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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. Do not make a loan as a mortgage to the company for the property. Do what is called "Ky Fawk" which is when you receive the property as a gaurantee on the money that you lent. You also make them sign a Power-of-Attorney. The difference between a mortgage and a Ky Fawk is in the number of months that it would take you to get the property from them. Using Ky Fawk, you can legally take the property very quickly. With a mortgage it could take years.

    You can get the Power of Attorney papers at the stationery store. Your lawyer needs to write up the Ky Fawk documents. It will not cost more than a couple of thousand baht.

    You can PM me if you require any further information.

  2. Sorry, I cannot speak German.

    When I was first contactsed by the police and the public prosecutor, I could not sleep that night. After a lawyer told me that there was nothing that could be prosecuted, I never worried again.

    I really believe that you have nothing to worry about.

    You could also run up to Der Farang on Theprasert Road, north side of the street, opposite the two large white condo buildings, not too far from Sukhumvit. They speak German and deal in property. One of their agents is of Thai birth but grew up in Germany. He sold one of my houses. They can put your heart at ease fora minimal payment.

    And do not worry about receiving a letter in Thai. You and he are speakers of German, so that is the language in which they should write to you.

    I turely believe that this hapened so long ago, and with no contract that there is nothing he can do. Go try one of the lawyers or Der Farang and put your heart at ease.

  3. Tell me if I have this right.

    1 You two bought condos.

    2 He put his condo into his name or the equivalent many many months ago.

    3 He complained about the costs and quality of many things that you did to the house since putting it into his name.

    4 He has now had a lawyer send a letter to you asking for compensation.

    Does he want a reduction in the cost of refurbishing? 400,000?

    As this transaction happened about 11 months ago, you are at abvout the one year mark which I would bet would mean the entire thing cannot be brought into court. DOUBLE CHECK ON THAT. Also, as he accepted the house in the beginning, and you were not the seller, but only a co-purchaser, you are not the culprit.

    "and the swiss he gave me the order to pay and take thais to refurbish thecondo same time as mine"

    From what I read, the two of you selected the refurbishing contractors together, so he cannot complain about it.

    You have nothing to worry about, but he simply found a lawyer who is trying to scare you into doing paying him some money. Even if you do not have all of the receipts saved, as long as the prices that you qoute are within the realm of an average price, there is nothing he can say about it. If there are tiles on the floor, whether you have the receipts or not is not important. The tiles are proof of the work. You can get an estimate for the price of the tiles and the cost of labor now, and any court would accept it as being valid and fair.

    Two years ago, I received a deposit for two houses (contracts for building them on a development) from a Thai-American woman. She did not have the complete payment in 30 days, so I kept the 200,000 baht. She went to the police and lied, stating that I was not the owner of the properties (I had the right to sell the contracts) and she very well knew that I did. As she made the complaint in the late evening, she was able to get it registered before I was able to appear the next day with my lawyer and have the policemen see that she was nuts. But, as she went in earlier than me, the report still went through the channels and made it all the way to the public prosecutor, who told me very quickly that there was nothing to prosecute and that he would sign it NOT PROSECUTE and send it to the governor to close. This entirre process took one year and 4 months. At the one year mark, I learned that even if they wanted to prosecute, they could not, as the statute of limitations had expired.

    You do not have a contract with him, so you are not in breach of contract. You have broken no laws, so you cannot be prosecuted. They have to PROVE that you have done something dishonest, illegal, etc., and from what you have show us, you have not. Go see a lawyer and he should tell you, Mai Pen Lai.

    I once sold a house on payments to another American. The street flooded and he wanted me to give him all of his deposits and payments back, and told me that he would sue me if I did not do it. My lawyer told me that the buyer could sue God, the city or the developer, but not me, and that if he did not make his payments that I could take the house right back immediately. Instead, I loaned him some money to get out of his business problems.

    Go see a German speaking lawyer (Swiss-Siam) on Theprasert Road is good, German - Thai Group in Naklua is good, and there is one more on Theprasert Road in the giant white apartment buildings where the weekend market is held. I would expect that he would ant to se the contract between you and the Swiss man, and or learn what this man seems to think that you have done wrong. As of yet, there does not seem to be a specific statement that the Swiss man is making about one of your actions being a breach of your agreement.

    Also, if this man is out of the country most of the time, you can easily avoid him, and simply do so.

  4. I have just read the story in BT, but it doesn't indicate whether the Chinese victim was swimming or on another jetski.

