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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. Protests equal army coup. And thank God for that. The Yellows and Reds will need to grow up before democracy is established here.

    "here" in Laos?

    Get back on those prescription drugs man 555. This is not Laos visa. This Thai visa so "here" refers to Thailand. BTW if you didn't know Laos is pretty much army run.
  2. Fair enough - you yellows - you really resort to gutter replies. Very childish. A childish reply lowers your cause. Please grow up. Childish replies is a sign of a very inferior brain. The posts on this board mirror the real red and yellow feud - Very few men grow up. Please write meaningful replies as to why yellow is better than red and stop wasting everybodys time with childish replies.

    Who's saying that yellows are better than red? Get rid of both of them.

    Yep, this board clearly shows army governance is the only answer. Democracy is for Burma -not Thailand. Yellow and Red are just both too childish. Just wait to the yellows get out on the streets and bombs and hand grenades start going of in Bangkok again. History will repeat and show army rule is the only answer. The BTS closed recently. My guess would be...
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  3. Sometimes its better to say nothing. Farang the waters are very murky here. The change of the perception of safety to danger is only a bomb blast away, gun shot away or poisoned meal away, being chased on your bike and tailgated by a robber at 140km/hr. Malay tourist was blown to smitherines at a food court in Narathiwat recently. Could have been me as I had a meal there. They wait for the tourists to arrive to detonate the bomb as they want to internationalize the issue. My friends friend from Malaysia had both legs blown off outside Merlin Hotel, Sungai Golok, coma for a month, on waking up such grief of having no legs he willed himself to death within one week. It's a real effen mess. Aussie guy was blown up in the market in Yala. Google tak bai massacre.

  4. Wait till those that expect the 300 baht per day will make them 50% better off, find out the reality, that inflation has eaten it all away!

    and those that will not see any extra until 2014 and 2015,will see no change,except worse off than now..

    Yes natural inflation due to commodity prices. I was always for the Reds but I get the picture the leaders are not delivering on their promises and are like pigs to the trough. I thought that wealth was going to be distributed more fairly but it appears inflation is above commodity price rises and this to my mind could only be contributed to rampant corruption as an extra cost passed onto finished products. My God it may be better have the elite running the country. All my socialist views shattered. Well Taksin is the illusion rather than the embodiement of the socialist. As we saw in Russia - get an uneducated mob of slobs - and you get professional beggars taking kick backs. Is that what we are seeing. Problems is this is too much for the electorate to bear and with Thai politicians publicly blaming foreigners for all their problems we are becoming subject to attack by the impoverished and druggies. For god sake give me a coup! Even though I live in Laos it would nice to see my neighbour in peace mode. I would feel safer visiting Nong Khai and Udon Thani - RED LAND

    Welcome to the land of reality.

    How long in Lao. Seems you have claimed on your posts that you have lived in the south, Bangkok and the North or North east hard to keep up with your travels.

