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Posts posted by hookedondhamma

  1. Anyone else saw the title and thought 'someone must have lost face'???

    I thought he had been mad dogged that's what they kill you in the states for. Why did you kill that guy, he was mad dogging me officer I couldn't take it anymore so I pulled out my ak-47 and shot him 50 times. I often wonder where the Thai naysayers lived before they moved here as it was so pristine and never a hint of trouble.
    maddogging? Staring at someone for prolonged periods of time? Or embarrassing someone aka making someone loose face? Too bad this article covers an event that happened in thailand, not the states or 'anywhere else in the world'.

    As for the naysayers, I hope you aren't loosing sleep at night because of them.

  2. This, "it happens everywhere" defence is getting very tiring.

    Can we resolve to say that, in more developed countries, such as the US and the EU, bad stuff happens less, frequently and to less severity and that in less developed and more corrupt places than Thailand such as, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq, it sometimes happens more often.

    Impossible. It's a default defense on this forum. The best way to avoid it is to ignore it.
  3. The 15-hour course offers lessons focusing on conversation and real-life use rather than memorising from a textbook

    "saying the words 'beautiful' and 'handsome"'

    Sounds like they are establishing a school for Bargirls.smile.png I guess the Masters will be when they can link two words together like Handsome man.thumbsup.gif

    I like your sense of humour!

  4. That looks like wat na phra dhatu. From the area the vid was taken it seems as though this had been going on for a while. Good for the person who exposed this, and now begins the process of another temple investigation.

    There is no doubt in my mind the abbot knew of this, and now it is on YouTube for the world to see.

    The laypeople who attend, I imagine, are not only angry but embarrassed to be supporting them.


  5. Re; the thread title, Why, is there some sacred (and obscure) reason that Buddhism, is different than Islam, Christianity, Hinduism or any other religion?

    The original scriptures of some religions condemn homosexuality. This is not the case with Theravada Buddhism.

    Gays are not allowed to ordain afaik...

    ...also practising gays are not gonna accumulate good karma methinks...

    I think the issue of gay marriage has nothing to do with 'marriage'...it's just an opportunity for militant gays to snub their noses at 'mainstream' society.

    Gays are allowed to ordain. In fact, human men are allowed to ordain. Human men who ordai and practice rightly make more karma than those who succumb to their desires.

    For the record, I know many - from the highest ranking to the lowest, and they are often the top students at their buddhist universities. No, they do not display it and yes, they are well-respected. The exception are those who blatantly do, but they're often 'sampler'/temporary ordinations or not well respected - as well as those monks who do other devious things (see below).

    Ones desire to deviate from their vows, is wht makes one not make such good karma. Take for instance tit neinkham, or the recent 64 year old monk who raped a young girl.

    It has nothing to do with how one is. Unfortunately that's one aspect of western thinking that has been brushing off on the thai sangha for a while now; the good thing is that type of thinking only affects a few.

    • Like 1
  6. "The spill is definitely having an impact on the environment, but we have not detected any deaths of marine animals yet," he said.

    Is there any marine life left in Thailand apart from the aquariums in the shopping malls and zoos?

    lol Chooka you go hard. Haven't laughed so much in a while :-)

    But I do hope things turn out for the better. It seems like all over the world things are going off the deep end :-/

  7. Not many people know but there are Thai laws that go WAY back involving men and their wives. For instance it is a very serious charge if one was to tell a guys wife that he has been cheating on her.

    These laws stem back to when men were sent to fight battles and the Government did not want the men upset from personal problems. No lies. so also is it a sin to bang someone else's wife. If anyone has been to the "Thai Hell" (especially the one near Angthong) they will understand this "Adultery" and how serious is WAS in Thai culture. Yes I know all about mianoi's but this is fact.

