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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. There goes her cash cow!

    Yes another tragedy and yes a crime of passion. She loses big time as you correctly point out. And how many others in the past just like her have forfeited wealth for poverty. And the husband too has destroyed his life. Escape to where? Singapore? The capital in Asia of corporal punishment although the authorities there would probably extradite him back to Thailand. The furry chequebook has done it again.

  2. Im very naive when it comes to these drugs and what they do ( I'm in my 7th decade) but can someone explain to me what it does to people, why it is worth risking very long terms of imprisonment, and why, it seems, it is so popular? I mean it has to be popular to get the demand it is apparently receiving. When I was in my teens it was very exciting just to ask for and get a packet of 10 Capstan from under the tobacconists counter.

  3. All good advice from members. I also had my two girls get Citizenship by Descent, although my partner and I were not married at that time 15+ years ago. The first girl descent recognition, born in 1995 in Bangkok, was painless. Just took along the Thai Birth Certificate, and my passport along with details of mother's ID etc, to the Oz Embassy. Then we moved to Indonesia for two years and my second girl was born in Makassar. Same deal again, sent birth certificate of hospital's record of birth to Oz Embassy in Jakarta. Not an Indonesian Government birth certificate as children born in Indonesia of foreign parents are not recognized as Indonsian Citizens. When my Thai partner came back to Thailand for a visit she got a Citizen by Descent birth certificate for our second girl without difficulty. And as I was born in England and I have British citizenship the girls citizenships are recognised in Thailand, Australia and the UK.:clap2:

  4. what is he worried about??? He is not a baby, he can look after himself. There is no more danger in Koh Chang then anywhere else in the World.You are not talking about great deal of money, accomodation is cheap there. And if the woman is a teacher , she is the most likely decend girl.

    Not only teachers are decent girls. I met mine in a disco. Just once. And she's a decent girl. In two weeks we met again and she moved in with me. She's a teacher too, well of a sort. She's very sporting minded and taught me to Pole Vault or Hop Skip and Jump early in the mornings. I recommend this fellow take the holiday at Koh Chang. After all he's sixty and should know what he is about by now. Yeah go for it!:lol:

  5. Swedish Nationals. Who knew?

    That's what it appears to be and even more of them in Sweden. At least that's what the report quotes

    "The Swedish national is a wanted suspect charged with conspired with bank officials in Sweden to hack the banking system, changing purchase orders of bank clients' accounts and transfering their money into his own bank account, causing damage to several companies in Scandinavian countries, valued at 20 million krona or about Bt100 million.

    I wonder how many officials are involved?:huh: And they must have agreed to put it all into his account.

  6. You know something seriously wrong with Thailand - expats retire there to get away from crime in Aussie/ USA pommy land etc / all the crap etc =- what a race of dickheads where they murder thier own meal tickets !!!!! and nobody is safe ''land of smiles and she'll be right '' ok when does it all get cleaned up ! i seen all the red shirts there when i stayed last year for awhile - what a scaremongering lot of crap that was '' red shirts about as dangerous as a stone garden gnome ! yet they shut down towns ohh gosh!!!! in one way i see violence there as a lot of crap! then you see some expat 25 murdered by Thais for what ??? they don't steal his loot or credit card = then whats the purpose ? since when did a Thai man ever give 2 tosse's what a westerner did ??

    Something seriously wrong here Thais must be dumb eh ?

    (1 Thailand without westerner - like a rolls royce with no motor - no dollars to drive it - so you look after 'your meal ticket ( dickheads - you dont kill it ) as without him you got a big percentage of nothing = tis fact ! ( they cant count eh ) everything is a quid these days sad but true -so you dont kill it -------what the way the world is!!! down to its last 2 cents ! what do Thais do ''doh we ''not want ferlang'' --thats ok we'd rather eat grass = dickheads ! you cant have the $$$ without the man sorry it don't work that way ---you embrace his money, he's the boss and you embrace his ways ! - thats the law of the jungle !

    Yes thats the shot'' now Thailand scare's away the Swede tourists thats the way eh !----------iriots''''' you embrace the dollars'' --------------hellloooo))))) you don't chase it away ! i mean who cares what he did ? whats the worst he could have done -slept with 4 tarts in a week - no crime in that ! He'd not be stealing---- nothing there you'd risk jail for !!!! lol ----------

    Nothing in Thailand where a Thai could justify murder ! if you read travel brochures - and believe them!! then nothing happens in Thailand as to what we read here today hmm--- somebody is telling fibs !