    I really don't like to comment on my location as it is rather off-topic - although I must say I am guilty of off-topic posts and I don't really understand why people ask me? I don't think it's really allowed but I don't like being called a liar. But yes I have lived and toured in many parts and spent a long travel periods in Laos before my move to there this week. However I find it rather irrelevant to state this. I have spent most of my years in Bangkok. The deep south was very interesting and looking back on my travels there I reflect I was lucky. Many were not. But nothing like the exhiliration of not knowing whether you are going to be alive by every tick tock of the clock. I just had to experience it and once was not enough. Unlikely to do i again however. But then again I am a bit of an exhiliration freak. I heading for Narathiwat after nearly being blown up in Hat Yai but once I got to Chana I decided to go through Nathawee which are still dangerous but nowhere as dangerous as Narathiwat. I guess you could say I love danger but perhaps less so at this moment but that is likely to change. Perception of safety to danger only a bomb blast away. Must say I really do feel like I have lived by seeing the things I have seen. Tak Bai - such an idyllic town - not what one would think could ever be the sight of government massacre by smothering - Taksin time. The often blow up tea houses there. I sat in one while a police man was sitting in the same one. The owner was very nervous. They usually blow up the tea houses when a policeman or other public official is sitting in them. Had an interesting conversation there. Had a gorgeous river and old style wood plank bridge. Such a shame. Place could have been a real hit for tourists. But I supsect it will be a 1,000 year war now after the Tak Bai massacre. I believe insurgency is being backed by outsiders and even the army - many in the army are muslims - the amount of muslims in thailand is woefully understated I believe. In Phuket locals told me there are about 40% muslims. What a lot of people don't understand about Thailand is that there is a real evil side and its quite common. I saw it for 15km riding my bike at 140km/hr with the robbing sitting behind me all the way. Robbers randomly shoot people from the ditches of roads. Random violence in rural areas is rampant in the South. The Bangkok post is a real censored version. I can read thai newspapers and it is absolutely horrific what goes on here. 100 dead with the red clashes - for a thai that doesn't really mean much. You would need 10,000 to make it mean something. Get someone to read a Thai newspaper to you one day and you'll see what I mean. The papers are littered with the word, corpse (sop). And the odd thing with me as a farang here 100 dead means absolutely nothing to me. The murders are so out of control that I can't relate to a westerner being disgusted with 100 dead. I got a shock when a Malay in KL showed horror at the 100 dead. I always assumed that was normal - all in a days work. This how you see things here after a while.
  5. Governments usually execute the policies of their mandate during the course of their full term of office. For Abhisit to continuously snipe at our democratically elected government is counter productive. Such childish sniping is disturbing to the electorate most of which has trust and respect for their Prime Minister. Her (Yingluck) determination to improve the lives of the majority of the Thai people is recognized at home and abroad by politicians that understand the complexity and enormity of the task that she has undertaken with good will and tenacity.


    Sir In the west they call that checks and balances. Why have prices risen so rapidly. You speak so eloquently but high prices of food does not put food in the baby's mouth. Where is your humanity?
  6. Wait till those that expect the 300 baht per day will make them 50% better off, find out the reality, that inflation has eaten it all away!

    and those that will not see any extra until 2014 and 2015,will see no change,except worse off than now..

    Yes natural inflation due to commodity prices. I was always for the Reds but I get the picture the leaders are not delivering on their promises and are like pigs to the trough. I thought that wealth was going to be distributed more fairly but it appears inflation is above commodity price rises and this to my mind could only be contributed to rampant corruption as an extra cost passed onto finished products. My God it may be better have the elite running the country. All my socialist views shattered. Well Taksin is the illusion rather than the embodiement of the socialist. As we saw in Russia - get an uneducated mob of slobs - and you get professional beggars taking kick backs. Is that what we are seeing. Problems is this is too much for the electorate to bear and with Thai politicians publicly blaming foreigners for all their problems we are becoming subject to attack by the impoverished and druggies. For god sake give me a coup! Even though I live in Laos it would nice to see my neighbour in peace mode. I would feel safer visiting Nong Khai and Udon Thani - RED LAND
  7. Governments usually execute the policies of their mandate during the course of their full term of office. For Abhisit to continuously snipe at our democratically elected government is counter productive. Such childish sniping is disturbing to the electorate most of which has trust and respect for their Prime Minister. Her (Yingluck) determination to improve the lives of the majority of the Thai people is recognized at home and abroad by politicians that understand the complexity and enormity of the task that she has undertaken with good will and tenacity.

    the complexity and enormity of the task - this is true. execute the policies - as long as they stop executing people
  8. The outrage! We died for nothing! Many lower rank Reds will be contemplating the burning of more public buildings - time for the alpha male to stand up and show his hair on his chest - now for the lies of the group that was meant to be supporting them. If the Yellows start protesting enmasse as expected bullet proof and grenade proof vests will be the order of the day. You just watch the random crime spike. Watch out farang brothers. Low wages rapidly rising costs - be ready to hand over your 2nd fake wallet or get your throat cut or poisoned (warning don't drink the whole cup of coffee or sleep in hotels cleaned with pesticide) strangled in a rope or thrown of a building or put in a noose after they drug you. Welcome to the real world. Oh! Oh! Oh! I am having an orgasm. I am so happy to be sitting in Laos (Thailand as it once was) where this kind of crap does not happen. They pay the Laos 1,600 baht a month and everything is riap roi

  9. Here we go again. Yellows making a noise, then reds making a noise, then another coup. And then there will be really pissed of reds who will be none to happy and whom many believe will start a civil war - at the very least a very scary place to live.