    I have the same question. The aritlce says that there was an accident with the couple, and we hear about one death, but not about an injury to the other member of the couple. I was under the assumption that there were two jetskis.

    If the jetski owners were forced to have insurance and also have bonds with the JetSki Assocation or Whatever Agency might be able to overlook these renters, then all a sudden problems would go away. Forcing responsibility creates solutions.

    There would then be clearly demarcated areas, and directions etc.

  5. Diplomtic pasport invoked , Now cancel his normal passport too

    You guys are bit much naieve. Mr Taksin with his zillions have 100% a non Thai pasport in some tax heavens it cost only 100.000 Euro to get residence, and more tax haevens has for free pasports when you insert in the banks big cash ! Believe me he can travel free without Visa's !


    Yet, where ever he is, he must leave the country on the same passport and on the same visa as he entered. I am surprised that there aren't any angry Brits who feel they had been done wrong by any of his policies writing to Immigration and trying to spread some dirt on him. I would expect that he has the UK government's blessing to be in the country, but that never stopped any subject there from complaining.

  6. Easy.

    A lot of this is none of my business, but I am gonig to ask it anyway, as I am also providing information to keep you from losing your money, and need to know the answers to provide accurate information.

    You can do what is called "Ky Fawk" which means that you are receiving the property as gaurantee on a loan. You register this at the land office, in fact the land officve does the work and papers. It will cost HIM a few percent of the loan value. Also have your attorney write a power of attorney, or get one from the stationery section at Carrefour. Have your girlfriend find it for you.

    You can also make a mortgage for him, but that is more difficult for you to take the land from him. Take the one above instead, as it gives you more power. KY FAWK

    If for any reason, he hessitates signing any documents, then walk away and have nothing to do with him.

    Did you plan on asking for interest? If so, how much? It is not your responsibility to help him buy land. If he borrowed from the bank, he would have to pay some interest. Why isn't he doing that now? That is what banks do? You can chanrge as much interest as you would like. If 10% is enough for you, then tell him. That is cheap enough. How many years does he want the loan?

    Is he interested in building a house, or growing food, or? How will he be able to pay you back if he has not been able to save much for the property. Does he have 20% of the price as a down payment? Do you know what the land actually costs? Have you looked around in the area and found other land and found prices?

    Does he know your girlfriend? Is so, is it through you or elsewhere?

  7. Norwegian out on bail after drunken hit-and-run accident almost loses arm in firework explosion

    Boonlua Chatree

    A Norwegian man out on bail after a hit-and-run accident that killed a British tourist on December 30 was badly injured when a firework exploded in his hand during New Year celebrations.

    Norwegian Hans Bjorger Mobraten was arrested for the hit and run death of Briton Jimmy Hassim. Later, after posting bail, Mobraten nearly blew his arm off setting off illegal fireworks.

    Just after midnight on December 30, police at Khing Khong Taal sub-station received a report that a car had hit a motorcycle ridden by a foreign national, killing him. The accident happened in front of the View Talay Jomtien Condo sales office on Thappraya Road.

    Officers went to the scene where they found the body of 52-year-old Jimmy Hassim, a British national, lying face down in a pool of blood next to his blue JRD motorcycle. He had died immediately from severe head injuries. Police transferred the body to Banglamung Hospital.

    Witnesses said the deceased was driving the motorcycle from Pattaya and was about to turn into the condominium when a Toyota Sports car speeding from the direction of Jomtien hit the bike and sped off along Thappraya Road towards Pattaya.

    Officers called for assistance and the car was stopped at the Pratamnak Hill intersection. The front bumper was bent in, the windscreen was smashed and there were traces of blood on the front of the vehicle.

    There was only one person in the car, the driver, later identified as Hans Bjorger Mobraten, 58, of Norway.

    Mobraten was allegedly drunk and at first refused to get out of the vehicle, but as police could see a bottle of alcohol in the car, police took Mobraten into custody and gave him a breathalyzer test. He was found to have an alcohol reading of 280 milligrams. The legal limit is 50. Mobraten allegedly kept shouting that he wasn’t drunk, but police locked him up in a cell and charged him with drunken driving causing the death of a third party.

    The following day, December 31 at 1 p.m., Mobraten placed 200,000 baht bail which was approved by the investigating officer, Pol Lt Col Taylert Loepoe, and he left police custody.

    At 00.20 hrs on January 1, Pol Col Suthin Sappuang, commander of Pattaya Police received a report that a foreigner had been seriously injured in a fireworks explosion in the soi next to Jomtien Complex Condo, on Jomtien Beach Road. He went to investigate with Pol Lt Col Sirichai Khruprasetwattana and a team of officers.

