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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. suggest you ask airline their requirements

    A purely pragmatic precaution would be to photocopy your ID and credit card, with middle numbers and security code obscured and a

    covering letter from you. Signed as per your ID.

    That should suffice.

    Otherwise after you pay for the ticket, cancel this card and replace it. She will then be able to use the now functionless card purely for this ID purpose.

  2. An educated guess, that meth was part of his road rage. There is a lot of this type of madness where I live. Caused by meth, ice or whatever.

    Interesting result.

    You may also notice, they're also always harder on their own, poor, than us.

    Nothing in it for the police or anybody else.

    Keep your heads down.

  3. Between mining, politicians, financial institutions and the elite nothing can or will be protected and no ones rights will be respected, if you have share investments you are part of the problem.

    This is missed by so many. People who would march in a rally because it looks good and pick up share dividends in coal mining. . .

    We are either a part of the problem or part of the solution, but not both.

    • Like 2
  4. Boyfriend 41, girl 17, is it not illegal?legal age is 16 or 18?

    Not for locals. The legal age of consent in most Asian countries is enforced on visitors. Be careful those that want to get near it.

    For example in the Philippines you only have to be in the same room, doing nothing, alone with someone under age and you can and will be


    Brutality like this murder, comes with heavy karma. Nobody gets away with it. Disgusting.

    They will sort this one out.

    Unless of course the murderer has some money.

    • Like 1
  5. Fookhaht, on 30 Apr 2014 - 19:38, said:
    Tanlic, on 30 Apr 2014 - 18:33, said:

    As much as I would love to see it To make a law where they have to sit a test here and get proper instruction would be very difficult. There's thousands out there driving these vehicles and to stop them on the spot and say you can't drive again until!!! not going to happen is it?

    This training who would pay for it? The Government? I doubt it...If left to the driver all that would happen is the traffic tea money would go up as most wouldn't have the money and if they did many of them would spend it on booze.

    It's not only Thailand. When bus meets mountain road no metter where you go if the driver thinks he's James Bond and makes one mistake it usually results in some poor passenger's deaths/

    A local bus carrying 40 passengers exploded and blast ripped at outskirt of Linghai, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China, killing 18 people.[citation needed]

    • January 9 — A bus carrying funeral mourners ran off the road and plunged into a river below of 750 feet at outskirt of Kazbegi, Khevi, Georgia, killing 38 people.[109]
    • January 21 — At least 22 killed when a bus fell into a ravine near the town of Baguio on Wednesday night.[110]
    • January 31 — At least 31 killed when a bus plundged off a bridge.[112]
    Main article: 1999 Bourbonnais, Illinois train accident
    • 30 April — A small vehicle collides with a stopped tanker truck loaded with propane and starts a fire near Kamena Vourla, Fthiotis. A huge explosion follows several minutes later killing 5 people and injuring 14.[113]
    • 23px-Flag_of_Argentina.svg.png May 21 — A truck and a bus are involved in a crash in the town of San Luis Province. Is the worst disaster in the history of the province, killed 21 people and 4 other survivors
    • May 29 — 12 people killed and 50 injured in a collision and fire in Tauern Tunnel in Austria.
    • June 6 - At least 8 people died on Saturday after a bus burst a tyre and overturned at Naivasha on the main Nairobi to Nakuru highway, in another accident 12 were killed when the bus collided with another vehicle.[115]
    • June 8 — At least 94 killed including 11 children after a bus plunged into a lake in Karnataka.[116]
    • July 18 — A Kiari-Shimla HRTC regular route bus carrying 90 passengers aboard plunged into 40-feet deep gorge at outskirt of Baghar, Himachal Pradesh, India, killing 18 people, another 55 are injured.[117]
    • August 11 — An attack on a passenger bus in the town of Fighiera in the Santa Fe Province causes a strong fire. 13 people dead and 5 injured.
    • 3 September — Dense fog on Highway 401 near Windsor, Ontario reduces visibility to less than a meter (3 ft) and causes an 87-vehicle pileup and fire that kills 8 people and injures 33. Many vehicles are fused together by the intense heat.[119]
    • September 14 — A long distance regular route bus overturned and plunged into canyon at outskirt of Kaijiang, Dazhou, Sichuan, China, killing 46 people, another 9 are injured.[citation needed]
    • September 16 — Two road accidents in Peru involving buses have killed at least 16 people and injured 48 others.[120]
    • September 19 — At least 20 people have died in a bus accident.[121]
    • September 22 — At least 11 people have been killed in South Africa in a head-on collision between a bus and a truck.[122]
    • October 4 — At least 19 people have been killed and 47 seriously injured after a bus crashed down a river embankment.[123]
    • October 5 — At least 45 people have been killed in a bus crash in the Indonesian province of West Java.[124]
    • October 9 — A tourbus in Galilee, Israel, hits slick spot on road, rolls downhill; 17 killed.[125]
    • October 25 — A bus swerved to avoid hitting a cow and skidded off a mountain road into a deep gorge, killing 27 and injuring 47 on the way home from a temple in Northern India in Hoshiarpur district, 70 miles northeast of Amritsar.[126]
    • November 19 — A commuter bus collided with many vehicles, include truck, bus at Lagos-Kano expressway at outskirt of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Aftermath, a bus caught fire on impact. This accident killed 22 people, another 16 are injured.[citation needed]