    I think this time, yes violence, but no new coups and the Thaksinistas totally consolidate power and create a long standing Chavez style regime. Not democratic but lots of elections ...coffee1.gif Just my take on it. I just feel that the Thaksin forces have really taken over now so things won't be the same.

    I concede a coup would by folly leading to civil war. But when the yellows and reds are at each others necks again - on the streets of Bangkok - or even the Yellows alone - the army of course will have no option but to stage a coup - even though they will know it will lead to civil war. This will go its natural course. Some countries just are resistant to democracy. I am certain that there will be a need for a lot more blood before this country ever settles down. It'll be a bigger version of the Deep South. And don't anyone tell me history does not repeat. You must remember blood letting is no such a big deal here. You really have to have a Thai perspective. Someone killed here - just pay up 400K baht and the caravan gets rolling again - as in the Deep South - or does it really?

    If there is a coup, you don't have a civil war. If they block Thaksins money, there won't be red movements. All are "rent a gun". But with his international lawyers, there could be economical restrictions. If there are less tourists, less exports (more important that tourists) and Thailand has an economic grow of 0 (or even -1) for 2 years than you have hell in Bangkok.

    If there is a coup there will be absolute outrage on the reds part. It will look like the 5,200 dead and 20,000 maimed in the deep south look like a picnic. I don't think the international community understands the significance of rumours of immediate Yellow protests. You will have the whole of the Esan region who live in all parts of Thailand who make up at a guess 60% to 70% of Thailand's population ready to set fire to every public building in Thailand. Ratchaprasong burning of buildings was a clear and deliberate meaningful symbol of things to come if the Reds don't get their way for ever more. The alpha male stamping their authority like the repellers of the Burmese and Laos invaders. If you are a farang in Thailand you should seriously think about moving to Laos, Cambodia or Burma unless you are adventurous and enjoy dodging bombs, hand grenades and bullets. And look at the current crime rate. Poverty and drugs is not a good recipe for crime. Anyone protesting in Laos gets a good beating or killed. They don't put up with that kind of crap 555. I know people should be able to protest - but well what can I say? Thailand the land of the red ground. You will think you were in outback Australia.
  10. Yes, I understand it and no, I'm not saying any system is better.

    It is what it is and the dozen Red Shirts were selected from the Party-list roster, rather than individually elected in by a local constituency.


    Currently both systems have big problems......Can't judge what is better.

    It does not matter which system is better - they will still be at each others necks outside major shopping areas or airports for ever more - only solution will be a coup even though the army does not want a coup. But once the Yellows get out on the streets in big numbers they will have no choice. History will repeat - mark my words. You will never get peace with those fighting for billions in kick backs. We are not talking about who gets the most of the pizza here.
  11. Here we go again. Yellows making a noise, then reds making a noise, then another coup. And then there will be really pissed of reds who will be none to happy and whom many believe will start a civil war - at the very least a very scary place to live.

    I think this time, yes violence, but no new coups and the Thaksinistas totally consolidate power and create a long standing Chavez style regime. Not democratic but lots of elections ...coffee1.gif Just my take on it. I just feel that the Thaksin forces have really taken over now so things won't be the same.

