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Posts posted by bubba45

  1. 38 minutes ago, Jeffrey346 said:

    I am looking for canned White Tuna. Brands like Bumble Bee or Starkist.

    Has anyone seen any Canned White Tuna here in Thailand?

    This might not be exactly the white tuna you're looking for, but if you've not tried this brand, give it a shot.  I eat a good bit of tuna, and I buy this one.  They have in brine, water, oil, etc.  I buy them all.  But note the difference in 'tuna steak' and I think the other is 'tuna sandwich'.  The steak is whole, not all crushed up pieces.  I can't recall seeing American brands here.

    Oh, and I always add a little Kraft mayo - I'm on that mayo bandwagon, too.



  2. 18 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

    Johnsonville Italian Sausage. I've tried a few other allegedly Italian sausages here, but nothing comes close.

    Used to buy Butterball boneless turkey breast roll, but haven't seen them in a couple of years ... since some poultry disease scare??



    I found some very nice italian sausage at Rim Ping Promenade (during one of my nightmare immigration visits).  Unfortunately I don't recall the name.  But it had a white cardboard band around the plastic pack, and it had a pig on it.  I recall they used the words "artisan".  I bought a pack of the italian and another, and was impressed.  Of course if you're not in Chiang Mai.....

  3. Family, and friends of family are comfortable helping themselves to your possessions. Might not be anything big, but if they like a spoon, or a coffee cup, or a towel, well, you won’t miss it. You’re rich. Soon you’re asking “where the F did all the (blank) go to???”


    You shouldnt even even consider investing a penny here with that loved one short of ten years on. Be sure what you’re getting into. And keep in mind there is NO zoning, so anyone can build anything right on your property line. If in doubt, come see the “adventure park” right outside my bedroom. 


    Finally, the OP was spot on - be able to walk away from your ‘investment‘ and still be whole. Be able to leave the mistake behind and settle comfortably either back in your home country or elsewhere. 

    Thailand might seem like a great idea now, but in 15 years....maybe not so much so. 


    Good example is now it’s arguably cheaper to live in the US. Plus, cleaner air, less concern about clean food (pesticides, etc), cheaper and better alcohol, cheaper and better selection of....nearly everything, cheaper automobiles and a much better selection, I can go on and on. 


    You may love it here and decide to stay, but if not.......

  4. Go out the Athenee hotel to the left.  Just past the Vietnamese Embassy there is a huge office building with a mall on the first couple of floors.  On Google maps it is called All Seasons Place Shopping Mall.  Lots of options in there, from fast food to nicer dining.  

    But beware many of those places are slammed during business lunch hour.  You might want to plan a little later lunch (say 1300 or later).  

    Take a walk through there before and check it out.  

  5. If you're not familiar with streaming, educate yourself and get the best internet connection offered where you live.  Then if you don't already have a blu-ray player or TV that has apps for streaming, get something to stream with.  An easy subscription is Netflix Thailand, there's more content on there anyone could watch in a lifetime.

    Netflix will not give you news or sports, but there's avenues for that, too.  Good luck.

  6. Why sell all?  If you're nervous take some profits but stay in with the stocks that are solid.  There's no way to time the market, and you'll lose out on gains by trying to do so.  Unless you really need the money, just ride the downturn when it eventually comes.  Look at where the market is now since '08.  And all the experts said the market would tank if Trump got elected.  Take some, if you must, leave the rest in or redistribute into other stocks or funds.

    • Like 2
  7. FWIW, read up on the smoke pollution here from roughly late Jan - April.  The particulate matter is very small and settles in your lungs.  Dangerous?  Who knows; but I leave every year now after suffering a bout of severe bronchitis several years ago.  And I'd been here other years and it didn't bother me as much.  But burning eyes and respiratory issues spike during those months.  Just go into any hospital and look around.


    Traffic in the city is very bad, too.  But I guess that's a matter of opinion, as you'll get many here that will tell you it's not.  :smile:

  8. Thailand is third world.  Garbage and disorder everywhere is part of what makes it third world.  Ever take a ride on the klong taxis around Bangkok?  See and smell the water?  No sewage treatment, but they want to tell you they're "world class" because they have a few nice hotels and convention centres.  

    Sorry, doesn't work that way, and it's not leaving third world status in our lifetimes.

  9. Hard to beat Qatar for service, food, and comfort.  And prices are usually among the lowest.  Routing would be one stop in Doha, where they have an incredible lounge, then on to Brussels.  Some flights to/from BKK/Doha are on the A380, book that if you can.  

    That's how I'd do it if you want to do it right.

  10. TIT.  They get away with what they can.  Most people don't count their change.  I usually don't either, but can't recall the specifics, but once I looked at what I was given and it was obvious I was shortchanged (maybe there should have been a 20 or two, and they only gave me 100s - really stupid on their part!).  So I looked and sure enough I was short.  I told the waitress in thai I wanted my money.  She sheepishly looked at me and toward the cashier.  I insisted.  She finally went back and got the correct change.  All you can do is look out for yourself, reporting them will do no good.  They pay the police.  Insist on the correct change, live with it, or simply quit going there.

    If you really need to meet the girls, get their number and meet them outside.

  11. Go spend a few weeks in China and rub elbows with the average blokes.  After a few days you may start to get the drift.  It's a different world.  Don't get the idea they are just like euros, aussies and yanks (first world) just because they have skyscrapers.

  12. On 11/11/2017 at 2:51 AM, Jedsada3 said:

    Tokay Gekko eat insects and other small animals loke baby rats and mouses... killing them opens the door of your area to other harmful animals you don't want see in your home.

    I’m aware of the positive aspects of having them around. And I usually kill nothing, including snakes. But over time they had become a nuisance, they were breeding in the roof above the bedroom and it was getting pretty ugly in terms of mess and droppings, falling through the eaves. 

    The final straw, however, was they would hang right outside my window and at 0230 would start their “took-gah took-gah” BS, waking us. Then about 20 minutes later, just after you’re back asleep, there it goes again.  Bottom line, they became a nuisance. 

    I have cats to keep rodents, and most other things, away!

  13. Before my wife bought in Chiang Mai, I thought “that’s a ridiculous price for land in the middle of nowhere. So we priced around and everything was MUCH higher. 

    So we bought. That’s the only way to figure out what the price should be. 

  14. Went to buy a couple of TVs 2, 3 years ago. Went in expecting to simply buy a standard HD TV; I was not interested in 'smart' features. I was looking for circa 55" and one slightly smaller. 

    Bottom line, the prices on the smart TVs were cheaper than the few they had that were not smart. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a decent sized TV today without all the smart features. 

    With that said, I still don't use the smart features, though I have the TV connected to the internet via ethernet for updates, or in case I want to use the smart features. I use an Apple TV or my iPad for all my streaming to the TV. 

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