    And your point is...?

    Apologies to you Fookhaht; but if you cannot see his point, your brain matches your icon

    The point? The point is, that buses everywhere are a poor choice of travel, anywhere.

    What that has to do with the shocking lack of safety standards on Thai roads, generally from all other causes, makes this impressive list pretty pointless.

    Well pointed out, by Tanlic. Long winded pointlessness at that.

    I travel by plane from Bangkok to Udon Thani while my frugal accountant, who is a lot richer than me, (at the moment), catches the bus!!!

    Nuts. My last encounter with a Thai bus, was having one driven straight at me in the centre lane, on the wrong side of the median strip on a six lane highway. I wish I'd had a dashboard camera for that.

  6. Laozi quote :

    “Do not conquer the world with force, for force only causes resistance. Thorns spring up when an army passes. Years of misery follow a great victory. Do only what needs to be done without using violence.”
    The people are losing faith on the judiciary system, this are very dangerous scenario as it happen in front of us now.

    Yes one of the three pillars of democracy. An uncorrupt judiciary. Sadly lacking here. Without the other two, freedom to vote unhindered, and real freedom of speech, how much of a democracy is Thailand.

  7. *Deleted posts edited out*

    Peace is not profitable is the mantra and the hawks connected to the arms industry make sure its observed

    In most countries

    Its not negotiable, its a done deal, all sides of politics take part. The rest is illusion.

    A good example is the huge and unnecessary fuss being made over the Ukraine.

    Workers pay. All over the world.

  8. In nmy opinion, all religions are product of fear and ignorance, and are designed to control and manipulate the masses, and buddhism is not different, just another cancer that must be cured with education and philosophy.

    My understanding is that Buddhism, in it's pure form, (not the hybrid animist/Buddhist one practiced here), is indeed a philosophy, not a religion. p'raps you should look into it a bit more. Odd post coming from a nik named 'Om', are you Hindu?

    This is a very interesting point. I have been to Buddhist meditation classes in Sydney run by a psychologist, well know for his work with seriously ill patients in 2 major hospitals. He got his Buddhist training from 13 years as a monk in a Theravada monastery in Udon Ratchathani. I put it to him that the 'religion' practiced in Thailand was somehow different from the 'techniques' for meditation, behaviour and thinking proposed by the Buddha and practiced world wide. Especially in Zen Buddhism. He disagreed.

    People pretty much see things the way they want. However it suits you. As most of us are opportunists, it is understandable that 'successful' monks, frequently use their success, as monks, for material gain or sexual favour.

    It happens all over the world in most religions. Even a little bit of success gives you a little bit of power and we all know what power does.

    It corrupts.

    I think Buddhism is one of the least controlling of the religions, but there is Buckley's chance of filtering out ambitious monks.

    A good looking, charismatic monk, can traverse a long way, from the 'way'.

