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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. New McCafe on Second Road.

    Do not go between 2:00PM and 5:00PM.

    The sun comes through that 20 foot window and heats up the front of the restaurant where most of the chairs are.

    The female employees are a lot taller than at the Royal Grden branch.

    The coffee mixes (cappuchino, cafe leche, mocha, etc.) at 60 to 85 baht seem to be a little expensive as well, as was mentioned by another member earlier.

  2. If the owner decides that you have damaged the vehicle, she may simply go to the police and tell them that you caused.... 50,000 baht in damage to the bottom of it. This will keep you in the police station for many hours, and the owners will not give up until they get something from you. You caused no dmage. You know it. The police know it. The owner knows it. No kidding.

  3. I lived in Saudi for almost 9 years. PM me, and I will send you a CD that I made of hundreds of recruiters in the West and Western companies in the Middle East, and their email addresses. I also list many sites.

    Also, please let me know what kind of work interests you.

  4. I just sold a house in Pattaya. It has been on the market for one year.

    2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 103 square meters, 51 talangwah, 2.85 Million baht + 1/2 transfer fees (developer to foreign held company).It is a friend's home which I have been looking after.


    A House has been sold in Pattaya

    I repeat - a house has been sold in Pattaya - hooray :o

    Yes, it is quite unusual nowadays.

    Would you come around here and help the 9 or so farang to sell their house on our estate.

    NO, I won't as I am helping another friend sell his home as well.

    So the farang bought the company structure as well ?

    Yes, he did.

    If he did - did he say he was planning to keep the company structure - or was he married to a Thai and planning to move into her name?

    He is planning on keeping the company.

  5. I read that the difference between onshore and offshore rates was a 10% tax. Fine, the numbers pretty much matched up.... until several days ago.

    Now, the difference seems to be getting much larger than that 10%.

    Has the tax been increased?


    Onshore 33.8

    Offshore 29.8

    Another good link for offshore: http://www.forexdirectory.net/thb.html

    Last night, the offshore baht bottomed out at 29.050 before returning to 29.665

  6. I just sold a house in Pattaya. It has been on the market for one year.

    2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 103 square meters, 51 talangwah, 2.85 Million baht + 1/2 transfer fees (developer to foreign held company).

    It is a friend's home which I have been looking after.

    I have had it with more than one dozen agents offices, another dozen wandering agents, and also posted at Friendship Market and Carefour boards for one year.

    The developer's current price, which has not moved in 1 1/2 years, is 2.521Million. This house has another 170,000 in inceased size(sq. meters) and includes the foreign company owning it.

    The developer charges the byer 100% of the transfer charges = 100,000 baht. They have not sold any of their remaining houses in a long time.

    The property is located west of Sukhumvit, near the land ofice, on Soi 17, opposite the Harley Br.

    The buyer is from England, and has made one deposit of 100,000, an additional 150,000 in late September and a final payment in December.

    The seller's response was, "It's a miracle."

    Another seller has a few houses in the same development, and he will finance them, 20% down and 9% interest for up to 15 years. His hose does not have the same increases in size as the above house, but after one year, we have not received an offer yet. He is asking 2.6M, 2.5M less than the other house, and the diffences are small.

    I am in the land office quite regularly for other purposes and see few foreigners. There are many Thais, although many of them are there to borrow against their land, and/or selling land. I do not see many foreigners buying houses or condos with companies, nor buying condos, but I have no statistics to verify; It is simply what I see.

    The agents whom I know are having a terrible time.

  7. ****It is in your best interests to buy a condo here when you are ready to live in it here and only then!!!!!! And, maybe not even then!!!!!

    My girlfriend who is Thai is currently renting a condo in BKK. From September on, she will be living with me in my country. Her landlord announced to her that he is selling the condo; it's a great deal and we're really interested.

    ***I apologize for being cynical, but I am sure that I will be a lot more polite than many of the other posters.

    ***Did she tell you this? Yes.

    ***It is better for you to look for a place elswhere without using her as the link to the property.

    **** Is it possible that she simply made this up to get you to buy her a condo? Even if he is selling it, how much is it worth and how do you know its value? Is it possible that the value of it is the amount that you are putting in plus a little more, and not a 50 / 50 arrangement?

    We would buy it and rent it out.

