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Everything posted by FarangFB

  1. Everyone know this. But these "arsonists" are not simple farmers you can simply fine them to stop. They're suppliers to billionaire industries that will lose big money if this burning stops. And every government knows well that is not a good idea to upset billionaires.
  2. Why show an unrelated photo of Soi 6 which has almost no transgenders? The attack happened on Beach Rd apparently far down south from where Soi 6 is.
  3. Can't afford 1300b for rent but has 10 guys ready on call to do their bidding without questioning even at new year's eve?
  4. Wish it was that easy/reliable. Last 2 times I got an unspecified error that just told me to go there in person.
  5. It's not a matter of how many, but a matter of "who". If you're a random farang, a poor villager/child or some unknown elder then nothing will happen, the owner will get away with a slap in the wrist and the dog might get away with it as well. In order for something to actually change it would take a respected/rich family's child or someone actually important (a politician for example) to be mauled/killed. But these people won't be riding a bicycle in a random soi so the odds are almost non existent.
  6. I wonder if it would be possible to find a Thai lady that would: - Clean the house, do the laundry - Keep track and shop for the items (food, hygiene, cleaning etc) - Keep track and pay bills - Deal with services/technicians when needed (internet, aircon) - Take action when there is a medical situation, know the basics of first aid - Speak good English - Not bring friends/guys/family over. Not be an alcoholic - Honest, trustworthy NOT be a wife/gf, no sex, not be jealous of anything. I reckon a person like that would deserve a pretty good monthly salary, if I was older and alone I would pay north of 50k/month for that.
  7. The thing is...he IS British. I know some people involved, he has British looks, name and passport.
  8. About strays: Those who want these dogs free to torment whatever soi/beach they want are the ones responsible for most of the suffering. The great majority of these stray dogs have a very harsh life, enduring various diseases, fights, pain, fractures (hit by a vehicle), abuse and hunger. By "supporting" the very existence of these stray dogs people are enabling this cycle of suffering to continue. Feeding them is possibly the worst way to help the situation, it's just helping them to create new generations of outspring. IMO the most merciful thing to do would be removing them and putting them up at a shelter, but due to the size of the problem it would be extremely expensive to have enough shelters. Culling in the most painless way would be a second option. Neutering and releasing on the same spot is already being done by some NGOs, it surely helps in a way but it doesn't seem to be stopping the problem, there are just too many. Since no one "important" is getting bitten - just random farangs and poorer Thais - nothing will be done.
  9. Reading some of the comments here I'm actually glad it's the Thai police making the investigation. Many of you are absolutely anti-Thai anti-Soi6 and would do everything to blame security/bars despite the video evidence. No mob, no punching, no kicking, no brutality, no bars involved - just ONE security guy with a "get away" push after the foreigner persisted in the confrontation. Unfortunately he fell in a bad way given his age and condition.
  10. So instead of amending the original post why put this on the middle of page 5 where almost no one will see? Every paragraph of the original article contains a made up lie.
  11. If they keep this going and the oldest lives to be like 90-ish they could achieve a living 6-7 generation span. The baby would have a mom, a grandma, a great granma, a great-great grandma, a great(3x)grandma and even a great (4x) grandma.
  12. Followed by sauna crackdowns for 2 weeks and then a complete relaxation of the rules. Once the media has shifted to something else then it goes back to normal.
  13. When someone "important" gets attacked. Farangs, farmers, ordinary workers and their children aren't really relevant unfortunately. If the victim was an influential politician's kid, or some Chinese tourist (needs to be on video and go viral) then we would likely see some changes.
  14. Ok, so I went to immigration today and they said I don't actually need the TM30 even after an international trip if I'm returning to the same address. A bit off topic: just on a side note if you leave the country you can't do the next 90 day report online, it needs to be done in person.
  15. You're unaware of the real reason this is happening. It's pretty easy to tackle the issue with current technology and stopping the farmers from burning. However, it's not that simple. Stopping these burns will affect the supply chain of the sugar cane and this would cause losses to billionaires. Any politician properly tackling this problem won't remain in power for too long. I don't see the burning stopping anytime soon unfortunately.
  16. This news is a bit like the super gonorrhoea, every year they say it's coming and every year it turns out to be a hoax.
  17. Ok thanks, my experience is from last year. Last year when getting my yearly extension they saw the stamp I guess, I was out for a week and had a re-entry.
  18. I believe Jomtien immigration has a particular approach to this one, read about it many times and they do demand it.
  19. Went out on a family holiday in January, and once back in Pattaya wife tried to do a TM30 report at immigration and it was absolutely packed, huge line stretching out on the sun, we just gave up. Btw the house isn't ours, but wife has copies of all documents needed. I'm on a marriage/family extension due in September. Last year I also missed out on a TM30 and they gave us an earful. I don't really mind paying the fine. The choices I have are apparently: A- Go do in person on a not so busy day. B- Don't do it and get busted again on extension day. C- Use the website tm30.io - although it seems honest I feel a bit awkward giving passport and other documents, they aren't really an official immigration service. My driver's license expires in a couple months, I think I'll need to visit immigration to get a residence certificate, wonder if the TM30 has any effect on this. I would really love to sort it without having to go there.
  20. Some people might think you're joking but it does actually make sense. There are not only drivers that don't stop but no matter how many zebra crossings you got (Pattaya beach road for example) there are still tons of pedestrians that will cross anywhere they please, even there are zebra crossings less than 40m away.
  21. It was probably better to not have sent this email. She will likely be reprimanded for leaving her duty to take of a problem that has nothing to do with the business and cost them time and money from other potential customers.
  22. Exactly. The main thing I was looking for in the article is which Powerbank model/brand, but of course is nowhere to be seen. It should be a specific ban like they did for the Galaxy Note 7 years ago. But yes, more likely it will cause a widespread ban on good powerbanks just because of ONE out of many millions that fly every year.
  23. Exactly, tour buses just seem to drive and park wherever they please, it looks like they're totally above any traffic laws.
  24. Nah, screw that. If I paid for a flight to a specific destination that's where I want to go. If bad weather is an excuse it better be a damn typhoon at least.
  25. The pump assistant look like a 15 year old kid. Not really his job to confront an enraged adult taxi driver, is it?
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