    I guess it all boils down to the power of sn@#ch. It will make men lose all reason and become idiots, causing one to kill another. Hey, forget about the wife, she is forgiven, as th sn@#ch makes all fair in the end.
  8. reaching nirvana and baht go hand in hand

    no, not really. But claiming to be enlightened when not, what wrongfully accepting support from misusing their donation s given out of faith - if I were him my life would be over already; what is coming after this one will not be good (for anyone wanting to take stabs at that, find the pali cannon and read up on it there - Buddhists will understand but the majority who are not may not). He knows enough about the teachings yet he still did what he did.

  9. I think face used to be something with worth quite some time ago. But it seems to have become an excuse to do whatever wished.

    Let's call a spade a spade. He didn't lose face, he deliberately found a way to use a gun. Common sense out the window then wrapped up with 'but he insulted me.'

    Homeboy needs a pacifier and a sippy cup. If the wife likes to ride multiple horses maybe she should go play at the open stadium instead of on private property. As for the last guy, yes, stupid for sampling outside of his plate but no excuse to be killed. Another life wasted.

    • Like 1
  10. Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

    Probably in the final stages of "negotiation" of what it costs to get away with it. Seems like "life" means very little here, "face" is far more important.

    By no means do I mean to but in Tatsujin, but I think that life means quite a bit here; been to too many funerals with people getting close to wake-boarding while crying their eyes out - on the contrary I think safety is put on the back burner and carelessness left home alone without parental supervision. Or many have gotten used to the 'pay-and-go/all about who you know' type of thing.

    And for the other demographic I am quite sure tbis happens all over the world, but wrote the former based on the country in which this incident happened.

    • Like 1
  11. Same sh*t happens here in Cambodia all the time, too.

    Celibacy is just a wrong concept; regardless if Buddhist Monk or Catholic Priest.

    If they can't keep the vows they have taken then they shouldn't be in robes. Period. Abig part of this is how lax things are in many bangkok temples, and laypeople denying their respected monk when others come forward about his behavior - unless it becomes the MAJOR talk of the street, nothing will be done about it.

    A monk who wants to adhere to the practice as outlined in the monastic code is shunned for not being 'sanook' enough, gossiped about for being to 'seriut', and until he can find a way to get out will be stuck with a bunch of grown men throwing tantrums like a small child.

    outside of bangkok one will still find the same but not NEARLY as often.

    It's great how thailand still has on order of monks, many who are sincere in practice - but if the council keeps turning their back and not taking action when it should, then it will become more of an embarrassment for thailand instead of the pride that was once there. Many temples in the country are often sparsely populated as they don't get invited to go chant at events (iow no donations - not sanook), it is quiet and eery at nighttime (iow very scary, ghosts), their friends arent there (no one to talk to about fun things - not sanook), etc. But the ones who stay are usually those who don't shirk off their duties.

    I think many here don't realize that just because a guy ordains makes him a spot-free individual - it takes time to get ahold of ones not-so-desirable qualities and work at getting rid of them; but too often the prostration of oneself in front of one who is newly ordained is seen frequently.

    • Like 2
  12. ...

    It's always amusing to hear the views on big T, even moreso when they're coming from non-Thai.


    You do realize this is an expat forum? facepalm.gif

    sorry, I should have mentioned that when living with thais 24/7 it's amusing to see another side from falang (you love that word, right? ), even if via aj internet forum - I forgot that sometimes things have to be typed in detail on thai visa. *facepalm*

  13. The Weekly World News reported Prime Minister Shinawatra is lovesick and wants to return with President Obama to live with him at The White House.

    The Prime Minister doesnt care if she is the second wife to Michelle, she just wants to be with Barack Obama and will do anything for him, said a source in the Thai government.

    Shes madly in love.



    I almost died of laughter :-)

    This post takes the cake and somtam.

  14. Spaghetti bolognese....with a lot chili (you are too long in Thailand if you put chili into everything).

    Wife is half/half about it but finds differences in Italien noodle brands and learned to avoid any US noodles.

    but regularly I make bread. Some bread is liked by my wife some not (she likes dark)

    Pizza (wife does not like it, but I admit it is not easy to like my pizza)

    Wiener Schnitzel....

    Greek salat

    I don't believe you; your pizza must make her toes curl if she married you :-)
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