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Posts posted by SuperGers

  1. Every day brings more twists and turns !! A quick precis for anyone not up to speed :-

    Whyte buys the club and says there is little chance of going bust; Whyte puts the club into administration claiming the big tax case is the reason; HMRC try to put us into administration because Whyte hasn't paid £15m in VAT and PAYE claim; the administrators claim we owe HMRC £5m VAT and PAYE; Whyte bought the club using his own money; oh no wait he used Ticketus cash; the administrators say Whyte's lawyers owe us £3.6m of remaining Ticketus cash; HMRC say they will 'appeal, appeal, appeal; HMRC hint that they might do a deal for as little as 10p in the pound; the players take a wage cut; then they don't; then they do; King says administration is inevitable; P Murray says it isn't; King sues D Murray; D Murray tells King to go and do one ; the administrators bring the deadline forward for bids; it turns out P Murray is backed by Ticketus ; a Far East consortium of billionaires want the club ... i think that's covered it all.

    Oh no wait ... there's also investigations by the SFA and Police into Whyte, the takeover and 3rd party contracts; then the SFA state Whyte not fit and proper person - 9 months AFTER he "bought" the club, but deny they should have checked earlier.

    So,what have we learned so far ? - well, if you lie to everyone about everything you can get an apartment in Monte Carlo, a castle, a football club and a trophy wife all with other peoples money.

    Reading between the lines - I think Craig Whyte is a bad man.

  2. Many people seem to know of them in Ubon, some of whom are members hear. I would love someone to go up to them and ask them there story. Would make interesting reading I am sure!

    Aliasjohn, it sounds like you have met the father, what did you learn from him?

    Memock, here's the story my Mrs got from the young girl - we bought some corn cobs off her outside "Saveland" near reservoir in Ubon a couple of weeks ago. Don't shoot the messanger and i've no way of verifying any of this but here goes :-

    Her mother and father are Scandanavian ( i can't remember which country ). Her mother died around 4 years ago and shortly afterwards her dad found a Thai girlfriend and decided to move to Thailand and bring the kids with him. Her "step-mum" treats them pretty badly and insists the kids go out and sell the produce she makes on the farm. Dad goes along with it because he has no money or income of his own. My Mrs says she speaks perfect Issan.

    Don't know how much is true, but my hunch is the basic points may be true, spiced up with a bit of "emotional blackmail" so you buy something from her ?

  3. For anyone interested :-

    Turns out the guy who paramotors over the airport is called "Den" and he's one of the Air Traffic Controllers there. I met him by coincidence last week.

    Very nice guy and speaks excellent English. He's an instructor at a club where members fly on Saturdays at various locations around Ubon. They also meet on Sundays to train new members at Warin, where Den is one of the instructors, .

    For club insurance purposes anyone interested needs to be a "resident in Thailand, not a tourist " ? His words not mine.

    New members need to pay THB 5000 which covers training and the use of the club equipment up until you're competent to fly alone. After this you can continue to hire the clubs gear or if you prefer buy your own gear. wai.gif

    Seems like a spare time option for some suicidal fun............crazy.gif

    Yes Bergen, this is the quick suicide option.

    The slow option is to run around the Sun baked countryside of Ubon until you're exhausted then drink yourself into oblivion once a month ! clap2.gif

    Wait a minute sounds like fun ! - when's the next HHH meeting again ? licklips.gif

  4. For anyone interested :-

    Turns out the guy who paramotors over the airport is called "Den" and he's one of the Air Traffic Controllers there. I met him by coincidence last week.

    Very nice guy and speaks excellent English. He's an instructor at a club where members fly on Saturdays at various locations around Ubon. They also meet on Sundays to train new members at Warin, where Den is one of the instructors, .

    For club insurance purposes anyone interested needs to be a "resident in Thailand, not a tourist " ? His words not mine.

    New members need to pay THB 5000 which covers training and the use of the club equipment up until you're competent to fly alone. After this you can continue to hire the clubs gear or if you prefer buy your own gear. wai.gif

    • Like 1
  5. From today's Record:

    'NEIL LENNON last night slapped a £35million price tag on Gary Hooper’s head after the striker notched his 16th goal of the season in the 2-1 win over Dundee United.'

    Hope it doesn't happen, but if it does

    we could always buy Rangers with the dosh!

    Tee Hee !

    You signed him from the mighty Scunthorpe Utd in July 2010 for £2.4 M.

    Never represented his country at ANY level but 18 months in the SP Hell, where his club didn't even win their own Championship increases his value to £35 M !!!

    Wee Neil's been on the meths again ! clap2.gif

  6. Pig Poo is highly sought after by many Thai's.

    We have about 100 pigs and the poo is collected daily. Our's is dried in the Sun for 1 or 2 days before being bagging up . It has the consistancy or damp sawdust and is not mixed with anything. It's then ready to use for crops or trees etc. Each bag contains about 40 kg and sells for THB 50.

    A very lucrative by-product of pig production. We don't have enough to go round and have a "waiting list" of buyers.

    I don't know about the chemical make up of it though.


