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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. so, the vendor claims he didn't coerce the chinese into buying his crap. thus, it is a false complaint by the chinese, of course.

    There does not appear to be an argument about how much the Chinese paid for the bags. I presume it was $150 each. All these forged black market bags are sold on the Thai / Cambodian border market for about 1000/ 1500 baht.

    The police are supposed to fight against these copies being sold but no mention here.

  2. How much is bottled water outside the EU ??

    Why is it that the supermarkets sell water at 4 times the price asked in other countries ???

    Just 2 examples of supermarket pricing.

    1) Tinned potatoes 180 gm drained weight 45p 360 gm drained weight 15p One fron Morrisons and the other from Aldi

    2) Par baked bread 2 pack Morrisons regular 99p Morrisons budget 45p Both these itels are exactly the same Identical ingredients One pack give a weight of 250gm and the other 300gm but they weigh the same.

  3. I am not sure how he can be surprised. When you enter Malaysia as a tourist from the west, your passport is stamped with the following:

    'permitted to remain in West Malaysia and Sabah for 90 days". This is a concession to the East Malay Muslims who don't want you in their part of town . So the government actually restricts non Muslim tourists from visiting that part of the country because they know it is a hotbed of insurgency. This was also the area where the locals have burned churches because Christians there were referring to God as Allah (which is simply the Arabic name for God). Very tolerant...

    There are several States that want Sharia Law and the Islamists that plague South Thailand come from that area

  4. Death Island strikes again

    Can someone put together a comprehensive timeline of all of the foreigner's deaths just on Koh Tao? You would think that for a small island the death of a visitor would be a very rare occasion, but here's another one.

    Based on what. With (tens of) thousands of active people at any time seems to me the reported death rate is very low. Would expect several a year from accidents, heart attacks, illness, etc

    That may well be true in some parts of Thailand however the deaths of younger people in Koh Tao, Samui and Phuket are way above what would be normal.

    Young British kids go on booze holidays to Spain in their 100's of thousands and have a minimal death rate.

    How long before the police say something and I presume the crime scene is cordoned off with a 24 hours guard.

  5. Growing fury in Germany over New Year’s Eve assaults on women in Cologne

    By Seamus Kearney


    "We must examine again and again whether we've done what is necessary in terms of expulsions from Germany"

    BERLIN: -- There is growing fury in Germany over assaults that took place on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.

    Some 120 women said they were robbed, threatened and sexually molested after being surrounded by groups of young men.

    The attacks have been linked to the controversy over refugees entering the country after police said the attackers appeared to be foreigners.

    Some media quote what are said to be internal police reports that say 16 suspects have been identified and some are recent refugee arrivals.

    However, other officials warn that no one has been arrested and there is no concrete evidence the attackers were asylum seekers.

    Under pressure over immigration, and pressed for comments on the Cologne attacks, the German Chancellor said: “We must examine again and again whether we’ve done what is necessary in terms of expulsions from Germany, in order to send clear signals to those who are not prepared to abide by our legal order.”

    Meanwhile, similar reports are emerging elsewhere.

    Half a dozen women in Zurich say they were assaulted after being surrounded by young men on New Year’s Eve.

    Finnish police have also said they received information that assaults were planned on women at New Year’s Eve celebrations.

    The events in Cologne have cast a shadow over the city’s upcoming annual carnival.

    Josef Sommer from Cologne Tourism said: “The situation is definitely a little tense in light of the many reactions worldwide, not just in the media but also from guests who had planned or are still planning a Cologne trip. They are now reconsidering whether they are coming.”


    -- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-08

    I'm surprised that Germany does not have an extensive CCTV system. Everyone in the EU should have an ID if not they are illegal and should be deported or put in camps until their ID known.

    If a refugee or migrant commits a crime they should be deported.

    Go to Iran or Saudi and steal, check the penalty. Try to walk down the street with a bible in either of these countries.

  6. Five persons were killed and a dozen injured when a Thonburi-Langsuan passenger train crashed into a running truck at a railway crossing in Phetchaburi province.

    So I take it that the pick up truck was waiting for the railway crossing lights, and the train went off the rails and crashed into the truck. Right?

    Please read the words !!!!!!!!!!! The truck started to cross the lines, ignoring the STOP SIGNALS and was hit by the train

  7. What's part of the cost of a deal with Turkey, fast tracking and completing their membership of the EU on their terms ?

    Have any media reports defined the timeline for fast tracking Turkey's EU membership application? By way of background from the application commencement in 1987 out of 35 “policy chapters” which all EU candidate countries must successfully negotiate prior to membership only 13 have been opened and only one has been successfully closed so far. For 2016 only an additional 5 or 6 chapters have been proposed for negotiation.

    Turkey has 'demanded' 3.3 billion euros a year contribution to assist with refugee support costs. To put this is perspective as of mid 2015 Turkey had spent 6 billion euros, with an expected ongoing monthly cost of 500 million for refugees within its territory.


    Turkey is an Islamic country boardering an Islamic war. Some of the more sencible Muslims appear to be the Kurds who fight to keep a buffer between IS and the EU. Turkey's contribution is to wage war against the kurds and make sure their border is open to refugees, terrorists and unemployable economic migrants. THEN they ask the EU for money, "they say to help with refugees"

    I have to ask the question "what is Islam doing to control Islamists " answer nothing.

