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Everything posted by riclag

  1. What did we learn in Politics? when the left accuses you of something , they are doing it! gaslighters be gaslighting!
  2. She was nominated to be VP! biden’s “choice” to take over as Potus dont mean squart! 14 million people chose biden in a one sided,dem concocted primary ! Dem democracy is a mob rule which created 14 million disenfranchise voters. disenfranchise Voters ,are being suppressed . but thats ok in Tammany politics, right!
  3. He and his border czar harris administration were responsible for the largest illegal border crossing in American history!
  4. Best they leave or not come at all. there is a plan to incentivize illegals going back voluntarily! If they choose this they have a better chance of being put on a priority list to have their asylum cases heard. If not they will be subject to a lifetime ban. “An Effective Plan For Illegal Immigrants Would Incentivize Self-Deportation” https://thefederalist.com/2024/07/22/an-effective-plan-for-illegal-immigrants-would-incentivize-self-deportation/
  5. Kamala Harris helped in supporting BLM( Marxist organization )by coordinating bail efforts during the Riots of the INFAMOUS Summer of Love! https://abcnews4.com/news/nation-world/kamala-harris-backed-bail-fund-helped-incarcerated-man-now-charged-with-murder-go-free
  6. Thats American history,Those ancestors were democrats carrying succession from the union! History lesson. Black lives Matter/antifa /pro hamas nazis are the new image of the party of JFK!
  7. Brilliant comment! Many pundits say they aint the party of JFK anymore ! Using the title democrat to hide their neoism is insulting to Americans . Imop
  8. Worse Potus ever but I doubt his media lap dogs would concur! They too were caught up in the cover up , the king without clothes! Worse scandal since watergate imop .15 times according to Carl bernstein watergate reporter. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-cognitive-decline-six-month-debate-donald-trump-carl-bernstein-1919946
  9. Theres a easy way or the hard way , joe. https://nypost.com/2024/07/22/us-news/why-biden-finally-called-it-quits-in-withdrawal-by-a-thousand-cuts/
  10. The radical left in all its glory below. I remember an article claiming biden presidency in peril, a result of his polling numbers being so low , 37.5 ,shortly thereafter ,the left coordinated with the left’s historical scholars, ( similar for gathering 51 former intel agents) to anoint biden the 14th best President of all time! Conclusion : 14th to being forced & threatened to leave ,a 1st. Operatives at the very highest levels of the Democratic Party threatened Joe Biden with forcibly removing him from office unless he stepped down. https://nypost.com/2024/07/22/us-news/top-dems-threatened-to-remove-biden-unless-he-resigned/
  11. No one in their wildest dreams could have predicted the result achieved by Trumps Campaign ! 1.Call on biden to debate! 2.biden polling gone sour ,prompted biden cocky phrase , I hear you got Wednesday off and accepting Trumps offer with biden rules of engagement and having Cnn host the debate! 3. Trump accepts 4. Trump sets up biden & Cnn by having Karoline Leavitt go on air and start reciting dana bash & jake Tapper Bias against Trump , all the while knowing Cnn reporter Ms Kasi would pull the plug ! 5. biden spends a week preparing. 6. Cnn is shamed into presenting a fair debate by not talking over Trump. 7. biden exposed on a split screen with all his looney tune speech defects! 8. Media meltdown 9. Media try’s unsuccessfully to prompt him back up , by presenting him to more interviews , with no success and is compromised in their cover of his mental acuity! 10. biden throws in the diaper,Trump dethroned the master/debater.
  12. The far left put all their apples in the biden far left basket! Jews are rallying around Trump, Bibi’s coming to town ! Trump taken a bullet in the name of democracy and obama throwing biden’s pick under the bus by not endorsing the border czar. That Rfk jr video could be used in a Trump campaign ad! It describes what biden/ harris admin has created , chaos!
  13. I wouldn’t know ! All my trolls are in a special room ,the only time I see them is when like minded members in opposition to their ideology engage them . That room is a safe space from the insults and intolerance!
  14. Kennedy says his uncle & father wouldn’t recognize the Dem party of today! Why? Cultural Marxist have taken over the party of JFK and reshaped it to fit their Marxist agenda.imop Awesome video! Make America Great Again !
  15. 4 more years pause biden must resign and hand the office over to the border czar, harris
  16. Voters will decide not the dem Stalinist lawfare or you!
  17. They lied to everybody! Harris,Pelosi, Obama, Shummer , the whole bunch of of Msm grifters covering for team mental acuity &biden!
  18. Stop oil meme with biden ,any out there ?
  19. Manchin looks & smells like a Uniparty choice! I’m still anti establishment and will support any candidate who will expose the Washington establishment!
  20. Dems are hell bent on socialist policies! Fetterman represents that! Anybody with a D next to their name are or have put America in a crisis! Economically and National security wise! Impulse is spot on
  21. Hello good nite ! You’re worried about the dollar! Me too ,Long term if you go dem you might not have a dollar! Socialist be da- -ed !
  22. For the record , many years ago I got a Pm from somebody saying I wasToxic ! Since then, I have included them in my special room.
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