Did they insist on that with you?  I have a Tax ID but never filed a return (nothing to declare or refund) so have no receipts.  But I want them to stop withholding tax on my interest.  

  18. This year the government started ordering banks to withhold 15% tax on interest paid to individual account holders (including expats).  But we can stop that if we give our bank a copy of our Tax ID card (assuming we've got one - I do.)  My understanding is that the tax exemption for our first B20,000 of interest remains in effect.   In past years, I have not filed a Thai tax return because my only local income is bank interest and it is below that B20,000 threshhold. 


    Question: Does anyone know whether, if I give my bank my Tax ID so they stop withholding tax on my interest, I will be required to file a tax return even if my total income remains below the taxable threshhold?  I would assume not but I'm wary of this new requirement.

  19. Hi all, just following up on how to fill out the online TM30. I'm an expat renting a condo in Bangkok.  Does anyone know:


    1. What should I put as "check-out" date if I don't know when I may leave the country again? 

    2. What should I do with the table at the bottom that seems to have fields for all the same information as the fields at the top of the form (except in horizontal arrangement)?  Do I have to re-enter it all again?  Seems very odd.

    3. Finally, what docs should I upload when filing, the same as when I registered?  At that time I uploaded scans of my passport and my landlord's tabien (condo land registration).  I didn't upload his Thai ID card although I have it.  

  20. 2 hours ago, nrasmussen said:
    5 hours ago, Max69xl said:
    The only thing I don't understand when they "designed" the TM30 online report,why skip the receipt which should be possible to print out. How hard can it be? You can print out the 90 days report slip. 

    My guess is that it's because it was originally designed to be used by hotels which don't need to print receipts.

    I haven't tried yet but are you saying that when you file TM30 online they don't give you a confirmation?  Is there not at least a box or window saying "filing successful" or something like that you can take a screenshot of?

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