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Felix Lynn

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Posts posted by Felix Lynn

  1. I could use some comments on the drought situation. It's easy. Call Radio Bangkok's listener comment line at 02-207-2677. Leave a message of any length.

    How has the drought affected you?

    Do you have to buy water from trucks that supply water to the city?

    How has the drought affected local businesses, tourist industry?

    What could the authorities do or could have done to solve the problem?

    thanks! you can leave your name or not. we just need voice comments from people in the area.


  2. Stickman could be right about many girls leaving, but more likely, less farangs coming

    Could anyone explain to me how one man could be in possession of sufficient information upon which he could form such an opinion?

    This is just another of those cheap sensationalist pseudo-journalists yet again turning a trick on the hackneyed subject of bar girls.

    A subject, if any one of us lesser members, just happens to mention, in passing, our thread would be closed and deleted immediately.

    IMHO - hypocritical double standards.

    First, you're responding to a quote from a quote and not the actual words from the man himself. If you had listened to what he said, it would have been easy to understand how he came to the conclusion that he did.

    Regarding the subject matter, you may be right. I'm rather new to Thai Visa dot com and how it all works. Any tips in that regard will help me negociate this cyber world. We are trying to build listenership for a show that has real potential. We want to be relevant to both long term expats and those investigating Thailand for the first time.

    Help in that effort would also be appreciated.

  3. Is the interview downloadable from somewhere on the site?

    That'd be useful, or exact times the interview is on.

    I would like to have listened to the stick interview but really don't really like the whole radio show so didn't want to wait for it.

    We are working on archiving all the Thailand Today shows. The show is evolving and any feedback, negative or positive is appreciated. Please be specific. We are trying to focus more on talk and less on the music during that hour. The Stickman interview was not aired in it's entirety. I pulled some cuts (sound bites) for the first segment. I'll be rolling out more of the interview over the next few weeks on a once a week basis.

  4. Stickman could be right about many girls leaving, but more likely, less farangs coming

    I'm pretty sure when Stick says more Thai girls are "giving it up" than ever before he means they're having sex (as in "some girls give it up on the first date") not that they're leaving the industry. Maybe it's an American English idiom?

    I guess "giving it up" is idiomatic. And yes it means giving sex. It was written as such to peek listener interest.

  5. The reason for the stickman interview should be obvious, even to the seasoned expat. Thailand Today and Radio Bangkok attempt to give news, facts and entertaining banter about Thailand. Who better to get in the mix than Stickman, a noted authority on many aspects of Thailand...nothing sinister, just good old fashion Q & A.

    You too can have your say. Anyone who wants to throw in there comments about the Stickman interview can call our listener comment line. Comment on anything you'd like. 02-207-2677. thanks!


  6. In response to the OP:  Whay are you promoting this guy? His sophomore musings on life in Bangkok and the bar girl scene (of course he's against it, but seems to take up a lot of his time).

    Methinks mutual gain of some kind (for you and him). But don't worry, I won't  criticise again...not worth the effort and bandwidth.

    criticism is fine! how bout voicing it on radio bangkok ... 02-207-2677. I think Stickman is very relevant. While he does provide researched information on the bar scene he also muses on lots of interest to the expat and traveler. But we would like contrary opinion at Thailand Today. Voice it. We'll air it! FL

  7. ... a man from leaving his wife and marrying a bargirl and how it all led to the popular "reader submission" feature on his website ...

    Stickman also muses on the state of Thailand's sex industry, claiming more Thai girls are giving it up than ever before and more farang's are coming to get it.

    Nice to see some fresh new topics being discussed here

    pat, you can freshin it up then with your MK story...leave your comments on our voicemail and i'll get them on the air...02-207-2677...thanks!

  8. On the next Thailand Today on Radio Bangkok,

    - Stickman reveals how he stopped a man from marrying a bargirl and saved a marriage …

    - Why getting a driver’s license in Thailand is no longer a joke.

    - A murder investigation update as the mother of the victim visits the crime scene in Chiang Mai five years after her daughter was raped and murdered.

    All that and the latest on the runway crack story that won’t runaway…on the next Thailand Today…each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am

    Listen in here: http://www.radiobangkok.net

  9. On the next Thailand Today,

    Stickman reveals how he stopped a man from marrying a bargirl and saved a marriage …

    Why getting a driver’s license in Thailand is no longer a joke.

    A murder investigation update as the mother of the victim visits the crime scene in Chiang Mai five years after her daughter was raped and murdered.

