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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. I cannot see why she would go to a bar (I never do) to have a drink (I never do) with Thai men who used to be friends of hers before she met you, went to England and had your children.

    As SHE is married to YOU, SHE is YOUR wife, and not HIS daughter. I am sure that you provided some form or assistance to her family for the marriage. That was the handing over of the daughter to you from the family. HE just got into YOUR business when it was not HIS business to get into.

    YOU support HER, HE doesn't. It is YOU who would lose face moreso than HIM for her going out with others.

    It is wrong to assume that he did this to keep her in line and so as not to risk your learning about her going out; becoming angry and cutting off funds to him and his family. None of us on the board have an idea of the finaicial status of her family nor your arrangements with them.

    If she could pack up the kids and return home, then have her do so without your coming to Thailand. If not, and you have to pick her up, then it may be in your best interests to have her meet you in the main city near her smaller town, so for you to avoid seeing her father or the house. Take her side first and foremost, see how she looks, and much later ask about who she went to see and why.... or drop it and do not return to her city again.

    Western men and women can know each other and spend time together without having a sexual relationship. That is not common in Asia, nor even believed.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  2. When I initially saw this thread title, I expected it to be an atack on PI food. When I opened it, I found PI food to be on the top of the list.

    Health considerations should aso be considered in the food selected

    Best Food countries

    Thai, Isaan/Lao Certainly towards the top

    Japanese Good, but a little bland for my tastes... yes, I have eaten pleanty of wasabi

    Italian Top 10

    French Top 10

    Chinese, Taiwanese Not top 10

    Mexican Top 10

    Vietnamese Top 5

    Korean Top 15

    Cambodian Cambodian food has similarities to Thai food without the Pa-Lah and chillis to

    excess. Cambodian beef salad is fantastic as are many of their other dishes.

    worst food countries

    Philippines Filipinos all over the world cook non-Filipino food and it is great.

    Why they cannot improve their own is beyond me.

    British Isles Is this any worse than the non-Isles


    Most Central American(‘cept Mexico) Central American food is OK, just not spicey like Mexican.

    Most South American(‘cept Brasil)

    Russian Two bites and you are full. Too much oil and fat.

    American(fast food) American... most food. I'm American.

  3. If the condo act were to be chnaged and the % went to 60%, who would be the lucky buyers given the right to change from a company or their wife's name or... to their own name. Would it be done in the sequence of registry? It was done before, so it cannot be very difficult, but I was wondering.

    According to law firm Tilleke & Gibbins, they too are surprised that no journalist has bothered delving further into same complex Thai property questions:

    According to T&G: the Phuket Post report is correct. The proposed % is however unknown.

    Fair enough.

    But I still doubt....

    I mean, FBA 2 has still large backfire effects (2 days ago, during the visit of PM in Japan, japanese businesses have spoken about it again).

    A Condo Act 2 with higher % would be really like a sweet to give to foreigners (and at no cost ! ), from a PR point of view.... Why the gvt didn't use it ?

    Thai press is always very happy to dispatch the good news from the gvt... :o

    Now that we know that real estate starts to look bad (Finance Minister want to take some steps to boost the market)... a revision of Condo Act would perfectly make sense.

    However, I'm wondering if the people in Phuket are not taking... their dreams for reality.

    Anyway. Time will tell.

  4. Yes!!!

    The company has several offices, and they might have different managers and have different rules to follow.

    I had a house for sale through them at a set price 2.8M + 100K commission = 2.9M. I set the price low to get offers FAST!!!

    They showed the house to someone and asked for 3.1M. The buyer accepted it. I told them the sale was with the company, not of the property, but of the company shares being transferred. I already had a contract written for the sale on a Friday. On the day to accept a deposit, the contract that I had written had been played with in order to make it a sale of a house, not of the shares of the company. The "lawyer" who is an agent or an owner there or??? made some other changes to the contract as well, after he had agreed fully with the contract. He said that he simply wanted to print it on his letterhead. He is a pile o sh$t. On that day, in the first agent's office, the one with whom we had originally listed the home (who Star had brought the buyer to), I had to then run to an internet cafe to make the changes back.

    I told him that there was no confusion over this, and that he had changed the contract and the price knowing full well what the agreement had been. I told him that I was willing to accept 2.9 in my pocket, and that he and the other agent could keep the 200,000. (This was Star and not the other agent who created the mess.) I was to receive the 300,000 deposit, but lo and behold, on payday, I saw a check for 200,000 baht.

