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Posts posted by seonai

  1. I never wanted to have children, ever. I felt it was not good to bring a child into this crazy world. But then it happened and although it's incredibly hard work, it's wonderful to have this person in your life who you know you produced and to explore childhood with them in a way that you probably didn't - keeps you young... makes your hair white quicker... makes you laugh and cry... but that child loves and needs you and that, in turn gives you a feeling that you can't even have with your partner (unless you are ultra cool) - Unconditional Love ... oh it goes on and on... the feeling of wanting to protect your offspring, meeting other parents who understand that little Johnny won't eat vegetables... blah blah blah

    Go for it !!!!!

  2. Saw the big cheese in Liverpool and he said that the last years smear positive tests were all culture negative and that means that the last 10 months drug treatment was uneccessary. Doing two spits with cultures and bloods and if all well stopping treatment. Permanent lung damage and disability but no more drugs... 4-6 weeks before I know the results... wish me a little bit of luck...

    Please all of you out there with a cough that lasts more than a few weeks, go to your Doctor and ask for a TB test. It is non invasive and easy. Have the test and don't end up like me

  3. I still duck in Britain and especially when I am in the Thai Temple here in London. But I do it in all British situations where two people are talking and you have to pass through them. I must say however that in queues in Thailand, Thai people just shoved in regardless of their place in the queue... :o

  4. Yes this is true - last two posts. Someone told me this while I was In Thailand and feeling invinsible ... then I learned the truth in Britain... and to tell the truth, I am pleased that mates persuaded me to come home, being extremely ill in another country is not fun.

    It's really worth thinking this one through - various options - and I wish you all luck :o

  5. Ajaydee and Lost in Space - I really understand that. I just wish I could apply it more to my every day life... it took me many years to see this concept and I am still shying away from it as I know it to be true but in a way don't want to face it

  6. Challenge :o

    Can I challenge all you wonderful political pros out there to explain exactly and precisely what the current situation is/might be in Thai politics in one small paragraph - no more than 9 lines. For people like me who understand a certain amount and am familliar with names but find reading through 70 pages quite hard. Pleeeeeze :D

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