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Posts posted by hookedondhamma

  1. This becomes more and nore tiresome with each passing day. What exactly are the objectives of the Thai Patriotic Front against the Phra Viharn (Preah Vihear) Conflict ? The decision was made half a century ago - the 1962 decision was that the temple belonged to Cambodia. The current decision ( if any ) will only cover the adjacent land and therefore access to the temple. What does the Thai Patriotic Front want ? -- their only recourse to change ownership would be a war -- is this the true objective of the Patriotic Front ?

    If I were the ICj, I would confirm Cambodian ownership of the Temple and give all the adjacent land to Thailand, and then sir back and laugh ! Perhaps with Cambodian ownership and Thai access, there would be hope for a joint development ?

    To crush the opposition and rightfully claim what [they believe] is theirs ... in Cambodia.

  2. its a requirement for all passenger carriers in the uk to have seatbelts ,has been for a couple of years,,

    And how many people ignore them? I wouldn't use seat-belts on a bus.
    Those who don't think about the future consequences of what could happen resulting from a collision.

    yes, we all take a risk when we enter a vehicle, but it doesn't mean we should throw caution to the wind. If it has seatbelts, it's probably a good idea to use them. If not then it is up to the passenger..

  3. More superstitious mumbo jumbo and now we have Ministries dictating nature? What low level IQ's these people have. White elephants for royalty? Okay I can (barely) live with that knowing the animal will be pampered (to a human standard) but let the animal roam wild with its natural family before you reduce it to slavery. If the albino is allowed to breed there would be a good chance it will produce more offspring thus reduce the demand for such misguided nonsense.

    I agree, just not with the low IQ part. It's what many are used to here, and any other idea (foreign) is ridiculous in changing their beloved view. <--- no low blows meant btw

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  4. That's laughable... nationalism is the only thing that's been rammed down the Thai throats since birth. What do they expect a change in attitude? Not going to happen for at least a 1,000 years.

    Man's got a point. Kids knee height are spoon fed only Thai information and to be proud of their country, not a bad thing but one would think as the kid gets older, he/she would be taught more about the world, other nationalities and opportunities OUTSIDE of Thailand. Many Thai's only start learning about foreign countries, cultures and people in their adulthood.

    As said above, a change in attitude would take a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time!

    Damn, delete thai and add american! Funny.

    ... Neeeeeext ....

  5. Thailand is the richest country in SE Asia. Why cant they just give this tiny 4.6 square kilometer piece of land to it's poor neighbour as a magnanimous gesture of good will. How much would their standing in the region and in the World be increased if they did this? When I suggested this to my Thai partner, she was horrified. So I asked her if she would be willing for her teenage son to go to war and fight and die over just 4.6 sq kilos? She shut up then.

    ..........Further, Both Thailand and Cambodia are supposed to be Buddhist countries. The Buddha renounced everything material he owned, and taught that suffering was caused by our 'clinging attachment' to all things material and physical, e.g., land. He taught that the way to achieve this was to adopt 'The Middle Way' . This sounds to me like the way of 'compromise'. But this dispute over a crumb of land is the very opposite of the Buddha's actual teaching. What are the head honcho monks preaching on this issue? ............Or are they too busy counting their 'donations'?
    Lol, please. Thai Buddhism is more culture than anything else, save for a few practicing temples here and there. The 'head haunchos' otherwise known as the supreme Sangha Council reside in Bangkok, which is obviously the best city in Thailand to train monks <~~~ sarcasm.

    Hardly anyone would give a d@mn anyways regardless of what they said concerning the situation as it is not one that deals with Sangha affairs, regardless of the Hindu temple and the and the land that surrounds it.

    But please, continue to suggest what the should do with their donations, contributed by the Thais that frequent their preferred temples. In fact, go hint at a Thai to stop doing so and see how well that goes. Merit making is the easy way out via the use of money ... And let's get real, that's the face saving factor for more than a few.

    If you want to see just how involved the higher ranked monks cam become in whatever issue you can check out the rules and regulations of the transactions they can officially partake in. Good luck in finding a monk who is up to date on them though.

    Just because there are temples all over the place doesn't mean they are full of saints, nor the people of the country in which those temples reside.

    I hope you people realize this has nothing to do with religion.

    Thank God/Allah/Buddha

    Religion has caused more wars than any thing else. This is about two countries who have a chance to show the world how well they can work with their neighbors,

    Or how petty they can be.

