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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. and education,corruption,education,selfishness,education,greed , education,discapline ,education ,justice , education ,xenophobia , education,racism ,education , honesty,education , yaba , education , insulation , education , and education

    Are you kidding? Thailand 20,000 gun homicides, Malaysia 10. There is something very wrong. My advice get home by 5.30pm and lock your doors. Thailand is a war zone. The statistics don't lie. And the Police are in business with the crooks. If you don't believe me - ask any Thai. People are evil whether the government is yellow or red - and my God the police and crooks don't change a habit of a lifetime because of political parties.

    If it is that bad here, why do you stay ?

    I live in Laos buddy - However I lived in Thailand for many years. An attempted robbery and near miss with a bomb was the decision for leaving. I very much like to be alive. And yes I am so happy to be alive in Laos.
  2. I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

    I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

    If it was a little later in the night you wouldn't be sending anymore postcards is my guess if he had the gun. However, even if he didn't - its easy as buying a coke to get a gun. I think everyone would agree that Thailand is extremely dangerous when they get shot in the head - as we know Thailand is the country that offers the third best chance of happening. And it looks like they are striving for first place gold ranking.
  3. I guess I've had rather better experiences with the police here than others. I got a police box fitted to my front gate...costs 500 baht a month, and the cops come round twice a day at random hours and sign in.

    We had a bit of bother with one of the gardeners who had a habit and was nicking small stuff...we called the police number they had given us and they came straight round, said if we wanted to press charges we had to come down to the station to make a formal complaint. We decided not to press charges, but the cops went to visit him...that was the last we heard from him (no I don't mean that they killed him....they just told him to make sure he didn't go near our house again)...

    The problem with any law is that it has to be enforced and enforced fairly...Thailand has thousands of laws on the books but they are not enforced or are enforced selectively....the elite get away with everything up to and including murder, and the poor go to jail for yaba smoking offenses...and it's difficult to respect the justice system when it is not fairly enforced...why should I drive on the correct side of the road, when the 18 year old son of an elite drives his Benz into a bus stop killing a bunch of people and then beats the bus driver with a piece of concrete...he was found guilty about 3 years back and has been out on appeal ever since...not a day in jail...you know that if he was a poor peasant driving a 20 year old pick-up whose brakes failed, he'd be in the slammer for the rest of his life.

    There are too many guns here...I went to a house warming party a couple of months back...I was sitting down talking to one middle aged chap, when he pulled out a gun to show me...always carries a gun he told me....the host of the party said that several guest were 'carrying'. I lived in America for 20 years and know the harm that carrying weapons can do, so I'd support an aggressive campaign to rid Thailand of guns, with long sentences for carrying unlicensed guns.

    Works for Malaysia. That's what I love about Malaysia. I can sit down knowing Mac Donalds is not about to be blown up or that there will not be 56.11 gun murders per day like in Thailand. I find it very relaxing after leaving Thailand. Many Thais feel the same way. Come on Thailand - you need to admit there is a problem and fix it.
  4. I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

    I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

    Laos has to be the place. Even when farang abuse the shit out of the Laos the Laos just laugh at the farang like he is a dog and do nothing - very different from Thailand. I should know I have seen this again and again in Laos. The Laos would not care if they sky was falling. Problem is that there are Thai guys there too. I was not in the bar at the time but a Thai got offended by two farang in a bar in Vientiane and came back and shot both the farang dead. You may win the laughing test with the Thai man - but be prepared for the gun to arrive.
  5. Last Wednesday the security guard allowed into my road a car driver who said he was visiting a friend. He was actually a debt collector looking for the son of an old Thai couple a couple of doors away. I was indoors and heard a loud bang. I went outside to investigate only to see the car driver firing a pistol into the air before leaping into his car and speeding away. No police turned up to investigate. I live in a quiet tree lined road in what would ordinarily be described as a nice area. As the desk sergeant in Hill Street Blues used to say - "Let`s be careful out there".