    Now, as I was selling the house for one price, and STAR was selling it for another, and STAR wanted to make sure that I would not meet the buyer, I had to have one contract with STAR and STAR had to have a contract with the buyer.

    Three weeks into this, I received a call from an English man working with their company. He told me that the buyer would like to extend the 6 weeks until final payment to two months. I told him that he could do so, but he would have to deposit an additional 100,000 which would go against the balance, and also pay 20,000 / month as (rent, interest) on the remaining 2.8M as I could no longer sell the house to anyone else and I could not rent it either. The English man working for STAR told me he would look into it.

    This is happening because the buyer could not get a mortgage. I do not know who told him about getting a mortgage, but my money is that it is one of the parties involved here, and it was not me.

    Later in the week, said Englishman asks me about waiting five months for the final payment. Once again, I inform him that I want 100,000 additional deposit and 20,000 / month for late payment on 2.9M The Englishman for STAR tells me that the buyer does not have the money and will be going to his lawyer over this. I told him that I had a contract which I was following.

    On about week number 4, the English man called me again to tell me that he had spoken to the buyer and the buyer's lawyer and that those two were going to go to the police over my being in breach of item 4 of the contract; not taking the house off the market. At that point, I changed my tone and let him know that

    1. I had emailed all of the agents who had formerly been trying to sell the house.

    2. I had not put the pictures up at Friendship or Carrefour any longer.

    3. I received an offer from a looker who saw the house before STAR, and turned their offer down. This buyer who made an offer is also an agent in town.

    4. I added to it that I did not have a contract with the buyer, but with STAR and that I was in complete compliance with the contract, and if the client would like to go to the police station, I would be very happy to appear there and file a claim against him for filing a false police report.

    (I had a Thai woman who had lived in the USA 18 years who was buying two houses from me many months earlier who had the deposits, but did not have the cash for the final payment.) She broke the contract and lost her 200K. She went to the police station late one afternoon and made up a fabulous story about my cheating her and not being the rightful owner of the properties. I went in the next day with my lawyer, and after three hours, the very young policeman allowed me to go without posting bail or leaving a guarantee. The problem was that a police report had already been filed the night before, and as I was not there to dispute it, it was registered.

    I arrived the next morning, and upon showing the land title deeds, was seen to be the rightful owner, but as the report had already been filed, and my lawyer was a bit of an idiot, the report still went through the channels to the public prosecutors office where it was dropped.

    I was in no mood to hear from a farang about how I was in breach of contract after the stunt that STAR was trying to pull.

    The buyer never came up with the money, but I was at the commercial office in Chonburi to make the change of shares just like the contract said I would be. I told STAR that I would be there and would they show up. They told me that they would not, but refused to put it in writing, so I wasted a morning going up there.

    Now, my experience may not be indicative of the experiences that many others have, but it may be as well.

  5. "I do not care how hot the attic is. I care about the house."

    ***if your attic is hot and your ceilings are not insulated your house will be hot. as simple as that.

    YOu missed this note: "I would prefer, and would not mind paying the extra 4,000 for the 3 inch insulation that goes on the ceiling."

    Removing the bathroom access panel allows air to pass through the windows, through the house .. I like how this has worked.

    "of course this works... if one likes the bathroom "scent" in the house (especially after they have been used). "

    *** The air goes from the windows through the house into the bathroom and up through the access panel to the attic, not the other way around.

  6. Your pension is plenty. Not smoking and drinking are a big plus.

    Now, for the biggest question: How much does your sweetheart cost you?

    Rayong is nice, and if you are happy enough to be in a non-farang area, then consider going even further south and down to Chantaburi or even Trat. The islands off the coast are nicer, the water is cleaner, and the prices and pollution are lower.

  7. I am having a house built. 80 meters

    The builder wants to use this foil under the roof for about 8,000.

    I would prefer, and would not mind paying the extra 4,000 for the 3 inch insulation that goes on the ceiling.

    I do not care how hot the attic is. I care about the house. I have painted roofs white before, and it works great. I have also put a large industrial fan in the roof to blow hot air out of the atic to the outside of the house. Removing the bathroom access panel allows air to pass through the windows, through the house and up through the access way in the bathrooms and into and out of the attic in the evenings.

    I like how this has worked.

    Does the foil under the roof really help?

  8. If you want to purchase the property, submit an offer through the agent to the owner at the price the owner has told you he will accept. The owner is well aware it was the agent that brought the property to your attention.