    But more than likely politicians who are useless just beating the nationalism drum so no one will look at what they are really doing not doing. Things like making sure the tax money does not wind up in their closet.

    Well said!

    It was not my intent to derail - just makes me uneasy to see people pull out the '100% pure Thai Buddhist' phrases.

    People are still people regardless of what they follow, and I think some continue to forget that.

  6. Thailand is the richest country in SE Asia. Why cant they just give this tiny 4.6 square kilometer piece of land to it's poor neighbour as a magnanimous gesture of good will. How much would their standing in the region and in the World be increased if they did this? When I suggested this to my Thai partner, she was horrified. So I asked her if she would be willing for her teenage son to go to war and fight and die over just 4.6 sq kilos? She shut up then.

    ..........Further, Both Thailand and Cambodia are supposed to be Buddhist countries. The Buddha renounced everything material he owned, and taught that suffering was caused by our 'clinging attachment' to all things material and physical, e.g., land. He taught that the way to achieve this was to adopt 'The Middle Way' . This sounds to me like the way of 'compromise'. But this dispute over a crumb of land is the very opposite of the Buddha's actual teaching. What are the head honcho monks preaching on this issue? ............Or are they too busy counting their 'donations'?

    Lol, please. Thai Buddhism is more culture than anything else, save for a few practicing temples here and there. The 'head haunchos' otherwise known as the supreme Sangha Council reside in Bangkok, which is obviously the best city in Thailand to train monks <~~~ sarcasm.

    Hardly anyone would give a d@mn anyways regardless of what they said concerning the situation as it is not one that deals with Sangha affairs, regardless of the Hindu temple and the and the land that surrounds it.

    But please, continue to suggest what the should do with their donations, contributed by the Thais that frequent their preferred temples. In fact, go hint at a Thai to stop doing so and see how well that goes. Merit making is the easy way out via the use of money ... And let's get real, that's the face saving factor for more than a few.

    If you want to see just how involved the higher ranked monks cam become in whatever issue you can check out the rules and regulations of the transactions they can officially partake in. Good luck in finding a monk who is up to date on them though.

    Just because there are temples all over the place doesn't mean they are full of saints, nor the people of the country in which those temples reside.

  7. If you go to a Thai Wat for their service you will be amazed at all the food that is brought in. Literally mounds of the stuff from rice, to fruit, to fish, to pork. I cannot but wonder where does it all go, considering that this scene is repeated throughout Thailand every week, and there is a limit to how much the monks can eat for their two meals a day

    Actually, there are different orders of monks in Thailand and their interpretation of the monastic code can vary quite a bit.

    As far as the 'mounds of food' which occur in many temples in large cities, if you wait a while you will see people come and ask for what is unused or uneaten. This can be from the college student to the single mother with newborn to those who are shunned by society. Leftover used food is often given to the soi dogs. In more isolated areas you would be surprised at what monks do receive for food, often very little rice and if lucky something other than pepper sauce i.e a fish or two, a piece of Thai bread, etc.

    What you see is on the surface and beneath that is a whole nother set of things. I am sure you know that already but felt the need to type it considering the odd posts coming from a few on Thai visa.

    Edit: sorry for the derail blether

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  8. They should introduce IQ tests at Swampy. coffee1.gif

    No! This would be devestating for Thailands annual tourist income..

    Indeed, better to screen out the HIGH IQ entries as we wouldn't want people who tink 2 mutt here. Drink too much ... sure.

    I cannot believe!!


    This farang more stupid than Somchai!!

    You joking me??

    No, and he have money mak mak!!

    Okay quick, give him visa

    Lord! My ribs hurt from laughing lol

  9. Seen some nasty covertly filmed footage of bullying of your recruits in the Thai army posted on Youtube.

    Anything worse than their kindergarten, sorry, university nonsense?


    Great job! I LOVE it! My turn, my turn! D@mn US training the Thai military! They should stop teaching Thai servicemen to kill kill kill! Incredible article, from close to two years ago and still ripe for the picking - oops, I meant bashing.

  10. After a good deal of soul searching, I decided that it was time to weigh up the pros and cons of living here in Thailand or returning to Europe. For me it would be best to live here, for my wife and children however returning to Europe won hands down. So sadly we will be leaving next month and my children will start a new English school this September. We will then take holidays here and enjoy our selves for a few weeks every year, comfortable in the knowledge that our children will have a good education and the family will receive excellent health care even if I drop dead. Top priority for me, the children.

    Good luck man, and I hope everything works out for ya!!!

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