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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. These guys help make thailand what it is. I say keep the atmosphere. They are just trying to earn a living, a small one at that.

    Maybe they should take a look at the root of more serious problems, like the corruption in gov/police force biggrin.png What! don't be stupid.

    All this does is give cops more amo to charge higher payouts from these lil vendors, poor buggers, the circle continues.

    How about doing something more constructive like starting a campaign to make the roads a safer place, FORCE people to go for driving tests and a mandatory amount of driving lessons, throw in some education about the effects of alcohol when driving.

    Seems like all these "crackdowns" revolve around new ways for the police to make extra cash. smile.png

    Why is it that westerners move to another part of the world to get away from western society, only to demand that their new "home" change, adapt, organise, in a way that is just like the world they've left behind? I love Thailand, just the way it is, street vendors, motorcycles on the pavement, chaos and all.

    If it's too loud your'e too old. Japan did away with the street vendors - look how sterile that place became - it became the same as the West - devoid of any atmosphere - never mind if they do really mean it this time - go to Cambodia, Laos or Burma.
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  2. New money versus old money. The old money will always look down on the new money. Both parties don't care about the poor; I think that's pretty clear. Reconciliation is just a disguise to hide the real intention. I don't think anyone believes political enemies can agree, although compromises have been done in the past for mutual benefit.

    The main problem is that Taksin refuses to be be happy with what he has. The smart man would have pursued growing business wealth and put the political aspirations aside. He could have left the political scene for several years to reappear at a later date but instead he chooses to remain in the spotlight constantly stirring up trouble and not letting Thailand move on. I think most Thais are fed up with this and tired of him constantly in the news; I know I am!

    Spot on - both robbers with different coloured shirts
  3. I post on wrongs evils and goods in a sincere effort to make things better - and the main reason is to give a warning sign for the many innocent farang who get slaughtered here every year - murders converted to suicides. So you only want to hear the good. I suggest you read thaiscare.com You really should join the circus mister. Attention brought to the wrongs and evils create a safer better world and a lot more good. Its people like you with rose coloured glasses - the silent ones - that make the many parts of the world an awful place to live. Please go back to your plush residence and have a grande meal. This is not Laos visa - dementure? I have read many of your posts and I can tell you your knowledge of Thailand is very limited and does very little to help farang who come here. However, Laos more corrupt than Thailand? - over 20,000 gun murders in Laos - no - that's Thailand. You will not find many Laos people so nasty to do such terrible things like this. Thailand is a secret that is for sure - try to unpeel it and see what you find - good and bad.

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  4. I would imagine a big part of the problem is general lawlessness that affects Thailand everywhere. Perhaps they see the army as muscling in on/stopping their illegal mafia activities - drugs, smuggling, extortion. The Thais could learn from the Americans in Afghanistan or Iraq in respecting peoples faith - burning the Koran incident aside. There appears to be no-where the resentment with Muslim populations against the Western invasion. Obviously somebody has pissed these people off in Thailand. I would love to know what the Thai government has done and is doing to piss these people off. People do not bite back unless they are bitten. Secret extra-judicial killings still ongoing? - with the Western invasion atrocities become apparent. This is not the case in Thailand and I believe the root cause of insurgent causes. Personally I feel the soldiers get the rawest deal - pawns of the imbecile elite.

  5. Very interesting experience: everybody must read....


    I looked at this link. Every person who ever enters Thailand needs to read this. At first I ignored it - I am very happy I read it in the end. I will not be going to the police again to report crime that's for sure. This link clearly shows there is no law in Thailand.
  6. "The forensic team is currently gather evidence around the scene."

    They have forensic teams here? I thought they were just cops with pickups scooping up the bodies.

    So much Thai/Thailand bashing on this forum. Anyway, Thailand has one of Asia's best known forensic pathologists ...she is very well-respected and has even been brought in by other governments to help out with investigations. See: http://en.wikipedia....ip_Rojanasunand

    so much thailand bashing - something is either fact or fiction. any other way of thinking is delusional. any one who has spent time in thailand know how things work around here.
  7. I rekon they are accidental farang deaths caused by banging your head against the wall too hard

    There but for the grace of God, go I!

