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Felix Lynn

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Posts posted by Felix Lynn

  1. Talking With An "Honest Isaan" Woman

    The rebirth of “Honest Isaan…”


    Another sensationalistic title that more than borders on tacky.

    The rebirth of honest Issan? Have they been through a particulary dishonest time recently? :o

    The rebirth refers to "reintroduction" of a past feature we carried on Thailand Today. I'm just bringing it back. The feature is called "Honest Isaan," which is play on the old North American saying "Honest Injun." It will be a semi regular feature talking with Isaan women and the men they become involved with. There were some great stories before and I'm sure their will be more to tell and discuss in the future.

    I'm sorry if you find the moniker tacky.


  2. Looking at the latest topics all over TV, i think TV is trying to take over barladies.com. It will probably bring in more revenues.

    And these kind of bullsh1t sensational topics are proof of it.

    Hi Jean,

    Could you be more specific?

    I'm open to any topic suggestion. If you've listened to Thailand Today you'll know we discuss everything. Spent about a week talking about education in Thailand. Storms, traffic...all of it.

    Sorry about the server hitch during the 5pm show. We're getting things ironed out for our live debut. Live call ins coming.



  3. On the next Thailand Today,

    A reassigned cop “is walking mad,” taking a one hundred kilometer walk to sit at his new inactive seat.

    The rebirth of “Honest Isaan…” a feature dedicated to looking into the mind of Isaan women and the foreign men who meet, marry and live tragically ever after…on today’s edition, we meet a woman who's in love but lonely and looking elsewhere while her husband is out of the country.

    And finally, a woman cracks your skull, leaving you bleeding and confused and yet you pay and pay and pay…well, it’s the Thai way but whose responsibility is it anyway?

    All that and a traffic solution that exposes what little can be done to solve Bangkok’s traffic woes on the next Thailand Today, each weekday at 5pm, midnight and 5am.


  4. listen radio bkk and catch live!!!  :D

    I'm never near a computer at the right time :o

    Sorry about not updating the archives more regularly. We've been having some server issues in the land of smiles. This should all be sorted out soon and a regular update of archives will commence forthwith. Thanks for the interest. Regarding the live and repeat broadcasts of Thailand Today, that will be adjusted after numerous calls and complaints about the current timetable.

    We are a work in progress and evolving. All your comments are noted and appreciated.

    Thanks for the continued support Britmaveric!

  5. Does anyone find it as strange as I do that in all the shopping malls, the signeage of the shops is in western lettering.

    Imagine if in every London shopping mall, all the shop signs were in hieroglyphics.

    hehe...It's a double edged sword. It was debated in another thread, which actually gave me the idea for this discussion. I think that kind of thing can help Thais and the foreigners. If they want to learn English it can help. It's their choice but I think what Chris said in the other thread was valid.

    Imagine your government wanting you to learn hieroglyphics? That would be downer.

  6. On the next Thailand Today,

    Forcing Thais to accept English. Is it really that important for Thais to learn the international business language?

    The good, the bad and Pattaya City News, bringing you news no one else dares to.

    When air planes attack and pilots abandon their passengers.

    All that and your email on the next Thailand Today, each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am.


  7. On the next Thailand Today,

    The passing mention in a Bangkok English daily of 19 road deaths on just one day has Felix Lynn scratching his head and wondering: “Is death really that tolerable in the Land Of Smiles?”

    A study released Wednesday says sex crimes are on the increase in Thailand and only five percent of cases are ever reported.

    More ranting on the reactionary reaction to the tragic stabbing at an all girl school in Bangkok,

    All that plus email on the poverty packers and details of the a ban on a massage parlor in the shadow of a school yard, on the next Thailand Today, each weekday at five pm, midnight and five am.

  8. I know, it's terrible isn't it? Those Thais even have their own script just to make it difficult for visitors. When are they going to learn? and not just English, all signs should have Japanese, Chinese and Korean language too.

    well said.

    Good point, however, I think Chris is saying that in light of the Thai governement's push to have the populace learn English suggestions on how they can accomplish this are in order. Many in the country want to improve their English. His suggestions would help in that effort.

  9. On the next Thailand Today,

    - Poverty Packers, for them the thirty day visa countdown never ends.

    - Thailand crowns an Australian as Miss Thailand and when she speaks, natives say: “Mai Cow Jai?”

    - And Felix Lynn says: “Not one baht for extra school security until every Thai student can say Hello!”

    - All that and yet another crackdown, this one on backpacker teachers, the tourists who just can’t leave the Land of Smiles until they masquerade as real live qualified English teachers. On the next Thailand Today, each weekday, at five pm, midnight and five am.

    Tune in here:


  10. I'm glad those that listened liked the show. I'd even like to hear from those that didn't.

    OK, only cause you asked - I'm trying to be constructive!!

    I listened to a couple of your shows in the archives where you talked to Stickman about education and when you talked about the reported cracks in the runway.

    I understand that you are probably very much underfunded and have a research team of one: ie yourself. So its always going to be an uphill battle to get interesting and well researched topics.

    Having said that, my biggest problem is a couple of times you said in relation to your subject matter:

    - "I don't know if....(these reports are true regarding the runway cracks)"; or

    - In your preamble to your interveiw with stickman you essentially said that you 'did not know' how Thai Ministry of Education planned to revamp their English teaching curriculum.