    • Like 1
  9. Dr Kasem sounds like he's in danger of believing the lie that Thailand ever had a golden past. Like people in every other poor country, the primary aspiration of most Thais is financial.

    There appears to be no intellectual life and precious little historical knowledge in this place. Where are the philosophers, writers, scientists and artists? Sandwiched between the traditions of India and China, Thais have taken bits and pieces from both but have failed to do the one thing that actually generates ideas: to seek to create a unified system of thought.

    The lese majeste laws have had a crippling effect on the whole intellectual landscape of this country. The people will never be able to think aloud until they break this chain.

    The one thread of thought that may help Thais is Buddhism, but when I compare it to, say, Tibetan Buddhism, I feel it needs to freshen itself up for the modern problems that people face.

    The irony is that Thais may well be perfectly suited to the coming corporate neo-feudalism as they have never intellectually gone beyond the medieval version.

    Agreed, however there is nothing "coming" about the cn-f. It has already taken over most of the world, big flashy democracies included. In fact, the power in most societies is driven by whoever has the most money. I don't know how Germany, Korea and the like get off the hook.

  10. Pretty sad......The Thai apologists will have a hard time spinning this one... How in god's name

    could a boat drive past a drowning person ??

    In fairness, did the boats know they were drowning? Did the boats even realize the people were there?

    I am not trying to excuse wrongful behaviour, but know one knows what really happened.

    Eyes wide open "sees" it. Geriatrick is nodding off. Streuth mate wake up.


    And she could divorce him. It is possible. 



    But also think long term. You've just invested in a house in Australia. Do you really want to be getting into a relationship with a married woman, who lives in another country, and speaks a different language from you? You're setting yourself up for a long rocky road it feels... 

     thanks for link I think the problem is she has no grounds for divorce under thai law even though she dosent love him, in our culture we can divorce because no longer love.     She works in an embroidery type place that her husband or mum owns, she essentially does stuff all.   


     She does the design on the computer or something and has a lot of spare time on the PC when I Skype with her she was skyping from work and I even saw her ma a few times.    I not sure where iphone came from.             I do speak basic thai and I was going to go to after hours tafe college here in Oz to learn more on my return.


    http://s5.photobucket.com/user/jasurat/media/1609992_721595474552057_1868331062_n.jpg.html  This her at work.


     I don't think it is a joint scam from her and thai husband to extract money from me as I know his facebook account (both her and him don't know I know this) and he wrote on facebook about her going with me, whether to try make her lose face im not sure, if was scam he wouldn't..    Is very complicated situation.     I think I just have to wait till she speaks directly with me again then ask the tough questions.



     I don't think scam she just wants her freedom because she is trapped, in work and in life.    At the worst I had a great holiday with thai guide and companion who saved me paying farang price on many things.   Truly was a happy two weeks.    I have my doubts too, but I have not lost faith in her yet I wait to speak to her directly as he cant keep her in the house forever.       I wont be paying him off to divorce her unless I win lotto tongue.png



    Yes she looks great. Very sweet . . BUT 



    More red flags than Tiananmen Square.


    You cannot step up to that, so you have to step back. .. Way back 


    good advice. Do not pay for anything. . . 2 weeks!!! 2 months????? Whoa 

    I know which head is doing the thinking there


    I know  I know I know it feels like love. That tells me you have identified her as a good genetic match for children. That's how we operate inside. .. step back


    There will be others or another way . . There is a very good chance you're being conned. they are really really good at it

  12. We've got a long way to go if we haven't figured out the difference between love and opportunism, and combinations of the two.

    I'll get howled down for repeating this but a white friend of mine, who doesn't do Asia at all frequently says ". . . all women are whores. . . "

    is that provocative? He hasn't even been to Thailand yet.

    • Like 1
  13. They should install trampolines at the base of all hotels in Pattaya and Phuket so they can bounce back into their room.

    Nice thought but, yes. Its comedy. How about nets just below the balconies? They could be decorated with vines or something.

    Seriously. Think about it. They would provide shade for the balcony below.

    If this was Australia the government would be putting them in "building regulations".

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