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Posts posted by gerry1011

  1. I'm waiting for the first reports of new "businesses" that can get these rules waived. For a fee of course.


    You have made a good point I will be waiting as well. Opportunity is surely knocking. If they find and deport the supposed 100,000 it will be a miracle. This rule seems to be the flavor of the month.
    It is only natural to see these "new businesses" come up in the future.

    If some allow themselves to abuse the visa system, they would surely not mind having others abusing them.

    Both sides are winning. The overstayer has a way out, and the helper can soon build himself a new house and buy a Benz.

    Personally I would put the basic "overstay fixing fee" at 150,000 (up to a million for long overstays) (discounts would apply for Asians).

  2. Did you ever meet anyone who taught himself Thai? Me neither.

    I taught myself Thai. And this book played a huge part in my development.

    I never learned Thai in a school environment. Never had a teacher. I read the book over and over (until the pages were falling out!); and I listened to the CDs.

    I started learning with this book when I was back in England, and it was nice to have an introduction to the language before my arrival at Swampy. But my speaking and listening abilities obviously underwent major improvement through moving here and living in Thailand – all the while using the book as a reference.

    My book was a 2004/2005 version bought from Waterstones in Manchester. I remember it being dear even then, but it was well worth it. The great thing about Smyth's book is that it is designed to get you reading Thai from the get-go. The dialogue situations are realistic ones you will encounter in Thailand, and I found them to be much more practical than other methods and reading/listening texts employed by other books – such as the Benjawan Poomsan Becker books.

    I can highly recommend it.

    So, how good is your Thai? Do the Thais usually understand what you say the first time you say it? Can you have a conversation of several hours in Thai? Do you understand Thai newscasts? How many books at a university level have you read in Thai? How many Thai words in your vocabulary?

    Captain, you should less suspicious :)

    It is certainly possible to learn Thai without a teacher.

    But it takes time and efforts.

    You may not believe it either, but here is my own example:

    - I learned to read and write first, with a series of 3 books easily found in book stores (Thai for Beginners, Thai for Intermediate Learners, and Thai for Advanced Readers).

    - I learned the reading and writing first and started to practice the spoken language later on, after I gained some confidence.

    - Nowadays, I read, write, speak fluently, chat easily in Thai on Facebook or Line, navigate very easily in the Thai society... and can do all these things that can change your life in a foreign country for the better.

    - And because you, and most others, probably can't believe that foreigners can actually speak Thai fluently, what I can tell you is that I am also invited to give speeches in universities about business subjects, rarely speak other languages than Thai, can participate to humorous conversations, follow meetings and actively participate in them, watch the news, etc...

    Learning Thai (and any other language) is just a question of time and efforts. It does not come by itself, of course.

    My advice (that usually nobody follows) is to start with the reading and writing. No need to rush.

    The "secrets" of the pronunciation are in the writing.

    Once you can read and write, you will understand why words are pronounced this or that way. And once you understand that, you will become fluent quickly.

    In my opinion, one needs two years to become rather fluent in Thai, and another 3 years to master the language. But of course, after that you still learn everyday, during every conversation, or from every email you write or read.

    Learn Thai by yourself ! It's fun and changes your life in Thailand, trust me :)

  3. I agree with you that some of the problems may be self inflicted.

    On the other side, what you may willingly have to cope with for your chosen option may seem horrible to me.

    You should try the Thailand Elite option to see how it is smile.png

    I assume you don't plan to be dead in 7 years.... what are your plans post Elite visa? At 13 years, there would be part of me beginning to think - ok, now what :P

    Oh thank you so much to worry for me.

    But you don't have to :)

    I became member at the time the membership was lifetime for only a million.

    Then members were offered to keep going with the "founders card", or switch to the 20 years card (which comes with the super convenient 1 year stamp). I did convert to the new card.

    So, I guess I must have about another 18 years to go.

    So, no worries :)

    But thank a lot for your concern anyway.

    • Like 2
  4. Oh man, the topic of TE will never fail to attract *********************.

    I guess, TE for 99.999% of its members isn´t about saving money but about convenience only. If your highest priority is to save money (or having to save money because otherwise you cannot afford living abroad) then TE, I am quite sure, isn´t the best place to look at. Simple as that.

    You are right, the Thai Elite visa is about convenience and not having to be constantly under scrutiny by people checking your finances etc. It is about sound of mind. The rest are just perks that some may take advantage of, but most probably don't other than the odd limo from the airport or if you are in Bangkok having your 90 day reporting done for you.

