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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. TAKE CARE. The first thing to remember is you are farang, you have no rights.

    In most countries the landlord would be concerned about losing one, or a number of tenants. No so in Thailand,

    where shooting yourself in the foot is a common thing.

    If the landlord believes you owe money you will have problems so pay up or move.

    • Like 1
  2. Aryanic What a bigoted ass you are. Your comments are based on total ignorance. As you profess to know so

    much about the gay community I think you are probably a closet gay.

    Your opinion on Thai doctors is so far from the truth. I have found Doctors in Thailand to be helpful professional and

    polite in both the private and national sectors.

    Bagwan You are of course correct, there are a number of medicines far better than the tablets given at present. However the

    cost is prohibitive so the clinics are faced with being able to treat everyone as opposed to treating a few.

    One area where they could make a useful change is the level where the treatment is started. At present no one is given tablets

    until their CD4 is 200. If they changed this to a CD4 of 300 it may well save some expense in peripheral illness.

    • Like 1
  3. As stated previously the limit will depend on your personal limit your own bank applies. The normal limit at a Thai ATM is 20,000 baht however the Bank of Auattuti (sic)

    (it's the one with the yellow banner) will allow 30,000 baht per transaction. If your card allows a higher withdrawal per day you can use another machine to get more.

    Of course if you don't have a safe to put the money in, I would take care.

  4. You are not dealing with "the sharpest knives in the draw", intelligence, education all leave alot to be desired in many countries. People just blindly expect things to be the same wherever they go, they are not, and they dont stop to think about where they are and who they are actually dealing with.If they know what they are doing, if they are trained, if they have experience? Or is it just some local driven purely by money and has no clue as to the implications of his actions and unknowingly put lives in danger.

    There have been a few comments on here recently suggesting that Thai's are stupid. I find these comments insulting to the Thai people.

  5. Driving in thailand is a ckusterfrack.

    Roads are terrible. Drivers are generally uneducated and self absorbed. Another huge problem is the lack of a quality extensive rail shipping network in Thailand whose lack forces far too high a number of heavy vehicles onto poorly built and maintained Thai roads.

    Main roads in Thailand are good. The duel carriageways between Cities are as good as the UK. Some of the back roads between villages are

    not very good.

    Thai drivers are not always uneducated however most are rubbish drivers.

  6. If you want blocked drains, putting dunny paper down the bog will do it for you. Use the bum gun, pat dry with the paper and then as said above, put it in the bin.

    Or hang it out to dry for future use. thumbsup.gif

    The plumbing in Thailand is not designed to carry anything but water and faeces.

    Totally agree bum Gun every time. I do like the idea of hanging the paper out to dry but believe this should only be carried out

    if a range of colours are available.

  7. A bit young to be riding a 500cc.......

    During the war 18 y olds were flying bombers and spitfires

    Most world champions are not even 20

    It is the simple brain that can not cope with high ego's.

    Plunging down 15m ,he probably thought :"дерьмо"(shit) i can fly?"

    Very lucky to be alive !

    The 15 y old was the smartest of the 2,he did not sit as a passenger.

    He will probably rent a 1000cc next time ?

    While I understand your comments about Spitfire pilots and world champions, the fact is that these kids have no experience

    of riding powerful bikes. A few months ago in Jomtiem a Russian boy crashed and cut himself in two.

  8. I do get a kick seeing some of these two week millionaires sporting their fake Tag/Rolex, fake Ray Bans, fake Boss shorts, fake Billabong T-Shirt, smoking fake ciggies from Cambodia, drinking fake JD, beside their fake titted companion, who is trying to figure out how to use the fake iPhone he just bought her. blink.png

    What you mean my 2500 baht omega seamaster is a fake? this is outrageous! A high end watch shop in my home city tried to charge me £65 to fit a new battery in my fake watch to which my reply was forget it. I will buy the tool off the internet and do it myself and save £57.