    I concede a coup would by folly leading to civil war. But when the yellows and reds are at each others necks again - on the streets of Bangkok - or even the Yellows alone - the army of course will have no option but to stage a coup - even though they will know it will lead to civil war. This will go its natural course. Some countries just are resistant to democracy. I am certain that there will be a need for a lot more blood before this country ever settles down. It'll be a bigger version of the Deep South. And don't anyone tell me history does not repeat. You must remember blood letting is no such a big deal here. You really have to have a Thai perspective. Someone killed here - just pay up 400K baht and the caravan gets rolling again - as in the Deep South - or does it really?
  12. It must be obvious to all that an army coup takeover is coming soon which will lead to a civil law. The Yellows won't put up with this crap. That is why I am now living in Laos. Don't know about you but I prefer to be away when the bombs and bullets start flying. Many I know here in Laos have left for the same reason - so don't think I am some random lunatic. Would you want to start a business in this environment. Laos tourism is on the up and up - great place to start a business. So many innocent people already been shot in these Thailand drug wars. If you are going to stay here - please by a bullet proof vest. When I say Thailand the Laos say bombs, insurgents, civil war, yellow, red. They know its coming. Laos is a military dictatorship. And a military dictatorship is the only way to run Thailand - history has shown.

  13. What is obvious to me is the reds and yellows have about as much chance of success living in harmony as the posters on this board. Very few men can overcome childishness. The only solution for Thailand is coups, and more coups, and more coups. History has shown this again and again. The military will always do the best job at governing Thailand (or lack of governing). At least you will all have a rest - at least until the civil war starts. You can always move to Laos. It was like Thailand used to be when no-one dared to open their mouth - good and bad. $550 for a one year visa in Laos. Not a bad deal.

  14. Lies and/or violence is the way to come to power. What ever it takes. Power equals money and money equals respect. I feel we are about to hear the rage of the forsaken and this will spark a civil war and/or rampant crime. Some say the rampant crime has already started. If I was a red I would feel a little more than cheated. I have moved to Laos as I have no wish to get caught up in this AGAIN. Saw the black balaclava militia in Romklao Road, Romklao, Bangkok armed to the teeth, hijacked airports. No thank-you, not again. There will be no reconciliation until this stops being about leaders - and starts being about the economic welfare of the common people. Ideally the leaders of the PAD and reds should be jailed and some-one decent should be found to run the government.

    Actually they had a honest leader Abhist His problem was no one wanted honesty they just wanted to fill their own pockets. Witness the fact that 40 Thaksin trained supporters saw the writing on the wall so they switched to the Dems to continue on with their Thaksin trained corruption. He just did not have a lot of support.

    What evidence do have that he was honest? He definitely had the face of honesty and yes I guess you may be right. He "was" Thailand's best bet. Yingluck is feeling a bit like the Sex Pistols line, "Have you ever felt like you have been cheated" Rock'h'Roll Swindle. However I did not like his last bastion of the scoundrel is patriotism attitude. However, yes, it is quite possible the increase in inflation is "partly due" to rampant corruption. However there will always be some ministers on the take. You have to chose the best evil I guess - which from Taksin's past peformance must be the Yellows. Yep, Taksin - I guess they call him Peter Piper in England. However in all honesty I don't believe Thailand will ever retain its former economic power due to wold wide recession, floods, education and many others like Burma and Vietnam catching up. I am of the opinion the yellows were the best evil. However until bank books of politicians and associated people can be checked on a daily basis and their homes its economic performance will always be held to ransom until someone is found who loves his people and wishes for them to better their lives. Perhaps Abhisit was that man.
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  15. Such a shame. I won't be going back - shame because it's one of the nicest town I have been to in Thailand. Nice river, nice fishing. Soldiers were constantly circling the town on motorbike. They would ride two up. The guy on the back would be holding a machine gun. Same as in Sungai Golok. If anyone is in to Muay Thai they have a good Muay Thai camp there - for the adventurous. Road all all over Narthiwat - only hitch was getting caught in between machine gun fire with soldiers and insurgents in Sungai Padi. Have been down there 4 times -never again. Seen to many lose their legs. 5,200 dead. 20,000 - lost limbs or eyes. Very sad.

  16. I was never stopped going to shopping areas where the reds protested. They were polite and courteous even when being shot by the army.

