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Posts posted by KimoMax

  1. The Protesters Signature Song and Obsessive, Compulsive, Repetative 8 Bars (about 20 seconds of music and lyrics) Circus Wagon Calliope syle is nauseating. The Protesters play that song Non-Stop.

    The music gives a Circus and Carnival feel to the Protest.

    A Rallie and Protest against a Government is not a Game and should not be construed to be a Party, Carnival, or Circus type of Atmosphere.

  2. Foreign Media and the AFP covering Bangkok still get it wrong in their continuous, erronious, and speculative descriptions of the two sides and what they stand for.

    It is not true that they are either Poor from the North of Thailand that are supporters of Thaksin.

    Or they are Well to Do Elites and Royalists.

    Red = Those that like the Populist Policies and accept Corruption. They feel their lives have improved under Thaksin Style Governments.

    Not necessarily all Thaksin Supporters.

    Yellows and PDRC = Those that feel Thaksin has had enough Influence and Sufficiant Wealth Gain from his Influnce and Syle of Governance.

    They have had enough of his Win All at All Costs tactics.

    Also those that are tired of paying for the corrption and Heavy Handed enforcemtent tactics

  3. A Foreign Teaching Credential or Verifiable Bachelors Education and a Police Clearance from the applicant's Home Country should be the bare minimum requirments.

    Any additional training should be decided, paid for, and condcted by the Hiring School.

    About Salaries; That is a big question. Several Asian Countries do hire qualified foreign language teachers.

    Language Teacher salries sould be regionally commensurate.

  4. Disrupting International AeroThai Radio would be an "Act of International Terrorisim" and surely should and would be met with Internationally and UN approved appropriate force to include Lethal Force.

    A Terrorist Act as planned by STR could even encounter "International Support" to pre-emt or stop the stated "Terrorist Act".

    Such an Act as threatened by STR would stir International opinion "Against" All the Protesters who would be "Blamed" for International Terrorisim.

    • Like 1
  5. Great article to help explain a lot of Thainess, Thai Culture, and History that many Foreigners don't understand.

    I don't fel the article was "Biased".

    Instead, it was a good cultural and history awareness lesson for non-Thai's

    The Solution and Answers to what will happen are all up to the Thai People.

    • Like 2
  6. Sorry but the writer errrrrr "Spin Doctor" Steve DAVIES is making a Biased "Opinion".

    This is Not a News Article, but instead a "Spin" by the writer of what he percieves.

    This "Opinion" is heavily one sided, and filled with a lot of half truths, speculations, snd non-supported statements and opinions.

    Unfortunately, Major players are "Key Targets" in any Conflict involving taking over a Government.

    Thailand now is not in a diffrent position from Iraq, Egypt, Syria, or Libya.

    Chess Anyone ?

    He who captures the King (refering to the chess game) takes the Win.

    If other players get in the way, they are "Fair Game".

    I doubt any of this conflict or how it plays out is legal.

    However; that is how the game of conflict is played to completion beyond the "Bluffing" stages.

  7. Protests can suddenly become dangerous and violent. Opposing sides. Opposing opinions and goals. Ill intentioned trouble makers.

    Most of us have been in places where everything seemed normal, then suddenly all "Hell brakes loose".

    At the moment it appears as tho a boring "stalemate". Each side trying to wait the other out to give up.

    Can't see either side giving up. Unfortunately tempers will flare and/or one side will make a move at an "end game".

    This time and all the other recent Protests have all started relatively calmly with some pre-protest incidents.

    Without warning, things Exploded.

    I fear this this Protest will be no different than before.

    • Like 2
  8. The Legal Fees trying to get anything back is Not Worth It. And it can take a long time.

    Do Not buy or spend money in Thailand that you are not prepared to forefit.

    Be smart and not a Buffalo.

    • Like 2
  9. Seems to me the 2006 Coup was not proceded by any serious violence.

    They kicked Thaksin out while he was in New York.

    It was nicknamed by many as "The Bloodless Coup".

    If recent history of the Military's involvement in Thai Politics says anything; It says they will not stand behind the present Government and conduct a Coup on this Government's behalf.

    People on this Forum need to look at the "Bigger/Huge Picture of Thailand in general" to see what this power struggle is really about. The Thai's know.

    It is not about Sutthep. He is just a Rebel Rouser and a Mouthpice to achieve the end means of expelling the Shin Clan and Cronies from Power Forever.