    But hey Thais gottu wake up my friends western man unless its paedephile well in Thailand he should never be upset by anybody because i mean 90% westerners living there doing the Thais a favour ! most get robbed for the favour ?- be me if i was a Thai id be to scared to say ''boo '' to western guy '' let alone attack it - maybe they are just total nut cases -thats easy fixed just lock em all up , or bump em off ----------i mean who's going to miss them !

    Hm strange place with a lot to learn -about - who's paying your way in life !----------old analogie applies man with the $$$$ makes the rules!! the rest bow the head and follow !


    Sorry Zakk, wrong. If one person does not confess, penalty is applied to all concerned.

    Had a 2 in-laws in a pick-up (cheap ride to BKK) where drugs were found. 8 got 12 years each, no money for lawyers, driver never faced charges.

    Jesus Stevo, were you on the slops when you wrote this? Say a few words mate.

  7. Australia's minimum wage is Aus$590 per week

    This amounts to about 75000 Baht per month.Is there someone who can confirm this as I'm interested in a low paid job in Australia in that case.

    No you're not. You couldn't afford the cost of living. House and flat rents take more than $300-400 per week. And then there's the ridiculously high cost of utilities. Have you read the latest on the rising cost of food etc in Oz? And don't forget the miserable weather. Believe me Thailand is the best place to live.

  8. Come on people ... it's NORTH SUNSHINE <deleted>.. Nothing up there anyway apart from dole *&%(%s and *(*)&% addicts - and the occasional decent person trying to survive between them.

    It's the "self proclaimed birthplace of the 'Ashes'" no less

    ... and has anyone forgotten that the Tiger aircraft had incorrect data in their OBCs? Maybe Thai has the same data? errr pilot flyig too low because computer says so.

    Typical crap from Oz news agencies (where it no doubt originated)

    Cheers, Ken

    Good on yer Ken. Absolutely dead right. And when one dies and is sent to pugatory they'd end up in Sunshine, the birth place of The Ashes. What an absolute hole of a place.

  9. blah, blah, blah... "the ATSB said in a part-summary of its investigation so far.

    It called it a "serious incident"

    "The plane landed safely without incident."

    @ ASTB.... get a life!

    Incident have to be considered. Not respecting the Safety Altitudes is something serious even if there is no accident.

    In Civil Aviation, Cow boys behaviors have been at the origin of numerous accidents, this is no more acceptable by Civil Aviation standards

    Quite right it was a serious incident but shouldn't we wait for the resuts of the Civil Aviation investigaton? I don't know of any or have ever heard of criticism re Thai Airways like other Asian airlines get. I wouldn't travel with any other airline but Thai unless there's no choice in the matter. Getting on a Thai plane in Melbourne is like getting into Thailand before we get there.

  10. Vodka is normally about 40% ethanol and 60% water and will freeze solid at around 30-35 deg Centigrade. If it's a weak vodka, around 30% ethanol then it will freeze at around 20-25 deg C. It should say on the bottle how much alcohol there is.

    Thank you ZZZ. My knowledge of what can affect Vodka in certain temps is based on ignorance, heresay and observation. The latter being that a Russian Vodka I usually purchase has never frozen in my home refrigerator. I checked the temp in the freezer this morning and it will go no lower than -10C or +14F. Did you mean 20-25deg F?I also checked the bottle details as you suggested and there is only two numbers on the label i.e. 75CL (750ml) and 40% Vol.

  11. <DIV>I recently bought, for the first time, an inexpensive bottle of Jupiter Vodka and as most consumers of this drink would know vodka cannot be frozen. But the contents in this bottle did freeze so obviously this bottle has water in it and that's what froze. I would guess the water content was about 30-40%. I've called the marketers and the owner was very courteous and thankful for my call. He says he's going to get on to it immediately. Has anyone else out there in this forum had the same experience with this brand?<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:bah: src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/bah.gif"> </DIV>

  12. Don't know did you read it? Why are you asking me?

    Also are you saying you know for a fact that the volunteers on the Tourist Police did not get the legal papers needed. Also how many on the tourist police are not Thai. How many are Thai.

    You sir sound like a typical Thai basher to me.:angry:

    No I am not saying I know for a fact that the volunteers on the Tourist Police did not get the legal papers needed - and i don't see anywhere I did say that. What I did say is that I read in the Phuket Gazette that the Phuket Immigration Head was complaining that the Phuket Tourist Police Foreign Volunteers did not have valid work permits and he asked the newspaper to make them aware that they needed them. perhaps you might like to ask the head of the Phuket Immigration if he knows for a fact that the volunteers on the Tourist Police did not get the legal papers needed - he was the one who said it - not me !

