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Posts posted by gerry1011

  1. Funny to see people addicted to a forum criticize social media :)

    Personally, I could live without tv, but not without Facebook.

    And besides this, I see on my Facebook timeline far far far more positive and enjoyable content than what I can read on this forum.

    Both are entertaining in their own way though...

  2. Reading all those negative comments, I start to understand that, apart from the grumpy farangs, the problem is actually Pattaya, not Songran.

    In this case I can't be of any help to this thread, since I have never been to Pattaya (and don't plan to go).

    For anywhere else, I this believe that everybody agrees that Songran is just a great happy holiday :)

    (Except if the grumpy farangs who... bla bla bla...).

  3. I wonder if Thailand would not be better off without the scores of grumpy depressed farangs who seem not to be happy with the local customs, habits, festivals, ways of living, visa laws, education system, society, rich and poors, cold water...

    Songran, the Thai New Year, seems like unbearable to some. They should take a holiday somewhere else to let the Thais enjoy their festival. And why not stay away a bit longer to allow everyone an occasion to be happy, just happy.

    The grumpiness of the farang world is nearly surreal.

    I look forward to being all wet during Songran, laugh, and make the people around me happy :)

  4. I see they offer a property investment elite visa but not much info is given about it.

    Some developers partner with Thailand Elite.

    You buy one of their condos and you get the Thailand Elite (full) membership for about half the price (they add the "reduced membership fee" to the price of the condo).

    Not bad for those who want to live in those particular places. But that is if you actually want to buy a condo in those particular projects...

  5. Wow!

    Quite a number of depressed farangs on this thread.

    Personally I like to see Thais happy and enjoying their Thai New Year.

    Songkran is another one of these times that make me realize that I will never go back to the depressing western world.

    Having said that, I do understand that some farangs hate to get splashed water while on the way to their usual bar stool. But it certainly makes Thais happy :)

    I like happy people :)

    Songran is fun :)

  6. I've also never see them brag about how wealthy they are, it are always others that write how wealthy those people are.

    But I see at least 3 members, who's names are visible on this page, do this frequently.

    TV ought to create a special forum for these guys. The "TV Elite forum" or some such. So they won't have to deal with the riffraff. To be a member you need to verify your net worth.

    Then again maybe there ought to be a "Cheap Charlie" forum as well. Again, net worth verified.

    Then you may also want to add a "Cheap Charlies who brag about their ability to find the cheapest things and cheapest places with the cheapest service" forum? There are a number of these too ;)

  7. I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

    Those forum posters who think that millionaires and billionaires are all nasty, unhappy jerks looking down at anyone below their level... most probably actually (and knowingly) never met any.

    You are quite possibly correct in that assumption. However, I'm sure a lot of members have met the sad sort in real life as well as online that can't stop themselves from boasting of their apparent wealth in order to increase their own sense of importance and superiority.....you know, those ones that inevitably expose themselves as buffoons and become tiresome figures of fun (at best).

    Sure... But in these cases we do not speak about rich people. Just people with a bit of money to buy a house, a few watches, a few cars, a wife, ...

    Many on here tend to put billionaires, real rich people, wealthy people, financially comfortable people, employees with a fairly high salary, retirees with an ok pension, as well as wannabe's in the same bag. Not at all the same to me though...

  8. The comments in this thread demonstrate that - apart from separating the two camps - the coup and the present political situation (or the absence of political situation) is just useless.

    Pro-Thaksin and anti-Thaksin still think exactly the same... which is what is worrying for some if there is an election.

    And it seems to me that the anti-Thaksin are as virulent and adverse as ever to any compromise aiming to make the country move forward.

    But, after all... should we care?

    As foreigners it does not change much either way.

  9. I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

    this is how smart people get rich.

    if you don't believe me, do you think rich people give their money around? . if they were giving their money around them, they won't have any money left unless money cone from the sky.

    people showing their money and spending won't stay rich very long as their money go down little by little. I know couple who parties and bought nice cars, put their kids in private schools, now they need to go work and getting older it s harder and harder.