  7. LOL - who's getting "uppity" now ?

    No i most certainly have not read his autobiography !

    Just about the last place to find a balanced and objective account of someone is in their autobiography. However, it appears you have formed your opinion of him largely based on reading it. This may come as a bit of a shock, but most authors of their autobiographies have a vested interest in what information is, and is not included. To rely on the highly sanitised and selective accounts contained in most autobiographies is, at best, niave. .

    You appear to be suggesting there was some kind of conspiracy amongst the press to discredit him ? Why and what evidence have you ?

    "His admiration of Mussolini is admiration of how Mussolini fed starving people, created jobs and built infrastructure. Mussolini really 'fixed' Italy, and then WWII came along." - That's a bit like saying Fred West was a decent fellow, when he wasn't busy murdering teenagers and burying them in his garden !

    'ave it wai.gif


    'AVE IT

    You are of course correct, the salute was in admiration of Mussolini, the evil dictator and warmonger and a man responsible for many thousands of deaths. That's as opposed to the other evil, dictator and warmonger who lived in the country next door. That's all right then. As you say, a world of difference !

    Nevertheless, i refuse to have MY educational standards questioned by someone who can close their comments with "'ave it" and who has a signature of "wibble"

    • Like 1
  9. Very poor run of form and the loss of Naismith has hit us badly.

    In reality the gap was only ever 9 points but still a significant lead to concede. Our best chance is to try to keep it tight (say within 3/4 points) until the last 4 or 6 weeks when it becomes "squeeky bum " time.

    We've seen the wheels come off Celtic's wagon too many times in the recent past to concede the title in January.

    If Rangers fall 8+ points behind i think this season's over. Then it could be time to give another manager a chance to bed in before start of next season ?

    Go on the Bears - prove me wrong !

  10. Paolo Di Canio = Total Bell-end !

    Most famous for his Nazi salutes while playing for Lazio - real barrel loads of fun this fellow !

    Best West ham player of all time - ahead of World Cup winning captain Moore or Trevor Brooking ? I don't think so !

    Yes, his versions of "tics" songs in praise of terrorists and the slaughter of innocent civilians must have been a real laugh.

    It seems your fawning over Paolo is not recipricated. In his own words his greatest "career moment" was the 2-1 victory of Swindon over Wigan in FA Cup on 7-1-12. Seems he's forgotten all about you chaps !

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks Guys.

    As i understand it, if i go for the well option i actually need 2 pumps ? One to pump from the well to the holding tanks and one to pump from the tanks to the house, i think. Then , obviously there's the cost of the tanks themselves and the cost to have the well actually dug in the first place.

    Not much change from THB 25000 for that little lot i fear !

    Looking long term, the only additional costs for well water are the electricity the pumps actually use while pumping and minimal maintenance costs ( wear and tear etc ).

    Government water obviously involves a monthly metered charge.

  12. I've got a choice to make for the water supply to my house in Ubon.

    Either i sign up for "government water" with a charge for them to run pipes from the main road ( approx 200m ) or i buy pumps and tanks and get someone to dig a well approx 35m deep to supply water for showers, toilets and taps ( non drinking ). The "village water" option is a non-starter as it's notoriously erratic and often off for 2/3 days at a time.

    Anyone any experience of digging a well in Ubon ? i'm told the soil is very sandy down to about 25/30 m before you hit rock ?

    The initial outlay for both options looks pretty similar at around THB 25000.

    Anyone got any views or opinions on the best option ?

  13. Bowled there yesterday Memock ( Xmas day ).

    It's still very loud so i suspect the speakers haven't been turned down at all.

    Also, you used to get complimentary Coke's if there was a few of you but i was told it's under new management from last week and they've stopped all promotions, freebies etc. angry.png

    Not really the way to bring in new customers !

  14. When i drew up a 30 + 30 year land lease my Thai lawyer virtually told me to forget the second 30 year period as a lost cause !

    Even for the first 30 year period to be valid YOUR name has to be registered on the lease with the Land Office AND appear on the Chanote that the land owner holds.

    If the land owner dies or sells the land to someone else your "right" to a second 30 year term lapses.

    If you use this method to ahem, "buy" land you might as well accept it's only for the initial 30 year period i'm afraid. :(

  15. Are those who call Celtic supporters "DFB" on

    this forum "idiots" also, I wonder?

    Yes, they are.

    Same as some people refer to Rangers supporters as "h*ns" and famously the current Celtic manager calling Rangers fans "DOB's"

    All idiots in my book.

  16. Agreed, Salty old son, agreed. But I would like a

    definition of 'illicit chanting' as I have never

    heard this charge before.

    Celtic's friends at BBC Scotland prefer to call it " illicit chanting " in some vain attempt to diminish the crime. However, according to BBC London and English and European networks it was "pro-IRA singing". Good to see the truth is being aired to a wider audience.

    In truth it's songs glorifying and supporting an illegal terrorist organisation responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children by blowing them to smithereens. Many were in fact Roman Catholics who died ! Yet they proudly sing songs in praise of their heroes in the IRA. Sick, sick, sick !