    Theres a lot of youtube videos with people who own the real watches bitching about people who have the fakes which always gives me a big laugh.

    I guess they do not like the fact that they cannot brag and show off like they intended when they bought their over priced status symbols.

    I think you will find that its usually the real millionaires blonde bimbos who tend to have the fake breasts.

    I have bought watches from the guy who has a shop just off Walking Street. He has never claimed his watches are real. If you

    are offered a £2000 watch for 1500 baht there is a good chance it is a fake.

    Pattaya has too many Russians with attitudes.

    I have a good quality watch but very often use a copy when out at night.

  9. I was on the coach to Bangkok from Pattaya some time back and I saw this child driving a moped. He could not of been more than eight. To get on or of he must have started/stopped by a lamp post or a tree for balance. If he survives I am sure he will be an ace rider when older.

    Now lets be sensible about this. In the country ALL the young kids ride scooters, that's how they get to school. The older ones

    10 year old + usually take their younger siblings on the back.

    • Like 1
  10. Driving too fast, brakes crap,don't know how to use gears to slow vehicle down,

    so no seat belts on that bus. RIP

    regards Worgeordie

    Just in the interests of safety - changing down on a diesel truck or bus does very little to slow the vehicle - that's only applicable to petrol engines with their higher cylinder-compression numbers.

    If that's indeed the case, could you explain this about diesel (aka compression-ignition) engines, then?: (Diesel Engine - Wiki)

    "The diesel engine has the highest thermal efficiency of any standard internal or external combustion engine due to its very high compression ratio."

    This explains it: (Engine Braking - Wiki)

    Unlike petrol engines, diesel engines vary fuel flow to control power rather than throttling air intake and maintaining a constant fuel ratio as petrol engines do. As they do not maintain a throttle vacuum, they are not subjected to the same engine braking effects.

    But, according to the above, a diesel engine can get a similar effect (to a petrol engine) by use of a compression-release/jake brake or an exhaust brake. But, I guess, I digress.

    R.I.P to the victims and full and speedy recoveries to the injured.

    Diesel engines provide similar engine breaking as petrol engines.

  11. Driving too fast, brakes crap,don't know how to use gears to slow vehicle down,

    so no seat belts on that bus. RIP

    regards Worgeordie

    Requiring log books that record distance traveled as well as breaks would go a long way also. Of course then there's the enforcement part...

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You could also limit buses to say 70 kmh ? I believe European rules require a rest every 4 hours ?

    This is the one annoying thing about Thailand as I have lost a number of friends due to the dangerous roads

    Driving from Jomptien to Udon a nightmare, that's not the others on the road, it was POT HOLES 30 cm deap and road cracks to take down any Motor cycle, highway 331-304 and highway 2 from Korat to Udon most vehicles driving in the right hand lane. My car hit a pot hole and with it being full of water had no idea how deap. Most of the 8 hours were watching for holes and trying to swerve around them- disgusting state. Had to have a wheel change as my Mag wheel was bent and tyre wall slashed.

    No wonder there are so many accidents/incidents.

    I've driven this route a number of times and never come across holes 12 inches deep. There are a few parts where the inside lane

    is patched but overall not bad.

    As for imposing a 70 kph limit that's just silly.

  12. The Police were disinterested because there was no money in it for them.

    The father is 71 and looks old while the children are very young, perhaps that is what triggered the incident.

    The alleged kidnapper seems to be a do-gooder and tried to intervene to 'rescue' the children, thinking there was no way the couple were the real parents given their age. With Thailand's notorious reputation as a trafficking hub and destination for pedophiles it appears this woman was trying to act like a heroine, with disastrous consequences.

    Doubt it was a serious attempt to kidnap, just an unstable, opinionated woman intervening in a situation she had created of her own making.

    The father was 36, where did 71 come from???

    Having said that why were 2 young girls allowed to be by the rail of the ferry on their own.