    I know another guy who wanted the hiso life and build a big house to discover at the end, he got nothing. he lost all.

    I see plenty of farangs who are going to be scamed by a lady or by their gay partners. they all think they are smarter... in fact they have already spent all their money and their house worth no more than the price of second hand bricks.

    the smart guy is the guy who keep his money outisde Thailand and use only what he needs.

    I must be the stupidest of all I guess... :(

    Apart from spending an unspeakable horrendously extravagant fortune on an Elite card in 2003, I also went on a terrible ridiculously disproportionate spending spree, buying certain things, donating other things, and enjoying lots of things... for over a decade !!!

    How stupid I have been :(

    I could have kept all that precious money for myself, on a safe bank account abroad, Just checking anonymously the bank statements everyday on a cheap second hand laptop, and not telling anyone about my wealth. Just like "normal" people.

    To perfect the picture of "me being a normal man", I should have rented a cheap room in the suburbs, instead of stupidly throwing money away on houses and luxury condos centrally located.

    I really need to be more intelligent and also fire my driver, sell the cars, and switch to bath busses.

    I have been made aware that I can make great friends on these busses.

    By the way, noodles and street food should also, and without any doubt, if I want to be "normal" and smart, replace all those luxury restaurants where I used to invite my friends. I will even think about not seeing my hi so friends anymore. Bad bad people who made me laugh and have a good time with so many expensive silly things.

    By far (far far), the stupidest thing I did lately was to donate a few millions to build a school in a place so remote that we have to go there by helicopter (silly spending again, ridiculous).

    That was so stupid of me. I should never have done that. The kids should just learn to learn their stuff in the fields. And if they don't like it, I should have encouraged them to walk 4 hours to the next school. Why should I build anything at my own cost, with my cherished personal wealth. Never again ! From now on I keep it all !!!

    I really feel sorry if my lifestyle did hurt the feelings of less fortunate farangs. I will try not to do it again and will never speak about the Elite Card, or any other frivolous things, anymore :)

    From now on I will switch to conversations about "normal" things, such as cheap Leo, previous century Nokia phones, bars, visa runs (not the VIP ones), corruption when stopped without helmet (riding an old motorbike), etc... All those things that make up a "normal life".


    (The good news is that there is some money left)


    (Any bragging farangs want to join the building of another school?)

    (The good thing of having money is that, apart from making some feel that you brag about your wealth, you can actually do things. Quite a number of things).

  10. I'm sure that is ceasefire flies in the face of the Russians who up to now, where engaged in ethnic cleansing

    with indiscriminate bombing of combatants and civilians alike....not out of love for Assad or the Iranians,

    but to reinforce their holds on more of Syria and their presences in there.....

    The ceasefire proposal was submitted - including specific measures - by the Russians.

    The Russians were waiting for Kerry to accept it...

  11. sometimes in shop I say I m cheap Charlie.... very funny when I see their smile turning to a ugly face like they want to kill me. try it...

    I don't know what is worse. You doing that or coming on here and telling everyone proudly.
    How can some people complain about those who brag about their (higher) status... but at the same time not being disturbed by those others who brag about being Cheap Charlies... It starts to be complicated :)
    The worst offenders are the ones who brag about being wealthy and then also brag about not spending any of their wealth.
    Wow... One more category.

    Shall we also have the "worst of the worst"?

    The Greedy Cheap Charlies who don't spend anything?

  12. sometimes in shop I say I m cheap Charlie.... very funny when I see their smile turning to a ugly face like they want to kill me. try it...

    I don't know what is worse. You doing that or coming on here and telling everyone proudly.
    How can some people complain about those who brag about their (higher) status... but at the same time not being disturbed by those others who brag about being Cheap Charlies... It starts to be complicated :)
  13. People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

    Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

    People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

    You really think the average thai farmer has land more valuable than the average loud mouth farang bragging about being rich?
    Compared to the "Cheap Charlies" the average farmer must be a very rich man then :)

    Soon the farang socialists will start to hate the average farmer who shows his land too, beware ;)

    (This thread is not going anywhere...).