    It there is a Coup; The Protesters basically get a Independent (albeit) Military that takes Control and Reform

    Edoted fr grammer and the last sentence added

    • Like 1
  10. Must be April FOOLS or the Biggest Joke of the Millenium !

    What a Porkey !

    Sorry to Disappoint, but this place is only a small speck on the surface of the Earth.

    Ying can not be compared to any respected World Leader or Innovator.

    Just more self serving "jibberish" from brown nosing Subs in the PTP to serve the Master.

    Acording to Luck; Two Wongs Do Make a White

    ROFLOL (emotion avitars not working)

  11. TIT (This is Thailand)

    Foreigners can not expect Thai's to adhear to Western Ways and Thinking.

    Thai Culture and thinking is not the Same as the Western World.

    True Western Democracy in Thailand ??????????

    Why do you think there have been 18 Coups or attempted Coups in modern history ?

    Pretty sure the Mlitary would not interveine in Politics if everything was going "smooth as silk" here.

    • Like 1
  12. The Negative and Confrontational Attitude of the Locals and the BIB does not help.

    Especially since the Recent youtube video of the Cop Slapping the Russian Female Tourist has gone viral.

    As well as the Government's attmepts to Rip Off Foreign Tourists with their rediculous plans to Charge additional Fees to Tourists and Forigners.

    A Thai phrase comes to mind: "Som Nam Nha" ("Serves you right").

  13. "I See NOTHING.......... NOTHING" (Says Charlem and the PTP)

    "Which Way Did They Go George, Which Way Did They Go?" (Charlem and company)

    Thai Police are Trained to the Highest Standards by Mayberry PD's Sheriff Andy and Deputy Barney Fife.

    The Police Were Not Issued their One Bullet. Standard Riot Procedures and Armament were Strictly Followed.

    Only Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, and Warning Shots with BLANKS cheesy.gif Were Fired at Protesters.

    The Denials by the Powers that Be of Any Police being Dployed on the Roof Top and Attempts to Blame anyone Else for being there is "All Telling".

    I have to give credit to the Police Chief for coming clean of who was up on the Roof Top. And it wasn't Santa and the Reindeer.

    Guess he does not want his Head on the Guillotine like Charlem and Company facepalm.gifwai2.gif

  14. The reasons given by the Protesters and their Leaders for so many Thai Nationals protesting and Supporting Suthep and his plan to Completely Revamp Thailand is:

    Corrupt Government to the Core that the Protesters feel will Never Change without a Ground Up Cleaning.

    Corupt and Ineffective Police Force that can not be changed without a complete reform

    Corruption is accptable in All aspects of life and business in Thailand,

  15. If the average citizen was going to rally, every time police didn't do their job, you would have 65 million people on the streets 24/7/365!!whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn width=19 alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609>

    This is one of the issues Protested by the Protesters.

    Instead of wasting your time rallying, what about doing some policework to catch the killer??whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn width=19 alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609>

    Or is that too simple?

    They don't have or want the Skills to do real Police work and Investigations.

    A fine example of the mentality and the I.Q. level of these ''public servants.''

    They really are a pathetic excuse as a bunch of human beings who can't or won't do the job they are trained and employed to do.

    Fine first class service at extorting money both motorcycle and taxicab drivers and the motorist in general along with the commercial vehicle drivers too and let's not forget the bus drivers neither.

    Fine at trashing motorcycles and cars and terrorising women as so recently seen on Channel 7 a couple of days back..

    Never in my born days have I encountered such a pathetic, spineless, useless corrupt group of objects as we see in the O.P. image

    'Tis indeed a shame we are not able to call upon the services of the ''Keystone Cops.'' They would have indeed put this current bunch of of turd polishers to shame

    Nothing more than an overgrown, Untrainted, and Unsupervised Gang of Thugs in Uniform who expect people to Respect them.

    My Condolencs tho to the Officers killed and injured. It is a sad day when anyone dies or is injured regardless of who or what they are.

    • Like 1
  16. Well Mr KimoMax.

    In my opinion the YouTube clip is evidence of Suthep mens criminal behavior.

    You bet it is Criminal behavior. I never said anything to imply the actions were legal. Just pointing out the ineptness of the BIB.

    I do not support or condone one side or another. Just experience here in Thailand shows me where things are headed.

    I don't care either way about the outcome. This is Thailand......... Same Same

    All Riots are Bad Behavior and illegal acts.

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