    At the scene the officers found Hans Bjorger Mobraten badly injured in front of a bar at the condo. He had suffered a huge gash to his left arm and the bones were shattered. He had also suffered gunpowder burns.

    Sawang Boriboon rescue workers gave first aid treatment before taking him to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

    Mrs Anita Forberg, 59, the injured man’s wife told officers that they were celebrating the New Year countdown and bought two rockets for 1,500 baht each from a vendor. Her husband lit one of the rockets and stood back, but it failed to go off. He walked back to investigate and picked it up. The firework exploded in his hand.

    Police are now looking for the vendor.

    Pattayamail website


  8. I go to motorcycle auctions every month, and this last one in Pattaya on the 8th of January had 308 bikes from the general area down to Rayong. There was only one 2004 bike and then 60% were 2006 and the rest were 2005. These take place every month at this location in Pattaya.

    One bike had only 388 kilometers. I wonder how the buyer had it repossed so quickly.

    I have read that 40% of the pick-ups here are repossessed. That really would not surprise me with the people who I have met, on the salaries that they are on, getting loans for vehicles that they will not be able to afford making payments on for very long. Kind of like some of the USA housing market. I do wonder who appoves the loans.

    I am sure that this time, just like the last, there will be a lot of banks and finance companies taking the hits, and keeping quiet about it. That seems to be common here.

  9. Donz come up with a better argument. The point was that Australia or the UK are not unique in charging foreign students more than local students.

    And my point was, what is really the difference?

    In the USA, state(province to Aussies) schools charge residents of their state a much lower fee than to rstudents from other states. So, a student from NY will pay the same as a student from Japan when attending a public university in California. Thi is because the California student's family has been paying taxes in that state for many years.

  10. Over the festive season I took my family from the UK sight seeing here in the Kingdom of Thailand and for the very first time was disappointed and annoyed by the officials with medals who seem to know best.

    Having driven down in a convoy from our home in Bangkok with my pregnant wife at the wheel of Fortuner accompanied by my mother, and my two daughters and myself driving our aging 4 door 4x4 Grandis with my friend Ron, his wife and two sons, we arrived at Hua Hin on schedule to have Christmas lunch at the Hilton.

    As Boxing day blurred to existence our early start to Prachuap Khiri Khan via Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park was brought to a halt from a well honored Thai national park official with multi-color ribbons displaying his courage in line of duty.

    The obviously well decorated gentleman summoned our convoy over as we entered the national park from the Dolphin Bay resort side and demanded a fee of 400 Baht each to enter the National Park.

    He smiled and asked us for 400 Baht per adult and 200 Baht per child, when my wife came forward from the following vehicle he told her that the cost for falangs was 400 Baht each but Thais need only to pay 40 Baht.

    During his explanation several other vehicles was left to enter the National Park without being challenged which caused me to react with a big “sod you” with a big smile on my face as I jumped back to the vehicle and did a “U” turn back to the main Phetkasame road.

    From here we entered the Park from a different route which had no obnoxious medallion man demanding silly money.

    Has any of you had this experience and can anyone explain why falangs has to pay ten times more?


    this old chestnut again. for national parks i have no problem with the policy.they must be maintained and that costs money,do you think it would be fair for a local thai manual worker to be unable to take his family to a beautiful area of HIS COUNTRY because he must pay several hundred baht each? a family of farang turn up in their 4 wheel drives after xmas lunch at the hua hin hilton(what did that cost?)and complain about paying for the upkeep of a beautiful area they wish to visit(5-6 GBP)i do not agree that we are ripped off in this case ,rather we are subsidising locals who perhaps would otherwise not be able to afford to visit.dual pricing is a difficult subject ,but i feel sometimes it is acceptable. my mother always complains that some museums in the uk are free to visitors ,but the locals are paying with their taxes and therefore foreigners should be charged. no easy answers to this old chestnut

    "rather we are subsidising locals who perhaps would otherwise not be able to afford to visit"

    If one were to look at the total revenue picture of a national park, he would see that the attendance fees make up only one part and that the number of foreigners and their payment of higher fees is simply a drop in the bucket. It does not make the partks available for poor Thais who could otherwise not afford them.

  11. As nothing has yet shown the bombers to be interested in disrupting the tourist trade--I did not hear anything about tourists, foreigners or their areas mentioned on the news, I would not expect Pattaya to be on the top of the list.

    ANd, if you are going to go out, miss the hot spots.