    And that's just one of over 20,000 gun murders per year. However, its the same deal in Cambodia when you don't pay your debts. No investigation as well it's tolerated isn't it. Everyone knows the rules and unofficial rules of inappropriate behaviour and the legal and non-legal consequences. Therefore why should their be an investigation? It's like scooters who drive up the wrong side of the road - its illegal but its tolerated. In Thailand it is better to live by the informal 2nd set of rules. The legal ones are secondary in importance.
  6. Police fail to act for the young 16 year old boy who was beaten unconscious in front of 711 cameras and many witnesses - apparently not interested to investigate. The thugs know that the police don't give a shit or the thug culture is bigger than the police. I gave the address of the robber and licence plate of the motorbike that attempted to rob me. The Police said no reason to arrest, not interested, it may be a reason in a foreign country but not Thailand. They said that they must steal something of me before they do something. Farang brothers - make sure you adjust to this very unique environment or leave. It's getting a lot worse - talk to the Thais. Over 20,000 murdered by guns last year - the statistics don't lie. Rest assured in Thailand the Police will do nothing.

  7. How can you have a lawless society in a country where there is no law to start with?

    If there are laws here then noboby seems to obey them.

    There was an 18 year old Siam Uni student shot dead 50 ft from my front door. I heard it all.

    No police ,no door knocking, no investigation not even any police tape sealing off the area....nothing.

    As an Australian criminal once said in court ...".in Asia there's plenty of places to hide a body."

    This is because the police are afraid and understandably. My God i never seen anyone more fearful in my life when I met police about my attempted robbery. They were at the end of their tether with fear. I sympathise with them. They get around with handguns and Honda Waves 100cc while the drug lords get around with M16s and bullet proof Mercedes. I side with the police. It's better to stay home. That's what they did with me when there was an attempted robbery. The feeling is that as long as you don't do anything things won't get worse. And I guess I agree with them. 20,000 gun murders a year is a lot better than 50,000 gun murders. To attack this front on would end up in gun fights erupting every hour of the day and innocent bystanders getting killed in the cross fire with the drug lords getting the upper hand with their M16s versus handguns. Police are naturally playing the game of self preservation.
  8. ... the cultural values of a society are largely driven and sustained by the spiritual values of the predominant religion(s).

    ... after 12+ years living and working here, up close and personal, my opinion is the Thai's greed is greater and stronger than the Thai's Buddha.

    ... Thais are not particularly prepared for self-introspection, especially on an issue as sensitive as the defacto state religion - the unique, Thai-branded Theravada Buddhism ... so, the question of Thais' inferior cultural values might be denied by Thais, and the entire issue uncomfortably avoided in their child-like ways.

    ... no great moral leader appears on the Thai radar anywhere to inspire and stir in Thais a greater humanity ... no Mahatma Gandhi ... no Aung San Suu Kyi ... no Nelson Mandela ... for that reason, I suspect changes in Thai values will not occur, and Thai cultural values will continue to corrode.

    ... I have long been preparing my Thai children to leave Thailand, should they decide their quality of life will be better in another nation.

    ... corruption + incompetence = Thailand ... it is a mathematical certainty.

    ... so deeply saddening to have to witness this ... I wonder what the Thais' Buddha would say?

    Yep, you would be safer in the war zone of the deep South statistically. How ironic. Crime is that bad out of the Muslim areas.
  9. and education,corruption,education,selfishness,education,greed , education,discapline ,education ,justice , education ,xenophobia , education,racism ,education , honesty,education , yaba , education , insulation , education , and education

    Are you kidding? Thailand 20,000 gun homicides, Malaysia 10. There is something very wrong. My advice get home by 5.30pm and lock your doors. Thailand is a war zone. The statistics don't lie. And the Police are in business with the crooks. If you don't believe me - ask any Thai. People are evil whether the government is yellow or red - and my God the police and crooks don't change a habit of a lifetime because of political parties.
  10. *Deleted quote edited out*

    Thailand has always been far worse than almost anywhere and if the real numbers were available it would be far worse than far worse. It appears the deep South war is doing very well crime wise - only 5,200 killed in 7 years. This is highly commendable when you consider nationally over 20,000 people are killed every year with guns alone. Isn't it obvious - Thailand is at war and has been for a long time. Problem here is many criminals are on police payroll and people are a little bit too sensitive to criticism (no-one fails and no-one is a bad person or makes mistakes) - perhaps this is a good thing as an attempt to stop it could end up like Mexico - execution of witnesses. Or is it worse than Mexico? Thailand is number three for gun murders after South Africa and Colombia. Also if a scooter follows 10cm behind your scooter at 140km/hr for 15km in an attempt at getting you to fall off, if they can overtake you they will kick you down taking your bag while you lie dying. Now the police I have been informed that an attempt is not a crime so there is no need to give this man a visit - the police say Thailand is not the same as foreign countries. They say there is no reason to investigate. By the way this kind of crime is rife. Does it sound familiar farang inexplicable falling of bikes? It really makes me laugh when farang here think police will help farang. Please learn Thai and ask Thai people if the Thai police will help farang. The corruption sadly is nationwide. I thought it was just in tourist spots but sadly rotten to the core throughout.

