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Posts posted by grego49

  1. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    Beginning to see how this will pan out. He has the wealth to make many people very happy. Likely outcome will be guilty of trespassing and a suspended sentencing and a scapegoat convicted for killing the animal. He will be richly rewarded. The judge will ruled that the case is a serious offence enough for jail term, but him being a good citizen bla bla bla and in this particular circumstances that he didn't shot the animal, his imprisonment will be suspended. No wealthy ever do jail time. Public can't complain as it will be contempt. 

    Yet a poor old couple got 5  years for gathering mushrooms in a national park,

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  2. 2 hours ago, mike324 said:

    Raise the fines, I bet everyone will start enforcing the laws. Install more speed cameras since police can't do their job properly.  I'm sure 3000-5000 fine for traffic violations will make a difference.

    Had a chat with a cop up north and surgested fines for no helmets should be doubled,his comment was thais can not afford that i said wear a helment not have to worry,he didnt get it kept saying thais can not afford it,,


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