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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Its two tier justice .One for the dems and one for the Gop. The dems have weaponized the fed Govt and State govt to go after their opponents using lawfare! Question ,Is the law governing alternate electors( fake electors is A made up term by the far left to deliberately manipulate the narrative) cut & dry? If it was or is then why did the dems do this in 2022. https://www.cardin.senate.gov/news/u-s-senate-bills-would-ban-fake-electors-clear-up-electoral-college-procedures/ No it wasn’t illegal or fake , it wasn’t even clear!! More election interference in these state lawfare proceedings. imop
  2. The world has seen much more chaos , protests , riots , war ,in the middle east , Ukraine / Russia ,since January 20, 2021! imop
  3. Somebody needs their head examined! Given the circumstances! 16 years old ,is a child. Imop https://www.siam-legal.com/thailand-law/rights-and-duties-of-a-parent-and-child-in-thailand/#:~:text=Adulthood occurs when the child,and obligations to their child.
  4. Start carrying Harry!Protect your self from the criminals,in the USA.
  5. Fake electors vs Alternate electors! There’s no such thing as fake electors,” Kern said. “If it was illegal, we wouldn’t have done it. https://reason.com/2023/07/20/here-is-why-trumps-contingent-electors-say-they-did-nothing-illegal/ “I was an alternate elector in November 2020 for President Donald Trump,” he said. “I was asked to step up along with other ordinary citizens and I chose to accept,” Kern continued. “I was honored and will always be honored to preserve the constitutional election challenges filed by both the Democrat and Republican parties since the 1960 presidential elections.” https://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2024/03/25/fake-elector-lashes-out-at-attorney-general-governor/
  6. To answer the ? Early voting is required in any election that contains a state or federal office race. The early voting period must start at least on the 10th day before the election and end on the 3rd day before the election. In addition, supervisors of elections have the option to offer more early voting on the 15th, 14th, 13th, 12th, 11th, or 2nd day before an election. https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/voting/early-voting-and-secure-ballot-intake-stations/
  7. Where have all the mental asylum’s gone! The radical far Left just made a fiery protest. imop “Azzarello claimed “elites” have peddled fear in a bid to “gobble up all the wealth they could and then yank the rug out from under us so they could pivot to a hellish fascist dystopia.” “Trump’s in on it,”Azzarello told the Times on Thursday, saying his beliefs were influenced by his digging into Peter Thiel, the venture capitalist and big political donor”. https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/us-news/man-who-set-self-on-fire-outside-trump-trial-idd-as-max-azzarello/
  8. The judge wouldn't even qualify as a member of the jury! “Dem clients of daughter of NY judge in Trump hush-money trial raised $93M off the case”. https://nypost.com/2024/03/30/us-news/dem-clients-of-daughter-of-judge-in-trump-trial-raised-90m-off-case/
  9. With all respect, perverted facts & law! McCarthy, Turley Barr , experts in law proclaimed , its all politics . People like you would rather see him Be stripped of a mouth for daring to call it like it is ! What country did you say you’re from?
  10. “If you believe Donald Trump should get no special treatment from the law because he’s a former president, that he should be treated like any other American accused of a crime, ask yourself this: Would you, as an ordinary American, ever face a prosecutor who rose to power vowing to get you”? https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/philboas/2023/03/31/trump-indictment-alvin-bragg-act-political-aggression/70068894007/ This is the rub ! You see the far left has taken over the cities justice system! Dem judge ( this and LetishaJames Dem prosecutors ( this and LethisaJames) 87 % of the voters are dem! No fair trial , its Dem justice! Its perverted and never can be Accepted ( if found guilty)by real Americans who treasure the values of the republic founding.
  11. New york city justice ,perverted! “They're perverting the system of justice, and… that's where the danger lies. The corruption and subversion of our institutions by the left." https://www.foxnews.com/media/former-ag-barr-rips-political-trump-hush-money-case-says-real-threat-democracy-progressive-left
  12. “Trump's disgusting behaviour out of Court should be rewarded with a night or two in jail”. Sounds like you go along with the Democrats version of Democracy! Arrest your political opponents, censor their freedom of speech ,by gag and if he does protest ( defend himself by speaking out against his accusers) jail him! Thats right out of the Marxist playbook! imop “Former AG Barr rips 'political' Trump hush money case, says 'real threat' to democracy is progressive left”. https://www.foxnews.com/media/former-ag-barr-rips-political-trump-hush-money-case-says-real-threat-democracy-progressive-left
  13. People are realizing,Thats for sure ! Bill Barr is saying a second biden term ,is a national suicide for America. biden responded : “thats a lie”. A better response , Don’t. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/it-s-just-such-a-lie-joe-calls-out-bill-barr-for-saying-a-second-biden-term-is-national-suicide/vi-AA1nerS0
  14. I just hope the lightning rod doesn’t reappear ! If so , ill be hanging my hat elsewhere! For me, The Thaiger never handed down any forced holidays . Wish I could say the same for here. I like The Thaiger ! Political discourse allows Brietbart and twitter sources, to be fair.
  15. MR . Morgan ,Its a sickness for some . What turned out to be a dislike for mean tweets manifested to a psychosis , TDS, lefty’s loosing it. me thinks
  16. The judge isnt a expert ! Bump it up to the next higher court.
  17. I never heard of Echelon! Somebody who gathers the news is as desperate to change the polling narrative as bidens woke campaign strategist are. The Past polling work by a new polling company has been reviewed in The article below . It doesn’t Give much credibility towards past attempts. Nice try though , trying to get bidens Supporters hopes up, after all his Presidency is a train wreck! imop https://www.nwprogressive.org/weblog/2024/04/poll-watch-right-wing-firm-echelon-insights-drops-another-skewed-survey-to-boost-dave-reicherts-gubernatorial-ambitions.html
  18. Who are the Activists organizing these coordinated attacks ! Cotton must bring attention to the efforts of These NPO’s and take away there tax status! Can you imagine if this was a coordinated effort by a far right organization! Wrays goons would be front & center.
  19. It’s a coordinated attack throughout my country! “They're charging people with conspiracy because of the coordinated protest”. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-francisco/protest-golden-gate-bridge/3510362/ Chicago, New York , Florida California https://nypost.com/2024/04/15/us-news/hundreds-of-anti-israeli-protesters-wreak-havoc-in-downtown-nyc-disrupt-bridge-traffic-as-cops-make-arrests/
  20. Like in your country , politicians get involved in the affairs of policing. The hard left radicals are famous for these attacks! They are looking for a desired response by unsuspecting pee’d off citizens. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-francisco/protest-golden-gate-bridge/3510362/
  21. Warner & Klobucha questioned the integrity of the vote systems back in 2019. So they sent out a letter to Dominion & several other Machine Companies. “The integrity of our elections remains under serious threat. Our nation’s intelligence agencies continue to raise the alarm that foreign adversaries are actively trying to undermine our system of democracy, and will target the 2020 elections as they did the 2016 and 2018 elections,” the senators wrote. https://www.klobuchar.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2019/3/ranking-members-klobuchar-warner-reed-and-peters-press-election-equipment-manufacturers-on-security
  22. To be fair you give biden too much credit! His Marxist handlers might feel slighted!
  23. the party of JFK is finished , they went Commie! Nobody can replace biden, they are all complicit, in the scheme to jail political opponent's. imop
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