    • Like 1
  11. Both economically and geographically, Chinese is an obvious choice to study.

    However, it's the quality of output that matters. Until I see native Chinese tour guides replaced by Chinese-speaking Thai tour guides, then I won't believe in any eventual success stories that are peddled around.

    Thai University students can speak Chinese at near native level. This contrasts to English. They respect Chinese, they like Chinese and they love learning Chinese. They have a passion to learn Chinese and this is why their Chinese is so incredibly excellent, spoken and written.
  12. I would think it would be silly to start on a third language where they cant even come close to master a second language in English. Some believe doing business with china you have to know their language...actually doing business with china you have to talk money and watch your back.

    with china you have to talk money and watch your back - If this is the case Thais should flourish in China 555
  13. Hope they get the guy who, just last week, kicked me out of his taxi when I politely asked him to turn off his TV that he was watching whilst driving.

    The look on his face suggested I was being totally unreasonable, and to that braindead dipsht I guess I was...

    Well done that man, you. clap2.gif

    The guy working in the Aussie embassy was not so lucky - had his face slashed with a knife by the taxi driver requiring 200 stitches. For all newbies to Thailand - all taxi drivers carry weapons - my colleague who was a loud mouth lost his four front teeth. If you want get by in Thailand tip the taxi driver 10 to 15 baht and don't open your mouth. Please be polite as I am sick of reading stories like this on the news. I can assure you the hospital fee will be far in excess of the over-charge that doesn't occur too much unless you get a taxi outside MBK.
    • Like 1
  14. What is it with the BiB showing the label of the actual pesticide used? It's only making it easier for copycat criminals. sad.png

    However if you see this in the kitchen you know to only drink half the cup or say take away. Be interesting to know how many grams to kill someone. Perhaps they should be telling people this so as not to put too much in if they just want time to get cash out your wallet while you doze off. It must be a rather smooth poison bit like a creamer for it to still be edible and coffee tasty for just one cup to kill you.
    • Like 1
  15. Taxi drivers found without a valid driving license will face dispensary action.

    Forced medication ?? Sounds a bit brutal.

    Passengers can recheck if a taxi driver has a license by observing their identification card and observe whether their photo matches the driver.

    Sounds par for the course - grade one will have tablets forced upon them the year apparently:)

    100 baht fixed the problem with the copper for no licence. The great thing about Thai corruption is that its not too expensive. They are very reasonable in their pricing structure of bribes at least to their own. This has to be commended in the fight against inflation. The real legally prescribed fee would have been much higher with a terrible effect on inflation. There's always a positive if one has an open mind.
  16. "Zero death" campaign and 320 deaths that is an 18% rise over the last year a success? Whatever. They can say what they like, they are the government. The government of loonies.

    That's one way of looking at it. But last year was also a statistical outlier. Year-on-year comparisons are always problematic. Compared to 2007-2010, inclusive, this was a better year.

    2007: 361 deaths, 4,805 injuries and 4,274 accidents

    2008: 368 deaths, 4,801 injuries and 4,243 accidents

    2009: 373 deaths, 4,332 injuries and 3,977 accidents

    2010: 361 deaths, 3,802 injuries and 3,516 accidents

    2011: 271 deaths, 3,476 injuries and 3,215 accidents

    2012: 320 deaths, 3,320 injuries and 3,129 accidents

    It appears from these statistics that what we have is an increase in the number of fatalities relative to the number of accidents. In other words, the severity of accidents has increased.

