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Felix Lynn

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Posts posted by Felix Lynn

  1. Felix,

        We've recently swapped a few emails and wanted to let you know I appreciate the archive being available. Hope your future archives will include the call ins as well.

        Not to be ungrateful but I'm really hoping you'll start publishing as a Podcast with RSS feed so I can automate the process. With your existing production quality a podcast would only amount to posting the files. Lots of free servers and bittorrent for distribution. Apple's iTunes cache the top 200 podcasts on their servers.

        Great article last week on Tom's Hardware to get you started...


    The podcasting will be forthcoming. We are working on it. Thanks for the interest! I will pass along the article to the technical powers that be. Thanks.

  2. don meuang is worse than an upcountry bus station.

    well, that settles it for me! that's a great quote. and a great topic, despite all the corruption stories and safety concerns many may have read about.

    the location of the new airport isn't all that great but to build something that massive takes land and where else could they put it. if they do come through with the train directly to the terminal, that would a big advantage than having to drive to the old airport. LAX never linked the new train to the airport and it's a major drawback.

    if the new airport can a handle "direct to terminal" disembarking instead of taking a bus to the terminal, that would be a big plus. but the bus thing is found even at the most advanced, gigantic airports.

    compared to many world airports, don muang is rather a dingy, outdated place.

  3. you're probably right about the way in which it was promoted. i guess we're trying to peek interest in the show.

    i understand if you can't listen. but i welcome all criticism, comments and verbal noise. good talk radio starts and ends with a good argument or heated discussion. well not always but debate has drama and drama is interesting.

    what's interesting about that story in not the lurid details but that ever ellusive idea in thailand called the truth. and that other story you mentioned about marrying a working girl, i had a fascinating call from a guy from chiang mai who is happily married to one for the last eight years. it's a topic unique to Thailand and therefore i thought i might be of interest to our listeners.

    last week we had a great discussion about teen road racing. it might sound like a yawner but it actually drew some interest with folks at their wits end with their teens. what do you do with a good kid who wants to race around the streets. he gets good grades. he doesn't do drugs. he just likes to ride fast. we got some interesting comments on that one.

  4. thanks for your comments moog.

    while i would have to say that our show is not for the whole family, i did spend some time talking about the three legged elephant who got a fake leg to help her walk. i try to mix it up. and i hope folks like you tell me what you think. it helps us fashion our content and present to the listeners interesting topics to discuss.

    if you heard my comments you would have heard a person NOT "revelling" in the misfortune of children but talking about a real problem in Thailand--the truth and how you go about finding it out. that was really the theme of my rap on that very unfortunate story.

    i'll air any comments you want to say on Thailand Today, unedited. 02-207-2677.

  5. On the next Thailand Today,

    An Australian man says his arrest on child rape is payback.

    The Thai obsession with white skin leads to health risks.

    And a drunk Swedish diplomat threatens police and injures a photographer.

    That and your calls on the upside and the pitfalls of marrying a prostitute…on the next Thailand Today, each weekday at 5pm, midnight and 5am.

    A newbie Troll.


  6. On the next Thailand Today,

    An Australian man says his arrest on child rape is payback.

    The Thai obsession with white skin leads to health risks.

    And a drunk Swedish diplomat threatens police and injures a photographer.

    That and your calls on the upside and the pitfalls of marrying a prostitute…on the next Thailand Today, each weekday at 5pm, midnight and 5am.

  7. according to the news report: ..."Her family, who belong to a hill tribe in neighbouring Chiang Rai province near the Burmese border, told police that White had offered to take their then 12-year-old daughter into his care in Bangkok" ...

    Why on earth would a family allow their twelve year old daughter go with a forty year old foreigner to Bangkok to live with him?

  8. When I first visited Thailand, I was watching Thai TV one night. A commerical for whitening cream came on. While I can't remember it in detail, I do remember "black face" make up being used. I was very surprised! I think it was like, when the light of the cream showed on the woman's face she was pale faced and beautiful and then when the light of the cream missed her face, she was black faced and ugly. It was really derogatory.

    That commerical was my introduction to Thai obsession with white skin. Since then, I've listened to the most stunningly beautiful dark skinned women say they are ugly because they are "black" or dark. Another shocking experience the first time. Also, when I was a teacher in Thailand, one of my Thai collegues told me under her breath: "The Director, he's black on the face. Very black." She said it like she was embarrassed or like it really mattered to me, which it didn't.

    Now we learn this weekend, though maybe obvious to many for sometime, that many of the "whitening creams" are dangerous and cause serious health risks.

    If someone more experienced than myself has the energy, could you explain this obsession? Where is comes from? Who propagated it? Why it persists? And any other comments you might have. Thanks.

    Please post your comments here.

    Also, if you would like, post a comment on Radio Bangkok's listener comment line, please do. Leave a message of any length at: 02-207-2677.

    Thanks again.

  9. Talk radio as a paying media format got it's real start as a late night alternative, shift workers, long haul truck drivers, 

    Who doesn't love to hear a story about some rednecks getting probed on a saucer or Illuminati conspiracy stories,  :o

    Art Bell, was a pioneer out in the desert and has everyone from psychics to aliens on his show,  now of course the format is much more serious and commercial, half the dial in filled with Talk Radio, but just how much Rush Limbaugh can you take ... :D

    exactly! how much of any one thing can you take? i don't like butt kissing radio either and think it's far more compelling when a caller takes a contrary position and some healthy banter takes place. in a lot of ways it's like a live forum discussion.

