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Posts posted by Fishface

  1. I drive the full length of Thailand every month, from Satun to Pattaya 14 hours 1400 km in one hit. You need a license. I used to get stopped a lot now I never get stopped because--- The police know that on the main road such as the 3 falangs have a license there is no point in stopping a falang anymore as he will have the lot and a good car as well.

    They stop Thais in front of me and wave me on,-- maybe 4-- 5 times on the 1400 trip.

    If you nip around side streets with a rental in Chang mai or Pattaya they wont care.

    You need a non immigrant visa not a work permit. If you here for more than 6 months you should have a non imm anyway.

    If you mess around and try to cheat you will get all the respect you deserve but still more than you would in your own country.

  2. 2500 Bath under the table and done. Of course you must talk the right person. Smart people can stay in Thailand. Stupid people, go home!

    2500 ---you got ripped. Its was 800 for me for 2 licenses and you out in 20 minutes,-- that was the deal. 20 minutes later I was done. Mind you that was 15 years ago.

    You cant pass --they make it that way--the translation is appalling --you can't answer a question you cant understand.

    When I mentioned this she said " all falang say this" So 800 baht got the same exam with little pencil marks on the correct answers and this time it went easy.

    Is that cheating?


    Does "girlfriend" count?

    The police quoted 'girlfriend' but seeing as the guy is dead and cannot defend himself all the muck rakers can have a field day.

    It matters immensely as girl friend can mean sexual relations but what proof is there of that, all we know and all anyone can know is that it was a female passenger. Until other wise is proven it is inappropriate to discuss it as sexual relations and accuse him of pedophilia.

    There is never ever pedestrians on that fly over night or day. It would be suicidal to try. Witnesses? ---impossible.

    • Like 1
  4. And to think jury's are made from people like you lot.


    Maybe he just stole a gold budda from an early morning priest and shot a police barrier then he robbed a TM machine after holding up 7/11 and errr oh then a 16 year old jumped on the back with YA BA but they havnt found them yet so he commit suicide at the traffic lights and........

    Yeah--im pretty sure thats it.

    Oh yeah he probably ran out of petrol on the bend.

  5. Again I know this section of road well. It is just 2 small lanes. Cars come of Sukhumvit at high speed into this corner. It possible and very likely he was pushed into the barrier by a hit and run who was drunk. There are marks all along this wall so it happens daily.

    It would appear that thier death was from falling from the fly over more than the falling from the motorcycle

    • Like 1
  6. My glass ball is not working as well as you guys is this morning. Why do you think he was having a sexual relationship. It maybe yet that it was his daughter. I have nothing at all to talk about with a 16 year old and its likely he did not either. The guy is dead not 24 hours and already hes a pervert and pedophile.

    Whats next in the glass ball --he had just robbed a bank as well.

    (Witnesses nearby said he was speeding and was drunk) so there are people standing on this 2 lane fly over 30 feet in the air with no pavement at 4 am that can spot a drunk on a motorcycle. This is a start of a highway to Bangkok -- it leaves the center of Sukumvit Rd and joins the highway to Bangkok,-- no one walks there.

    Facts would make a more interesting conversation .

  7. I know that bridge and it is a nasty bend. Its been in operation for about 2 years now, I fear this is just the first.

    There is a sign as you approach it prohibiting motorcycles from that road. Whilst I think the sign is wrong it is still there.

    Why would a 52 year old tourist be heading out on the Bangkok road with a 16 year old at 4am.

    I can think of a few. Maybe his girl friends daughter come to town to find him? He was too drunk but she insisted.

    Who owns the bike?

  8. and so? they do surgery to have more sex appeal and that's exactly what they get... I don't see what the problem is... I made my boobs to get more sex and that's exactly what I get! I can't complain if guys ask me when I don't have time for it... I'm not going to file a complaint about that... The day I won't like it anymore i'll just remove my implants.

    The world is gone mad... "I want to be more sexy but I don't want that guys show it..." How pathetic is that!

    And there lies the beauty of the internet. You can be who you want. This is a classic answer from someone getting a kick out of pretending to be a woman, who isn't a woman. AND it got some 'likes', staggering!

    I like sensitive men like you.. You sexy man no sh1t I like you boom boom mak mak. You want friend me. I can have baby you if you got money for me.

  9. Uk does not have immigration any more for leaving the country. Why should there be --if you going then go-- Only need to stop people to take money off them for staying too long which is ironic when you are trying to leave.

    So they dont have any money so you stop them from leaving ( which is what they need to do) and put them in prison which costs money.

    Now they have no ticket or any way of paying or even leaving which is what they wanted to do before you stopped them.

    I would think the exit control should prevent fugitives from leaving the country.

    Oh they know who you are when you buy a seat but there is no immigration as such. They dont bother squeezing another 20 quid out of them because they overstayed 24 hours.

  10. Uk does not have immigration any more for leaving the country. Why should there be --if you going then go-- Only need to stop people to take money off them for staying too long which is ironic when you are trying to leave.

    So they dont have any money so you stop them from leaving ( which is what they need to do) and put them in prison which costs money.

    Now they have no ticket or any way of paying or even leaving which is what they wanted to do before you stopped them.

  11. Hope they are all ok and the man is caught.

    I heard possibly wrong but I am sure someone on Thai visa will know, that for a Thai national to own a gun they must have a minimum of 1 million THB in the bank. If this is the case how do so many young Thai's have them. In addition what is the penalty for having a gun without proper paperwork.

    You need a non im visa and 800,000 in the bank and a driving license for a gun. Then you can go to the crocodile farm for the same price as Thais if you carry the gun on a sunday.

  12. I am apalled by the price of autos in Thailand. I saw a used 4-year old Mini S on a classified site for 2.9 Million! In the USA, a brand new Mini S sells for the equivalent of 700,000 baht. So, for the price of one 4 year old car, I could buy 4 brand new ones in the USA. Wealthy business owners are driving around like they are Saudi Princes when they have a mini, not realizing that it is a car that a middle class family in the US might buy for their daughter as a graduation present.

    I wonder if this applies to foreigners who live here bringing their own car into Thailand. Currently, you can bring 1 personally owned vehicle here duty free 1 time.

    This is obviously in response the the story of last week where big Thais would buy Bentleys in Uk and get them registered here without taxation being paid. The car was then worth many millions more on the Thai market. Its value being on what some on will pay for it wether its a Bently or a 1980 Mazda 323.

  13. Just sold my classic car, should have waited longer, think this will drive the prices of classic cars/ motorbikes up big time.

    no, you are lucky you sold it. I for one would not give you one baht for a car I cannot fix. No import parts, no repairs!

    You could never get parts for a classic car and they hav'nt stopped repairing them, they havn't banned imports of parts either.

    Just a few cars have been stopped.

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