    I am staying in to avoid the drunks driving and their fireworks.

  12. It is a shame that their governement is not able or is unwilling to improve the country so that the people can live better lives at home.

    " How do you propose a country with 40 million people living below the poverty line should "improve" itself? ...."unwilling"???"

    The government is UNWILLING because it chooses to steal everything from the land and the people. You may have missed my note concerning the population performing a great deal of work for the price of their labor throughout the world. My statement is not against the populace, but the government.

    A few years ago, Arroyo said, "I plan to help 1,000,000 more Filipinos find work overseas." If that is not a cop out for improving the country's economy by the government's top official, nothing is.

    I'm sure your brother's wife was not too fond of you either.

    As you have never met her nor me, you an incapable of supporting that statement. Actually, she has never had anything against me, even before I loaned her and my brother money to buy a new house. She still cannot cook.

  13. Considering the writing skills of the average thaivisa poster I wouldn't look here for a translator. If you get a publisher on the hook they all have skilled translators handy.

    I think that some of the Thaivisa members write quite well. Besides, I am concerned with the writing skills in Swedish rather than English.

    Publishers make all of the money. I am not interested in giving the book away to a publisher for 10%. I am happy to share the profits, which will be approx 60k to 70K each per year. I have already printed other books here, so I have the arrangements made for printing and distribution.

    Thank you for your information

  14. Like this story hasn't been told a million times. I hear it at least twice daily

    This is in reference to the first edition

    From Bernard Trink, Bangkok Post

    April 2005

    My Name Lon, You Like Me? is the first book, to my knowledge, that tells about how local prostitutes view their profession in general, the sex tourists in particular.


    If you know of a book that is written from the viewpoint of the bargirl, from the time of her childhood; her running away from home many times; her father's death while searching for her; her time in a mental ward at the age of 12; Thai policemen trying to rape her; johns urinating on her; her perfoming softcore porn, working as a massage-prostitute in Germany and a stripper in Sweden before the age of 20, then tell me the name of the book.

    I believe that the other books and stories that you refer to are from the view of the foreigner and they do not provide as Bernard Trink said, "Her side of it."

  15. Earth to Swedes, Earth to Swedes, come in, come in.

    An opportunity to be published as a trasnlator, with your name on the front of a book which has sold about 7,000 copies in two years in Thailand. I als have other books that I will have translated into Swedish, which I have already finished in French and German. This is a good chance to start being paid for writing if it is something that you have always enjoyed.

    The translator will receive 1/2 of the book's profits, which will be approximately 70,000 baht / year. The translator will also

    Please PM me and I wil email a sample chapter to you. The story is about a little 13-year old run-away who gets herself into the sex tourist scene in Bangkok and then Pattaya. She also makes her way through Switzerland, Germany, Spain, SWEDEN for two years, and now England. She is currently in a mental institution in England.

    The book is saleable in Sweden as well, and the translator will receive 1/2 of advance/royalties from a Swedish publisher.

    Take a look for more information at www.only13.net

  16. I am from Los Angeles. 13 years ago, there were over 500 registered Thai restaurants in the city. There were many more which were not registered. I knew of only one Filipino restaurant. I am sure that there must have been more, but I knew of no one who ever mentioned them. My brother's wife is from the PI in case anyone out there guessed that I did not know any Filipinos. The Filipino population in LA is in the neighborhood of four times the Thai population.

    (There are also a great deal more Thai restaurants than Filipino restaurants in Singapore, while the number of Filipinos is far higher than the number of Thais.) (Take a look at the number of Thai restaurants in the Philipines versus the number of Filipino restaurants in Thailand.)

    I have lived in Suadi Arabia for 8 1/2 years. There are Thai restaurants all over the place, but there are virtually no Thais there because of the Saudi-Thai governmental probelms. The restaurants are full of Filipinos cooking AND eating there as well. There are Filipino restaurants in Saudi as well, but considering there are nearly one million Filipinos in Saudi, one would guess that there would be more Filipino restaurants than Thai.

    There used to be one Filipino restaurant on Second Road in Pattaya near Ruen Thai, nearly opposite Soi Post Office. It closed down several years ago.

    This is just how it happens to be, all in all, Filipino is not very appetizing to the majority of the non-Filipino world.

    Filipino people perform work using the English laguage for a fraction of the cost of other people from throughout the world. It is a shame that their governement is not able or is unwilling to improve the country so that the people can live better lives at home. I believe in their competence versus their cost, but they still cannot cook. I never liked my brother's wife or her cooking anyway.

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