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Posts posted by wellred

  1. I find that those who like to post or verbally comment elsewhere that they pay nothing to their wife/TGF often are those with girls so homely they would be worth next to nothing on the open market anyway.

    Are you insinuating these girls are not as attractive as others who receive some pocket money? Bit of a broad generalisation!

  2. I be that 1 child policy isn't looking so clever now 55555 seriously though what kind of knock on effects will that create say 30 years down the line?

    I've never really had any negative run ins with Chinese tourists aside from a few rude ones trying to jump queues. I noticed quite a few hanging about in new tiger in Patong on my lazy trip and none of them seemed to be having any fun. On at least 3 nights I saw mixed groups sitting at the bars nursing 1 drink each for nearly an hour.

    More girls for me then. No complaints here.

  3. It's Thailand, You can meet a girl anywhere anytime.Bus stop, train, supermarket, market, club, cafe, 7/11.All in a sigle day with a little effort, don't waste your internet time.

    I don't waste any time on the Internet dating sites. I ensure that every girl I engage with for more than 50 words eventually wishes to perform coitus with me.

    Whilst on the subject though it does bother me when some girls write an essay for an opening gambit. 'Please read everything in my profile before say hi me' ...yawn

    I do also like to pick up randoms in shopping malls too but the Internet side is a good way to pass my time when I'm back in farang land.

  4. You don't get rid of your best player. And when did Fergie ever do that? Cantona? Keane? No chance.

    Rubbish talk from people who just want to see him go as they loathe not being able to have him. Who cares if he is a liability. Who was that guy Keane tackled who he later admitted in his book he tried to end his career. Cantona attacked a fan. Does Branislav Ivanovic still have his arm in 1 piece?

    This whole thing has been a mountain out of a molehill. The player was silly to do it in the first place but the English fa and media have once again shown how incompetent they really are

  5. Bottom line is if we only have to concentrate on domestic competitions then surely that's better. Our squad is thin as it is and even thinner in the quality dept so unless numnuts redsox decides to spend some money we need to not be worrying about a completion which is going to do nothing to enhance our chances are finishing higher in the league.

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  6. Uefa cup was different. It had a better feel to it as it was pure knockout. This new format is rubbish and really there isn't any financial or other incentive. Platini has already spoken about folding this into the CL so I'm not alone in thinking its a waste of time.

  7. Not really Thailand related but I thought id throw in my 2 satangs, or rather cents in this case. I was in Seattle not too long ago on business and the number of oddballs walking around was astonishing. People mumbling to themselves, all sorts and this was even during mornings. At night it was even worse. I remember at the time speaking with some colleagues and I likened it to walking around in the game grand theft auto what with all the random people. Is there a problem with mentally ill people in Seattle? One guy joked they were all ex execs from Microsoft gone crazy.

  8. Well come off it they couldn't. 5555 even if thu Sokol bale for 40 mil they would still be shy at least 10/15mil.

    When Suarez does leave he will go to a proven team already established, not a top 4 fringe not to mention 1 man team. And before anyone says we are a one man team look at our result on the weekend. 555

  9. I think it's time to get the yanks out banners dusted off. These idiots haven't got a clue how to get us back in the top4. They had their chance to spend loads before FFp kicked in and sat around with their thumbs up their arse.

    But the good things is 3 years down the line when all our talented players have gone and we are bottom half at best we should be cheap so hopefully some rich Arab can come and put John Henry and his cronies out of their misery.

  10. How could they tell they were ladyboys?

    I lived with one post op for over a year and did not know, When I found her/him having sex on cam on the net with foreigners from around the world and approaced her about it she thru me out. She lost face, she also lost $500 a month in income support plus.

    How did you find out that he/she had online sex? -

    The moaning sounded louder from the bedroom, than the computer.

    Tell us more. I like this story better than the OP. 555

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