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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. At 3:20AM. Why weren't the bars shut at this time? When the policemen arrived, did they not find anything unusual about the bars being open and the Norwegian makng a mess of everything?

    At 3.20 am on February 13th, Police Lieutenant General Santi Chainiramai, received notification that there was a very drunk, extremely large tourist causing a disturbance in front of the Best Friend Beer Bar, at the beginning of Soi Pattayaland.


    Government Housing Bank

    Government Savings Bank

    Siam Commercial Bank

    Thai Military Bank


    Thai Farmers Bank

    Bangkok Bank -- No interest for savings account. Interest for 1,000,000 fixed deposit


    Bank of Ayutthaya -- No interest for savings account. Interest for fixed deposit

    Everyone please copy this into your post and add to it so we can make a complete list.

    Then, if you can go to your non-paying bank and drain nearly all of your funds and tell the bank why, please report with back their response.


    Government Housing Bank

    Government Savings Bank

    Siam Commercial Bank

    Thai Military Bank


    Thai Farmers Bank

    Bangkok Bank -- No interest for savings account. Interest for 1,000,000 fixed deposit


    Everyone please copy this into your post and add to it so we can make a complete list.

    Then, if you can go to your non-paying bank and drain nearly all of your funds and tell the bank why, please repost back their response.

  4. I have purchased many properties here over the years, and it is usually between one week and one month. Most of the time, 10 days or two weeks. You should have your lawyer make sure that JUST IN CASE they are not being forthright with you, that you can come in later. If you miss the date of the agreement on the deposit slip, then you are in the wrong and could lose your deposit.

    I do not want to sound negative, but it is in your interest to have your lawyer to notify the sellers that you will be in at the time stated on the contract and will provide your down payment on that date. If they are not ready to accept that, then have them write a letter on company letterhead, and with a company stamp to your lawyer stating that they need to delay the signing and that they will provide a new date and also provide one month notice or more.

    If they do not respond to this, and I bet they will be slow, you should let your lawyer know that you will be here as expected and they will provide you with some sort of written contract, even if it is a simple one stating payments and the like and a COMPLETION DATE!!! (Have your lawyer write it) If they do not have a completion date, make them add one to it. It is beyond me that they are not ready for you to sign a contract. They should have had the contracts ready form the time the first customer arrived.

    I expect that they are simply disorganized, but do not allow their disorganization to cause you difficulties.

    I made a booking for a new condo that's abt to commence construction about a week ago i.e. on feb 4. Back then, the sales staff told me i have to sign the contract in 2 wks time which wld be Feb 18. I've just asked my lawyer to confirm the date as I need to fly into BKK to sign the contract. The same sales staff now told my lawyer that she can't confirm the date to sign the S&P contract yet as she have to check the contract first and will inform my lawyer later when she receive the contract.

    This is so frustrating especially when I have to confirm my travel arrangements (airline ticket must be issued 1 wk b4 departure, which is today). Does anyone have similar encounters? Typically, how long does it take between paying the deposit and signing S&P contract?


    Government Housing Bank

    Government Savings Bank

    Siam Commercial Bank


    Thai Farmers Bank

    Bangkok Bank -- No interest for savings account. Interest for 1,000,000 fixed deposit


    Everyone please copy this into your post and add to it so we can make a complete list.

    Then, if you can go to your non-paying bank and drain nearly all of your funds and tell the bank why, please repost back their response.

  6. Farangs can get mortgages if they have :

    Work permits


    wives with good paying jobs or businesses


    good pensions and they have been here with a good visa for many years


    good paying jobs and they fly down to Singapore to show all ofth eir assets and tax payments and pay 5,000 SImgapore dollars fort he loan from Bangkok Bank -Singapore.

    or..... anything anyone else can add?

    Oh, I know of two outfits (developers) in Pattaya who are offering loans of five years to buyers of their properties. The rates are 18% and 20.3% per year!

  7. For many years, when a new industrial development was built, there would be giant highway posters with the pictures of generals endorsing the project as a way of showing investors that they would not tolerate worker unrest, unionization and the like.

    When Thaksin was able to run the operation with monopoly profits, it was easy to create quality and then pass the costs on to the consumers. It is more difficult to do that in a competitive industry. To do that requires managerial talent, not political payoffs.

  8. "Yingluck Shinawatra says customers' focus is on quality, not who owns project"

    ** WHO owns the project or business has always been on what customers focus here, and in the past, our trusted leader would have said that Who owns the project is enough satisfaction for the buyer.