    Thought you lived in the south.

    He's confusing his various fictional backgrounds. The shopper in red areas was supposed to be posted by another.

    I am in Hat Yai and Songkhla.

    What does it add to the chat where I live? I have lived in Bangkok for many years and the reds protests did stop me going to that area as shopping areas were closed on some days because of the protests. One good thing was I could take off my helmet because of the heat and I ride along sukhumvit amongst the protests in Ratchaprasong knowing there was no way the police would bother stopping me - they had their mind on other things. Multinational company employees in Silom were told to stay away during the execution of armed and unarmed (Sadaeng) protestors - clearly showing it was orchestrated. I was walking on the BTS the day before a hand-grenade was thrown on it. And when Big C got burnt down, well I could not go there any longer. I lived very close to Silom and used to enjoy walking around that area and Ratchaprasong so yes it did affect me especially after buildings burnt down. BUT you must remember this is Thailand. They permit such rage here. This is why the PAD airport hijackers went unpunished - as they are seen as the defenders of Thailand and the red ratchaprasong protestors are seen in the same way. Their violence stance to protect thailand is reverred. All these pending legal cases are just to appease foreigners, a show for foreigners. Power seized by violence is respected. Power is money. Money is respect in the kow tow society. Doesn't matter how one gets it. Everyone else who thinks differently is viewed as a bufallo. There is no intention to convict any. They call it "rai". Some say it is even a good thing. These kinds of people are the ones who fended of the Burmese and Laos. The Thais have deep respect for these alpha male types so you are really barking up the wrong tree when you use a Western perspective. Violence is respected - that's why the army could slaughter the protestors. If you must know I live in Laos. I decided not to wait around for a black militia civil war. I saw the black militia with balaclavas on Romklao Road in Romklao, Bangkok. I really don't want to be amongst that again. The fact is that the leaders and parties here don't love their people. They only want power to get the kickbacks. Does anyone remember the robbers finding millions of baht in a politicians house recently. They are all pigs to the trough. For better or worse people are waking up to this and this in my humble opinion will lead to civil war. Does anyone remember news about a large weapons cache ending up in Ubon and it was linked to a politician that they would not name. You may find the militias have already been formed and armed and ready to wage a guerilla war. That's why I have moved to Laos. Also being poisoned on Koh Pan Gan Island, chased for 15km on my bike tailgated by a robber forcing me to speed up to 140km/hr, would have arrived at Lee Gardens parking at exactly the same time of the bomb if not for forgetting to take a right turn at the Odeon complex coming from Diana shopping complex (saw a woman running out with her hand severely ripped apart) DID A U TURN ON A ONE WAY ROAD FEARING SECOND BOMB LIKE 6 YEARS AGO WHEN CANADIAN TOOK A LOOK AT 2ND BOMB AND IT BLASTED HIM IN THE FACE, being caught in the cross fire between insurgents and the army in Sungai Padi, Narathiwat. Drugs and increased crime makes it less desirable to stay here also - I figure a lot of solo travelers here who are murdered is linked to drug bandits. However, I still like Thailand and travel here while using Laos as my base.
  17. Some got punished. My god they ALL should have got punished for hi-jacking an airport, even the mom and pops. The ones that didn't get punished will feel no problem to hi-jack the airport again. I suggest you book your tickets to KL. Looks like history is about to repeat itself.

    They didn't hijack an airport. They parked themselves in front of it.

    Should taxi drivers that protest at airports go to jail too? Baggage handlers that strike and cause chaos at airports for days?

    What about protesters that set up barricades stopping tourist access to major tourist shopping areas?

    I was never stopped going to shopping areas where the reds protested. They were polite and courteous even when being shot by the army. Why is it the airport was no longer operational. Their intention was to make the airport not operational. Delusion is something that most farang seccumb to in the land of smiles. Red or Yellow - its the professional version of the battle to get a table for the street meat vendors all over Thailand. I don't choose sides. We all know power leads to kickbacks.
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