    THIS IS THE HONORABLE AND ECONOMIC THING TO DO. I want to add just a little. Make an offer a little below what price the seller has asked. Also, go into the building and see if there are any other similar units available. There might be a board in the lobby, or if not, then speak to the receptionist.

    The seller is responsible for paying the "3%" to the agent, not you and you more than likely neer signed anything with the agent so you have no legal relationship with him. The buyer seller has the legal relationship with him.

    Please be aware of the cost of transfers and the like at the land office before you make a down payment.

    If you are really sure that you want to live here for more tha five years, then you will be happy that you bought it. If on the other hand, you would like to sell it in a year or two and live elsewhere, you should re-consider renting.

    Good luck.

  9. Why do you need a lawyer?

    Accountants do all of the yearly work filing taxes and the balance sheets.

    Lawyers receive payment for acting as an agent for an accountants

    Skip the lawyer and just get an accountant. If you PM me, I will send you my accountant's phone numbr and office address. She has been my and my friend's accountant for 17 years, so she is not fly-by-night and is also trustworthy.

    Did this lawyer originally provide the idea to place three houses in one company? If so, it was not the wisest thing for him to suggest. If and or when one of you wants to sell your property AND it will happen, it will cost a lot of money .... in the neighborhood of 100,000 baht depending on the value of the house, to get it out of the company, and pay company taxes, pay the land office fees and taxes and transfers.

    If each property had its own company, then the initial costs would have been higher at 28,000 each, and the yearly taxes/balance sheet at 10,000 each, but when it really comes time to make a sale, a large fee is going to come due, while it would have cost only 6,00 to sell the shares of a company for a "house" sale.

    PM me and I will get you in contact with my accountant.

  10. Please note the details for the pool company on the next post.


    Company called Thai-Euro Construction done my pool for me. They were easy to deal with and done a good job at a fair (bordering on cheap) price. Overall I was happy with them. As far as I can tell, they don't advertise but just get work from word of mouth. It was a couple of months ago but can dig out contact details if you want.

    Still, I like edd's idea above!

  11. Can anyone out there make any recomendations on building a small pool (2m x 3m x 1.2m deep) ?

    If you know of a good inexpensive builder, as the house is only 1.7 million baht, that would be fine, or if this is a small enough job that it can be done not very different from a VERY HEAVY DUTY undergroud water tank WITH A FILTERING SYSTEM, I welcome all advice.

  12. How long can the difference in the onshore and offshore rate stay at 3 baht? That is nearly 10%

    http://www.forexdirectory.net/thb.html 32.49 B / $

    Bangkok Bank 35.4 B / $

    Does anyone out there who is not simply speculating, believe that there are certain indivivduals in this country who are able to simply send Baht out electronically, exchange it overseas, and then send it back here and reap a healthy portion of that near 10%, minus the spread going both ways?

  13. The best warning they could ever give to tourists is to inform them that the roads are unsafe. More tourists die on the roads than anywhere else.

    "We continue to receive reports that terrorists may be planning attacks against a range of targets, including tourist areas and other places frequented by foreigners," Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs said in its latest advisory."

    Where did they get these reports from? Who issued these reports? If they have been "receiving" reports like these for quite a while, and they were credible, then why didn't anything ever happen in Pattaya or Phuket? EVER!!

  14. I found a site that told how to alter a carburator to use gasohol or nearly pure gasoline. If a fuel injector can take care of that, could I use gasohol in my Fuel Injected Honda 125i?

    Can I use only a certain mixture of gasohol, or can I use almost pure alcohol or? And of course, whre can I buy cheap low grade alcohol?

    Thanks for any ideas.

    I always wanted to have a diesel car running on vegetable/corn oil, but that will have to wait.

  15. Give it more time than one week. That is not enough time for any problems to come up. On the subject of automatics, I am well aware that the sales of Nuevos, Mios, Clicks and the like have been booming. I am no fan of the automatic bikes because of the transmission. Many others are quite happy with them.

    Because of this transmission, an it is not the most cmmon form of transmission on the roads, or an old tested technology, I would not be over trusting of a new company providing this transmission.

    Just ride the bike that you have for a while before you buy her an automatic from this company.

    One other option is to go to the Aurctions. I do not know where you live, but auctions are common in Thailand ans you can get a one year old bike for about 25% off of used prices. I have bought a couple of bikes that way, and now my friends do the same.

    I bought a one year old Wave 125i for 18,000 baht and a 10 month old white Mio with disc brakes for 20,000 baht.

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