    Surely a bit more research could have been done to find out that you 'know' what the facts involved with the story are before you went to air. Would have helped educate the audience on the issues and the facts as well.

    You should really get out and network with Thai based jounalists to find out whats what. I'm not even a journo but I tended to bump into English language journalists when I was based in Bangkok, either socially -simply hanging out at the FCC or through work and was able to catch up on things then.

    I take it you are based in Hong Kong....maybe not the best place to do a Thailand related talk show. Also, as someone else has said, maybe it is best to cut back the shows to a once or twice a week, swat up on the topic matter so that you are the expert, and then get other experts in to have a good chat about what ever it is.

    I was trying to let this promo topic die because another one is coming tomorrow but you bring up some good points and you understand the contraints. I have some support but really little time before each show. There is no producer but I sometimes act like there is when taping for "attempted" comic relief. When I can be, I am more prepared in some of the more newsy segments, like the ones you refered to.

    For Thailand Today, my goal is not to be a journalist and report all the facts as precisely as I know them but to be "host" that attempts to bring up topics for debate and discussion. We are going live soon, when you the listener will be able to call in and talk, discuss, debate and challenge the host just like on any other talk show.

    The other goal is to bring the goings-on in Thailand to the audience in an entertaining way that's like a talk, though it's often one way with little or no email or listener comments. I do some interviews and these will increase as time goes on. But I'm not the BBC or CNN in any way, but just a guy talking about what's the latest happening in Thailand. I also try to tell a story now and then and talk about the all those taboo topics that some hate and others relish.

    It's in it's infancy as is the radio station as a whole.

    I will take into consideration what you say and I thank you for taking the time to listen and comment.

    Wth the bottom of the hour headlines, I'm basically rewriting news copy from multiple sources and putting them in a radio format. That I take seriously with regards to facts, figures and accuracy. I attribute sources whenever necessary. However, because of resources, we can only update those headlines twice a day, five days a week but we run the Friday news over the weekend so casual listeners can get caught up on what happens.

    Thanks again and feel free to comment in any way in the future.

  11. An awful lot has been posted here but it all strikes me as being much ado about nothing.  Go back and re-examine the initial posted story.  All that it really says is the powers-that-be have received complaints about the quality of English-language education and are going to set up a team (i.e. committee) to examine said complaints.  Is there any reason to believe that there will be any action taken whatsoever?  If you really think so, history is not on your side.  :o


    I call it the "Crackdown Mentality." Every week or so, I report how Thais crackdown on something, noise levels at discos, drugs, etc. Six months later, I report a crackdown on the very same thing again. I think I listed about twelve crackdowns with in a six week period. What this story has done, here anyway, is ignited alot of debate.

    I wonder if Thais discuss this in much the same way?


  12. I went to Udon Thaini yesterday by bus. As I got off was surrounded by the local tuk tuk drivers. I asked them to go somewhere which is a 20 baht drive, they asked 40 baht.

    I told them they were like pathetic thieves(in Thai) and got some real abuse back - was it worth the hassle for me to let them know that I was pissed off, and wasn't a tourist(like they give a <deleted> :D )? Is it a big deal 20 baht? NO, it is how I deal with it. It depends on how I am feeling(is my spiritual condition well, or am I wrapped up in  self centredness/pity/righteousness etc). Am I ready to accept that they will try to rip me off, and either pay or walk away without saying a word. Walk a few yards to the main road and get one there.

    Tuk Tuk drivers will try and rip off the farang. They wouldn't take me for the real fare.

    Don't stoop to their level, like I did, walk away with a friendly smile.

    How to rid the streets and bus stations of tuk tuk scum. There's a topic. :o

    I'm glad those that listened liked the show. I'd even like to hear from those that didn't.

    Regarding the tuk tuk double pricing, I know some foreigners are in full acceptance of double pricing. One guy even said it's just a convenient user fee, which helps me pay the extra padded falang rate. But it would be an interesting experiment, to go out with a Thai and do everything the same and see what the finally tab comes out to. And also compare the starting prices, the ending prices and characterize the haggling that went on.

    Nice idea.

  13. Discounts from advertisers would be a nice gesture, then I will undertake to buy their products and services.

    Awaiting midnight rerun.

    I hope it meets your high standards of entertainment. If it were a live call in show like it will be in the near future, then you could call in and complain...or not! :o

  14. Britmavric has it right. I'm not doing anything special. I'm just talking about the news and hoping for some dialogue. It's done on talk radio all over the world.

    Regarding what samran said, it would be nice to have that one topic that has never been discussed and be able to present it to the audience but boy, those are hard to come by. I gotta come up with four brand new things to discuss five days a week. That's twenty a week. That's why like presenters and talk show hosts all over the world, I steal from wherever I can. I try to put an original spin on the topic or say it in a compelling way but the news is nothing you can't find in other media. Sometimes I do interviews when I'm in Thailand that are unique.

    I had a semi regular series awhile back called "Honest Isaan," which is a play on the North American idiom, "Honest Injun." It was basically interviews and stories about Thai Farang relationships. It was pretty original.

    People are interested in the semie side of life. They like the dirt and the odd report. I try to bring it all. I don't want to bore the audience nor offend.

    But thank you for you input.

    The show is fully uploaded and ready for you ears at midnight Bangkok time.


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