  10. wow! thanks for that. anytime you want to leave an overview of Thai talk radio on our listener comment line, that would be great. very informative! and i think of interest to our listeners both here and abroad. thanks! 02-207-2677

  11. I listen to Air America, which is "liberal" talk radio live-streaming (live in BKK).  They actually do interviews and discuss things other than strictly politics, as opposed to the usual hate radio of the right wing.  I also listen to WEEI (Boston) to get my home fix on the Red Sox and the Patriots.

    cool. yeah, air america is like the answer to rush limbaugh and the other right wing talk show hosts. for some reason, the right has seized the format so successfully...but there is plenty of choices out there: tom leykis, sex talk, phil hendrie, character driven comedy where he does all the voices, love line, with adam corolla and dr. drew., talking about everything under the sun for mostly teens and twenty somethings. i'm not familiar with other countries other than the BBC, which is the mother of all news/talk radio.

  12. Just curious: what's the extent of Thai language talk radio in Thailand. I don't listen to the radio in Thailand much. Are there popular Thai talk radio programs? What kinds of topics do they discuss? I enjoy talk radio in the States, but it's hard to get a balance of opinions with most talk shows leaning hard right.

    i can't answer that. talk radio, however, is huge in the states. it does lean hard right but there are alternatives out there.

  13. both comments are helpful. we are in the planning stages of format and so forth. there is probably room for different types of talk shows, topic driven, political, newsy, sex talk, etc.

    currently, if you call in, your comments are aired on the next show. we are working on a live call in show...hopefully soon.

  14. Just informal survey and information thread about Talk Radio. It's hugely popular in the states, often out ranking music stations. Is it popular in your country? Who listens to it? Is it something Thailand needs for the swelling foreign population? If you are a talk radio listener, what kind of talk radio do you listen to?

    any comments appreciated.

    Felix Lynn

  15. you can leave comments of any length at 02-207-2677. we will put your voice on the air, whatever you think. we encourage contrary opinions and debate. the sources for the rap on pattaya are clearly stated on the show. international callers can dial 66-2207-2267 to reach the same listener comment line. we are building a talk formatted show and the more callers we get the sooner we can jump to live callers. i hope you enjoy the show.

    Felix Lynn

  16. On the next Thailand Today,

    Shoot’em up, cut’em up in Pattaya, a real wild west town.

    Officials to spend nearly million baht on a survey when the results are already known!

    And the truth about Felix Lynn, he’s a thief but no liar, stealing your stories but telling the truth about them…

    All that and the penis enlargement doctor comes-clean…on the next Thailand Today, each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am.


  17. On the next Thailand Today:

    Will the government shut down Koh Phangan’s infamous full moon parties???

    Bad driving habits take a life, as people wonder if Thais will ever change their chaotic road ways.

    And a proposal by a group of teens to allow road racing on Bangkok streets gets a serious look from a high ranking government official.

    All that plus your calls on yesterday’s penis enlargement story…on Thailand Today, each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am.


  18. On the next Thailand Today …

    The cost of admitting to penis enlargement.

    Introducing your mother to your new wife the prostitute and asking the question: are Thai prostitutes the same as western prostitutes?

    We’ll also review Thailand’s growing number of English language news websites

    All that and a tip for tourists who always wanted to go twenty meters under the sea…on the next Thailand today…each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am.


  19. On the next Thailand Today…

    Meet the mia noi…how an innocent introduction of the minor wife to the major wife led to a trip to the hospital by the one and only husband.

    Also, Stickman says in his lifetime there is no hope of Thailand catching up to the west…and you can blame it on the culture.

    That and the reasons a massage parlor king pin turned politician can’t get no respect from the US embassy.

    On the next Thailand today…each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am.


  20. The following news story is from the Bangkok Post about smart traffic signs being installed Bangkok. Will they help traffic in Bangkok? What is the real reason traffic is so bad in the city? What could be done to improve traffic in the city? What are officials doing to make it worse? Call in your comments to radio bangkok's listener comment line: 02-207-2677. Thanks! Felix Lynn

    First smart traffic sign in place

    The first smart traffic sign, the brainchild of Bangkok Governor Apirak Kosayodhin, was installed on Silom road yesterday.

    Mr Apirak was there in person to see it installed in front of the Bangkok Bank headquarters. The smart traffic sign, which will begin monitoring the traffic flow this month, will inform motorists about traffic conditions in Silom and its nearby areas.

    It will show in red, yellow and green lines the traffic situation at 10 intersections around the Silom area. The red line stands for heavily congested, yellow _ not too bad, and green _ good flow. Motorists will also be informed of road accidents. Traffic information will be updated every 30 seconds, said Mr Apirak. The city administration will install the smart traffic signs at four more locations this month.

    The four locations are Prompong intersection on Sukhumvit road, Phayathai intersection on Phayathai road, Tuek Thai intersection on Rama VI road, and at the Sathorn intersection on Narathiwat Ratchanakharint road.

    Deputy city governor Samart Ratchapolsitte, in charge of the project, said altogether the smart traffic signs would be installed at 40 locations throughout the city, with 26 of them on main roads and the rest on expressway exits. All of them would be installed within November.

  21. If anyone experienced the flooding in Chiang Mai during the recent storm a listener comment would help bring the story to radio bangkok listeners. Any stories, eye witness accounts, descriptions or important information not covered in other media would be appreciated. Call Radio Bangkok's listener comment line at 02-207-2677 and leave a message of any length.

    Such questions as:

    What did you see?

    What happened to you?

    What damage did you see?

    How are people coping with the reckage?

    What are people saying about what happened? tourists, residents etc.

    Thanks Again!

    You comments really help to bring Thailand to listeners around the world

    Felix Lynn

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