  14. Yes , i confess i am a cheap charlie . I like to choose the things i waste and/or spend my money on so i can then conserve the rest of it for my family and friends and for survival in this life. I do not need to impress anybody . i do not need to buy friends. i don't need to make anybody react to what i have or don't have . And if i have enough left over to buy some luxuries or follies then so be it.

    ... and as long as you respect those who chose another lifestyle, those who spend more money than you, those who don't need to think about "survival", and those who don't really care about what others may think about their spendings... everybody will love you. Even the rich :)

  15. I cannot be better than someone because of what I have; others may consider me better because of what I do.

    You are totally right.

    However, for those who "have", it is often much easier to "do" something.

    That starts with acquiring (better) education, then be (a better) entrepreneur, (better at) doing business, (better) help the society, take (better) care of the family, keep the next generation as educated as you are (or even better), acquire more wealth to secure an even better future for the family, (better) participate in preserving the environment, (better) entertain your friends,...

    Wealth opens many doors. Not all, but many.

    Wealth can make you better off, and, when used in a sensible way, at the end may make you appear as better than others...

    (It does not prohibit anyone to buy an Elite card, by the way)

    (And some many people will keep being jealous of what you have anyway) (however little it may appear to others).

    (I love these conversations) :)

  16. People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

    Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

    People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

    does that mean that people "who actually have money" should not participate in Thaivisa's financial forum because that would be "vulgar" but people who do not meet the afore-mentioned criteria are welcome?

    are Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gross, Mohamed El-Erian and hundreds of other individuals "who actually have money" vulgar when they talk about it? coffee1.gif

    I've never seen Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gross, Mohamed El-Erian posting how much they paid for their car or house or whatever they own.

    I've also never see them brag about how wealthy they are, it are always others that write how wealthy those people are.

    But I see at least 3 members, who's names are visible on this page, do this frequently.

    I would never dare to say (on here) how much I pay for my car(s)

    Some on here would be shocked smile.png

    If the shoe fits, wear it. thumbsup.gif

    Speaking about shoes... I like this new model from Zegna.

    (I bought the black ones. Did not want to appear too flashy in the eyes of certain people :) )

    (I bought a pair of red ones for a friend though...)

    (Somehow I must be a nice guy. I like to make friends happy) (Aw, sorry, I feeling like bragging now).


  17. I would love some money so I could finally brag. And to that end, would not be adverse to receiving donations from those who wish to help me on the rise from destitution.

    To keep you safe from the socialists who can't stand the rich who brag about their wealth... I think we better refrain from sending you any donation.

    For your own good :)

    Really :)

    Trust me :)

    And if you ever buy a new watch or drink an imported beer, do not comment on that extravagant expenditure on this forum ! My advice ;)

    (Same for the iphone7 that comes in September) (never speak about it) (ever!) (till the iPhone8 is out) (then you are allowed to say you bought the phone second hand for cheap) (you will make new friends on here this way) ;)

  18. People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

    Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

    People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

    does that mean that people "who actually have money" should not participate in Thaivisa's financial forum because that would be "vulgar" but people who do not meet the afore-mentioned criteria are welcome?

    are Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gross, Mohamed El-Erian and hundreds of other individuals "who actually have money" vulgar when they talk about it? coffee1.gif

    I've never seen Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gross, Mohamed El-Erian posting how much they paid for their car or house or whatever they own.

    I've also never see them brag about how wealthy they are, it are always others that write how wealthy those people are.

    But I see at least 3 members, who's names are visible on this page, do this frequently.

    I would never dare to say (on here) how much I pay for my car(s) smile.png

    If it's a 1969 Dodge Charger with a 426ci Hemi I would love to know.....wub.png

    When I get one of these I let you know :)

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