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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. Managing a Country is little different to managing a Company.

    So the first lessen must be, would a company pay all it's workers to sit and do nothing.

    A company can borrow money but it needs the income to pay that loan back, same goes for a government.

    There is talk of giving money to villages. In principal a good idea but only if the money is used for proper projects that are managed. This did not happen before.

    I'm sure there are lots of Farangs who could/ would start a business in Thailand BUT not under the current rules. Nobody but a fool would invest their money and give financial control to a third party.

    Sometimes Governments forget that all big companies started small.

  2. Be careful when out drinking. seems to be the general advice.

    Good advice but just how is one supposed to be careful?

    Don't use a glass, they can put the drug in there first. Drink only from a bottle and have them open the bottle in front of you. Sounds fine but they can pop the top and put it back on shake the bottle a bit so it gives that shzz! sound as its opened in front of you.

    Sounds like the only way to stay safe is not to drink at all or bring your own from the 7-11 neither of which will make for an enjoyable evening out at the local bar.


    Any bar that I've used everyone wants to drink from my bottle. So I figure it should be OK

  3. Hmmmmmmmmmm Turkey Farmer.<BR><BR>Leaves children in UK for HM Gov to look after, then gets given the bird by Thai wife.<BR><BR>I love poetry.<BR><BR>I rented a house and 20 rai near Rayong paid 4500 baht a month. Locals said I paid a bit too much but what the hell.<BR><BR>Why buy? if you want to give Thai friend/wife a big present do it with eyes open.<BR><BR>Is there anyone on here that has not been ripped off even for small money, I think not.<BR>

  4. I stay here on a 1 year Multi entry 'O' visa, therefore have to do a visa run every 90 days.

    What I fail to understand, is why do we have to leave the country and them come back in. I lve close to Lao so can go on scooter to the bridge but I have to pay the Lao customs 1500 baht for a visa.

    Why can't the immigration office complete the formalities and charge the 1500 baht. Thai customs still have the same control and make money for Thailand

    As for the ED visa, if you don't want to go to school get a Type O multi entry.

  5. I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

    Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

    Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

    Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

    Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

    There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

    If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

    KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

    The employees may not be brain surgeons but they may well be educated enough to read your bigoted and ignorant comments.

    Toyota do not supply a free car but as with all car manufacturers they will give a discount and pay more than 5000 baht a month.

    If the shift finishes at 1am, it would not cost much to assist them to get home.

    Food does not become leftover until the shift has finished. 1 meal a day should be provided.

    The people that run KFC in Thailand only bought a franchise, that is different to starting a business. Yes they are entitled to make a profit but not at the expense of the employees welfare.

    Too many employers in Thailand treat employees as disposable chattels.

    Kuffki, I don't know where you come from but I presume you are a Farang. Maybe you you should go to a village and work a 28 day month for 4/5000 baht. From this income pay for house, food and scooter (so you can ride home at 1am)

    We all know that the pay in Thailand is low but your attitude stinks.

  6. Even with a few mods my PCX will not go over 108km. I'm told that it is speed limited and without ECU mod will not go faster.

    As an aside, I was stopped in Udon the other day. Helmet ok, Thai license ok. Red plate number does not match tax. I explained that I had been waiting for 4 months for plate then ok. He then said you make too much noise 200 baht lol.

  7. Bribery is part of the problem but the laws/rules governing a start up business are ridiculous.

    If a Farang wishes to start a business that will employ Thai people he 1) has to have a Thai partner or 2) Two Thai Directors.

    In the case 1, The Thai partner, who may not have any money can run up debts etc and the Farang is legally responsible. While partnerships are simular in the west there are ways to control irresponsibility. This does not seem to be the same here.

    Case 2. The Thai directors must have full access to the bank account.

    While I trust everyone !! it makes the whole idea untenable, even if the partner is the wife.

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