Here are the states with the strictest gun laws in America
6th. Illinois, 14.1 gun deaths per 100,000 residents. Illinois has a higher-than-average rate of gun deaths. A large share of trafficked guns recovered in the state are originally purchased out-of-state. The state has fewer laws to ensure industry and product safety, but checks nearly every box when it comes to limiting guns in public and keeping guns out of the wrong hands. Illinois ranks 27th in gun death rate.
Illinois is sixth out of 50,thats where this incident took place. Having Guns are allowed by the laws of our Constitution! Millions and millions of law abiding Americans are responsible gun owners .
There are some individual's that fall through the cracks ,like the mentally disturbed that at the time of allowance were granted a license ,cause they had no mental issues. Then there are the ones,like criminals that some how obtain them, illegal !