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Posts posted by Fishface

  1. The simple criteria is being ignored. If a Uk resident travels to Thailand they can not claim social security or health care or loose themselves in a job of the China towns that exist in UK. Do you know of any English towns in Thailand.

    The simple fact is that Thais would rather live in Uk than Thailand along with many other far eastern countries hence we need to know that they have no intentions to stay.

    I know of one Laos girl that has said that if her husband,-- a friend of mine ever takes her to uk there is no way she will come back, not a chance.

    This is why we need Visas

  2. Traffic accidents? .. Has anybody ever seen a highway police stopping and giving somebody a ticket for:

    not using an indicator when turning or using indicator when not turning?

    driving and parking on wrong side of the road?

    parking near/on intersections and other clearings?

    not having lights at night?

    overtaking when not safe?

    crossing the continuous line?

    not wearing seat-belts?

    talking on mobile phone when driving?

    Hmmm .. maybe they could start from "trying" to enforce some of the existing rules before adding the new ones? But of course .. talk is cheap.

    Good Point. In particular, driving cars at night with no lights on riles the life out of me..........maybe they think it uses up gasoline!!

    Far too much to ask of them, I would be delighted if they just drove on the left.--or right just make it national so we all know whats going on.

    • Like 1
  3. A visa does not give right of entry. You could still be denied entry at port of call.

    Allowing anyone to travel to uk and have them processed at UK would make those think. At present you will just loose to cost of the visa and not the cost of an air ticket just to see the international lounge of Heathrow. It would cut down the 'Oh ille give it a try' just to take thier bird down the pub, so making travel to Uk absolutely necessary only.

    Only problem would be that it would be very confrontational " ive paid my taxes why cant she come in,--- ille see a lawer and have your job etc etc. You know the type,--- a 24 year old sex tourist that lives with his Mom and works nights for British Rail.

  4. Its disgusting that politics would be discused at this stage. Yet the government may very well be on thin ice, they could do themselves a favour by telling how it is,--if they know.

    The poor in the wet houses dare not leave for fear of theft. The government have constanty mis informed on everything.

    Talking to a local flood victim be email, one thing not reported on is the 700 crocodiles escaped from a farm along with unknown number of snakes.

    Those that have evacuated dare not return untill all the water has gone and preditors can be seen.

    No mention of that on the BBC is there.

  5. Why not just pay --say 5 baht per kilo of trash. No rich will be involved and the poor have something to do and can earn money saving government money. AND when its all over keep the system. I know plastic bags are not recyclable but so what pay the poor to collect them. This can start now today.

    If they dont do something quick the stink will have tourist vomiting on there way back to the airport.

  6. "Bangkok will have alcohol free zones across the city with the move determined to curb violence that often stems from binge drinking....

    ...to enforce an alcohol free zone on every public park, government building and police station."

    Does that mean there is binge drinking going on in government buildings and police stations???

    Going on some of the recent economic policies I'd say yes.

    If you have a non immigrant visa then its still OK but you can only drink for 15 days now if your not having a hair cut and you move your brothers clothes onto the lower peg before dinner after you write home providing you have reported your last 90 days in the same place as the last with copies 0f all visas complete with bus tickets.

    Oh and dont forget to keep those little elastic bands from the noodle bag I ve been told they will be asking for those on next years immigrant visas.

  7. Sex tourism --are you joking, you know how much a bonk is these days. Things have got out of hand and now its 3000 at least. A lady drink is an arm and a leg which is close on to 150baht for some red water.

    Short time rooms are going bust too. I can barely afford a motorbike,--certainly not both like we did in the good ole days for ha loi.

    I remember when 2000 a day did all three bike, bird, booze,bed.

  8. Its impossible to do 1000 bahts worth of damage to a tuk tuk even if you knocked a mirror off. We all know what happened, late at night, short of customers "hey you, pay 1000 baht '.

    Well they are going to be a lot short of customers in the future . These tuk tuk drivers scare me and I dare not get in them , I will walk if at all possible and that would include 5 kM or more. Patong needs proper metered taxis in taxy ranks not this vigilante group of thugs in modified death traps totally unsuitable for phukets hills. And that goes for every where in Thailand.

    I know some one who went to Penang yesterday and came back the same day with a tourist Visa. Monday Morning 10 am no one there.

  9. "As of Wednesday, flood waters were still affecting 411,585 people"

    This figure is clearly wrong. My mother-in-law was taking a dump when they came round and did the count - it should be 411,586 people.

    Im sorry to inform you that if your Mother in law was taking a dump then clearly she was infact not affected by the storm and the number quoted remains correct.

    If she could not have taken a dump due to flood etc then she would have been affected and of course then included.

  10. I cant keep up with it. Yesterday it was 12 Thai men that Thais witnessed whilst standing by and saw it , then its two of his ex mates what did it.

    This kind of journalism is new to me. Now hes not Swede but of Russian descent???

    I heard his hamster attacked him and his friends went to help.

    Im going to wait at least a week before commenting on this stuff in the future,--- if at all.

    I mean someone --a complete stranger rings up with a scoop and its printed word for word without question. Ever heard of liable and slander.

  11. Phuket/ Burmese fishermen are an evil bunch, the slitting of throats like fish is their way. Probably just sport to them, what organised killer would need 12 men that fled like rats that they are.

    They do it because they can, its very unlikely they will be cought. Very sad,-- RIP I take it there was no security at this luxury villa, had he gone to the toilet just at that point?

    You hear many stories like this and then one day one story just wont go away and hits the news media, this maybe the one.

  12. Could be mistaken identity, I mean we all look the same us whiteys. Its only 10 grand to have some one done in with an old faded photo of the victim.

    You know if you cant get a hit right then you should not be doing it.

    He was only 25 --not old enough I would have though to be a dangerous gang leader,--probably chatted up some bar girl while her taxi driver boyfriend was watching.

    22 year Ive been here and its getting real bad is this place, I mean at home if your in a gang you know its coming ,here you can get done in for looking like a person.

    Phuket is getting ridiculous I prefer Pattaya,--its not as bad --yet.

    Talking of Phuket,--I was there last week and I have never seen it that quite, I saw tumble weed blowing down soi Eric.

  13. A foriegn company buying land in Uk I wonder if they had to go and get a Uk girl to be a trustee and buy it in her name.

    I often wonder who owns the British Embassy on Wireless road, I heard it was Nok from the Buffalo bar .

    So much for reciprocal agreements.

    They have bought a redundant moth balled company and not the land as such. In addition to this they are going to be employing 1,000 workers in an employment deficit zone which I'm sure that a lot of people in the area are going to be absolutely delighted about!!! So let's be thankful and not compare Thailands idiotic land ownership rights laws with what this company is doing.

    As long as it is accepted that Thailand does have idiotic land ownership rights is all I was pointing out. However I am unsure as to how you know that the SSI bought just the company and not the land as such, becaue they could if they wanted to. and would be foolish if they did'nt as the developed land would then increase in Value.

    First rule,- secure tenure.

  14. I often wonder who owns the British Embassy on Wireless road, I heard it was Nok from the Buffalo bar .

    Ugh, have you been there recently? Not a british person in sight and all the Thai are blunt rude except for the people behind the actual desks.

    Bit off topic but talk in big words so they dont understand, that usually brings them down the earth, then ask for someone who speaks English.

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