    ****Are you familar with the rental market for that area of the city? How would you secure a tennant, a deposit, undertake repairs, etc. while she is in your country?


    IF i bring the money (or half of it) cash from my country to buy it, should i pass through a bank,.. to prove that i bring it from outside Thailand ?

    ***Yes. That is necessary and you will need to get a Tar Tar Sam from the bank to show to that you did bring in the funds from outside of th country. Then show this to the land office in order to put the condo into your name, if that is what you are plannig on doing.

    If my gf and i each pay half cash, should we 'legalize' certain docs to officially co-own the place? (condo-law allows even that i own 100%, i'd be only foreigner owner in that condo-building)

    *** And then some. This is becoming too complicated to get involved in. Even if you get everything right, and then she decided to return OR NOT EVEN LEAVE THAILAND, and keep the unit, once she is in it, you are going to have one hel_l of a time getting her out and getting your "1/2" if that is all that you paid, returned. Do you have the time to go through a court case in this country? It is not a lot of fun!!!!

    Do we have to pay tax on the money we would receive from renting it out?

    Is it doable (&how much does it cost) to open a bank account as a foreigner who doesn't live in TH, and could i acess statements online?

    **** Tax? If you do not report it, it is highly unlikely that anyone is gong to come after you. You would need to come here to open an account, and yes, you can access statements on-line.

    many thanks, we'll have to decide soon as landlord gives us first choice but many others interested!

    *** I really think that you would do yourself a big favor if you instead waited until you are ready to move here and live here and put a unit in your and only your name, rather than rush into this. I wish you the best of luck.


  8. Use the savings that you have in your own country to generate an income in that country for your retirement here. Do not bring it here for that purpose. It is not a wise idea to enter into a business if you cannot read the contract in the native language.

    It is far better to live at a lower level than you had planned than to return to your own country at your age. Be frugal.

  9. "Wow! I can't believe you are even passing on this dribble."

    The word that you were searching for was "drivel" not dribble.

    The densities of acohol and gasoline have not changed over time.

    And, alcohol will still wear/rot out many rubber hoses.

    and the top of my post read "I would call Honda in Bangkok."

  10. Great Post

    I took my old, and mean old 12+ years Dream and bored the 100 out to 125,(1600 baht) put on a free flow exhaust (900 baht) and changed the gearing for the highway by changing the front sprocket from 14 to 16 teeth. I also added better shocks and size 90 tires. I lost an insignificant amount of off-the-line power, but I do not weigh much, so it is no big deal.

    I am not a big fan of the automatics, but I like your ideas. A farang friend of mine has 40 rental bikes, and the Nuevos are in high demand. Once one of them has three years on it, he would be interested in selling it to me, and I would improve its output for something to do. If the cylinder from the Spark would fit in the Nuevo, that would be a good start. If you have any other ideas on increasing the driving enjoyment of a Nuevo please let me provide them.

    So much can be done with these small bikes, and it can be done very inexpensively. The Thai bike magazines are full of incredible upgrades, but the majority of them are cosmetic. Reading Thai would certainly help as well.

    Thanks for the information on the Yamahas.

  11. Tonight Thursday

    34.1 Onshore

    30.65 offshore

    To say that currencies "should" have one set exchange rate is the same as saying that a product in a store should have one price and be held to that price over time. The price is determined between the customers (buyers) and the owners (sellers) and if a government intervenes and tries to keep the price at one level, buyes and sellers will find ways to get around the government and make exchanges at prices different to the government's price.

    If you are concerned that the baht will continue to strengthen, then buy the baht in large quanties now, and do not worry about it. You can also speak to your broker in your country concerning shorting the dollar or going long on the baht. Do not worry about what is happening; simply recognize it, and take the appropriate action.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  12. If a 150cc happens to interest you, it would probably not be too difficult to have a 115cc bored out to 125, or maybe 135, depending on which cylinders are available from the manufacture. I do not know if a 150 clyinder for that brand of motorbike is available or if it will fit in the block.

    I have bored out 100 CC Dreams to 125 and 100cc Suzuki Crystals to the 125 as well.

    There are many ways to increase the output of these small bikes.

    One of the most common ways is to get a free-flow exhaust.

    Good luck and have fun. Please report back whatever you end up doing.

