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Everything posted by riclag

  1. They haven’t got to wikipedia yet! its still up , czar harris vp appointed by biden. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars
  2. Emboldened! At my usa residence city in April more of the same rhetoric by people representing support for the lefts terror tactic's! More Death threats at a council meeting !
  3. Mitch McConnell slams the left riots , and violent rhetoric ! The terrorist supporters of the dem party paid a visit to Netanyahu ‘s hotel the nite before his speech!He Called out the useful idiots of the 5th column listen. “were gonna kill all of you”.
  4. The past will come to bite her in the a… ! Her greatest achievement is her SOCIAL JUSTICE Activism! While Vp her best achievement was overseer of our borders! She is a radical leftest
  5. That about sums it up! Brilliantly composed Yellowtail
  6. Its so apparently obvious, what harris/ biden represents! Imop This same ideology condemns the United States as a racist, oppressor state built on colonialism and slavery. This idea is at the heart of today’s prevalent “woke” philosophy, which holds white Americans and other “oppressor classes,” such as heterosexual men, responsible for the “oppressed status” of “victims” such as LGBTQ+ people, women and especially people of color. same source
  7. Exposing harris supporters who support terror organizations ! Make no mistake: The majority of demonstrators supporting Hamas’s savage slaughter of innocent Jews also support seizing control of America. pic from the source ! The new young generation indoctrinated to carry the torch in Michigan imop https://www.jns.org/most-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-are-not-just-anti-israel-they-are-also-anti-american/
  8. referring to the many faces of evil in Antifa , they morph into many destructive characteristics. San Diego Superior Court Judge Daniel Goldstein said that the trial proved to him that antifa exists as an organization that appears to “have funding and they have an ability to make contact and morph into other things very quickly in many different jurisdictions.” https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-sentences-protesters-in-san-diego-antifa-case-to-up-to-two-years-in-jail/#:~:text=in to CasePortal-,Judge sentences protesters in San Diego antifa case to up,speech of right-wing protesters.
  9. Just American old timer who has seen it all and wants to expose the radical wing of the left! Since you insulted me , Im gonna include you to my special room for leftest trolls! Have a comfortable life!
  10. we’ve seen this group in many violent scenes recently and in the past! Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis! https://www.denverpost.com/2017/09/01/yes-antifa-is-the-moral-equivalent-of-neo-nazis/
  11. Portland Courthouse, Nashville Courthouse, Minneapolis Police Third Precinct, Seattle Police East Precinct, and local high school in Minnesota; and, to replace police cruisers in South Carolina, Washington, Rhode Island, Georgia, Utah, and other states. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/over-300-people-facing-federal-charges-crimes-committed-during-nationwide-demonstrations
  12. Because we see the left historically is the most violent group through out. Lets expose the real threat to democracy & the republic, by showing moments from organizations harris supported ! Seattle Police defend response to weekend Black Lives Matter protests, deny violation of court’s use-of-force limits. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/seattle-police-defend-response-to-weekend-black-lives-matter-protests-deny-violation-of-courts-use-of-force-limits/
  13. This thread aint about Trump The thread title Riots by bidens/ harris new vision for America
  14. fact , truth be told ! The left & their propaganda machine has a history of dishonesty & distorting. Thanks for that post
  15. Im not here to change “your mind” . I will show you’re ilk reasons and dont deflect to the but but conservatives , stick to the topic. One thing is clear in my mind, harris/ biden people have a habit of emboldening their radical wing in their party! History shows that ! biden during his August 2020 acceptance speech upon being nominated at the dem convention , never mentioned or condemned the Summer of Love riots , that started in the end of May. antifa & Blm Marxist burned, looted , murdered Americans in cities all across the USA . He gave praise to a serial criminal/ drug addict that held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman . https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/20/politics/biden-dnc-speech-transcript/index.html And now onto harris who has supported the most militant extremist in her party BLM MARXIST,by helping to coordinate bailing out Summer of love rioters . The social justice activist went on Steven Colbert show proclaiming support for the MARXIST BLM organization.”their not gonna stop”. The history and facts are there! Encampments on college campuses with riots since Oct 7 and funding by … https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20
  16. We bring the receipts and still the misinformed followers of the left dispute them! Repeatedly ! biden / harris supported a surge to the border! She’ll never be able to escape that ! On top of it her looney tune boss lied in his exit speech about the illegal migration. America had the worse illegal migration in its history under the 3-1/2 years of the biden / harris regime. Multiple news outlets reported on the announcement, including The Washington Post, The Hill, the Associated Press, Axios, Politico, Reuters, The Huffington Post, Fox News, NBC News and others.
  17. The left media is trying to gaslight America into believing kharris was never a border czar! The social media site X fact checked Axios' recent claim using one of its own articles, stating, “On April 14, 2021, Axios' Shawna Chen confirmed Kamala Harris had been appointed Biden's ‘Border Czar’ writing: Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the ‘root causes’ that drive migration." Multiple news outlets reported on the announcement, including The Washington Post, The Hill, the Associated Press, Axios, Politico, Reuters, The Huffington Post, Fox News, NBC News and others. https://www.kpvi.com/news/national_news/fact-check-harris-was-biden-s-second-border-czar-despite-recent-media-claims/article_9b163905-db50-5cbb-b37b-7ae12700f542.html
  18. The border czar before she became one , was convinced illegal migration wasn’t criminal, despite having a sentence of 6 months imprisonment for first offenders. social justice Activism ! biden/ harris Harris/ dem vp The above,All the same , open borders crowd. https://nypost.com/2024/07/23/opinion/kamala-harris-wont-fix-bidens-open-border-she-doesnt-even-think-illegal-immigration-is-a-crime/
  19. Useful idiots that support Kharris rioted in dc and the night before visited the hotel of Netanyahu and said were gonna kill all of you!
  20. Definitely deserves some attention! Your facts are false There is no such thing as tango man! And nobody was told to descend to the WH on Jan 6! Your opinion is nonsense,try to keep up.
  21. She sure does bring fresh energy ! She boycott a Netanyahu speech scheduled in The Capital and took 50% of her dem congressional members with her! Question for Independent voters do you support the dem current choice for President and the 50% while knowing, Terrorist still hold Americans hostage? Big huge political blunder by the new dem choice & 50% of dem congress.
  22. biden gaslighting in his speech about the lowest illegal border crossing! biden / harris broke the record for the largest illegal crossings in American history during their disastrous attempt at calling for a surge to the border. https://apnews.com/article/biden-speech-transcript-campaign-withdrawal-432dc25a5af4ddebf75d73bfcc0fa72a
  23. So what your eluding to is having Byron Donalds burgess owens john james Wesley hunt Vivek tim scott and other people of color call Out bidens checks the box hire ,kharris!
  24. Stop deflecting ! The topic is bidens speech! Passing the torch over to a young new generation! His & kharris supporters aren’t indicative of American past policies. These far left radicals appease terrorist proxies such as Hamas and fund Iran whos leaders chant death to my country !
  25. Part taken from the bidens exit Transcript. “So I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That’s the best way to unite our nation. I know there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life, but there’s also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices, and that time and place is now”. https://apnews.com/article/biden-speech-transcript-campaign-withdrawal-432dc25a5af4ddebf75d73bfcc0fa72a bidens handing over power to a new generation , new radical young voices like kharris and the terrorist supporters in the dem party ! Chants ,‘Allahu Akbar’,death to America, USA is a terrorist state,all while assaulting police officers,In dc
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