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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The dem conviction, open a can of worms, the likes of which will transform politics forever, all starting in the heavily dem district of Manhattan’s court, where 95% vote dem. CNN legal guru says New York Trump prosecutors 'contorted the law,' case was 'unjustified mess' Cnn expert,"In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever," Honig https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-legal-guru-says-new-york-trump-prosecutors-contorted-law-case-unjustified-mess
  2. Thanks for your excellent response! I totally agree! Now my country is further divided! When asked about Trump being a political prisoner as he walked away he stopped and turned to the reporter and… https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-mocked-disturbing-smile-after-ignoring-question-about-trump-being-political-prisoner
  3. i’d vote any day for the Dem convicted felon over the guy who is loved & admired by the radical left open borders crowd. methinks
  4. Im lovin your take on Lawfare! The left doesn’t see democracy working for anybody but their guy. When democracy comes around and appeals the Dem conviction , you’ll see many moon howler’s.
  5. Thanks for catching that sneaky word play Lou! If its said enough the sheeple will believe it!
  6. Many on here imop are Trump haters! They see the end justifies the means! You and Millions of others know what happened in Manhattan’s dem trial. We ,like millions of others watched experts giving their take on what transpired! Excellent efforts though ,trying to teach an international crowd , how fair trials play in a jurisdiction that voted 95% for Dems ! Trump is a dem convicted felon for sure but still on appeal because of what many experts claimed unconstitutional due process. Now we’ll see how democrats work to further stop Trumps and others attempts at holding office. Imop
  7. Its congress responsibility to change laws ,not bidens.
  8. Im American,Pardon Trump,it will Never happen! The left painted Trump as Hitler!That being said , Go catch a Youtube Megyn Kelly podcast on the dem attempts in New York show trial. You’ll get a good idea at whats coming in a non violent fashion!
  9. I don’t , because it was political . That jurisdiction , Manhattan voted 95% dem in 2020 .Dershowitz said he couldn’t get a fair trial .
  10. I admire your confidence in Trump and understand were your coming from. The left on here and on many other sites have nursed this hate for many many years. They finally have their cream in their jeans moment . A dem convicted former Potus . But like Trumps mug shot thats about all the jizz they’re gonna get! Fizzle Fizzle! All the other election interference dem trials are dead in the water.Fizzle Fizzles
  11. Who knows ,One thing for sure Trump ain’t going nowhere! Be interesting to see his next rally and how many flag waving patriots he gets to attend!
  12. Your right about that! Its the issues ! I see a very simple counter argument ! Why would I vote for dem convicted felon, my reply , The border& prices for goods! “Trump verdict would likely move only a small number of votes, poll finds”. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/30/nx-s1-4974598/trump-verdict-trial-voters-presidential-election
  13. First time for everything ! First former Potus to be dem convicted , as a result his donation site crashed!
  14. It gets reversed on appeal. The dems in charge forgot about the Constitution . “In a decision that should shock any respectable jurist, Merchan ruled that jurors do not have to agree unanimously on the secondary crime Trump allegedly meant to commit. In his zeal to wrongfully convict, the judge has torn up a fundamental right embedded in Constitutional principles”. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/trumps-defense-dismantles-prosecutions-imaginary-crimes-did-jury-listen
  15. Haven’t lost syndrome Its a process! No shock , No Awe It was always Dem party politics , played out by a dem prosecutor,& dem corrupt judge.
  16. Dem convicted by a jury of what use to be the party of Jfk! Ain’t my peers or his! Pending Appeal !
  17. And the election commission didn’t charge it!!. Deadlocked
  18. Its not nice to fool mother nature. seems appropriate in this circumstance . methinks
  19. The conflicted judge,If he was a juror he would of been disqualified!He’s taking one for the team , whats the worse that can happen to him , taken off the ny court system after the election, and appeal is decided !
  20. As the trial progresses, the jurors' ability to remain impartial and unaffected by external influences will be crucial in determining the final verdict. Habba's concerns underscore the challenges faced in high-profile cases where media coverage and public opinion can potentially sway the judicial process. Whether the jury can deliver a fair and unbiased verdict remains to be seen as the trial nears its conclusion with the upcoming closing arguments and subsequent deliberations. NY court trial Manhattan docket : We the people of NY vs Djt . We the people,dems( jury, prosecutors & trial judge) find you guilty ! It will be a first ,dem convicted leading candidate to be Potus!
  21. Now I know why some were not happy with Mr Trump or Rfkjr Less votes for biden , more for chase Oliver, the Libertarian choice ! Thanks Chase https://www.votechaseoliver.com/platform https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/27/libertarians-pick-chase-oliver-for-us-president-as-trump-kennedy-rejected
  22. Shes a real women, a warmonger who knows the meaning of women hood! She can be useful in a cabinet position or surrogates role! What ever role Trump & her can decide .
  23. You watched the Senate confirmation hearing too! Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to be confirmed for a promotion.
  24. biden has announced he will comment on the case, he will try to spin the case and claim the American system of justice works! Most right minded people see it differently! The federal system refused to charge the case. The federal election commission refused to charge the case. The NY dem trial court charged the case by political prosecutors & a political judge . Truth be told “The Manhattan court docket says its the People of the State of NY v DJT” , not the American system. Trump’s sham ‘hush money’ case is a trial that has exposed New York’s corrupt justice system https://nypost.com/2024/05/25/opinion/trumps-hush-money-case-puts-on-trial-the-morals-of-new-york/
  25. The hunter biden laptop & its contents was once a conspiracy theory! Now fact. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/inside-campaign-pizzagate-hunter-biden-n1244331 https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/national-verify/hunter-bidens-laptop-what-we-can-verify/536-a41c9f05-c548-4681-a0be-a01fcc75b59d
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