    How does that in any way make me a 'Typical Thai Basher'

    You sir sound like a typical farang basher to me.

    One of the typical ones on here who nit-pic in peoples posts and try to make an issue out of nothing.

    Reread your post you did not say you read it. If you have no knowledge of the status of the volunteers Tourist Police why did you bring it up. Your reply had nothing to do with the article.

    As I said you are a typical Thai basher. Imply every thing and then say I did not say that.

    Or you are perhaps a illegal tour operator. That being the case I completely understand your attitude to the article. I hope they get all the illegal tour operators. People like that are a part of the reason some Thais do not like farong's.

    Yes I am a typical farong basher if the farong is nothing but a Thai basher.

    As an observer only, I don't want to get mixed up in this trivia but Udox said the following;

    Didn't I read a month or two ago a report from the Phuket Gazette where the chief of Phuket Immigration asked the newspaper to point out to the farang Tourist Police volunteers that they were working Illegally and they should have work permits?

    Yep he said he read it.

  13. Actually not weird at all and very common. If blowing on the head it is called pao kamom among others. Blowing on other parts of the body would be called pao piang, om piang, etc. And it is done to blow away the pain or sickness. Originally it was done with a ritual chant but nowadays the chant part is not so common, unless done by monks.

    When a little kid falls over and grazes his knee, he/she may run to mum or granny in tears and they will then blow away the pain for the child.

    Thanks Garry, that makes sense. Sort of like kissing it better.

    I like this one better than the black magic option. :blink:

    Every culture has its ways of dealing with unhappy children. My mum used to kiss it better and needless to say 16 years ago my Thai wife used to blow on our liitle girl's sore parts. My Thai girl friend does the same to me now when I have an 'ouch'. I have to say its very effective.

  14. Surprise,surprise!

    The people have had their say, hopefully he courts will throw this out before it even gets off the ground.

    Upholding anything like this would probably be the simple way to allow the military to do exactly what they said they won't on the basis that they would be intervening in a potential civil war.

    Let the democratically elected government to get on with their job, if they fail the people will have an opportunity to go to the polls again in the future.

    So you are in favour of any wrong-doing by the winning party being overlooked because they won?

    Personally my hope is that laws are not thrown out the window, but abided by, and that it can be shown that Puea Thai did. If they didn't, well then they get what's coming.

    Disenfranchising the voters choice will only lead to one big sh*t fight. Sore losers always lose anyway. It 's just a matter of time.

  15. Try living in Phuket... vastly more expensive than Bangkok. It's very hard to find even a small house for to rent for less than 15,000THB a month and frankly you have to search for those. I paid on average 23,000THB for a 2-bed house in central Phuket, near to the school where I worked, not near the beach. Not only were the supermarkets more expensive than Bangkok, the international hospitals where charging more than Bumengrad. Welcome to the Geneva of Asean!

    Yes and I guess it's because any place that is promoted to the hilt by travel agents in other countries becomes very expensive. Supply and demand I suppose. My daughter-in-law, a travel agent in Australia, is forever flying to Phuket to arrange deals for her business. Now if you move to less popular touristy places where they still have all the things you would care to want e.g. Hat Yai, Songkhla, Nakon Si Thammarat et al, then costs drop accordingly. I have a fully furnished all sing all dancing 3 bedroom house with Internet and PC plus 2 TV's, bed linen kitchen ware pots plates etc for 11,000 per month down south and I am not a disciple of Scrooge McDuck either and I can even save money here. Something I couldn't do in my home country.


    Half price for old codgers if they have a seniors card in Oz but if you take the grandchildren you'll need a security van full of money. The confectionary costs are exhorbitant and I feel for the cleaners who have the job of cleaning a sea of pop-corn after each show. It's also my impression that the Thai movie theatres are furnished better too.

  17. When the Swiss government canceled his pension 3 months ago, he became desperate for funds to cover overhead costs of his wife's restaurant there.

    I thought the point of having a restaurant was making money?

    Making a living is more to the point, not money. It is hard and demanding work both from the running of the business and satisfying customers needs and expectations. Being a restauratuer for some years I can tell you that after the running costs such as monthly lease payments, wages, food costs, kitchen H&S maintenace charges, utility bills e.g. gas, power, water council charges for food operating licenses etc etc, there's not much left. Other factors affecting profits, are location, public holidays and other events... ad nauseum. It's darn hard work and if this fellow'sThai lady partner's intelligence and knowledge of running a business is limited?.....I leave the rest up to your imagination.

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