You might as well say "...if the Jews remain on the land". There was war and violence when Ben Gurion and co fought against the British in Palestine. And latterly in 1948 when 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from Palestine in the Nabqa. And endlessly thereafter. The Jews packed their bags and left way back in Roman times during one of several diasporas. They returned a 1000 years later to reclaim it. Well you know, possession is 9/10 of the law, and Jews gave up their possession. And I'm sorry but the Old Testament would never be accepted as a title deed in any court of law. Now they're claiming the whole of Palestine , which doesn't exist according to the ultra orthodox Jews. Only Canaan and Judaea, as mentioned in the Old Testament, and they make up "The Promised Land". Oi vey. We have a covenant from God already! Well, with the Yanks on your side, more like.