    You would think the monks would have something to say wouldn't you - about the importance of life and an able bodied life - and not to throw water in motorcylists faces? After all it is a buddhist festival. Why do they remain silent. As long as they ignore the deaths and handicapping effect it will continue. Should be more concerned about the yearly totals - not Songkran as numbers are similar. I wash my hands of it. If the "wise" monks won't push for change best to avoid the event. To me Songkran feels like mob rule - I guess the government can not object to this - monkey see - monkey do 555
  17. Last year, i had a cataract removed from one eye on Songkran day at Bumrungrad. Unable to find a taxi i walked to my hotel at the bottom of soi4. Despite the fact that my eye was bandaged and padded, the idiots still threw water into my face. This is the real problem, no one seems able to use common sense, they seem to go straight for the face.

    You surely don't expect to find much common sense in Thailand, do you? How long have you been here?

    For the last time I hope - they are not going to change for us! Farang really seem to have hearing problems. If you are having an operation have it done in Malaysia. You are the problem .And people who get poisoned from drinking coffee and die are the problem because everyone knows the poisoning problem in Thailand, Chiang Mai, Hat Yai etc. Next you will be telling me a chair is really a desk. What is is. Anywhere in the world - understand the environment and adjust. Thailand is a very special environment and that is why I am in Laos - I am not arguing with you - It's just that you are not being realistic. Anyone with any sense would not be driving in Thailand around Songkran - why volunteer for death or being disabled?
  18. It's the way they do things around here - their culture - even if it has been perverted from its original intention - if you don't like it - don't come - or stay home - and don't ride a motorbike (is what I have learnt). They are not going to change for you or me and why should they. Should we give up Christmas for the Thais if they don't like it? And foreigners say Thais are silly! I don't mind Songkran as long as I am not driving and in Laos.

    Right, Ok then, so a bunch of drunk morons in the UK start throwing frozen mince pies at passing traffic during the Christmas period, that would be fine would it? it's mince pies, a fine Christmas tradition.

    The display of lunacy and lack of forethought on display during Songkran now bares the same resemblance to the true tradition.

    In a country of over 20,000 gun murders a year this really is not a big deal. Just don't drive is what I learnt. I don't agree with water thrown on me while riding my bike but I know they will do it so I am best to avoid it. What I mean is they aren't going to change so we need to take preventative action or end up in a wheel chair or dead. Just look at all the unexplained suicides, poisonings. 320 deaths in comparison to the estimated 40,000 murdered a year perhaps is not a big deal to the Thais. By comparison Malaysia averages around 5 gun murders a year.
  19. Also, Thai workers were assumed to be bad guys by society despite the fact that they had nothing to do with the separatist movements," he said.

    Thais viewed as bad guys in ASEAN?

    Bad guys - It's the crime rate, over 20,000 gun murders a year in Thailand and how many for poisoning etc. It's the safety factor. And also Malays have told me many business partnerships between Malays and Thais end up in the Malay business partner committing suicide meaning the Thai business partner ends up with everything.
  20. Over 20,000 gun murders in the recent year. How many poison murders? Anyone got the numbers? What's the gun murders and poison murders for Malaysia where you need a gun licence and those without a gun licence can get the death penalty. Would be interesting a comparison of Thailand's neighbour.

  21. With latest statistics showing that there was 20,032 gun murders in Thailand (Thailand ranks No.3 Bronze Medal) in the most recent year of statistics - only South Africa and Colombia worse. So I can only conclude shouldn't all tourists be able to buy a gun as self defence 555. And then bodies turn up all over the place in the decades to come which are not in those numbers.

  22. It's the way they do things around here - their culture - even if it has been perverted from its original intention - if you don't like it - don't come - or stay home - and don't ride a motorbike (is what I have learnt). They are not going to change for you or me and why should they. Should we give up Christmas for the Thais if they don't like it? And foreigners say Thais are silly! I don't mind Songkran as long as I am not driving and in Laos.

  23. "he said there were some 2,000-3,000 "Tom Yam Kung" restaurants in Malaysia, owned by Thai people, which hired some 200,000 Thais."

    So each of these restaurants employs in the region of 100 Thais each? I feel my leg being extended.

    Or maybe they do, but their pimps are so successful they own a Lada each. Thais for export, and not just girlie imports too.... works both ways in exchange at the borders, don't forget that. sad.png


    Most excellent deduction. I have heard Malay men were marrying Thai girls in such big numbers. And the Thai husband of these ladies who marry Malay men choose to tag along on a work visa attached to a non-existent job so he can be with his Thai wife with the "monthly salary" paid for by the Malay husband. These Thai men are very clever. They sure know how to get a cushy job.
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