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Posts posted by tootall

  1. There goes the last of a true policeman who would go after criminals. I have made a few complains to Pattaya police. They were justifiable complaints. I was alway told "If you want them to do their job, I had to pay them money. All Thai police are corrupt, and refuse to do the job they are payed to reinforce. I once called about a Thia man chasing a girl out of a bar in the early morning 7 AM, when the Thia bar should have been closoed down. The police station hung up the phone, I called again and they hung up again. I guess Pattaya police do not care about a Thia man beating, pulling a woman by the hair down the street. It is worthless to call Pattaya police, they will not respond. I was tire of being told more than once to pay them to do thier job. My motorbike was hit from behind from a speeding driver. I asked to have them review the street cameras, they told me I had to pay. I'd rather stay away from these clowns in brown.

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  2. 10 hours ago, webfact said:


    Pattaya — Two South Korean tourists reportedly threw beer at a group of Thai women, before the group attacked them in retaliation, resulting in one tourist being injured.

    The incident occurred on Soi 12 near Pattaya Beach last night, September 10th. Sawang Boriboon rescue workers received a report of the incident and rushed to the scene to find two unidentified South Korean men lying in the middle of the road, seemingly heavily intoxicated.


    One of them had sustained minor injuries. The rescue team transported the injured person to the hospital.

    An eyewitness to the incident, Mr. Santi Poonnoi, told local media that he saw the foreigners splashing beer at a group of Thai women for no apparent reasons.


    By Tanakorn Panyadee

    PHOTO: TMN Cable TV Pattaya


    Full story: https://thepattayanews.com/2023/09/11/south-korean-tourists-splash-beer-at-pattaya-women-and-get-slapped/


    -- THE PATTAYA NEWS 2023-09-12


    - Cigna offers a range of visa-compliant plans that meet the minimum requirement of medical treatment, including COVID-19, up to THB 3m. For more information on all expat health insurance plans click here.


    Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe

    I know how this went down after altercation. The police say "How much you pay me to do my job?" If not worth thier time they not respond. I have gone to Pattaya Police before, filed a report/complaint. Made the report and then asked what they are going to do. The policeman tells me how much am I going to pay. That is corruption/exstortion. I refised to pay police to do the job they are paid to do. Another time some Thia man was beating a Thia girl on 3rd Road outside a Thai bar (never good) and the police hung up on me twice. Do you think you are protected in Pattaya-NOT

    • Confused 1
  3. On 1/28/2022 at 9:16 PM, webfact said:

    Thanks to readers who last week called my column “overlong”, “fluff” and “bragging”. 


    Come on, it was only 3,000 words, it contained an enormous amount of useful advice to parents and, besides, I’m the best columnist in Thailand since the advent of khanompang in slices.

    Brother I look forward to each week of reading your levity, humor and updates. Never let neysayers keep you down. Keep up the great writings

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  4. On 6/27/2020 at 7:12 AM, Thaiwrath said:

    Why do people compare Thailand, with no "alleged" internal cases for 33 days, with a country pretty well ravaged by Covid-19 ? It just doesn't make any sense at all.

    Thailand is not doing virus tests like the rest of the world. Thailand only does limiting tests. Think about it-really, Thailand does not want to be seen as a high risk. Think about how they record deaths from accidents. If you still have a pulse and get loaded on transport from the accident, hopefully to hospital and them die on the way. You did not die from an accident is the way the pad their stats to minimise deaths. Same for the virus, if you die at home, or where ever, it is not recorded as a death by virus. Thailand is padding their stats all the time to make deaths other than what they are. Really think about that, before you go out without a mask, or say there are no deaths from the virus in Thailand in a month. It is because of what they want you to think. Be safe, protect yourself,, it is real and it is in Thailand too. The government does not want panic

  5. On 1/22/2020 at 2:20 AM, Angry Dragon said:

    It's possible if the sweat contained skin cells.


    I doubt the police had his DNA on file.  Instead, he was linked as a suspect to the crime based on other evidence.  The DNA test was then taken to confirm that it was his sweat.  Just my guess.

    Sai Janani Ganesan, Postdoctoral researcher @ UCSF
    Answered Jun 28 2014 · Upvoted by David Enoma, MSc Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Covenant University (2019) and Robin Corey, biochemistry postdoc · Author has 471 answers and 2.2m answer views
    Originally Answered: Does Human sweat contain DNA?
    DNA can be extracted from cells. Human perspiration in composition is just water, minerals like sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, urea etc. So, technically it does not contain human cells, hence no DNA. However, we constantly shed skin cells, even while stationary. This means, there could be some cellular material found in human perspiration, especially after a labour intensive activity. There is definitely a chance of finding DNA from perspiration, but one would have to look for it in a sample to be sure.
  6. On 7/19/2019 at 2:58 PM, phantomfiddler said:

    Mr Biggs is, in my opinion, totally correct. An absolute disgrace for a modern airport, and one that many people are afraid to use because of the incredible length of time it can take to get through immigration. The time, plus the usually hostile manner of the officials processing passports, gives any visitor an incredibly bad first impression. In contrast, Singapore, also a busy airport, takes an average time of around 30 seconds waiting, and less than that to be processed !

