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Posts posted by Rinrada

  1. Hope not...however Could Thailand deal with this Possibility...  Covid cases in UK with 70% Vaccinated...may hit 200,000 infections a Day later this year - a number that would Inflict “major disruption” on the NHS, a top SAGE member has warned.

    Prof Neil Ferguson said it is “almost certain” that cases will hit 100,000 a day and hospitalisations 1,000 a day, up from 55,000 and 740 a day currently.

  2. Cant complain about Chiang Mai immi..Got my first "O" Extension last year after what 20 plus years of  Embassy visits in London and next one due in August..so dont hopefully expect any problems..Procedure last time was very easy.. welcome...polite and understanding...especially when Khun wife told them she didnt know how much money I had...figures..All laughing their heads off...I didnt mind...humour is best defence..if...etc..so...last Chang before bed...chai..

  3. 8 minutes ago, jojothai said:

    Have to be careful about the wording. That may be for travellers "returning".
    A lot of the current talk is for UK people going abroad for holiday and returning.

    Most of the rules i am seeing generally refer to acceptable vaccines as those approved by the country's governing dept.
    England has approved Moderna, Oxford Astra Zeneca (version in Uk / Europe), Biontech Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson.
    Search as best you can.  I guess that It needs to be very clear by monday's relaxation. 

    From a few weeks ago...cant say if you will be allowed to enter with Sinovax..?....The European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is the agency of the European Union responsible for the evaluation and supervision of medicinal products, has approved only Four Coronavirus vaccines so far, which are:

    • Comirnaty (BioNTech, Pfizer)
    • COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna
    • Vaxzevria (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca)
    • COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)

    The following are currently under rolling review but a decision on their approval is yet to be taken..

    • CVnCoV (CureVac)
    • NVX-CoV2373 (Novavax)
    • Sputnik V (Gam-COVID-Vac)
    • COVID-19 Vaccine (Vero Cell) Inactivated (Sinovac)

    According to the EU COVID-19 Vaccine Passport for Travel Regulation,the Member States are obliged to issue and Accept passports Only to those who have been Vaccinated with one of the vaccines already approved by the EMA.....

    • Thanks 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

    any idea what happens if you return to Uk, then told you need to compulsory quarantine, but tell them you don't have the money ?

    What is the cost for managed hotel quarantine?

    FIO...The cost of a Quarantine Managed hotel is Not cheap. The rate for 1 adult in 1 room for 10 days (11 nights) is currently £1,750. The additional rate for another adult (or child over 12) is £650 An additional day rate for those who Test Positive and need to continue isolating is first adult £152, additional adult (or child over 12) £41, and for children aged 5-12 it is £12.

    For those Facing Significant Financial Hardship as a result of this charge, there will be an Opportunity to Apply for a Deferred Repayment plan when Booking. This is only available if you already receive income-related benefits, and you will be required to Pay back your Debt to the Government in 12 Monthly Instalments. For details on how to arrange a deferred payment, please see https://quarantinehotelbookings.ctmportal.co.uk/.

  5. 18 minutes ago, jojothai said:

    See my other comment on KLM, the Netherlands list still shows Thailand on the safe countries list

    Yes I agree for the time being...and from Amsterdam direct to Glasgow...also still OK...fio...but obviously depends on what happens next...

    If you’re not fully vaccinated, or arriving in Scotland before 4am on Monday 19 July

    If you’ve been in an amber list country in the 10 days before travelling to Scotland and have not been fully vaccinated, you must:

    On arrival in Scotland you must:


    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, jojothai said:

    "Travellers who have been vaccinated are permitted to enter the EU from any country."
    One dose or Two ?

    Some people may just want to get out of here.
    But others may want to go to try and get vaccinated. This starts to close out that option.
    Could the UK be next, and make it a red zone?
    That may be fast approaching with the situation here getting worse the last week.

    Should uk dump Thailand on red list .agg..bit of a bummer. Had planned if no jabs here to give it a try after my new extension in Aug/Sept but now "beggers belief":.Usually go via UAE .but since still Red L was now sussing at KLM but that looks a no go.....Just bought a new flat in Glasgow with a Tesco /nightclub on the ground floor so self isolation would be no problem..hic...however still positive.. lets see...

  7. 9 hours ago, Bundooman said:

    Sounds more like your cousins have an axe to grind.

    That is not the case in the UK.

    you can, free of charge test yourself. The kits are readily available nationwide.

    Maybe Scotland is the exception under the current 'misadministration' of the SDP


    How much does a test kit cost?

    Tests kits are free, and can be collected from your local LloydsPharmacy in England, Scotland and Wales.


    Register your results online or call 119. A negative result doesn’t mean you don’t have COVID-19, make sure to follow Government guidelines and restrictions.

  8. Although its only a Thai govt "proposal of fines of 500,000 Bt "etc ..it does rather seem  a backward step for a country that relies on international tourism for 20 % of it national income...I will not however criticize ... only admonish  after all they have been elected to serve...(finger in mouth)  the good people of Thailand and what they come up with although obscure and disingenous to us "ferangs" its still down to them..rest my case...Last Chang...yes..chi..krup..gao..

    • Haha 1
  9. I have this down as plan B...or is it C...In similar position days where I could head back to UK for a week well and truly over..however must be on the cards. Got my final 90 days report in a few weeks and then go for another extension./ Re-entry...and if the situation has not budged ..unlikely... then will consider the jaunt.. Spotted a one way Bangkok to to UK via Ams..for 150 quid...and although self isolation needed ...just bought a new flat ..can get the 2 Jabs on NHS almost on arrival...(aged 72)...Khun Wife happy to look after our farm..dogs..chickens cows...shop...and our staff..so if need be...yes..Hate hanging around..personal decision...

  10. Had to look up the company that is supplying the Moderna to Thailand.. Its origins are Swiss but is based in the Philippines and has a highly ethical agenda when dealing with customers.. within all of their Contracts...FIO..."It is important to ensure all of our interactions with business partners (government or commercial) are conducted with openness and transparency and in accordance with anti-corruption laws. All representatives of Zuellig Pharma are required to comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy when dealing with external parties."....one must wonder...eh..

    • Haha 1
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