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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Transparency wins the day! “Tucker Carlson, who's very much in the news right now, drew 4.14 million viewers at 8 p.m., a massive delivery for a regularly- scheduled news program”. https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/category/ratings
  2. Another tax proposal! There must be another way! “Have you ever wondered where your income ranks in your state or how to be in the top 1% of annual income? In the USA, a family must earn an income of $597,815 to be in the top 1% of earners, according to a study by Smart Asset. But the income and rankings vary per state”. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2022/01/25/top-1-percent-your-state/9210897002/#
  3. I watched that Newsmax James Rosen interview with 45 at Cpac,when he asked about this ! I sometimes wonder if they ( Rosen and Trump)discuss the interview questions before they start recording! Im not allowed to source the interview ( forum rules )but the interview brings up a Great question for 45 campaign donors who are concerned about the weaponization of the doj and donating to the president’s campaign ! I predict his donations after Cpac , the Rosen interview ,his speech on his new agenda will result in a huge bump in contributions and supporters imop. I think the Gop did a great service to America First efforts to help 45 and expose the doj/ fbi ,by forming the weaponization of government house committees “The subcommittee could delve into any number of legal issues swirling around Trump”. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3805643-gops-weaponization-panel-would-have-power-to-review-those-probing-trump
  4. Yah ,whats that all about? Maybe the security are cops in the daytime moon lighting at night.
  5. Any difficulties meeting up together after immigration? And does a Thai spouse have to show she has funds to support her stay despite being accompanied by her husband?
  6. Some people aren’t aware of this , especially new comers to Thailand. In my country 100 dollar notes often have random rubber stamp markings, random pen marks, corners ripped ! When one brings cash they expect to be able to exchange all the notes and not have to hold on to them cause Thailand institutions refuse to honor them.
  7. Why would anybody bring that high amount of cash? If you plan on using it all here make sure you check all the notes for imperfections! Some exchange and banks get anal and want pristine bills. Also some exchange places will only do a max of 4k per day! Risky
  8. Its a legitimate ? Why the laugh! Some other countries people don’t understand that Swing / independent voters in the Usa dont align with either party!They reserve the right not to commit to a party.!
  9. I don’t know im not republican! Just a average swing voter who is opposed to the radical far left ideology in the states.
  10. She’s a force to be reckoned with , same as any powerful politician is ! She is affiliated with the democratic socialists of america. Never think she is a nothing burger! Imop https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez#:~:text=She was previously an activist,elected to serve in Congress.
  11. Your opinion! Mine! He / America First wants to change that according to this Cnn story but I wouldn’t phrase it like Cnn does! “Donald Trump’s main goal? Kill off the Republican establishment”. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/09/20/politics/donald-trump-gop-establishment-mitch-mcconnell/index.html
  12. A majority of her constituency in NY , Dem states and the Democratic Socialist party adore her ! Theres a lot to be said about her and her spokesperson after the fact comments in the BBC. “Ms Ocasio-Cortez's counsel David Mitrani has said the congresswoman "finds these delays (in payment) unacceptable, and she has taken several steps to ensure nothing of this nature will ever happen again." "However, while regrettable, this matter definitively does not rise to the level of a violation of House Rules or of federal law," he added. https://www.businessinsider.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-explains-what-democratic-socialism-means-2019-3
  13. Thats right,uh huh! Growing up watching the Washington politicians and establishment bureaucrats make a mess of things domestically and world wide while living in Massachusetts/California and now here as a Independent voter , Trump was and still is the only practical choice for 2024.
  14. The young lady of the house said she’s going to the temple today cause tomorrow is a big buda day! Another gov holiday
  15. More nonsense just like the dems .The world is all to familiar with the lefts dismissive rhetoric when it comes to the rights concerns! We have seen it documented on the twitter files, Horowitz ,durham investigations. One would be naive or completely obtuse to deny the fbi has a suspect history! Long history ,unfortunately talking about it would be off topic!
  16. whistleblower, an individual who, without authorization, reveals private or classified information about an organization, usually related to wrongdoing or misconduct. Whistleblowers generally state that such actions are motivated by a commitment to the public interest. https://www.britannica.com/topic/whistleblower Sounds like this whistleblowers!
  17. But euthanized sounds appropriate too! We humans imop associate this word with putting down animals!
  18. "If he's annoying you just chase him away and inform the owner." The lady and the dog have been warned twice! ( dog being shot twice). Some Thai people dont want a confrontation with a idiot dog owner, that lets their dog run a muck!
  19. Watching the news highlights of mob violence run a muck while used car lots and other structures were set on fire , makes one wonder what role law enforcement played “during the riot”. It was sad to watch some of these businesses being destroyed! I followed the events and watched Rittenhouse and many others who took up against those actions! “On each of the next two nights, however, rioters set fire to cars in his lot. Khindri said the first night of mayhem caused $1.5 million in damages to the business; the second night finished off the rest of the cars, adding up to a total of $2.5 million in estimated damage costs. https://www.wkow.com/archive/owner-of-burnt-kenosha-car-lot-says-riots-caused-2-5m-in-damages/article_8c62009b-a472-5764-ad25-f48abc263a1e.html Here’s what legal experts say helped acquit Kyle Rittenhouse. “(Prosecutors) weren’t able to show that his response to each of these men, to each of these sets of threats was unreasonable,” criminal defense attorney Sara Azari told CNN’s Pamela Brown. “When the jury came back a couple days ago and watched the videos… frame by frame, they were looking to see whether Kyle did something to provoke the threat and whether his response to that threat was reasonable in terms of using deadly force and they agreed with the defense that it was,” Azari added. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/19/us/legal-experts-what-helped-rittenhouse-acquittal/index.html
  20. Sure hope they have alternative “procedures” other than TURPS for a enlarged prostate !
  21. Nah, its Trump 2024 , Mr D in 2028. America First supporters want a “proven” leader! Besides MrD hasn’t declared he wants to be POTUS and there is no national policy agenda by him! Right now he has the kiss of failure endorsement coming from a political failure Paul Ryan x gop house speaker!
  22. In regards to this news clip back in 2020 and your statement ,Tucker doesn’t need to say anything his host revealed to the world the Ccp’s Wuhan lab leak!
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