    "Yingluck said the company's business did not suffer any negative impact from the political situation because its customers are concerned about housing quality and not who is the owner of the project."

    **Oh right. Her company's inside connection to the prime minister did not help her and that loss did not have any negative effects. Why is she talking?

    "We are a property firm that does not have any relationship with the political side, although our elder brother Thaksin faced political problems," Yingluck said.

    Who is she trying to convince? She no longer has a connection to the political side is what she should be saying, and "faced political problems" is the understatement of the year. Only Saddam Hussein faced more serious political problems this year..

    She added that after the coup of September 19, the company surveyed its customers' feelings about SC Asset Corp. Most were pleased with the housing projects located close to mass-transit systems, the quality of housing and after-sale services for security and infrastructure. They were not interested in who owned the firm.

    AC Asset Management Stock price

    October 19 11.00

    October 21 8.65

    A drop of 21%

    The SET Index dropped from 702 to 692 (1.4%)

  9. "Yingluck Shinawatra says customers' focus is on quality, not who owns project"

    ** WHO owns the project or business has always been on what customers focus here, and in the past, our trusted leader would have said that Who owns the project is enough satisfaction for the buyer.

    "Yingluck said the company's business did not suffer any negative impact from the political situation because its customers are concerned about housing quality and not who is the owner of the project."

    **Oh right. Her company's inside connection to the prime minister did not help her and that loss did not have any negative effects. Why is she talking?

    "We are a property firm that does not have any relationship with the political side, although our elder brother Thaksin faced political problems," Yingluck said.

    Who is she trying to convince? She no longer has a connection to the political side is what she should be saying, and "faced political problems" is the understatement of the year. Only Saddam Hussein faced more serious political problems this year..

    She added that after the coup of September 19, the company surveyed its customers' feelings about SC Asset Corp. Most were pleased with the housing projects located close to mass-transit systems, the quality of housing and after-sale services for security and infrastructure. They were not interested in who owned the firm.

    AC Asset Management Stock price

    October 19 11.00

    October 21 8.65

    A drop of 21%

    The SET Index dropped from 702 to 692 (1.4%)

  10. After 8 1/2 years of teaching in Saudi, I can assure you that the above note was not written by a Gulf Arab man, and it sure looks just like a Thai woman's writing.

    Why didn't this woman think about why the dead man had not come looking for her for his bike in 10 days? Why she hadn't heard from him? Anyone COULD look in his room to find other paper on which he had written a note and compare the writing.

    Odds of this happening are??

  11. I was there on Saturday at 12:30, and it was well underway.

    I will take a look the next time that I drive by, which should be tomorrow. They might even have a buffet menu. If so, I will pick one up and post it.

  12. I once went to the house of a 20-year old Norwegian who told me he was being cheated on his bill by the landlord. Upon arriving at his home, I found his a/c running while his bedroom door was open. His friend's a/c was on while his door was open as well. He said that he used the a/cs 24 hours/day so that the rooms would be cool when they returned from going out.

    He had a 10,000 baht bill. Besides this waster, I must give you the cake. But, now that I think of it, I did rent a three bedroom townhouse in The Village on Third Road to a young Italian man in 1992. he had a bill near 10,000 baht back then. He would run all of the a/cs all of the time as well.

  13. After having another Apex meal, I had to meet two others for a meal at the Beefeater located on the little walking soi next to Soi Diana, 2nd Road.

    I had a caesar salad, and watched as one of the other members at the table make a wonderful meal of the Mexican buffet and "pork" ribs (why they don't use beef, I will never know). I spent only a few moments perusing the selection, but it is definitely worth trying. The one diner at my table went back for more again and again. He was ready to make return plans from the very beginning.

    I do not think that drinks were included, nor do I remember if even coffee or tea were on the buffet table, but that would not deter my return, but the next time, the Apex will not be in the early morning plans.

  14. "i spend that in 1.5 days on food"

    Then why are you even responding to the post? I am sure that many of the posters if not nearly all of them have spent more, even twice as much or more in one meal, and also less in one day. Your spending is not relevant here.

    "I appreciate you mentioning the menu of this new buffet but in Apex's defense, I will say they've got a large mix of salads, rice, meats in various gravies and sauces, BBQ ribs, chicken, clams, squid, corn, and desserts. The water, coffee, and tea is also free."

    My dinning buddy feels that the Apex does have a far greater selection of vegetables and also free excessively sweet juices--and prettier staff members.

    Apex and Lek have the same owners.