    • Like 1
  13. Triple entry visa will be secured in UK, so visa run every 60 days or is it 90 days? Ok, as mentioned above that will come out of my savings.

    Health insurance will be fully payed up in UK before i go.

    You need a 1 year Multi entry. Visa run every 90 days.

    Only comment on budget £240 per month to cover Rent Electric and Water does not seem enough.

  14. Great list JT. Wine is ridiculous here. Maybe getting a bit better, but still expensive!

    Beer should be on that list. Not sure about all countries, but back home, we have a much better selection at greatly reduced prices. Even for imports.

    Wine is expensive, however some of the boxed wines are drinkable and are around 1000 baht for 3 litres. Cheese is

    horrendous I bought a 125 grm Brie 280 baht (French) Back in UK £1.50. One of the things that I find strange

    is, I cannot find Chinese egg noodles, the dry ones that are used in UK style Chow main.

    • Like 1
  15. A percentage of Muslims all over the world are killing and maiming innocent

    people on a daily basis. They even kill each other then call themselves


    I used to think that all this insurrection was to do with converting the

    world to Islam, however recent events show it is nothing of the sort.

    The Islamists kill because they like it, they do not care, men, women and

    children are fair game.

    Sunni's hate Shia's so they kill each other.

    The other day in Syria 3 men asked a 14 year old boy for free coffee, the boy

    laughed and joked not even the prophet would get it for free. These brave

    "freedom fighters" dragged him into the middle of the road and shot him.

    The reason they said, he had blasphemed.

    Remember this boy when your Government gives aid to the "freedom fighters"

    these are the people who will replace Assad.

    Now I do have a problem in that I'm not sure if there is a God or Allah, what

    I am sure of is that if there is an all powerful being why did he give

    Muhammad a totally different set of ideals than Jesus gave.

    It's also interesting that Muhammad said he was the last prophet. As he was

    only chatting in a cave with Gabriel that seems to be a little presumptuous.

  16. He refused to answer any questions without a lawyer present, so we know he is stupid.

    The story does not say he visited Pakistan

    Can anyone enlighten me as to why you would wonder the airport terminal for four days waiting to be questioned,why did he not stay in a hotel ?

    Also, actually, as an American citizen, did he seek Consular Support?

    I wonder?

    With most things ... there is a lot more left unsaid.

    What were the triggers which placed him initially (presumably) on the no-fly list?

    A lot of unknowns for sure


  17. As the continued carnage and indiscriminate murder continues unabated, the army chief wants to build a fence.

    Perhaps he should seek advice from the Israeli and US governments on this issue as to the effectiveness, cost, environmental and people impact, freedom of legitimate movement etc. of such a scheme.

    If not general, please remember that google is your friend.

    However, as the general continues to clutch at straws, I bet that the usual snouts are already beginning to sniff around this particular trough.

    There is a meeting including the insurgents on June 13th!!!!!! Islamists are now a problem all over

    the world. Hundreds are being killed EVERY day including Muslims by Muslims.

    This has got to be the most stupid religion to ever grace the earth.

    As for the fence idea I'm not sure that will work,however the Thai's still need to step up security.

    They could of course strip the land back for 2 or 300 yards and install CCTV.

    Letting bombers out on bail does not seem to be the most sensible idea.

    One thing for sure is they need to do something.

  18. > I have always heard it is not good to place a battery on cement

    >> fairy tale!

    Actually this is completely true and rather important.

    One thing which kills batteries is "stratification" where the electrolyte separates into layers with high SG liquid settling at the bottom and corroding the plates.

    This tendency is increased if the battery is placed on a cold surface.

    Without going to silly expence

    Commercial flooded cells come with an insulating stand. Car batteries are happier sitting on a strip of wood or foam insulation.

    The stratification can be broken up by purposefully overcharging (vigorous bubbling) or by physically stirring.

    In a vehicle of course they get plenty of agitation.