    Last week I came in at 03:20 got to the IO booth and there were 12 people in the que in front of me. It took 1 hour from the plane gate to clear IO. Took over 30 minutes to prossess 13 people-unacceptable. Only about 6 IO's on stations. You would think I would breaze through at that early time in the morning. The real problem is that there are never enough ques open to handle the masses. The blame is all on IO

  7. On 6/12/2019 at 10:44 PM, bubblehead said:

    Great post which I can relate to.

    You hit the nail on the head!!

    I agree with you about your estimate and the school systems. I will not trade my children's education for living here-for what? I am taking family back to USA/San Diego, where I have a house and all schools and college are very close. My kids education is more important than staying here and paying crazy money for poor education.

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  8. On 6/8/2019 at 4:33 PM, Clive said:

    Thank you all so much for taking the time out to reply.
    I was planning for around £100k ppm so I believe after all your replies I think my figure is writing the realms of possibility.......Thank you

    I constantly tell my wife she spends too much money. Big problem, she can go through 30,000 BHT in 2 weeks if I do not put my foot down. I pay monthly rent on a nice big house in Pattaya, 16,000 BHT, monthly trips to Big C for shopping food 7,000-10,000 BHT. Kids get sick and the Thai 30BHT hospitals give that kind of treatment-need to go better hospitals or clinics. Water/electric 5,000 BHT a month. The foriegn currency to the BHT is super poor and getting worse. Thailand is not cheap anymore for a family of 4 like you and me (2 boys). The truck and motorbike are paid for, then there is always her family drama and needing money. 

  9. On 6/16/2019 at 3:08 PM, khunPer said:

    It will be best if your son has a Thai passport when leaving, and using the US passport for airline check-in, and when arriving in USA. For a 1,000 baht fee you can have a Thai passport issued same day. Normally both parents need to be present when a minor apply for passport, but with full custody you should be able to do it alone.


    To avoid any problems in immigration you should have an official statement-letter from the amphor, that you is allowed to take your Thai son out of Thailand. Normally the mom shall be present when issuing the letter, but having full custody might work as well.


    The amphor-statement can look like this:



    If your son has your family name the problem using a US passport might be less; however with no entry-stamp the visa-expert @ubonjoe might be the right to answer about your possibilities.


    The one thing that has stopped me from getting a Thai Passport for my son in addition to his USA passport is the ramifications that come with getting a Thai Passport or Thai ID card. If he attains either one he iwould be now eligible for the Thai Army draft when becomes age for the draft. He can be drafted into the Thai Army legally by their rules. If he does not report and re-enters Thailand after no show for the draft, he can be arrested. That is why it is a bad idea for getting an Thai Passort of ID Card

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  10.  am going through the same thing with my son with ex Thai wife. I downloaded a form online about her giving me custody and decisions reguarding my son. It stated that she gave permission for him to go to USA for vacation and to attend school there.Last October I went to the airport with him, my current Thai wife and our son. Got pulled over at immigration about my son, as there were no stamps in his USA passport. I showed immigration the 3 years of annual permission docs, his Birth Certificate, Certificate of his Natuaral born Citizen of USA born abroad, yet that was not enough. I had to call her in Europe where she is living with her boyfriend. After they asked her many questions on the phone to verify her Idenity and permission, they let us through. They said next time had to go to the Amphur and get the Thai document that says she gives permission. I just got that one from the Amphur, but is was a hassle. I went with two lawyers three times, my son's mother had to fly to Pattaya and come on the third visit. Yet I only got a document for one year to travel with him. They said I have to go with lawyer to Chonburi court and get document of full custody "Parental power" / "Parental Control". So now I have to pay lawyer more and go to court, they say mom not need to go, but we will see. 

    Further more my son's passport will expire end of Aug this year. I looked on line about what I need to do to renew passport for child under 16 years old. That will be a hassle too with all the paperwork needed as I am divorced from his mom. The one major thing is, I need a court document from court giving me the aforementioned custody. So I have to go to Chonburi court and obtain this document of custody and go back to the Amphur and get a permanete form from them. There are many other notorization that has to be done by the US Embassy or USA notoary. Not to mention getting Thai documents translated to Engilsh and notorized, or even sent to the Thai Ministry of Foriegn Affairs office for stamps. 