    New thread for another buffet coming right up-- Beefeater

  15. We wittnessed the carnage of this first hand after we left the TV gathering at the Caddy Shack.

    Must have happened just before midnight on the 26th as we left there sometime after 11.30 pm. Terrible mess all over the road and sidewalk for quite a distance.

    How very sad for the boys and the families, young lives snuffed out in a fraction of a second.

    I can only wonder how much longer the powers that be will allow this drunken stupidity to continue?

    I was unaware of the TV gathering at the Caddy Shack. How is the Mexican food there, and when is the next gathering planned?

  16. "As I neared the door she came after me and said there is another way to solve the problem, you could open an account here and you'll have no fees to pay and access to the money tomorrow. Why would I want two bank accounts with you I asked..."

    You are absolutely right. You would have two bank accounts, but they would not be with this one branch as you stated. Branches are significant unto themselves. Branches in each area (province I think) are grouped into no fee agreements, as far as I can tell.

    I live in Pattaya. I was paid for a deposit for a house by an SCB check for 1.4M baht from SCB Branch in Pattaya. I was going to BKK so I took the check with me. SCB on Suk Soi 3/1 wanted a couple of thousand baht to deposit. I chose to wait until I returned home. They suggested that I do so.

    I had a SCB CREDIT CARD in 1993 worth 50,000 baht. I needed to make a deposit of 200,000 (4X) into a fixed deposit account earning about 8% / annum to secure it, and also have a specific account from where the card's charges would be deducted.

    I do my best to have as little to do with the Thai banking system as possible.

  17. On June 17, 1997 the baht strengthened to from 25.9 a few days before to 23.2 to the $US. Why would this happen when the country was falling apart? Simply because it allowed those in the know to exchange large amounts of baht into dollars, and then six or 8 months later change them back. The governmental financal departments assisted very rich people to make a fortune while assisting to harm the country's financial situation.


    Baht at 33.175 at 8:24PM Thai Time

  18. Being new here, you do not realize that many people who arrive believe that everyone who has been here for many years should freeely provide them with information on how to land that lucrative position with a multimnational that includes housing, car and driver and plenty of perks.

    1. Most foreigners working for multinationals here came here with the companies which employ them. Walking in off the street is unlikely

    2. Many Thai people have MS in computer science and are quite capable of doing any job that a skilled foreigner can do in English and can also read and write Thai.

    3. There is a lot of construction going on in Thailand right now due to the low interest rates and many other factors. I bet that you would do better to move on down to Pattaya where it is a good deal less expensive to live, and contact many of the foreign contractors who are developing moo-bans and condos for foreigners.

    Generally, people come here to retire, and do not depend upon the local economy for an income.

    I wish you the best of luck

  19. Pork in some sauce. I don't eat pork.

    Pork stir-fried in garlic and peppers.

    Pork in another sauce.


    Spaghetti sauce

    Beef in one sauce or another. I eat a lot of it.

    Chicken in a light sauce. I have a few helpings.

    Another chicken dish

    Rice with something in it. I don't eat much rice.

    White rice.

    Cream of corn soup

    Tom Yung Goong

    Grilled shrimp. chicken and beef kebobs.

    Garlic bread

    Lot's of special salads: tuna, etc.

    Lot's of standard salad material.


    tea and coffee are free

    all other drinks are charged

    water = 20 baht

    lemonade = 60 baht

    alcoholic drinkprices = ???? I don't drink.


  20. Royal Suites on Soi Buakhow 100 meters south of Central Road has a night buffet starting at 6:00PM which is well worth the money. If any of you have eaten at the Apex for 169, you will never go back. I would have expected a place this nice to cost approaching double this amount.

  21. Then go and make a Mexican restaurant to show all of us how it is done. Try doing something different here and see how difficult it is. It is truely exhausting to try and make changes in this land of great food. I have had his food at three of his restaurants and have re-visited them all. Is it the same as eating in Chula Vista? No, it is not. Am I happy to eat there and at the other Mexican restaurants in the city? Yes, I am.

    If it has only recently opened, give it another week to get sorted, and then open another thrread asking others who may have more recently eaten there how they liked it. If they respond positively, then give it another try. If they don't, then try some of the other places which are really not that bad.

  22. Pattaya will continue to expand and will continue to improve it`s facilities.

    Tammi you must always remember that Thailand is a developing country and it takes longer time to improve situations here.....................but isn`t that all part of the charm of the place?......that`s why we don`t go to Blackpool....we go to Pattaya. :D

    There are far worse places in the world to be believe me :D

    you can get anything you want in pattaya as long as pay for it :o


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