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Posts posted by bubba45

  1. For fireworks at midnight you want to be high up with a good view of the river area. Very nice firework display. I can't recall if there's a rooftop venue at the LeMeridien, but if so, use it. Or have another arranged. If you're down on the street you'll regret not having a good view. 

    Live been to the once-a-month Sunday brunch in Favola restaurant in LeMeridien, and the food is excellent. If a nice meal for NYE is important, not many places will match the quality of LeMeridien. 

    Finally, be aware CM is a VERY popular destination for NYE, particularly for well-to-do Thais from BKK. (They come up to see what "cold" weather is like, among other things.). As a result, traffic is more horrendous than usual. That whole week. Be aware if you want to get anywhere. 

  2. It was suggested to us to install an on/off switch just before the outlet for the washer/dryer. I thought it was stupid until I realized why. Same difference as unplugging (unless lightning struck the line, I guess!) but a little more convenient. 


    Same issue with clock/timer on stove. Only it's impractical to constantly turn off a clock, so after two failures we simply do without. 

  3. In the short term work on a wireless setup.  But again, you have to talk to the guys working on the street.  They know; what did I tell you about the service provider offices/staff?   5555


    It will take a little time, but if you can have your wife talk to the linemen, you'll get the info you need.  They're out and about pretty much every day, so just make that effort and it will pay off.  It did for me.

  4. Keep an eye out for service provider trucks working in the area.  The guys that climb the poles.  Have a thai talk to them about what is around, where the nearest service is to your home.  They know, they work it daily.  I would not take the word of the ladies in the service provider offices as truth; most don't know and are more interested in Line and lunch.  


    Once you find out what the nearest box/connection is, go from there.  Then you can go back to that service provider that is near and tell them you want their service run to your house.  It's not that expensive to have a line run to your house, if you're willing to pay.  I had to do that with copper.  DSL was lousy, between 3mb-5mb download, but as long as it was steady more than enough to stream with.   Got lucky and someone had fibre run nearby in the last year, I had them run a line from the box to my house.  Now things are good.  Usually.  They draped the fibre line over at least one tree branch to get to my house.  :post-4641-1156693976:   TIT.


    You have to TELL the girls in these offices what you want, once you know what's available.  Their first response is always "mai dai" or "mai mee".  But if you can say "there's service two blocks from me, I would like a line run to my home" then they have something they can work with and call in the 2nd tier people to discuss.  Good luck.  


  5. On 17/07/2017 at 2:53 PM, Foozool said:

    I meant if my girlfriend cause any problem. I can not get away from every problem by moving my container home.

    I have lived here for 2 years. I'm sure I do not know as much as you.

    If your problems are not personal why don't you share ? If you don't mind.


    I'll try to be brief.  About ten years ago we bought 4 rai of land on the road going up to Tad Mok waterfall; pretty much in the middle of nowhere.  No one around us, not even telephone lines.  Built a very nice house.  There's still been very little development on the road EXCEPT for the two lots right on either side of us.  One lot was so small, after which the land drops off precipitously, I said no one can build on that.  Well, TIT.  Some genius from Bangkok built a four story monstrosity (he calls it a resort), using all the land.  He built literally on our property line, and actually a bit over it.  Unfortunately we were out of the country for extended periods during this construction, and though the building codes say "one meter off the line if you have windows", when asked, the local moo ban said "well, no one complained".  TIT.  We've been in court ever since, and I'm not holding my breath, though the judge ruled for us.  The only reason I bothered with court was to annoy him; I expect nothing to come of it.


    On the other side, even better.  I tried to buy the land but it was simply beyond my budget.  So, the people that own Eagle Track zip lines bought it and put in an "adventure park".  So now I awaken every morning to screaming tourists, rain or shine, zip lining.  


    And yep, nothing else to speak of, no development, except this for a good mile in either direction.  I'm ground zero.  So that's why I had to chuckle when you said chances of problems were small.  Didn't realize you were referring to "internal" problems.  

  6.  I can relocate them in case of any problem (unlikely).


    Honestly, no offence, but you really don't know Thailand.  Or, guess it depends on your definition of "problem".

    But I'll give you credit for "moving mobile".  Wish I could pick up my home and take it back to America.  I'll probably just go and leave it here.  Nothing but problems all around me.

    (I'm in Mae Rim.)

  7. I realize this is a stretch, but anyone interested in a seemingly tame, adult cat?  Someone dropped it off at my house.  Has collar, and though frightened, is friendly.  I can't keep it, already have three.

    Suggestions appreciated.  

    Oh, I'm in the Mae Rim area of Chiang Mai.  



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  8. Why not come here and apply for it once in country?  I believe that's possible.  I came once and wanted the one year visa based on retirement.  I was told near the end of the 60 day entry I received (with no visa) come back and get a 30 day extension, and apply for the one year permit.  

    Circumstances changed for me before the 90 days were up, so I never went through with it.  But all this was told to me by immigration in Bangkok.  Though it was about 5 years or so ago.

  9. I recall seeing a video last year of some kids playing in the Chao Phraya in Bangkok and one of them got in trouble. As he was thrashing about and his friends were screaming on the shore at least one long tailed boat just cruised right by him. No one helped and he disappeared. Thinking about that still bothers me. 

  10. On 2/19/2017 at 0:37 PM, seancbk said:


    I'm not an American so did not vote, therefore I am not on the 'side that lost'

    I am however, someone who can observe and listen to Trump as he rambles incoherently every time he's in front of an audience.   He is has so little intellectual capacity, I wonder what his actual IQ is, it would appear to be quite low.

    If you want your country to be led by someone like Trump then good luck to you, I can assure you however that he is not going to do anything to make your life or your country better.  


    Hey chief, you really don't think Americans interested in fixing all that's wrong with it give a hoot what you think, do you?  


    Very nice speech last week to Congress.  Laid out everything he's going to do, and pointed out all the cock-ups from the past 8+ years.  Nothing incoherent about it, unless you're a lefty that can't bear the thought of a nation taking care of itself for a change.

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