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bradiston last won the day on March 16 2023

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  1. I'm just an ignorant limey, but my Wise $ account is held in a New York bank. Does this help? I don't begin to understand the US banking system.
  2. Not sure why it can't be developed as a gambling/entertainment/hospitality complex. With the high speed rail link to Bangkok, a coach station, decent 4/5 star hotels etc etc, proper connectivity to Pattaya and Rayong ... Surely a no brainer? Er, meaning it doesn't take a lot to see the potential!
  3. Any insurance company will want a lot of detail on the oncologist's diagnosis as the recommended treatment is likely to be extremely expensive. I look at this as a safeguard gainst fraudulent claims on your behalf by unscrupulous, even criminal, doctors, if such exist. So in a sense, the insurer's medical team will act as a kind of second opinion. If they give the go ahead, I think you can be sure there's nothing funny going on, and the agreed treatment is approved as appropriate.
  4. When, where, why, and how frequent are the blackouts?
  5. In the end I grabbed a Bolt return. Cost 2450 return. But I was able to ensure delivery which can be unreliable by other means. The lady driver was exceptional. Good English, good driver, and found her way to a really difficult location. Accompanied me to help translation etc. I got the job done! Just as a note, I was delivering my previous hospital's nedical records to WRLife's Bangkok insurer's office, Assist International Services. Smart office and very smart Thai staff speaking faultless English. Glad I went myself! Very heartening to see them in the flesh.
  6. Yes, I checked Bolt for one way. About 1100 THB. I'm prepared to deliver this myself so could do a return trip. For tomorrow possibly.
  7. Maybe wrong group, but I need to send docs to arrive same day before close of business. Any ideas on the quickest way?
  8. When will the government bring in a mandatory annual MOT (in the UK, stands for Ministry of Transport) certification or equivalent? Emissions testing too. Would provide a lot of employment and training too. Win win.
  9. So live in your Brave New World, or call it the Matrix, or whatever. How long will the human race survive without women, if that's the ultimate goal of the manosphere? And a whole race derived from a limited supply of eggs and sperm? I see massive genetic fxxx ups. No diversity, so essential to human survival and yet so repulsive to right wingers, no Thai/farang kids, no racial interaction. Just a rapidly shrinking gene pool. You look at Putin's Slavic purity postulates. And then at Hitler's Aryan lies. Men dreaming their little men dreams. Men have ruled (ruined) this planet for aeons. Ladies, over to you.
  10. Why aren't you at the khumb mela?
  11. You might as well say "...if the Jews remain on the land". There was war and violence when Ben Gurion and co fought against the British in Palestine. And latterly in 1948 when 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from Palestine in the Nabqa. And endlessly thereafter. The Jews packed their bags and left way back in Roman times during one of several diasporas. They returned a 1000 years later to reclaim it. Well you know, possession is 9/10 of the law, and Jews gave up their possession. And I'm sorry but the Old Testament would never be accepted as a title deed in any court of law. Now they're claiming the whole of Palestine , which doesn't exist according to the ultra orthodox Jews. Only Canaan and Judaea, as mentioned in the Old Testament, and they make up "The Promised Land". Oi vey. We have a covenant from God already! Well, with the Yanks on your side, more like.
  12. "Hump like a nymph" gives the game away. An incel, misogynistic, manospheric escapee. You have no say in it. Get back, demon. Women own the means of (re)production. Unless you're prepared to rape and/or forcefully artificially inseminate women, there's not a lot you can do about it. The bottom line is, if you can't reproduce, shouldn't we be thankful?
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