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  1. They don't record an address on entry. But I guess a TM 30 tied to a passport photograph, and then a match via....what? AI? Matching that blurry CCTV capture could be problematic. Anyway, for me the mystery remains unanswered.
  2. You mean those with brains and those without?
  3. They come from wealthy families.
  4. But they have to match it to an address.
  5. Thanks! Going some way to clearing up the usual level of bs surrounding Hakparn. All misreporting should be identified and the journalists dealt with. And all the haters were cheering!
  6. It always surprises me how the police are able to identify a suspect from a video clip. Who identifies him? Who knows him? How did they trace him?
  7. "Seemingly a sad attempt at suicide." I'd call that speculative bs.
  8. Just print another trillion dollars to bail your incredibly stupid country out yet again.
  9. Before becoming a landlord, maybe there should be a licensing procedure and a training program so you know the basics of letting law, and how to read and write a tenancy agreement. Licence renewable every 3 years. This guy should have been thrown out after a month or so of non payment of rent. Surely she has a copy of his id card?
  10. That's outside the Royal Albert Hall on Kensington Gore, London, SW1. Very chic blocks of flats. And right opposite Kensington Gardens. Used to represent huge holdings by Russian oligarchs and oil rich Arabs.
  11. That's how I see it. Happy to pay for services rendered, same as for anything of value.
  12. You speak from experience I guess?
  13. You might ask why do so many men marry a prostitute? I'm woke so I don't like the word. Isn't there a better one? Sex worker? Isn't that a better description? The p word has all sorts of ugly connotations.

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