    If the tourists only knew what went on here - when you tell them - they think you are insane - I gave up long ago. Lawlessness pretty well sums it up. Isn't the most violent country in the world for gun murders? Many other ways to kill people.
  8. Give the lady a break, guys! She vowed to speed up improving the quality of life for Thailand's workers while promising that the Bt300 minimum wage would cover all provinces nationwide within the coming year.

    Obviously she wasn't mentioning non-employed people nor the seemingly growing trend of workers being 'let go' because of a need to improve producivity

    Give the lady a break - I feel her break has been way too long already cheesy.gif tea break?
  9. I've asked this question a few times now, but no answer so far. Maybe I have to wait till the PM Yingluck government reports on their achievements in the first nine months.

    With THB 350 - 410 billion to be spent (and a lot already spent) on various produce price pledging schemes, it would be interesting to have an itemisation of amount paid and to whom. Look at it as an external audit, we the taxpayers like to probe every once in a while especially when lots of money is spent without a good idea as to the usefulness of the spending.

    PS indeed I am a taxpayer in Thailand, comes with the 'legal alien' part I'm afraid

    interesting to have an itemisation of amount paid and to whom - if anyone attempted to find that out it would mean a bullet in the head (that's what an Aussie auditor got for auditing a bankrupt mills books - no-one replace him after that) - don't even go there - they have law here - its called mafia law - the police, politicians, anyone with any position - all criminals - but they don't see it that way - it is their reward for a privileged higher birth. We must respect their culture - rewards for the post - even honest workers accept this - that's why Taksin could be so popular.
  10. My girl used to live on 100 baht a day 2 years ago, which included buses and all meals only. Don't know where they are getting this 300 baht figure from. A couple living together in a 3,000 baht apartment pulling in 8,000 baht each. I know its not a fortune but you can live on this if you don't party too much - and you won't become a fat beer belly slob because of it. How well can you live on with no salary - well that depends how well you can handle a gun or a knife or scrounge out of a rubbish bin.

    You have to include money for beer, lao kaow, gambling, lottery, cigarette ´s also.rolleyes.gif

    Guess I got lucky they never asked me to buy Lao Kaow cheesy.gif
  11. Robbery will be the new growth industry for employment - newcomers to this profession will get every help from the police from my readings of what it takes to get someone arrested. Sounds similar to what the Indonesians say - if someone steals your chicken if you go to the police to report it you will lose a cow. Appears every group has their own private mafia. Now I know why the Thais smile so much - just to be in the clear must be a wonderful relief.

  12. My girl used to live on 100 baht a day 2 years ago, which included buses and all meals only. Don't know where they are getting this 300 baht figure from. A couple living together in a 3,000 baht apartment pulling in 8,000 baht each. I know its not a fortune but you can live on this if you don't party too much - and you won't become a fat beer belly slob because of it. How well can you live on with no salary - well that depends how well you can handle a gun or a knife or scrounge out of a rubbish bin.

  13. One oil company handed over all their refining to a Singapore company because they felt that they could not trust themselves with corruption - and it works excellently. Everything audited by Singaporeans and no funds missing. Perhaps it is time for Thailand to hand over the governing of the country to Singapore. Or at least get Singapore auuditors to manage the finance department - to make sure the Taksin clan is not carrying away the country's wealth.

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  14. e wage hike will impact the competitiveness of Thai entrepreneurs in the long run, especially those whose businesses rely mainly on the labor workforce.


    Let's see what happens when the government of your country imposes a 50% wage increase across the board. I will wager that layoffs will be the first order of business, no matter where in the world you are.

    From what I see in Thailand 70% percent of employers are superfluous at least in retail - I have heard shops are forced to employ so many workers dependent on floor area - the reason for the collapse of Carrefour. I guess this would not be the same with factories.
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