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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. But on Monday if I'm not mistaken, you said you made a successful claim 2 months after signing up.
  2. Do you have a link for the above as I can't find it? AA says it's nothing to do with Wrlife. <deleted> is going on?!
  3. I only found out about it on Monday. You can do your own research too.
  4. $1400 pa? That's half what I'm paying! I'm 10 years older, so maybe that's why. And maybe you've had your policy for a while? I'm still ok with what I've got though. $10k pm is what I spend on one or two luxury items in any case.
  5. They brought that new deal in after I'd signed up. That's the sort of thing that might make you think twice about signing up. The weirdly moving goal posts prior to or post signing! Nobody I've talked to got the same deal. But everybody got covered for what they've had to have done. I think the 6 month rule is an attempt to normalise their Ts and Cs. I also think if I'd gone elsewhere, cardio cover would have been completely excluded. Who knows?
  6. As the OP, I just thought I'd update the thread. I signed up with Wrlife, for better or worse. I took $400,000 pa cover for 10471 THB pm. I did visit AA's offices, and talked at length with Benny, a very nice man. Wrlife have changed their requirements, and it seems to be on a rolling ongoing basis, so it looks like most people have a different experience. Not to everybody's taste I guess, but I feel ok about it. Thanks to everyone for their input. It all helps, you know! They put a 24 month moratorium on my Afib, but apart from that all is covered. Seems peculiar I know that they would cover cardiovascular problems in the light of my Afib, but it seems that this is, at present at least, how they work. As usual, YMMV!
  7. Ever had a neighbour who went out of his way to make your life a living hell? Even taunted you with "c'mon then, what you gonna do abaht it. Get a gun and shoot me?" Yeah? Oh no, I forgot, you're too smart to ever land up in that situation. You'd move, yes, sell up and take the missus and your kids elsewhere. Just walk away. Forget about it. All the time waiting for just half a chance to break the guys neck. So long as you don't get caught, right? Well, she acted in broad daylight in front of witnesses. What does that tell you about her state of mind? The taunts, the jibes, the destruction of her self esteem. The physical beatings. Finally she makes a decision for which, yes, she's now going to pay the price. Maybe her life's ruined. Who knows? But at least she'll have the comfort of knowing the author of all her misery and unhappiness is nothing more than a pile of ash in a jar. I hope she survives the ordeal and finds a new life eventually. Let the dead bury the dead.
  8. Don't patronise me. You said: "The likelihood is that she was the aggressor, hence she being the one that went to his place to attack him." Explain the first part of your statement. The aggressor in relation to what?
  9. What motive could she have had then? All of a sudden it's the guy who's the victim of an unwarranted attack.
  10. Ok, so she gets beaten up regularly and then thrown out of the house. How would you feel? Who knows what contribution she made to the upkeep, or why she was the one who had to leave. We don't know how things panned out over the ensuing months.
  11. I don't think you understand what being a victim of domestic abuse entails. Were mostly blokes on this forum. We don't experience the world as women. And we only have the Lao lady's testimony to go on. She deserves a medal. She saved the woman's life. I remember getting called a "mangina", on this very forum, a word I find so offensive as to warrant at least a cap in the head, when I suggested the Thai woman who got badly bashed up and robbed on the New York subway late at night was not responsible for her beating up by dint of her attire and the fact she was out on her own late at night. You might think otherwise, but until women are free to dress how they like, when they like and where they like, without being blamed for any ensuing violence against them, well, what price "civilisation"? Men are the problem, not women.
  12. If you're prepared to face the consequences I think shooting your assailant dead is one course of action, not legitimate maybe in the legal sense, but she probably wasn't thinking about that. It was reported by a third party though, and it seems the woman had planned to blow her own brains out immediately afterwards, but was prevented from doing so, so murder/suicide seems to have been the objective. A very desperate woman indeed. How many would undertake such a course of action if not driven to it? A crime of passion, though no defence, is still mitigation. Let it stand as a warning to men everywhere. I'll swing for it, by God I will!
  13. He beats her up regularly, then dares her to do something about it. She does. He gets what he deserves. She gets off, or lightly. Her defense? She was seriously abused over time, and provoked. You don't bash up women and walk. End of.
  14. You can go and talk to them in their office if you're in Pattaya. If you're considering signing up with Wrlife it's probably highly advisable.
  15. How has it cost you £1400? You paid a year up front, but no refund?
  16. Are you saying they wrote to you saying you were right to cancel and look elsewhere? That's beyond weird.
  17. I'm interested to know how you deduce "very low capital". Is there a source for this? And their business model? Is this guesswork or data based?
  18. Going to drop by AA tomorrow. They're up there next to Big C on corner of Pattaya Tai. Spoke to rep.
  19. Going to drop by AA tomorrow. They're up there next to Big C on corner of Pattaya Tai. Spoke to rep.
  20. Can't see how they can cover preexisting but if they are contracted to, so be it. They put my Afib on at first a 12 month moratorium, but in the cover note ( I haven't paid yet) it went to 24 months. I can't see how they can cover cardiovascular knowing I have Afib. Oh, and the registration is with Orias, which seems to be a French authority. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://orias.fr/home/documents/ORIAS-STATIC-ANNUAL-REPORTS-EN-2011&ved=2ahUKEwiA6rK70rb5AhXY-TgGHSOIASkQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw28L24FouydBKtfi831cz_C
  21. Thanks a bundle for this obviously well informed advice. I took up your points with my contact at Wrlife. I also found this slightly more informative document which has the registration number and license number down at the end of the file. https://www.wrlife.net/ However I'm still in the dark with regards to the insurers. I also discovered a lengthy link to an organisation called AIS, or Assist International Services, here: http://assistinter.com/main/ So I'm still in the market, and if I get satisfactory answers to the other points I'll probably take them up on their options. I've been recommended Cigna also as an alternative. Perhaps a better bet.
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