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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The swamp, Washington Establishment ,consisting of the status quo, Media, Politicians and millions of unelected bureaucrats & employees.
  2. Indeed! Frank Sinatras song comes to mind, Thats Life. Apparently they/ them are bitter and feel a sense of defeatism. “The big winner of the election in terms of voter gains was the right-wing populist AfD, which nearly doubled its vote share. The center-left Social Democrats (SPD), led by current Chancellor Olaf Scholz, recorded not only its worst result in a federal election but also its largest loss of votes compared to previous elections”. https://www.dw.com/en/german-election-results-and-voter-demographics-explained-in-charts/a-71724186
  3. 5 trolling laughing emoji’s & counting! The intolerant international left is so Predictable.
  4. They/ them are getting trounced worldly!
  5. The Trump effect is encouraging! It seems to encompass many parts of the world ! Common Sense is on the rise ,people are rejecting Socialist insanity!
  6. I can die happily of cancerous tumors and suffer extreme pain just knowing Jimmy Comey , John Brennan ,James Clapper , Andy McCabe ,Stroz , and participating CIA are brought up on charges . “Russia collusion hoax was initiated by the CIA: Michael Shellenberger” https://www.foxnews.com/video/6346836929112
  7. Looks like common sense is on the rise in Germany too Story based on news 18 report The SPD socialist got crushed! Story based on WION report!
  8. In response to a reporter on the firing POTUS Trump , Its been run by a bunch of radical lunatics and we’re getting they/ them out! Story based on a report by Sky News Australia
  9. Dont be surprised if you hear rumblings that this was racist retribution punishment . This lady was pure evil!
  10. Msnbc president suggested Sunday that blindsided staffers of the Joy Ried show can apply for jobs within! More Winning if you are disgusted by the White Supremacy narrative nonsense that they/them spewed. https://nypost.com/2025/02/23/media/msnbc-prez-tells-blindsided-staffers-of-joy-reid-show-they-can-apply-for-other-jobs-after-getting-laid-off/ Story based on a NYP report
  11. Wikipedia: Google search of “wikipedia to be investigated”. AI- Wikipedia can be investigated for a variety of reasons, including inauthentic editing, sock puppetry, and the integrity of knowledge.
  12. Retribution cometh , predicated on spying & obstruction of justice. Treasonable offenses. Popcorn theater for us and pigs goin to slaughter feelings for the , “we got him this time traitors”.
  13. My wish! Get the perps of the cover up! "It appears that bad actors within our government are going to great lengths to protect the pedophiles who took Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet," Blackburn wrote on X in late December. "I will not stop working to reveal their identities. The American people deserve to know every name on that list." https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-list-delayed-doe-107
  14. Before greatness comes the makers of greatness. POTUS announced Dan Bongino ex Secret Service agent and Conservative news commentator to be Deputy Director of the FBI. This is truly huge , the dream team indeed.Hiring Dan another Trump loyalists to be second in command means the Russia Russia hoax perpetrated by the Washington Establishment, are on notice. Story based on a report by Sky News
  15. Not all just the progressives & moon howlers
  16. Many European Union politicians have have become proxies for Islamic Terrorism! The Far left has become a threat to humanity. I call it like i see it! https://www.protectuk.police.uk/threat-risk/threat-analysis/threat-left-wing-anarchist-and-single-issue-terrorism-lasit
  17. “The left depends on ginning up hate & hysteria” The left that supports , appeases and sponsors terrorist ! Wanting to burn America all down . https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/protester-hamas-washington-dc-graffiti-b2624129.html#
  18. We just voted out the Stasi like lawfare that was perpetrated by the Obama, Biden regime. Now with the help of Trumps wingpeople it will be all exposed! Soon they’ll be calling Bondi/ Patel agents of Putin or Nazi,Im guessing.
  19. if you voted for Trump you voted to help ban the Marxist & Communist. “U.S. immigration law says that any immigrant “... who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.” https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-immigration-marxists-communists-ban-2024-d9a377149926457d1b8b182293d9c86e#
  20. He had to beat two, one elected, one installed! If you voted for Trump you voted for…
  21. If you’re happy & you know it 👏 clap your hands. The new leader of the free world has they/them by the short hairs. A historical Switch aroo . Now its America First’s turn. We the people got the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, The SCOTUS, A Trump loyalist in key positions, Attorney General, FBI director, CIA ,DNI and DOGE. All of this is to thwart the far lefts attempts to control the world.And American voters approve of Trump. 77 million of them. God Speed
  22. They’re lost souls in desperate need of counseling , safe spaces and a narrative besides , we got him this time.
  23. You have wisdom! Just Imagine if OBAMA & Biden administration Hadn’t gone into Ukraine and bribed their installed Ukrainian leaders to stop a investigation into Burisma . https://www.rferl.org/a/burisma-ukraine-gas-pardon-bidens/33226807.html
  24. together with 10 years of we got him this time Baldagab!
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