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Posts posted by seonai

  1. Keep all of them high up and each morning offer fresh incense and flowers and a little water or juice to the images then bow three times and ask the images to take care of your friend and yourself. If neccessary offer a little rice and maybe some sweet sugar cane juice

  2. We are talking about Thailand in this forum!!! Could all the people who say the 'beach boy' thing can happen anywhere scoot off to an appropriate forum and let us get on with this conversation please.

    From the women here we have a whole range of experiences (in no particular order) which range from: getting laid, giving up life back home for a guy here, getting involved in a Thai guy's family, marrying him, being ripped off, having one of the best relationships of their life, finding out he's a serial cheat... loads of stuff

    Watch this space BP... we will be in touch :o

  3. Hi Isabelle Sweet Pea... I am of the same opinion as you. There are many stereotypical stories to be told about a certain % age of the Thai guys here who come on to Western women. There are also a great many cool and good Thai men who genuinely want to have, and sustain, a good relationship with a Western woman. I feel like I have got the t-shirt and come out good at the other end. So yes, any book would reflect a good all round experience of happenings plus a little warning of certain types... not an account of negative 'beach boy' stuff only... am I on the same track as you girls out there???


  4. Right GirlX let's get going on that book before someone else does. I am a professional writer and have a lot of experiences to contribute to this kind of book (will tell more when we are in a group and not discussing publically...). I think we need to get a group together, with GX as coordinator, and start to have regular MSN chats on how to go forward. Don't be put off by anyone... it will sell believe me :o

    Boo is a most wonderful woman but her experience is different I have to say because nobody would mess with Boo!!! There are no flies on Boo. No guy would get away with the slightest little wrongdoing before she'd suss him out and clobber him (verbally of course :D). If we girlies were all like Boo the world would be a different place... unfotuately most of us are a little less savy

    I reckon we should form this 'book group' asap and really get started but not too much debate in here or someone will pinch the idea :D

  5. HHmmmm getting killed is not a good plan!!! Well like Tinjbin (?) suggested, we could do a complilation of our experiences and those of people we have met/know. I can help with editing and possibly a publisher and would be willing to contribute. It's GirlX's idea though so let's see what she feels about it

  6. :o Great advice Meadish. Perhaps one of the ladies might consider writing a book on this subject... I bet it would sell well. An aquaintance of mine in Pattaya wrote one on the 'girl' scene to warn other guys, it's called 'Money Number One' and it sells very well. There is definitely a place in the market for a book warning about 'beach/bar boys'. Perhaps it could be a compilation of personal experiences??? GirlX??? What do you think?
  7. I agree with Wanderer, it's not the Thai Beach Guys to blame it's the daft Farang women who throw themselves at these men ... utter nonsense. In any country where the guys are cute looking and female tourists are plenty this happens. Desperate women who have nothing else in their lives throw themselves at 'Beach Boys' and imagine romance... what absolute folly... :o

  8. Don't forget the southerners. Amogst the Thai Muslims it is not at all appropriate to wai, touching the other persons hands between your hands then touching the chest (yours) with an open palm will suffice :o

  9. It does indeed Tiggy Wiggy.

    Alex Lah... I don't know how to explain my question. I've read so much in books and magazines about men being semi controlled by their 'bits' as their desires are stronger than women's (generalsing) etc so I just wanted to understand. Other friends with sons the same age say they are also obsessed by their bits, I guess it's puberty and self discovery. My son and I have a very open relationship where he can talk to me about anything so he tells me how he feels etc, I mean not in huge detail but he does say about his willy standing up etc in the morning. Now I've noticed he covers himself if this happens and he has to walk past me and he has, in the last year, wanted total privacy in the bathroom. I guess this is all part of growing up

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