    There are real savings, but typically you only really add those up when you are trying to justify the costs of the visa over the 5 years. The average long stay person probably spends much more money than they realize trying to stay legal - especially if you are flying in and out then getting a hotel for a night or two etc. Can you do the same for less - probably, but often when I book I book hotels that I feel reasonably comfortable in - not backpacker havens etc.

    I find it funny that when people post how it is worthwhile to them - there are many that chime in and say how it is such a horrible option and it is too expensive (for them) and if it is too expensive for them then it can't be for anyone else.... I just filter those people out of the conversation automatically since there are many envious people that whenever someone else can afford something they feel they cannot they feel the need to attack and discourage.

    Each individual has to realistically evaluate what the program is to them, what there real life costs are, what their real life savings would be and what the convenience is worth. Then they have to figure out if they can afford the upfront cost - because after you have paid that you basically forget stuff like that - because it is no longer an issue.

    I personally believe that the most valuable privilege of being a member of Thailand Elite is the "peace of mind" that their service and the visa provide.

    Without Thailand Elite I would never have stayed in Thailand (13 years ago).

    We constantly read rather horrible stories about the other visa options, headaches in getting extensions, fake students trying to get ED visas, pensioners with the wrong paperwork, "tourists" being interrogated by immigration, visa runners not getting their visa, people who created a fake company getting into trouble because of nominees, overstayers who completely disregarded the law until now... Not the type of life I dream of.

    I would never have stayed in Thailand if I had to go through all the troubles I see others go through.

    For someone like me (and around 3000 other members), Thailand Elite is a gift of God.

    Most of the 'horrible' problems you describe others(a minority) suffering are, generally speaking,entirely self inflicted.

    I and many others have lived here for a long time without any difficulty or 'horrible' experience, it has done easily and without the need for an Elite visa.smile.png

    I agree with you that some of the problems may be self inflicted.

    On the other side, what you may willingly have to cope with for your chosen option may seem horrible to me.

    You should try the Thailand Elite option to see how it is :)

  5. Does anyone have numbers on water usage throughout the year? It seems to me people are focusing disproportionately on songkran, which is probably a drop in a bucket and mostly symbolic.

    With or without Songkran, Thailand's screwed if the rainy season comes late again.

    Of course they should save during songkran, but the water shortage has been on the radar for, what, 6 months now? Rationing should have long started already, and water made more expensive. It's stupid cheap now, so people waste it.

    Songran must indeed be a drop in the bucket.

    Lots of people here talk about "saving water", while actually they are just annoyed by the festival and don't want to get wet.

    Domestic consumption of water in Thailand is less than 4% of the overall consumption.

    The problem is not with Songran, but rather with deforestation, water management in agriculture, etc... which is a much bigger problem than a short festival making everyone happy.



  6. I do realise that keeping this thread up is only more free advertising for you. Even negative advertising is still advertising.

    By now we already know that Immigration makes your life difficult because they want you to crack and go into this scheme. First it was good for freelancers, now it's good for everybody. Pensioneers not looking for "hassle" included.

    I have the money, but purely out of concept i do see it as blackmail, so I'll pass.

    But I do wish the best of luck to the existing members.

    Indeed, every negative post is helping create awareness about the program.

    Each groundless assumption, critic, speculation, or even rumor is an occasion for members to come up with the actual facts.

    But, of course, Thailand Elite is not for everybody.

    Convenience comes at a cost, and those who are not willing to pay for it can rely on the other cheaper options.

    You may see Thailand Elite as a "blackmail", but I personally just see it as a service.

    100,000b a year for that service, the advantages, the PE visa, the 1 year stamps, the smiles... is a very moderate financial contribution for what we get in exchange. In my own opinion, of course.

    • Like 2
  7. Please note the following.

    A couple of posters that are promoting the benefits of Elite here may have vested interests and sound to me like sales agents.

    Secondly, in regards to getting a WP, a conversion from Elite to non B will have to take place.

    Thirdly, as per their website:

    In the event that the Member wants to transfer Membership to the third person, what are the procedures to do so?

    Only Grand Individual member are allow to transfer once and subject to the rate of twenty percent (20%) excluding VAT of current market price at the time of the transfer and the approval as stated on Terms and Conditions of Thailand Elite Membership. After transfer, the term of the Membership is subject to the remaining period. Easy Access Member are not allow to transfer their membership.

    So you don't "sell" it, you transfer it to whoever may be interested, and you cannot transfer the 500K one, only the 2M one.

