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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Who is Joe Manchin ! Dem Senator recently turned independent! manchin voted alongside biden & dems until May, when he left the party! He’s gonna go back as a dem or a Independent candidate to disenfranchise 14 million voters !It will be interesting to see what he does with Illegal Immigration,Wokeism & DEI! I think if he pivots away from that , he will be the next POTUS. Dem democracy hasn’t figured it out yet though. Why it matters: Manchin left the party in May but could see an opening to run as a moderate option after President Biden withdrew from the race on Sunday. Reality check: Manchin would struggle to find any backing from more liberal Democrats, making a bid to unite the party a long shot. https://www.axios.com/2024/07/21/joe-manchin-democrat-presidential-run-bid#
  2. If they by pass KH ! Joe Manchin will run
  3. Recently a survey was conducted by history scholars that rated biden The 14th best Potus ever ! Ya might want to walk that back guys!
  4. That being said , 81 million were to.
  5. 14 million dems voted for biden in the their primary. The world witnessed threats of with holding campaign contributions, many dems asking biden to reconsider while world leaders praising biden at a recent Nato Conference! Dem democracy , win at any cost and the hell with the system ! 14 million voters just got disenfranchised! “ If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough”.
  6. He took a bullet trying to serve his country! democracy , rule of the people! Trump was clearly leading in polls despite the lawfare! The assassin(s) tried to subvert the will of the peoples electoral process!
  7. He must resign ! Let The country get a taste of KH ! We already witnessed how incompetent the DEI SUPPORTER is leading the Secret Service! imop
  8. The hate ratcheting! Secret Service officials repeatedly rejected Donald Trump’s request for additional security in the two years before last weekend’s assassination attempt, The Post has learned. The ex-president, 78, asked for more agents and magnetometers at large public events he attended, as well as extra snipers for outdoor venues, four insiders told The Washington Post, which first reported the damning revelation. https://nypost.com/2024/07/20/us-news/secret-service-honchos-denied-trump-additional-security-for-2-years-before-assassination-attempt-damning-report-reveals/
  9. Those tapes and their importance . Will the Democrats , so eager to dump the dumpster fire biden , throw him under the bus by using dem democracy& Tammany hall tactics to threaten biden to reconsider! Their past history is notorious for holding & controlling power. Imop https://study.com/learn/lesson/tammany-hall-overview-history.html
  10. The insanity! 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results“. Replacing the one who falls going up stairs with one who falls into a waiting vehicle!
  11. I first became convinced of it during the Summer of Love riots! Watching the protests by day and the riots by night! Blm joining forces with Antifa . Seeing the hammer & sickle emblems on their rubber bullet shields . It has permeated for decades but it seems to have reached a fever pitch ! They have joined forces with terrorist organizations that chant death to Israel, death to America and many of their followers wear scarves over their heads& face to conceal their identities! Now we have seen who has funded this Insidious Ideology activities especially in America . WSJ has recently reported on the donors their name’s & organizations . What has the donors of the dem party have in store for Americans in the coming months with the election falling out of reach for them ? What an insane ,demonic match up! Terrorism, Progressivism, Marxism, Globalism !
  12. The radical far left has been exposed in America & around the world! In certain instances—especially in the news media—far left has been associated with some forms of authoritarianism, anarchism, communism, and Marxism, or are characterized as groups that advocate for revolutionary socialismand related communist ideologies, or anti-capitalism and anti-globalization.Far-left terrorism consists of extremist, militant, or insurgentgroups that attempt to realize their ideals through political violencerather than using democratic processes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-left_politics#:~:text=In certain instances—especially in,-capitalism and anti-globalization.
  13. With all that being said, there are many rumors and questions that have seen very little light or no light of day in the news. 1. Motive? 2. Drones? 3. Lone wolf ? 4.Overseas accounts ? 5. Blackrock affiliation? 6. Donations 7 . Party affiliation 8. Stock market trading ? 9. lack of agents? 10. DEI ? The expert suspects something nefarious is going on with getting to the bottom of the ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION ! https://www.foxnews.com/video/6358542540112 imop
  14. The plot thickens ! Its a election year and the investigators (Doj) who investigate the ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION only have a small window in time to be transparent! “The Justice Department's Policy Against Election Interference is Open to Abuse” https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/justice-departments-policy-against-election-interference-open-abuse At the very least, the reporting so far paints a damning picture of an agency that can purchase troves of data on Americans’ locations, even from a Muslim prayer app, and yet apparently can’t fulfill the most basic function of securing a rooftop. In many ways, it calls into question the vast post-9/11 national-security apparatus consolidated under the Department of Homeland Security, armed with extensive surveillance powers that were justified in the name of keeping Americans and their representatives safe. https://prospect.org/politics/2024-07-19-playbook-improving-secret-service/
  15. A recent jewish Harvard grad , once a B Sanders supporter who spoke at the RNC denounced the left in a powerful speech ! Harvard teaching, anti western, anti American ,anti Semitic dogma! Ideological poison on American Campus has indoctrinated many students!
  16. New old agencies under Trump with a new boss & new mission! Trump cabinet heads will be chosen according to the mission involved Deportation DHS secretary and a Homeland Drill baby drill Energy Secretary . imop
  17. Maybe Trumps head of DHS replacing MAYORKIS ,can find jobs for them in the DEPORTATIONS division .
  18. Trump calls to unite all Americans! While the left won’t have nothing to do with it! Protests outside the RNC. https://www.valleynewslive.com/video/2024/07/16/thousands-protest-against-rnc-milwaukee “Maybe some rank-and-file Democratic voters and even liberals will finally wake up to the fact that they’ve been lied to. Then again, to have believed any of the progressive rhetoric of recent years, you have to have been in a very, very deep sleep. So who knows? The Unhinged left will never stop or wake up! Remember BLM ,the summer of love riots and Kamala Harris !imop https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4774363-democratic-campaigns-trump-hitler/
  19. Perfect example of the dishonesty! Was when Msnbc was caught with their tail caught in between their legs moment in a interview with Don Trump Jr.
  20. riclag


    After watching many comments on bidens illegals by RNC speakers, its a good thing The SCOTUS made a ruling on Presidential Immunity!
  21. When the new republican congress comes in , Im sure they’ll look at taking up changes to the Federal Requirements to run for president! Such as mental acuity. Until then the focus should be changing Wars to peace & unifying all Americans who love the Republic for which it stands, one nation under god! And boarder security.
  22. riclag


    Sorry to disappoint! its some times better having someone choose the good parts ,I happen to love Forbes ! Especially highlights like this one . Or this Or this or this Or this or this Or this or this, minus Lee Greenwoods God Bless the USA song , forbes cut out and installed this instead,sadly. Plus many many more! This comment appears to be from a survivor of San Francisco’s Haight-Asbury community.imop
  23. Judging by the lack of response,I think the left feels defeated ! Imop After all , Divine Intervention may have destroyed , their hopes of perpetuating a biden / dem revival. Thank god for Miracles & Millimeters !
  24. The richest person in the world doesn’t want to risk getting sued by the woke California legal system !
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