    In submarines each large cell has a pump to circulate the electrolyte and prevent stratification.

    I can't help but wonder if automatic SLA battery maintenance won't become part of the equation that makes solar economical.

    If you use a desulfator, and circulate the acid through a filter occasionally, I suspect the life of a SLA battery can be extended almost indefinitely. Then if the plates can be exchanged without sending the entire battery in for recycling, that would reduce the cost of ownership even more.

    Of course, all has its risks dealing with lead and sulfuric acid, and I can't imagine the company brave enough to offer anything like that to the general public given the litigious climate when people hurt themselves doing stupid things. And the materials of construction to handle the acid are typically pretty expensive.

    Is there much progress on lithium ion for solar? My Li-Ion electric bike runs as long as my SLA bike, though the battery weighs about 1/4. But the Li-Ion battery cost about 3x what the SLA battery cost per V-A hour.

    What is required for solar systems are deep discharge batteries, these allow far more of the power to be used

    without damaging the battery.

    Normally used in boats and motorhomes. Car type batteries are not good, as they will be damaged too easily

  19. I wish there was a way to convert Kwai droppings into electricity. We'd have free electric for life. tongue.png

    In regards to the Op's question. It seems he just wants to have electricity in case of black outs. Does anybody know anything about using batteries? I presume they would be trickle charged whilst power is on but I don't know what the outputs are, the length of time they last or the overall viability is of them.

    several threads exist on back-up power using inverters and batteries. yes, i am using three sets of inverters.

    -two power two pumps which supply water to our home,

    -two power my study (lights, computers, routers) and my TV-room (TV, HDD recorders, SAT receivers),

    -to power the study of the Mrs (computer, printer/scanner, TV, SAT receiver and HDD recorders).

    cost per system approximately 15-18,000 Baht depending on number of batteries. it looks like this:


    I'm confused why would you want 3 invertors?? A decent size battery bank and 1 good invertor will do the job after all it's

    the batteries that store the power, the invertor just goes from 12v DC to 220v AC.

    Ps If you have all this equipment, adding solar panels is the cheap part.

  20. no you cant tax it without the book.

    it would be almost imposeible to get a book

    it looks like it would be a nice farm bike.

    if the wife has any countryside relatives, give it to them... out there they can get away with riding locally it in most places.

    A good plan if the relatives live locally, a bad one if you need to transport it any distance in the back of a pick-up. If the BiB stop you, and you don't have the papers, you could find yourself with a whole heap of problems.
    I don't think you need a green book to send it by post, do you?

    Yes you need to give the PO a copy of Green book and of ID or passport.

    Just done it a short while ago. Good service.

    On the question of the bike it should not be a problem selling it, in a village outside the city

  21. 1. The conflict in the south is not 9 years old: It has been going on for over five hundred years.

    2. The only education respected by most communities in the south is an Islamic one ie memorising the Koran and all that goes with it - this has a great inhibition on emploment another factor in the marginalisation of Islamic communities esp Islamic youth.

    3. At government schools in the south, every morning (as across the whole of Thailand) the pupils/students must attend the flag raising and honour chart (country), satsanna (religion - specifically Buddhism), and Phramahakasat (the king). Thai Muslims do not recognise the authority of the state over them so cannot in conscience acknowledge 'chart', they cannot honour any religion but Islam, so out goes number 2, and as they can't accept 1 & 2, they can't accept the Buddhist King of the 'occupying power' ie #3.

    So how does the Thai state propose that education in the governemt system be reorganised to accommodate the rejection of the basic daily "opening ceremony" and the necessary changes to curriculum to accomodate local needs and beliefs of what constitutes 'education'? It is no accident that teachers are often victims of militants. They represent the 'occupying power'.

    Just saying.

    The Taliban in Pakistan state that Democracy is un Islamic. Islam accounts for most of the world's terrorism

    so if these kids in the South are getting all their education from Mullahs what are they being taught?

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