    I guess I must be among those who you suspect to be "sales agents"... :)

    Your suspicion towards people like me, as well as the Thailand Elite program, is groundless.

    I am a member since the early days of the program.

    I do enjoy easy stays, highly convenient visas and great service from Thailand Elite since 13 years, and I am happy to share information about the program with those who still scratch their heads experiencing other visa solutions and tiring procedures.

    Any new Thailand Elite member is a happy long stayer, or regular visitor, of Thailand.

    I understand that some people are not totally sure about which visa option is best for them. Reason why it is important to have Thailand Elite members help them understand what the program is about.

    In my opinion, and as a long time member, it is the best solution to stay in the country or pay regular visits to the country.

    Once you are a Thailand Elite member... you don't even think about "selling" your membership. You stick to it. Trust me.

  8. I appreciate your guys input - I really do. I am just trying to make any economical sense of it, but the jew inside of me makes it hard to justify 500,000 baht. That's about 3 months rent.

    From the previous posts I gathered that the TE staff will great me at the airport and put the visa in my passport before passport control. If I leave the country on a holiday without the re-entry permit, my current extension will automatically be cancelled and the TE staff will meet me upon arrival in Bangkok and I am on the TE program?

    Not exactly a no-brainer decision from a financial standpoint but considering the paperwork for the marriage extension and so on, it kinda saves a decent amount of time. The 2m baht option actually makes a lot more sense since I still have plenty of years to go before I would qualify for a retirement extension. I guess I will get with the program.

    Once you have the TE visa, you do not need reentry stamps. The only reason to contact the TE people for subsequent entries is for the fast track through immigration and the limo ride.

    The fast track and limo usually comes from the airline anyway. Not a benefit to me besides the re-entry stamp.

    If I can allow myself...

    The Thailand Elite welcome and assistance at the airport is absolutely priceless. Even if you fly first class.

    Once you experience the Thailand Elite way of welcoming you back in the country, you will not want to use the fast track service of your airline anymore.

    Not only you exit the airport faster than any other passenger (including fellow first class passengers), but you also feel "welcome back home".

    This priceless service is what also makes the difference.

    Same thing when departing...

  9. Could someone that has the 5 year visa post it? It would be useful to see whats actually written on the visa.

    Here you go...

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1457761719.046520.jpg

    Thanks Gerry.

    Looks like a typical Thai visa to me. Multiple entries (M) until the visa expires (Sep 9). If I arrived on Sep 9 I would expect to get a 1 year permit to stay regardless of whether or not I have renewed Thailand Elite membership.

    Yes I think so too.

    The last stamp would be valid for one year, while all other services attached to the membership would stop. But to be confirmed in about 3 years, when the first Easy Access members will be able to report to others about their experience about this.

    • Like 1
  10. Comparing a Thailand Elite PE visa (and all the services attacked to it) with any other type of visa is like comparing a guest house with a luxury hotel, a Toyota with a Bentley, a basic credit card with a platinum card, a noodle shop with a fine cuisine restaurant...

    There are cheap options for everything.

    The choice is there.

    Please explain me to me how and I don't mean to be one of the pattaya 10 baht atm saving fee brigade here, but please tell me what the benefit is for me.

    Also please read my previous reply so you get a better picture of my situation. I am seriously considering the TE program I just don't know how it really benefits me.

    I think your question is answered by BritTim above.

    If you are not in the "10 baht atm saving fee brigade" and have a driver... forget the marriage extension. Go for the Thailand Elite membership, with no hesitation.

  11. 100% of Thailand Elite members are satisfied.

    Members come from all horizons and all ages.

    Many could continue to apply for other types of visas but prefer the convenience of Thailand Elite, and its PE visa, 1 year stamps, great service...

    We can read on this forum that - after having read all the related discussions - many people decide to join Thailand Elite.

    The new members end up very satisfied with their choice too.

    Thailand Elite is the easiest way to spend long or regular period of time in Thailand, with no headache, questions or hassle. But it comes at a cost.

    Only those who can't buy the membership - or those who are too stingy - keep criticizing this super convenient program.

    • Like 2
  12. Funny to see people addicted to a forum criticize social media :)

    Personally, I could live without tv, but not without Facebook.

    And besides this, I see on my Facebook timeline far far far more positive and enjoyable content than what I can read on this forum.

    Both are entertaining in their own way though...

    How did you live before Facebook became available ?

    I don't remember :)

    Must have been horrible :)

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