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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. Read it carefully. It's about dumping. Governments subsidizing, allowing prices to be low, and the tariffs are based on the amount of subsidy.

    The US has long done this.

    I remember when Japan started importing motorcycles to the US. They were subsidizing them, making them too cheap for Harley and others to compete. The US put a 25% tariff on the Japanese bikes until Japan quit the dumping, and then the US removed the tariffs.

    A lot of Toyotas including the Camry and the big pickup, and Honda Accords and Civics are made in the US for the US market.

    China and Thailand should indeed be taught a lesson. Because they put such high tariffs on things imported into there, the US should put an equal tariff on things they export to the US. It would help the government income, and people would be more inclined to buy things made in the US or elsewhere.

    This is absolute crap. All the US industry lobbies (Coalition of Shrimp Industries, in this case) have to do is claim (not prove) there is dumping and paid of protectionist politicians are only to happy to apply protectionist tariffs. It is then up to the foreign industries or governments to fight these claims. It costs millions of dollars and takes years. In the meantime the taxes are collected. These third world countries do not have the resources or organization to fight effectively. If they win the US industry lobby simply amends the complaint and refiles. The process continues. In your example of Japan cars and bikes the claim was absolutely bogus and the Japanese fought back not being a third world country. To protect an inefficient and poorly designed car and bike industry the US negotiated a import quota that allowed the US car industry to save face and protect them. Just to be clear dumping is, selling a product in another country for less than it costs to produce in your country. True examples are rice in Thailand and corn, in the US that gets billions in subsidies.That subsidizes the hog and cattle industry among others. To suggest that the Japanese were selling cars and bikes in the US at a loss and were subsidized by the Japanese

    government is ludicrous.What you remember is the automobile industry lobby line of they are dumping products. Not the reality of we build crap and the American public is willing to pay a premium price for a better engineered, higher quality vehicle from Japan.

  2. Not really a big Oprah fan but I do admire her success. I will believe her on this one as what actually transpired.

    Not really a big deal. Racism, yes kind of. If a hippie/bum musician white guy had attempted to look at the purse

    as a gift for his wife/mother significant other I am sure his request would have been turned down as well. I don't

    believe the owners version that her sales lady tried to show Oprah the handbag and Oprah declined.

  3. God, I hate to have to defend the BBC, but there's nowhere near enough facts here to make any sort of decision on what went on.

    Firstly, it sounds like the crew came to Thailand to film two documentaries, and one of them was cancelled.

    That meant that they had ten days before the next one started filming.

    Well, it is of course fairly normal to send a crew out a little time before the filming starts. This is not just to get over jet-lag, it's to test out equipment, find locations, apply for local permissions etc. In fact, any filming in Thailand requires a film permit, which must be submitted well before the filming starts.

    So, in all likelihood the idea was that while they were filming the first documentary, the production team would be also prepping the second, which would in fact be quite an efficient use of time.

    When the first project became impossible, it would probably not have made sense to send the crew home to England, then back again.

    Firstly, they would have had to have bought a new air ticket, which would probably have been at least 40,000 Baht - quite likely more than the cost of their hotel.

    Secondly, they would not be able to prep for the next documentary, so some of the crew would not have been able to go home anyway.

    Finally, they were quite probably on a visa obtained for the specific purpose of the filming, arranged via the Thailand Film Office. If they returned home, the visa would be invalidated, so they would have to start the process again, which might not have happened in time.

    Of course, there are other possible factors. We don't know what deal they had with the hotel, and whether there would have been a cancellation fee if they moved out.

    There is also no real mention of what this 150,000 pound bill included. Did it include shipping of their equipment, the carnet costs, local transportation? If we don't know that information, we cannot possibly say whether it is a waste or not.

    The average US TV drama series costs $3m per episode.

    Perhaps we should not be criticising the BBC, but instead criticising the appallingly lazy journalists, who write sensationalist pieces like this without any supporting facts. This is horrible journalism. How much were the journalists paid to write this? That is a waste. Maybe they should fly a journalist out here just so they can report on the story with more pictures of the resort.

    Not sure I agree. I have a buddy who has a production company. He films concerts and sporting events around the world. He will supply equipment (8 camera shoot) staff, there salary and travel expenses and it would not be close to this cost. You provide the director and producer and off you go. This is the BBC who has

    all equipment, staff on salary and knows how to waste money. Very similar to the CBC in Canada.

    • Like 2
  4. Spray bottle of brake fluid will blister the paint off in short order but you may be getting into a pissing match

    you will not win. Paying the police and taking him to court sounds like the right thing to do, Talk to the hotel

    to find out what the cost was and how long it took. Maybe use there lawyer as a short cut. He/they were


  5. Clean beach and water, no jet skis, banana towing or parsailing operations.

    I don't mind the chair rentals as long as they don't insist they own the beach.

    I like to bring my own beverages and fruit snacks.

    That pic looks great, I do like Kata Noi when I am on Phuket.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't like the outcome but tourists really should be careful when crossing the street. They often don't even look

    and just expect everyone to stop for them. A car hitting a tourist will be pretty one sided, but a bike will probably

    leave the driver worse off. Young Thai scooter drivers drive like maniacs, and car drivers tend to drive like maniacs

    poorly. Just my opinion as I ride around on me scooter.

  7. For a guy I understand women pretty well and the basic difference between men and women.

    In a nutshell men are stupid and women are crazy. I have told this to countless people who

    are first taken aback and are defencive but on reflection they all agree. Just to be clear when

    telling women this you cannot tell them women are crazy without also letting them know men are

    stupid. We are both at fault and your story illustrates this perfectly.