    All that and the latest on the runway crack story that won’t runaway…on the next Thailand Today…each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am

  10. ... a man from leaving his wife and marrying a bargirl and how it all led to the popular "reader submission" feature on his website ...

    Stickman also muses on the state of Thailand's sex industry, claiming more Thai girls are giving it up than ever before and more farang's are coming to get it.

    On the next Thailand ... each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am ... Bangkok time.

  11. If anyone would like to tell their story for radio bangkok and Thailand Today, you can leave your message on our voicemail service. It's easy: 02-207-2677 or 66-2207-2677.

    You can leave a message of any length.


    Felix Lynn

  12. Hello,

    I'm Felix Lynn. I do the news for radiobangkok.net. I'm in the process of developing sources throughout the country that I can call, from time to time, for short comments on the latest events...you know the stuff, comments that "sound bites" are made from. For example, new traffic construction is announced; I call you and you tell me what a nightmare the new construction is making driving around the city. That kind of thing. it would add so much to the news and to Thailand Today to have different voices. You can remain annonymous, give me an alias or give your real name. It's up to you.

    Please PM me and I'll get back to you.

    Thanks in advance. And thank you to all who have already contacted me!!!


  13. if anyone would like to comment on this proposed water purification idea for radiobangkok, please call 02-207-2677. would love some sound bites for the news. any comments would help...long or short. thanks!

    and thanks to those who have already called in with comments...very helpful!

  14. thanks jai dee...but i need voice comments to insert in the news...i'll post my request in that post as well...if you have a comment please leave a voice message for us...thanks...FL

  15. Hello,

    Was wondering if anyone living or staying in Pattaya has been affected by the drought in Pattaya reported in the papers? How has it affected you? residential water supply? business water supply? Are there water trucks racing around the city selling water as reported in the papers? www.radiobangkok.net could use your voice comments on this, if there is anything to report. please call us and leave your comments on our voicemail.


    leave a message of any length...using your name is optional...we will cut a sound bite into either the news or Thailand Today...please call...we could use the first hand reports...

    and if this is not news and you know it, give us your prespective on why this may be a story or non-story...just call...

  16. According to a recent report, the acting chief of Thai Immigration says he is instructing staff nationwide to work faster and eliminate unnecessary procedures, like tourist visa extensions.

    Is this rah, rah mumbo jumbo or is someone trying to make credible changes at the immigration department?

    Can someone explain what "unnecessary procedures" the chief is talking about? It seems visa extensions are necessary hassle. The report, like many english language news stories written by Thais, was vague and confusing.

    The report is also calling for foreign scrutiny of the immigration department. Again, what's your reaction to this?

    We could use your voice comments for our newscasts at radiobangkok.net.

    Call: 02-207-2677

    Leave a voicemail of any length. Use your name or not. We need your comments on this.

  17. Hello,

    Was wondering if anyone living or staying in Pattaya has been affected by the drought in Pattaya reported in the papers? How has it affected you? residential water supply? business water supply? Are there water trucks racing around the city selling water as reported in the papers? www.radiobangkok.net could use your voice comments on this, if there is anything to report. please call us and leave your comments on our voicemail.


    leave a message of any length...using your name is optional...we will cut a sound bite into either the news or Thailand Today...please call...we could use the first hand reports...

    and if this is not news and you know it, give us your prespective on why this may be a story or non-story...just call...

  18. We've heard the native speakers all lose it...and I don't mean their minds. (Well maybe that too. But that's for another post.) What I'm talking about here is how native speakers sometimes lose there ability to speak proper English becaue they've been communicating too long with non-native speakers who know little or no English.

    Got any good stories, quotes or paraphrases that others might like to hear???

    Please post them here...



  19. The most telling piece of information about this story, other than the fact that not one "victum" of his scheme was quoted or came forth to the authorities, was that it was the X-wife who exposed him. His X-wife is dying of AIDS. This is the piece that throws this whole story into question because ex's who don't have AIDS are sometimes vicious and vindictive. I never want to meet an ex who has AIDS and is most likely bitter about contracting the disease.

    So can it be said that the wife "exposed" him and confiscated all his property? We don't know. We don't know much about this story. We only know what the authorities have been quoted as saying.

    Not one victum has come forward...that puts alot of questions in my mind.

    No one would argue that if the allegations are true that he could be prosecuted on many different charges than "trying to infect teenage girls."

    Why wasn't he?

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