    Unless someone comes up with a way to control the terrorists then we must close the borders

  8. Thailand’s Junta Orders Ban on Double-Decker Buses

    BANGKOK – Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith has reported that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has ordered a ban on the registration of new double-decker tour buses and stricter road worthiness checks for all public transport vehicles.

    Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said Gen Prayut issued the instructions during Tuesday’s cabinet meeting in the wake a record road-toll over the New Year holiday.

    According to Arkhom the 4,800 double-decker buses and 16,000 regular buses already in operation with a height of more than 3.6 meters must now pass a strict tilt test on a 30 degree slope. Any that fail to pass the test must be taken out of service.

    Full story: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/thailands-junta-orders-ban-on-double-decker-buses.html


    -- Chiang Rai Times 2016-01-07

    How many roads have a 30 degree slope? I wonder how many rat infested single deckers cannot climb a 20 degree slope

  9. What a shame! This is the country with abundant food available and offers to everyone for free. Sadly to borrow for your own luxury food. Rather people should try to learn how to cook simple food at home and share with family and live happily without depts.

    1500 baht is around 5 days pay for Lo So Thai's. To offer this in credit for 1 meal is madness.

    AND then comes the crunch :- Is Oishi going to bring in the heavies when they don't pay instalments 2 & 3.

  10. "We might have to return the vehicles and seize the driver's licences instead, so they can't go out and drink-drive again," he said."

    Errr... What about the tens of thousands that don't have licenses but continue to drive? What kind of ivory tower does this guy live in?

    He reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes.

    "The Emperor's New Clothes" (Danish: Kejserens nye Klæder) is a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen about two weavers who promise an emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, no one dares to say that he doesn't see any suit of clothes until a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!" The tale has been translated into over a hundred languages.[1]

    I sat at a table with 12 Thai guys and no one had a licence, yet they were all on scooters

  11. When is Islam going to wake up and realise that ISIL is not their friend.

    Look what the position will be if these NON HUMANS gain a proper foothold in Libya. Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco rely on Tourism for a large part of their economy.

    Where does it say in the Qur-an that you should act as a lamb, waiting to be slaughtered by terrorists who pretend to act in the name of Allah.

  12. Why is it a problem for the Schengen arrangement? If you have a valid ID/visa then surely it is through you go?

    It is a problem because there are NO border controls. The EU have been crying because the UK insist on border controls and better rules on migration, NOW they have big problems because no one knows where all the "refugees" are AND who is going to pay for them.

    There already are several German cities that are bankrupt over refugees.

    The fact is, why should we even think about taking millions of economic Muslim migrants into Europe.

    AND it should be noted that when the dust has settled the 2 million male migrants will insist on bringing their 20 million relatives over as well. (after all it is their human rights)

    The EU need to start working on a plan to repatriate migrants who are not refugees, these are the men and boys traveling with no family. SEND THEN BACK TO MUSLIM COUNTRIES. Shia to Iran Sunnis to Saudi

  13. Everybody wants electric power, nobody wants power plants. NIMBY. That said building a coal

    powered plant is a mistake. Gas powered plants are more environmentally friendly. I think

    they should look closely at the garbage burning ultra clean (no smoke stack) plants that

    have been developed in Scandinavian countries. Help get rid of the garbage and stop it from

    entering the oceans while providing needed electricity. As for solar panels they are still not

    financially viable but if a company wanted to install then on roof tops they should be

    encouraged. No duty, no taxes. Probably, there would not be many takers, but you never


    Can only agree

  14. Sorry but having traces of drugs in the blood doesn't equate to them being high on drugs, or even impaired by them. I mean somebody can very easily spike somebody's drink with a drug, and they'd feel fine a couple of days later but still fail the test.

    Admittedly it doesn't inspire confidence that they're testing positive for illegal drugs, but I think the more pressing issue is addressing their driving skills and attitudes. Those who drive bigger vehicles here seem to see that as carte blanche to bully smaller vehicles out of their as and when is convenient for them to do so.

    But if anything this story is a positive as those drivers will likely have something to think about now & the passengers will be (i'd hope) driven by potentially a more sensible driver for the remainder of the journey

    Sorry :- but having ANY trace of drugs must be a no no. Would you get in a bus knowing that the driver was a Yaa Baa user???

    Thailand needs to bring in strict driver hours laws and these bus drivers who tested positive banned for life

  15. Good so far. They are impounding a tiny percentage of the vehicles. Why some and not others? I wonder what the total penalties are.

    In the US, getting a DUI will cost you less than $20. That'll buy a 12 pack of beer, LOL. tongue.png

    Must be a different U.S. than I grew up in. Getting a DUI incurs a serious fine, possibly suspension of license, higher insurance costs, etc.

    I've seen people thrown in jail for DUI I think "Never Sure" must be drunk

  16. A right to appeal , is part of the law,

    A right to a fair trial is also part of the law, except in Thailand where a Hi So or mafia bod is involved.

    The police go in destroy the evidence and then arrest 2 Lo-so's.

    The DNA from Hannah should have been plentiful. It would have been a mix of her DNA and the rapists DNA, yet the RTP cannot show clear



  17. Ha ha, the police and their cigarette butts, their answer to any death. A quick cursory glance at the cigarette butts and their other favourite, "signs of a struggle", allows them to immediately determine the circumstances of death.

    Ahhh cigarette butts lets do DNA test, if more than one person see if he Swiss assisting with suicide.

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