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Posts posted by Maggusoil

  1. almost 40 years here in Thailand and this is the time I can see civil war on the horizon ...so sad for a Country with massive potential

    i wonder if that happens who will do all the manual labor ? more burmese ?for sure it wont be the Isaan folk ... Civil war or a breakaway state is the only real solution imo .... or a messiah appears in the form of a new political party with no ties to any of the present imbeciles .....

    Most 2 party democracies suffer from this same problem. The parties maintain their power through local representatives. The representatives are beholden to the power brokers in the parties they come from and instead of acting for their constituents, they toe the party line. They break promises and do as they're told.

    Sometimes, like in Australia a mediating force can be a party that controls the Senate or upper house and even then, there are many compromises. More independent representatives, directly and only directly responsible for their own areas ensures that their constituents concerns are properly taken care of.

    Some people put forward a coalition of independents is a way to go.

    The problem in Thailand is not so much voting but freedom of speech. As long as draconian laws against this freedom exist, the truths can never be fully discussed in public.

    Ignorance that can spill over into violence, as the frustration with a non-transparent system rises.

    There definitely seems to be a dire need for a 3rd political force in Thailand and a charismatic, honest intellectual to lead it.

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  2. You can't see the writing on this wall?

    You're not looking hard enough. . .

    Perhaps. Perhaps not. People (and more so societies) have a natural aversion against change. On the other hand, once a certain momentum has been created, it's hard to stop...

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Yes and there is some good momentum in this and its on the streets. Maybe I'm too much of an optimist, but I think Thailand is due for a regime change and for people to take a good hard look at where this democracy is letting them down, and its not just Thailand.

    Obviously perhaps Thailand is a more extreme example in a modern so-callled democracy, but rooting the rorting bastards out of government has to happen in a lot of other countries, even the more advanced Class 1 types.

  3. Call me sceptical, but far too often we see Hollywood "heroes" become real life "heroes." Nice for publicity., but hey, not ONE photo to prove it. At a very scrawny 83 I doubt he'd get enough leverage on 50 yo Steve, at 202 lbs.

    You young punks would be very surprised what we older citizens can pull off.

    Like me, Clint knows a bit about staying fit. Besides he's a tall man with long arms, no problem at all with that.

    My young Thai "wife' when she gets a bit tipsy is always boasting about what i can do.

    She's a raucous country girl with a good sense of humour and likes a good going over.

    Its all in the mind boys. do a bit of training, eat your bees pollen, and go hell for leather. I love it.

    I am a believer. Make my day.

  4. He was by himself, strange, very strange!

    Very Strange? Not sure. David Carradine was alone when he went.

    As we're talking star deaths, so was Michael Hutchence. INXS. A lot of people die alone.

    Maybe all his blood had gone to his head!

    The partner who 'ran away', could have an interesting story to tell.

    The he wasn't alone all the time. Maybe.

    Doesn't every one want to die having an orgasm? In the act.

    Is that better than dragging it out in a nursing home?

  5. Time for a big clean up......

    And you know, that is the one thing that's not going to happen. Not now, not tomorrow, not in the next few years.

    Perhaps it's not bad, this clean-up not happening. Your idea of clean might not be my idea of clean.

    It's a process. It's all part of growing up. You can't force change. Change needs to come from within. Only when enough people really want change can a certain change momentum arise.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    You can't see the writing on this wall?

    You're not looking hard enough. . .

  6. If you want to talk responsibilities, what about the safety inspection process from the gov't licensing agency? IMO, whether you talk about the lack of safety on boats or on the highway, a primary underlying responsibility always points back to a lack of gov't requirements.

    In my experience of living here the Thai's don't seem to worry about safety just think about your house electrical system no earth on many of them and if you ever look at your appliances that have a earth wire it's almost never grounded it's lack of training .

    I find it almost impossible to get my Thai wife to get somebody in to fix something properly its always the same phone call to the same guy who knows someone and when I want to buy some tools I get why you need.

    As far as I can see there is not much preventive maintenance the attitude being if it ain't broke don't worry.

    Yes lucky the divers could all swim!

    "Never fear", could have been a saying originating here. Outside my house we had a some power lines that had been erected on a tree pole.