  13. http://www.uob.com.sg/internationalhomeloa...d_homeloan.html

    UOB International Home Loan - Thailand

    Own Your Dream Condo in Thailand

    Now you can own a luxurious condominium in Thailand! With a UOB International Home Loan, you can obtain attractive financing in Singapore and enjoy the convenience of our offshore loan arrangement.

    You'll enjoy:

    Up To 70% Financing

    Whether you are buying a dream home for owner occupation or investment, you’ll have financing of up to 70% of the purchase price or valuation price, whichever is lower.

    Choice of Loan Currency

    You’ll also have the flexibility to take up the loan in Singapore dollars or US dollars at attractive interest rates.

    Repayment Period Of Up To 20 Years

    What’s more, repayment can be stretched up to 20 years (provided that the applicant with the highest income is aged 65 years and below at the end of the loan tenor), giving you greater financial flexibility and control over your cash flow.

    With our monthly-rest instalment plan, you’ll enjoy more interest savings as the principal amount is reduced every month.


    UOB International Home Loan - Thailand is open to Singapore citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents or foreigners aged 21 and above with a minimum income of USD 65,000 per annum or SGD 100,000 per annum.

    How do I apply?

    Speak with our bankers today and we’ll tailor a home loan package to suit your needs. To apply, simply complete the application form and submit it with the relevant documents to our bankers.

    For details, please call our 24-hour Customer Service hotline at 1800 2222 121 now.

    Where can I get more information?

    Read our Frequently Asked Questions

    Terms and conditions apply.

    Note: The above does not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer, a solicitation or recommendation to enter into or conclude any transaction and is issued for information and discussion purposes only. Actual transactions are handled according to the actual circumstance of each case. Final terms may differ and loan approval is subject to the Bank’s final credit assessment.

  14. http://www.uob.com.sg/internationalhomeloa...d_homeloan.html

    UOB International Home Loan - Thailand

    Own Your Dream Condo in Thailand

    Now you can own a luxurious condominium in Thailand! With a UOB International Home Loan, you can obtain attractive financing in Singapore and enjoy the convenience of our offshore loan arrangement.

    You'll enjoy:

    Up To 70% Financing

    Whether you are buying a dream home for owner occupation or investment, you’ll have financing of up to 70% of the purchase price or valuation price, whichever is lower.

    Choice of Loan Currency

    You’ll also have the flexibility to take up the loan in Singapore dollars or US dollars at attractive interest rates.

    Repayment Period Of Up To 20 Years

    What’s more, repayment can be stretched up to 20 years (provided that the applicant with the highest income is aged 65 years and below at the end of the loan tenor), giving you greater financial flexibility and control over your cash flow.

    With our monthly-rest instalment plan, you’ll enjoy more interest savings as the principal amount is reduced every month.


    UOB International Home Loan - Thailand is open to Singapore citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents or foreigners aged 21 and above with a minimum income of USD 65,000 per annum or SGD 100,000 per annum.

    How do I apply?

    Speak with our bankers today and we’ll tailor a home loan package to suit your needs. To apply, simply complete the application form and submit it with the relevant documents to our bankers.

    For details, please call our 24-hour Customer Service hotline at 1800 2222 121 now.

    Where can I get more information?

    Read our Frequently Asked Questions

    Terms and conditions apply.

    Note: The above does not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer, a solicitation or recommendation to enter into or conclude any transaction and is issued for information and discussion purposes only. Actual transactions are handled according to the actual circumstance of each case. Final terms may differ and loan approval is subject to the Bank’s final credit assessment.

  15. Even if Thailand did have the oil resources of the UAE, there would be an even wealthier small clique on top, and there would still be a giant dirt-poor populace on the bottom, and all of these foreigners would still be here. The few who dominate this country increasing their wealth from a few billion to several billion would in no way lead to their allowing anything to work its way down to the masses.

    Look at Phuket and Pattaya. Imagine if some of the taxes from tourist revenue actually made it down to the populace or was spent wisely. The schools would be great, as would the roads and the power and water systems to say nothing of the INTERNET. These places should look like Singapore with all of the money from tourists flowing in.

    ...........and I do hope that the felon goes to jail for many, many years.

  16. 200 meters from the seashore must mean from the mean high tide mark.

    I have not looked at the slope of the shore here, but

    1 meter from the "Mid Tide Level" mark would be under water for almost 12 hours per day. NO one would be able to build here unless they were building on stilts.

