Quite the opposite here in Pattaya, at least from my experience. All broke Thais that I know live by the day. If they get some unexpected 10k baht they will party/drink that money in the same evening and be broke again the next day. Zero planning and never save anything.
As for the broke farangs, it's even worse. Pretty much all broke farangs I know here have no baggage (no family here, no dependants), and manage to be broke even when just carrying their own weight.
On the other hand, almost all farangs that I know that have kids/family (and a shred of honor) are doing fine financially despite all the extra expenses.
I never forget a friend that I had, totally broke living on a monthly VA pension. One week before his pay he ran out of money (he was making more than me at the time) and asked me to borrow 5k baht, which I lent. In the same evening he went to a bar and rang the bell (spent like 3k that evening), then I got angry and he justified himself saying that he could just eat cheap Thai food for the week and the 2k would still be enough.
He paid me, but then next month he was broke again one week before his payday.