    You are stupid and she is certifiable.

    One more thing a women will rip your heart out and kick you to the curb in a heartbeat and say

    they have to be true to there hearts and out you go. Guys are chicken-shit lily livered cowards

    who don't want to hurt anyone in the break-up talk and inevitably can't get through the clean

    break. You are no different. Look at what you have written.

    So, take the cowards way out and send her a simple e-mail and zero further contact.

    At least you are in India and she is in The Land of Smiles, stabbing needles into a doll.

    • Like 1
  8. I buy whole beans through the mail. Excellent quality and super fresh as it is roasted at time of order. See attachment for details.

    Just remember, though, no matter how great the coffee beans, if you grind them with a blade grinder instead of a burr grinder, it will taste like shit. So if you do not have a burr grinder, don't blame the coffee.

    Thanks for the incite. I never realized the grinder was important and had never heard of a burr grinder.

    As they say learn something new everyday. thumbsup.gif For me often a few things,LOL.

  9. What group are you referring too? Around here it's generally Thai's that seem to think it's Ok to lounge on someone else's ride.

    Well cat be out of the bag it's never Thai's. Not once have a seen a Thai sit on my bike. I always find it to be Indians (not the American ones)

    Never came back to find a tourist on my bike but I have found a Thai guy usually having a smoke about a 100 times.

  10. Why does everyone apparently assume that it was the smaller guy that started the fight ? If you actually READ the article you'll notice it says "An argument over the bout occurred between the pair which soon escalated into a fist fight inside the bar."

    Doesn't say who started the argument, or who started the fight. However, I suspect that if the "smaller" guy had of started the fight, the "bigger" guy wouldn't have "attempted to escape" and wouldn't have been "set-upon by others inside the bar" who apparently not only smacked him around a bit, but held him until the BiB arrived and "Mr. Nick was arrested".

    It's rather obvious what probably happened in that bar.

    Lets be clear alcohol started this fight. They were clearly both over-served.

    As for the Welsh guy being 49, he must have had Greek Gods for parents or worked very hard

    and been a #1 customer of the Biogenesis Lab used by A-Rod and friends.

  11. I read an interesting article on tourism in Australia a few years ago. It compared regular tourists to backpacker tourists.

    Regular tourist tended to stay two weeks, stay in one area when they arrived, and spent an average of 250 dollars a day.

    Average backpacker stayed seven weeks travelled all over Australia and spent 175 dollars a day. Over the length of

    there stay the backpacker spent 3 x what the regular "high end" tourist spent. The point the Australian government

    was making was which tourist was more valuable to the economy. As for Thailand I am sure the ratios are similar but

    the average spent per day is less. I would make the case that Thailand's retired ex-pats are the countries most valuable

    "tourists". With retiring visa holder needing to have/show 800,000 baht,yearly income, and many having and spending much more

    it would behove the Thai government to focus a little attention and love on this group. Steady year round income through low

    and high season.The trickle down effect to the economy is huge. If they are kept happy they are excellent word of mouth

    advertising. Just a thought for the government.

    • Like 2
  12. This model looks to be some sort of CDMA/GSM hybrid, and it looks like it supports 900 MHz and 2100 MHz 3G, so theory might work with AIS: either their older/existing TH GSM 900 MHz (3G), or their newer 2100 MHz 3G. Your model also looks like it supports GSM so might be able to use lower speed EDGE with AIS and/or DTAC.

    Can you share any details on the exact SIM you have? Please provide any/all details. Is it a Freedom 2100 3G SIM?

    Are you able to configure APNs with your BB?

    It should/might work but who knows for sure without tinkering.

    AIS is under no obligation to insure you have a compatible phone, they just assume you do. There are no CDMA service providers, any more.

    2100 MHz 3G roll-out is just beginning; AIS probably has the widest deployment as of today but not sure about Jomtien.


    edited to add: I know nothing about Balckberries, but do understand they use data a bit differently. BB used to be popular here a few years ago but nobody really sues them anymore so not sure how many BB data plans are on offer these days.

    Thanks for the reply. It is a Freedom 2100 3G sim. As for configuring APN's you are way beyond me. I am just a neophyte. I will check out DTAC.

    As I mentioned I used AIS last year and it worked great. I guess they upgraded the system and then not so good for me. Is EDGE with AIS and

    is that what I should be asking for? A sim that uses there EDGE system? If all this fails could you recommend a moderately priced smart phone

    I can purchase here. I am not married to Blackberry. I just really like the keyboard but am always able to adapt.

    Just went on line and you are correct this phone also has quad band gsm connectivity 850/900/1800/1900 and UMTS 2100/900

    Could the phone have been re-locked when I used it in Canada the last 6 months?

  13. I have a Verizon Blackberry 9930 about 18 months old. I had it unlocked last year when I was in Phuket and used AIS as my phone provider.

    Was not all smooth sailing but the girl was tenacious and with help from head office was able to get it working just had to be on a higher plan.

    This year I am in Jomtien. I brought my phone into AIS for a new sim card and service. After an hour no joy. I paid 650 baht for the sim and monthly

    plan and was told to go to a repair place. They worked on it and after some time realized that the CDMA does not service the 2100mhz.

    So I guess AIS 3G does not work with my phone any more. Would have been nice of AIS to tell me that. No money returned. Tough luck.

    Can anyone tell me which cell phone service providers support CDMA 1900? AIS was no help at all.

    Thanks in advance

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