    2 or 3 or 4 or 5 meters from the "Mid Tide Level" mark would more than likley be under water for several hours each day as well.

    The 200 meters must start from the "MEAN high tide mark", just in case someone wants to counter with the highest tide mark from a storm of thirty years ago.

  17. I just emailed your complaint to Carrefour - Pattaya.

    No information about Thaivisa or your handle were sent, only the story.


    Complaining here works!!

    My gf bought Dutch Mill yogurt.

    One cup had only 115 cc NOT 150cc of yogurt.

    I emailed them.

    Next day, they called an sent a replacement cup.

    The next day, they sent over 8 free cups.

    Now, they deliver all of our dairy products.

    As of a year ago, the lady who was the top secretary to the boss there came down out of her office to meet me concerning a complaint I had. I am not one to speak highly about their selection or their quality, but my complaints have been answered better than at Big C or Foodland. I think Friendship operates well also.

    In short, take it to their attention!!!

  18. I would call Honda in Bangkok.

    If your bike has a carburetor, it might be a problem, because the carburetor has a float, and the float will be "afloat" at a different height in the fuel based on the density of the fuel. Gasoline and alcohol have different densities..... and many other problems.

    Information on converting a carburetor from gasoline to alcohol is available here. I have a fuel injected Honda Wave 125, and would like to run alcohol in it, but I am concerned about the fittings and if the rubber hoses will be eaten away.


    I have pasted a small amount of information from this "Convert Your Car to Alcohol" webpage, but there is a lot more involved.

    It would more than likely benefit you to make adjustments to your carburetor:

    Altering the Carburetor

    You may want to obtain a second carburetor to convert and keep your present one for gasoline use. I obtained a used one for $10 from a salvage yard. Rebuilt carburetors are available from your auto parts dealer. In either case, make sure the one you purchase is compatible with the engine you plan to use it on. You parts dealer will be helpful in determining the most efficient.

    Next, get a carburetor overhaul kit. Be sure the kit is for your particular model carburetor. The model will be cast into the body or on a metal tag attached to it. The kit contains new gaskets, check valves, an accelerator pump plunger and the necessary parts to make an old carburetor perform like new. Best of all, it has detailed instructions and an exploded view of all the parts. Each part is numbered and named for reference. This will a real aid for reassembly.

    Enlarging the Metering Jets

    Try to find a clean, uncluttered table or counter to work on. Use the exploded view as a guide and disassemble the carburetor far enough to remove the main, metering jets. The jets are more accessible in some models than others.

    Carefully determine the hole size of the metering jets. This can be done by actually measuring the jet or looking in a shop manual. If you have no way of determining the hole size, take the jets to an automotive machine shop. They have the tools to measure and enlarge the jets.

    Determine the proper jet size by the following example. This is the calculation I used from the Dodge.

    Original Jet Diameter


    Increase Jet Diameter By 40% For Alcohol

    x 1.4


    Correct Jet Diameter For Alcohol ÷ 062


    NOTE: The 40% figure used here will assure a rich enough mixture to prevent burning the valves due to an over-lean mixture.

    After testing the car, you may find the jets are too large and the mixture is very rich. If this is the case, install new jets enlarged 35% or even smaller as your car requires. Just decrease the size in increments of 5% over stock size to be safe.

    The Float -- Two Possible Alterations

    Alcohol is heavier and more dense than gasoline. The float will ride higher in a given amount of alcohol than in the same amount of gasoline. Since fuel flow is cut off when the float rises to a specific point, the alcohol level will be lower than if the float bowl were filled with gasoline. Some method must be used to raise the fuel level to normal. Otherwise, the engine will cut out during turns due to lack of sufficient fuel.

  19. My Trip to Savannakhet from Pattaya

    Any questions, please PM me


    It is on Latsavongseuk, one street south of Cafe Chez Boune.

    It is owned by a foreigner who is beginning to assemble a restaurant guide (small) and a hotel / guesthouse guide ( small), as well as other tourist information besides planning to rent bicycles and motorbikes. He is a good source of information. He is usually found sitting in front of his shop.


    North Road Bus Terminal

    657 baht VIP

    8.30pm departure

    Arrive in Mukdahan at 8.00 am

    Cold bus

    Internet cafes in the bus station square.

