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Everything posted by riclag

  1. In and around the temple visiting tourists should adhere to the rules, as mentioned previously!
  2. Temple grounds is part of the temple! Imop Here is a dress code from another temple! “All visitors must wear appropriate clothing with no exposed shoulders or skin above the knee to respect the sacredness of the place. For women, cover the shoulders and chest area and wear bottoms that go past the knees. For men, long pants and shirts with sleeves are required”. https://www.pullmanbangkokkingpower.com/bangkok-attractions/bangkok-culture/wat-pho/#:~:text=DRESS CODE&text=All visitors must wear appropriate,shirts with sleeves are required.
  3. I’ve been to a few temples! Many Temples have strict rules on attire. So strict that some offer Sarongs to cover up.
  4. Famous optics! This snowflake should of trade marked that image thats been etched in the minds of many moon howlers, Cultural Marxist and Conservative activists. Give this one a safe space and a cuttle toy, very deserving, me thinks. I like your terminology “countless feminine members”.
  5. Schwab account (not international) holder here. Ive used Schwab since 2019.When I opened the account in the states I requested a Security Key device to facilitate my gaining access to my account.No vpn needed. Recently the device started to malfunction so I switched over to their suggested Symantec VIP access app. Upon entering my user& Password it ask for my Schwab Safe security code from the Symantec app.
  6. “The Tuk Tuk messaging campaign aims to remind the public about the plight of the innocent people being held by the group”. Say their name, Terrorist . Those Terrorist should of released all the hostages by now.
  7. Ah the good ole days of Triple entry tourist visas and then came along the spoiler’s regime.
  8. Rip Austrian ! Get well German passenger.
  9. One after another screw up , never under estimate this piece of work and his DEI squad for a Administration to eff things up!The Houthi and Iran are embarrassing Joey 2 scoops on another miscalculation! https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/16/biden-admin-ends-trump-era-houthi-terrorist-designation&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwi38da-nNqDAxU0V2wGHdbwD50QFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1up7POx_1ugloOenhnP5d4
  10. Some Americans know nothing about other countries,DEI hire's me thinks ! Which brings up another point .I tried to comment with a lengthy response but somehow got deleted, oh well. Here’s a short version I had to cancel my CC card, because of unauthorized transactions. The Card Company told me it would send me a new one . I told them I was traveling and to send it to Thailand! They sent two one expedited through Fedex , that took a week and the original request was snail mailed to me which was mentioned in the OP.
  11. Driving a motorbike in our country is dangerous enough! But here,one multiply’s their chances of getting into a serious accident with potential loss of life. RIP buddy. imop
  12. First,I dont get a lot of mail.This is the second time in 3 years that mail was sent from the USA but somehow it has a Belgium metered postal stamp on the top right corner of the windowed business envelope. It was a replacement Credit Card, sent from Philadelphia. Has anyone experienced this here in Thailand?
  13. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase , “Finger licking good” Also, Tells you the strange things some Thai ‘s would do for Gold. Sa Too! imop
  14. My daughter who was sick with what she described as a “cold”, lives in Udon Thaini, came back home to Sakon for her birthday , she threaten to cough everywhere in my bedroom after , I showed her the Vampire finger cross. lol
  15. If the Global western Marxist can figure out a way to protest& riot in unison with the Chinese Communist People on their turf, it would significantly improve the Climate Change accountability factor .That will be a sight to see until then , keep on living your life . China, with more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released. https://climatetrade.com/which-countries-are-the-worlds-biggest-carbon-polluters/
  16. No ,its not the first thread on complaining about inconsiderate ignorant neighbors in Thailand.
  17. All the prostate massages Ive had never never involved fists! Its my heaven ,not yours ! Lol Some like it cold. Some like it hot, to each their own.
  18. This is in my neck of ricepattyville! I wonder what the sick motive was? “Always something bizarre”. Im starting to get a sense of cautionary life living here. My wife is always telling me to hide the kitchen knives , seclude the bug spray poison , hide the gasoline bottle, dont point your finger in the direction of people , dont beep the horn. Scary way to live at times! Remember the 3 Stooges,Calling Doctor, Fine, Doctor Howard , Doctor Fine, crazy .
  19. Tell me about it! I know all about living in that “moment”. We watched this dog neighbor perform in his back yard from my window a 1-1/2 ago. Screaming for me to come fight him while he was drunk , threatening to kill me for telling his dogs to shut up. Our music to drown the excessive barking out,has subsided a lot over the past week. We are gathering evidence right now, making many recordings to help prove the nuisance.
  20. This has been going on for years and it will only get worse .Theres Three chihuahua puppies that are learning from Ninnie( the mother dog) the art of excessive barking! Everyday my wife & I both make sound & video recordings to present as proof to the appropriate community authorities . We plan on having our windows on the Neighbors side covered over with acrylic to cut down on the noise when we come in doors. What’s at play many times is the dogs are under the neighbors house car park which amplifies the high pitched nonsense, take a listen to a sample below from my garden. Thanks for your concern & comment recording Dec 14.m4a
  21. Young Asian woman performing a 6 hand massage for 2 hours culminating with a therapeutic prostate massage !
  22. The middle east ,Russia/ Ukraine shouldn’t be a problem, ordinarily . Personally I would avoid these areas right about now. How naively she loaded her personal treasures! Ditzy comes to mind. Oh well, for some its part of the learning process in life, I suppose, learn the hard way.
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