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Everything posted by riclag

  1. You are so wrong!Dig deeper! Read in between the lines! Dems have super mario power,so to speak imop! biden, the media & the dems Senate have proved they control everything!
  2. Boy o boy ,It doesn’t matter! The woke left dont care cause he and other extreme progressives are pushing their sick progressive agenda imop! Years ago do you think someone could of won a Senate election race with this? Hello , Good night everbody? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2803159/Fetterman-opens-debate-hi-good-night-everybody.html
  3. The Save Act! The gop house answer to illegals registering to vote& casting a ballot! Its too late! It wont get past the dem controlled senate or bidens desk. Why is the alert , scandal , crisis taken so long to expose? Gop Senator Mike Lee from Utah :
  4. The border Czar, harris. What Is ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris Doing on the Border Crisis? biden: I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border https://cis.org/Arthur/What-Border-Czar-Kamala-Harris-Doing-Border-Crisis If the gop gains control of 3 branches of Government,the cultural Marxist are so screwed, illegals coming in by the millions will be investigated! imop
  5. Is it possible that the water carrying Msm & the cultural Marxist of the biden cult , can be exposed at the same time, as both being a threat to Democracy? imop
  6. Looking at the pic . And to think, they both were products of the Communist genocide. A ideology that is / was responsible for the death of over 100 million! https://www.wsj.com/articles/100-years-of-communismand-100-million-dead-1510011810
  7. Uniparty hold on the Washington bureaucracy glut !
  8. All my life I never hated a POTUS and his party as much as I hate these people! Wokism , Globalism hold on the world’s Traditional cultures is a cancer! Cultural Marxist bite! And now importantly they are potentially bringing in new voters to illegally vote without being able to verify if they voted!
  9. Wrong! The source is old but its still a issue! Sometimes its hard cutting through googles purposeful algorithm placing. https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/election-2024-immigration-issue-voters-84916a17
  10. The border Czar kamala as a 911 dispatcher 5555
  11. bidens illegals are serial criminals! Six foreign nationals charged in multi-state ATM, retail skimming conspiracy
  12. I was thinking about this yesterday. The French Govt is a communist proxy! When Trump administration comes to power ,they must seriously consider Americas alliance with France . Communist leader Fabien Roussel said in an interview published in the regional daily newspaper Midi Libre on Tuesday that "we are asking the President of the Republic (...) to let us govern”, affirming that the NFP “are the most numerous, ready to sit and work with the programme presented to the electorate.” https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/07/09/left-wing-new-popular-front-claims-it-can-govern-france-as-minority-government
  13. bidens Presidential debate prep footage - comedy Fun -ny. 😂 lmao
  14. Kamala ( border czar) preps Joe biden for debate! 😃
  15. The Fall of NEW YORK CITY! It reminds me of the lyrics from some of the famous progressive projects . “We are the world” New York City pols caused migrant crisis — now data prove it crushes poorest Its crushing the cities poorest neighborhoods!
  16. Justice Sotomayor body guard shoots would be carjacker! Sotomayor a Anti gun advocate is protected by her tax payer assigned bodyguard In hell hole WASHINGTON, DC! This is just the latest in a series of high profile carjackings of federal agents and VIPs in the nation’s capital. https://nypost.com/2024/07/09/us-news/supreme-court-justice-sotomayors-bodyguard-shoots-would-be-carjacker-outside-her-home/
  17. At this point ,everyone is watching his performance for screw ups, similar to going to a hockey game waiting for a fight! biden will bow out and his sycophants will pivot to their new dem star! imop
  18. Thats correct! Let biden & his dishonest allies , in the media & congress be all that they can be! The hole they dig gets deeper. I had to google that claim . https://www.vox.com/politics/359431/biden-step-down-lbj-1968-heather-cox-richardson
  19. Some say France has fallen! The new political class of far left socialist & communist have a strong presence in parliament . https://edition.cnn.com/world/live-news/france-election-runoff-results-07-07-24-intl/index.html One hundred years later, let us not forget the history of the victims who do not have a voice because they did not survive the writing of their tales. Most importantly, let us not be tempted to repeat it. The French communist love when the masses don’t pay attention to history. https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2017/11/20/nicolae-one-hundred-million/
  20. Summer of Love Riots all across America.The leftist let it all hang out! Billions in damage , murders, looting, cities burning . https://kazmir.org/news/democrats-must-confront-the-excesses-of-the-2020-summer-of-love-1630960863.html
  21. It doesn’t get much worse than Calling for the “Final Solution” or “By any means necessary” ,other than this chant by the radical far left wing of the dems! 'Death to America' chants in Dearborn echo across social media, draw local condemnation https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/08/death-to-america-chant-dearborn-jihad-rally-al-quds-day-draws-condemnation/73247053007/
  22. @thaibeachlovers “I'd like to see Schiff take one. He comes across to me as not quite right in the brain department”. This Dem is a liar & cheat ! Typical of the dem radical propaganda BS! America witnessed his devious gaslighting for years. He can’t be trusted! Adam Schiff censured by House for 'false' allegations on Trump-Russia collusion https://www.foxnews.com/politics/adam-schiff-censured-house-false-allegations-trump-russia-collusion
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