    I took a tuk tuk alone to the bridge to cross the Mehkong for 100 baht

    (There are buses which will take you from the Mukdahan bus station to the Savannakhet bus station for 50 baht which run every 45 minutes.)

    I got off the bus at the EXIT THAILAND side of the bridge and got stamped out.

    I then paid 50 baht for the bus to get to the other end of the bridge where Laos Immigration was located.

    I paid 40 baht for little slips of paper, the TM card equivalent.


    I paid 1500 baht for a visa without waiting.

    I was told that the cost should be $35 plus a no waiting fee of 200 baht.

    I then paid 10 baht for exiting the bridge or using the bridge or God knows for what on a Sunday.. Over time, I was told. I liked that one.

    I paid 100 baht tuk tuk to town, where ever in town it seems.

    The first place I stopped was the Sounantha guesthouse 80,000 kip (300 baht) a/c h/ w etc. yuk!!

    Not recommended.

    Leena Guest House is good.

    It is about 300 baht as well.

    It is on the map.


    Au Rendezvous Restaurant, or however it is spelled.

    Great food. No kidding, if it was in Pattaya I would be going there tonight and tomorrow night.

    It is on a corner indicated on the map.

    .... serves lots of good farang food and Laos food.

    Do not get the idea that all of the streets have signs on them.

    Nightlife, not much. A nice, quiet town.

    I was not looking to go out at night, and there were not many foreigners... 8 in all , is the number which I saw in my 2 days there. There were not any foreign places to play around, although a few of the Laotian places were hopping, I do not think that I would have "fit in".

    Au Ren Dez Vous

    Dinner: Steak, fries, veggies, bread 95 baht!! (25,000 kip)

    Also, Sabaidee restaurant is good

    See the map

    The people are all smiling and saying "hello", but do not speak much Thai, and even less English.

    Fruit shakes available on the street for about 11 baht (3,000 kip)

    Really not much to do. There is trekking for those who wish to spend several days there.

    The Thai Embassy is next to the river (See map)

    It opens for us at 9:00, even though the sign says 8:30.

    You must fill in THEIR FORM, not one from the internet which has Thai Embassy -- Vientianne written on it. These forms are numbered, so you cannot take extras for later. There are two shops across the street for TWO (2) pictures and photo copies of your passport in case you did not bring them.

    Visa fee is 1,000 BAHT. You are requested to fill out the form outside of the office. You can pick up your passport the next day at 2:00PM

    After being in Savannakhet for 25 hours:

    I have not seen a policeman.

    The main couple of streets have no potholes in the main areas.

    The poured concrete sidewalks are in good condition.

    The drivers stop at the stop lights, most of the time.

    There is no speeding.

    That changed a little the next day, but not by much.

    Egg sandwich and iced coffee for breakfast 8,000 kip.

    There is not really much to do in town.

    So, I did it.

    Tuk Tuks want an exorbidant fee for the shortest distances, so I walked a bit, and as there was really nowhere to go, it did not make a differnce when or if I arrived anywhere.

    Lots of people eating dinner on sidewalks on the river.

    Your phone will work most of the time, and it will work best when near the river and/or in direct sight of the river (down a street).

    Picked up visa at 2:00PM. Shared a tuk tuk to the Savannakhet bus station for 40 baht / person

    Paid 50 baht for the bus fare back to the Mukdahan Bus Station

    The bus stops on each side of the bridge for all to exit and get stamped out.

    Then, carries on to the Mukdahan bus station.

    Arrived at about 3:15PM

    I went to Lotus 40 baht by tuk tuk, and wasted a couple of hours there. It has a food court and also a Pizza Hut + MK.

    The VIP bus to Pattaya leaves at 6:30PM, and arives in Pattaya at about 6:00AM

    It is a cold ride, and they inform you that a midnight snack is available while you are in the middle of a "good" sleep. You are given one blanket that would accommodate an 11 year old. I suggest that you bring your own large towel or blanket to stay warm. I was able to get two blankets.

    Do not plan on going there on the same days as jacks golf tours does, as you will be on a bus across the bridge with hordes of visa runners STANDING ROOM ONLY. It was not any fun, and as hot as can be. Jack's tours leave from Bangkok on SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY.

    I would not say anything bad about the place, but it is quiet.

    Please PM me if you have any questions.

    Oh, this is the only map that I was able to locate. I went to many shops, hotels, and could not find a map.


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