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Everything posted by FarangFB

  1. Very disrespectful thing to do in Thailand. I would never
  2. My pet peeve with Lazada are the products that are using brand names while being fake. They add "Panasonic", "Philips" etc in the title and description and sell random generic low quality stuff. Lazada completely ignores my reports on these products and often delete my negative reviews too - I guess this is why they can keep close to 5 stars average on reviews.
  3. I've researched and it was a cargo airplane carrying 270 tonnes. Part of this very heavy weight wasn't secured and "went through the bulkhead and disabled two hydraulic systems, making the aircraft uncontrollable." Still, nothing to do with a small (and fixed, not shifting) imbalance between passengers on different parts of the plane. They just want another way to charge more money, that's it.
  4. So how is it possible that in like 100 years of commercial flights passengers haven't being weighted and I haven't heard of a single airplane crash in which the cause was a bad weight distribution?
  5. Still, I'm quite sad that it ended this way and her morals are quite commendable. Unlike most people she actually did care about disappointing her friend and family. But still, taking her own life about such a minor mishap shows that this world is too harsh for the poor lady.
  6. Not defending the criminals, but to kill yourself over being scammed for 18k...too sensitive for this world unfortunately.
  7. It's quite rare nowadays because everyone has a smartphone, but you're right. I have a friend who worked in the Pattaya tourist police around 2010-2012 and it wasn't that uncommon for tourists to unpack asap and head out for the bars without making any note of the hotel name. Then they would turn up at the police station asking for help.
  8. Intentional mistake, so that more people engage by commenting.
  9. I glanced at the paragraphs and for a second I thought they were talking about the passengers
  10. Checked the website, turned out there was a student debt around 37k in there. The court order she brought didn't say anything about seizing assets. I was about to start checking to pay part of the student debt but then she also mentioned (for the first time) she had pawned a car and needed to pay 25k. Since she wasn't honest about her debts at first then nothing was paid.
  11. Based on the answers here it's pretty much impossible for her student debt situation to demand an immediate payment of 50k, correct? (She said the deadline is on Aug 4th). Is it possible that the debt is so old that they would be after her parents' assets? I thought at most it should affect her ability to get credit in the future.
  12. There is a person asking me for a significant amount (50,000). She says it's to pay off student debt as it's already way overdue and her parents' assets will be seized if she doesn't pay SOON. If it's true I will help. However, I'm a bit skeptical on this. I don't know her well enough (no, we don't have any relationship). If catch her in a lie I will decline. I am supposed to discuss it tomorrow but I'm planning to ask her an hour before the meeting (so she won't have time to forge stuff) to bring the papers from her university and something that confirms the loan debt. I saw that there is a website called https://www.studentloan.or.th/th/home Are all Thai student debts registered in there? If yes, then I can easily check on the meeting.
  13. Wifey asked for a new washing machine. We went around town at different big retailers, I got photos of 3 models (around 28-33k) that she wanted and came home to do a little bit of research. I am ok paying let's say 10% more at a physical shop because I can see the product and mostly because they'll install it for me. However, found the same models at Lazada at the manufacturer store for 7-8k cheaper on each model. That's like a 25% premium they're charging. At this point it's just offensive. Similar thing happened when I wanted a nice TV last year, they asked for 55k at the shop and I managed to get it online for 36k. They were upselling for over 50%! Just had to let it out, thanks!
  14. If 140M is just the bribe imagine how much these online casinos owners are making. No surprise that half of the poor Thais are in debt to loan sharks for money used to fuel these scams.
  15. I'm pretty sure they won't release the body if there's outstanding debt. (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
  16. Great way to get rid of customers. If a hotel/resort charged me for electricity I'd make sure not to go back there and tell my friends.
  17. Just updating: I made it past the passport control. The booth officer immediately sent me to the table in the back and a very friendly lady asked to see copies of my son’s birth certificate and my wife’s ID (I had both with wife’s signature) then I called the wife on FaceTime (she was still at the airport) and after a couple basic questions about the trip we made it through.
  18. Not that obvious, I'd easily rather drop 27k than having to deal with a court prosecution.
  19. I'm expecting some questioning like that, but I'll be as prepared as you.
  20. Thanks that gives me some peace of mind. I'll just go with all the documents and hope it works. Yes good idea she can wait at the airport until we're past immigration. I didn't try actually calling the airline but every official website I checked says that it needs the paper signed by the Amphur. And every traveller report that I've seen/heard had one of the 3 outcomes: - Denied because something else was off (eg. Thai passport expired) - Made it through, no questions asked - Was questioned, but sorted after making a call to the wife
  21. His non-Thai passport (he has two) has a specific note that allows him to travel with just one parent. To exit and re-enter Thailand he will use a Thai passport. If you don't mind answering how old is your son?
  22. Quite ingenuous lol, I'll keep that in mind but I think this could upset the immigration officer once they realize what I did.
  23. I would if I had any guarantee that the 7k would work. It's just a law office here in Pattaya, it won't be the official Amphur stamp. The local Amphur here? The guy seemed very inflexible. Here with me in Pattaya I don't think I would even make it to immigration that way, she would be refused at the Check in for not having a visa.
  24. I have an imminent trip abroad (9 days, tickets bought) with my 6 year old son (wife is Thai and not going). For some reason I believed that I could get this parental letter of consent (หนังสือให้ความยินยอม) stamped here at the Banglamung Amphur, but they're blatantly refusing to do it and wants us to go do it in Ubon (tabien baan is registered there). We're out of time, loads of things to get ready. I called a local law office here and they're asking 7000b to do/stamp the paper themselves, but I don't know if I'd be just throwing money away as it wouldn't be the official Amphur stamp. I can provide every possible document that shows that it's my kid and I'm in good terms with the wife - copies of every document, can even provide video evidence of her saying that the kid can travel with me. The kid's surname is the same as mine and he looks like me. The question is, traveling with all the other supporting documentation and even the possibility to video call my wife - how likely is it for immigration to make problems about it?
  25. I’m here at the Banglamung Amphur now and they’re refusing to do it. They’re saying since the tabien Baan is from Ubon we need to make it there. This is ridiculous, how come the location matters it’s just a piece of paper that authorizes a trip
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