    Things to think about for men who are in the same position as I am in. If you are in custody of your child and need to travel abroad and/or get new passport in the future. Hope this helps people

  11. I am going through the same thing with my son with ex Thai wife. I downloaded a form online about her giving me custody and decisions reguarding my son. It stated that she gave permission for him to go to USA for vacation and to attend school there.Last October I went to the airport with him, my current Thai wife and our son. Got pulled over at immigration about my son, as there were no stamps in his USA passport. I showed immigration the 3 years of annual permission docs, his Birth Certificate, Certificate of his Natuaral born Citizen of USA born abroad, yet that was not enough. I had to call her in Europe where she is living with her boyfriend. After they asked her many questions on the phone to verify her Idenity and permission, they let us through. They said next time had to go to the Amphur and get the Thai document that says she gives permission. I just got that one from the Amphur, but is was a hassle. I went with two lawyers three times, my son's mother had to fly to Pattaya and come on the third visit. Yet I only got a document for one year to travel with him. They said I have to go with lawyer to Chonburi court and get document of full custody "Parental power" / "Parental Control". So now I have to pay lawyer more and go to court, they say mom not need to go, but we will see. 

    Further more my son's passport will expire end of Aug this year. I looked on line about what I need to do to renew passport for child under 16 years old. That will be a hassle too with all the paperwork needed as I am divorced from his mom. The one major thing is, I need a court document from court giving me the aforementioned custody. So I have to go to Chonburi court and obtain this document of custody and go back to the Amphur and get a permanete form from them. There are many other notorization that has to be done by the US Embassy or USA notoary. Not to mention getting Thai documents translated to Engilsh and notorized, or even sent to the Thai Ministry of Foriegn Affairs office for stamps. 

    Things to think about for men who are in the same position as I am in. If you are in custody of your child and need to travel abroad and/or get new passport in the future. Hope this helps people

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  12. On 4/16/2019 at 10:05 PM, khunPer said:

    Or better, go to the local Aphor office and get an official letter-permission to take the child out of Thailand. Both parents, and the child, need to be present (if nothing changed since about a year ago). Copies of ID-cards and passport are normally needed.

    I had a problem at airport immigration when I first took my son out of Thailand to USA on a USA passport. I used a generic form I found online to have his mother transfer legal guardianship to me and also had stated our son had permission to travel to USA to go to school. Had copies of her ID card signed and went to a lawyer to have the documents notorized. They still pulled us aside at immigration departure, ended up having to call his mom and talk with her. I was told to go to Amphur to have papers done there with her and my son. We will do before he leaves next time just to make sure no problems. Is there a certain form at the Amphur we fill out or should I just do an updated consent form I used before and we go there and have them stamp it? If there is a form where can I find it so I can fill it out before we go to the Amphur.

    Also, I am thinking that since he passed through immigration last time and we came back he has an arrival stamp in his USA passport. That and along with the consent form I used (updated to this year) that would work alone, Any ideas on that?

    Will still go to the Amphur and do but I wonder if a consent form (updated) and arrival stamp that would work. He will be on an overstay, I have a retirement visa, he is 5 years old, so no penalty for his overstay as long as I am current with my 90 day check in. Thanks for any facts anyone can provide. Would like to know if the Amphur requires their own consent forms or can I use the one I use

  13. I have a good question I am sure many want to Know. CATS stray or ones who have owners that let them run wild at their leisure. I live in a community where cats are running wild. They piss/poop on my property, walk on my truck and make dirty paw prints on my truck and windows, cat fights late at night, howling, screeching, sounds like children in distress. I want to know where I can find a small animal cage/trap so I can capture these wild cats and take them far away from my house.

  14. What you see is the black shirt tell lady when she is by herself to leave the front of store so people can enter store. I do not think I saw any one enter the store the whole time. There was a group of 4 people also on the front of the store taking much more room than the girl when she was by herself, but the coward never confronted them because there were 4 of them. He was like all young Thai men-bullies. I have live here a long time and the worst thing in Thailand is the young men. I have seen them beat down Thai ladies too many times. Next he must have called his blue shirt friend to come and walk through the girl and her two friends who were off to the side and on the street. Then when the blonde girl confronted the blue shirt man he cowered at the door like a fish running away from a cat. It is disgusting the way these Thai men acted and yes as some one posted before, if black shirt had a gun he would have shot her. It is loooooong over due that the Police, Justice and Government system hand down heavy fines with jail time. This bull crap of 500-1000BHT and a sorry is crap. Too much violence from young Thai men and they know they can get away with it until the Police/Justice? and Government implement strong penalties for these kind of violent acts




















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  15. This is an operation run by the big corporations who build too many of these high price condo/hotel buildings and their payoffs to the police to circumvent/make rules as they go along. There are way too condo and hotels going up all over Pattaya. They build and build and do not have the infrastructure to support all the buildings and traffic they have now. I have a friend who has a restaurant/hotel and has all the up to date license yet he know he will be closed down. He states the police are telling all these lower priced establishments, that offer daily/weekly/monthly rates that they have to have an elevator and a pool, Where in the law books does this say it is mandatory?  It is the pressure from the big hotel/condo buildings going up every week that is the force/payments to the police for them to make this new crackdown 

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  16. Why is it that guns are illegal in this country but every day I read about a Thai shooting or pointing their guns at others???????????? 

    The only time you see a Thai policeman is when they are trying to shake down Farangs for lunch money. It is way long overdue for the Thai police to start cleaning up the Thai's. So much talk from the police are about Farangs when the problem are the unsafe and angry Thai people on the roads

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