    They were sagging and needing relocating. As I was contemplating a "safe" way to do this and considering the purchase of a ladder to start, one of the brothers shinnied up the pole in bare feet and attacked the problem with a chisel, a hammer and a couple of nails. Prizing the lines off and re-locating them.

    Another phrase that comes to mind is "She'll be right mate."

    Don't howl me down, but I think at least, by now the airlines are reasonably safe in Thailand. So much for the boats.

  7. As rich a vein of hypocrisy as you're ever likely to find. 'We support free and fair elections' says the guy who boycotted an election and whose associates did their best to prevent people from voting in a free and fair manner. A valuable insight into the thinking of a hypocrite.

    He should not be allowed to be involved in anything remotely connected to politics in this country ever again along with many of his cronies.

    Incredible bunch of hypocrites. I would love to have sen a real " hard talk" type of interview, he would have been ripped apart.

    That would require the third pillar of democracy, complete freedom of speech and freedom of the press rather than advertising and spin doctoring.

  8. Attention to detail folks. Right, why does a driver run away? If he is not to blame.

    and TV posters were very quick to blame the truck driver here. And a politician! Bizarre.

    What is somewhat ironic is the display of the Shut Down Bangkok scarf. Sad business, upon sad business.

    And if the driver saw all the anti protester clothing in the car, he would have every right to run away given the anti protester reputation for physical violence. Fear may be his reason for leaving. Also being unlicensed, carrying no insurance, being an illigal immigrant, drunk, etc. There are a whole lot of reasons for running away.

    It was the driver of the pickup that ran away.Have a look at post #17.

    Yes, I think this was generally accepted by us. We are commenting on the pick up driver. But thanks anyway. Its all pretty moot, as the details on these accidents are invariably muddied and I don't see the point of trying to analyse them too much.

    My point was more the irony of the passengers circumstances. On a mission to shut down Bangkok.

    Its time the citizens got on with the democracy they have and try to improve on it, rather than shut down the

    business of Thailand that is working.

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  9. Whats is surprising is that this is being reported in western newspapers, yet the Thai press reports nothing. Clearly a story like this is in the public interest and should be reported.

    One of the three pillars of democracy, freedom of speech, does not exist here.

    One may ask now, if the other two exist either.

    An unbiased judiciary and the ability to vote freely.

    What's remains?

  10. Attention to detail folks. Right, why does a driver run away? If he is not to blame.

    and TV posters were very quick to blame the truck driver here. And a politician! Bizarre.

    What is somewhat ironic is the display of the Shut Down Bangkok scarf. Sad business, upon sad business.

    And if the driver saw all the anti protester clothing in the car, he would have every right to run away given the anti protester reputation for physical violence. Fear may be his reason for leaving. Also being unlicensed, carrying no insurance, being an illigal immigrant, drunk, etc. There are a whole lot of reasons for running away.

    You're right. I didn't want to do the list, but they're all good possibilities. However, posters do tend to run off at the mouth, judging events by news articles, which are notoriously inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable, understanding they are mostly written, this type anyway, for sensation value.

    These cases would normally be decided by the police evidence and by a court, with insurance lawyers present after considerable thrashing of the facts.

    We all appreciate that truck drivers are frequently under educated, under trained, badly equipped and overworked but that doesn't make them automatically guilty.

  11. Apparently the ice farmers and their leaders do not understand the phrase "we have no money left to pay you"

    While I feel sorry for the farmers, it was many of them who voted in the PTP and were suckered in by their lies and false promises. Thou shall not worship false Gods

    Apparently you are satisfied with the government's explanation " we have no money left to pay you" !!

    What a load of <deleted>.

    What did they spend it on? Transport infrastructure? Education?

    Doesn't anyone think as to where the rice or the money went?

    We had a government in Australia that recently went public about "losing" 24 billion dollars.

    Not one person in the whole country asked where it went.

    Politicians with Alzheimer's, the new breed of wolves care taking sheep, who only bleat and never pry.

    We all get the politicians we deserve, and the poor workers bear the brunt of it.

    There is barely such a thing as a poor worker in Australia, but there are plenty here.

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