    And yes, Rangers also have supporters who participate in " illicit chanting " and who are also idiots. :(

  17. Quick update for anyone interested :-

    Documents required to obtain 1 year ( temporary ) driving licence at UBON RATCHATANI office are as follows :-

    1) Original passport + 1 copy of photo page + 1 copy O-A stamp + 1 copy departure card.

    2) Proof of residence from Phibun immigration office. * CAREFUL ! - make sure you get the version with your photograph on it ( you need to supply 2 x passport photos ).

    3) Original driving licence from your home country + 1 copy.

    4) "Doctors" letter stating you are healthy - available from shop near 7-11 on ring road ( approx 100m from licence office ). I very much doubt this guy is a doctor but his form is accepted by licence office without question. Charge TB 60 but get your wife to approach and ask price BEFORE you appear or you will pay "farang rates" i.e - considerably more !

    At the licence office I was asked to take a colour blindness test, then they take your photo and you pay TB200 and that's it !

    10 mins later and you leave with your new Thai licence.

    Lovely lady behind counter made the process easy and fun. No boring videos to watch or trips to Embassy in Bangkok required.

    If you want both car and motorbike licences TWO copies of all documents and two fees are required.

    Please note this is for UBON office - other offices MAY insist on International Driving Permits and letter from Embassy as proof of Thai address.

    Safe driving one and all. :jap:

    Any idea if you are able to obtain a Thai License on a Tourist Visa in Ubon?

    Don't think it's possible. Lady at Phibun immigration said you need a Retirement Visa to get the confirmation of residency letter.

    No letter = No licence i think. :(

  18. Quick update for anyone interested :-

    Documents required to obtain 1 year ( temporary ) driving licence at UBON RATCHATANI office are as follows :-


    I wonder what they do if they discover you are colour blind or partially colour blind. I am the latter and don't remember being checked at amphur Kantaralak in SiSaket province last December. Otherwise requirements were much the same, though I don't remember the residence letter requiring to have a photograph attached.

    How much did Pibun charge for the letter out of interest? I think it was THB 500 at Pusing. I tried them out with an old (one year old) residence certificate form the british embassy but no dice - needed to be dated within the last 6 months (might have been 3 - can't remeber precisely)

    Yes SS forgot to mention - letter from Phibun immigration was THB300.

    The colour test was pretty basic - lots of dots either red, yellow or green. She points - you answer. 6 correct and it's a pass.

  19. Quick update for anyone interested :-

    Documents required to obtain 1 year ( temporary ) driving licence at UBON RATCHATANI office are as follows :-

    1) Original passport + 1 copy of photo page + 1 copy O-A stamp + 1 copy departure card.

    2) Proof of residence from Phibun immigration office. * CAREFUL ! - make sure you get the version with your photograph on it ( you need to supply 2 x passport photos ).

    3) Original driving licence from your home country + 1 copy.

    4) "Doctors" letter stating you are healthy - available from shop near 7-11 on ring road ( approx 100m from licence office ). I very much doubt this guy is a doctor but his form is accepted by licence office without question. Charge TB 60 but get your wife to approach and ask price BEFORE you appear or you will pay "farang rates" i.e - considerably more !

    At the licence office I was asked to take a colour blindness test, then they take your photo and you pay TB200 and that's it !

    10 mins later and you leave with your new Thai licence.

    Lovely lady behind counter made the process easy and fun. No boring videos to watch or trips to Embassy in Bangkok required.

    If you want both car and motorbike licences TWO copies of all documents and two fees are required.

    Please note this is for UBON office - other offices MAY insist on International Driving Permits and letter from Embassy as proof of Thai address.

    Safe driving one and all. :jap:

  20. Hallo fans of The Gers,

    I am would like to inform you that the Hamburger SV (HSV) won last night a friendly against the Rangers by 2:1. Ivo Illicevic (38.) and Heung Min Son (81.) scored for Hamburg with Aluko's equaliser (71.).

    Well done HSV against the top team of the Scottish League!

    No need to sound so happy about it LB :lol:

    Well done last night - alas i don't think you'll be the last team to beat us this season.

    Did you see the game - how did our new boy Aluko play ?

    Cheers, SG

  21. Getting the Thai driver licences wasn't difficult.

    I went to licence bureau and brought my Canadian and korean driver licenses. The Canadian was expired so I couldn't use it. They were willing to accept the korean licence except they wanted it translated from Korean To Thai language. So, I decided just to take the test.

    Since I wanted both the scooter and car licence it was required to take 2 separate exams. In the morning at the bureau I had two take 2 computer exams for car and bike. It wasn't that difficult, pass both exams on the first attempt.

    In the afternoon was the driving test. The first test was for scooters. There was me and about 50 high school kids. I've only had about 10 hours of real driving practice on a scooter. But I did manage do it.

    Later in the afternoon, I did the car test which was only adults. I've been driving cars for 25 years now. Today I will take the test driving a truck with a stick shift. It was my very first time to drive from the right hand side.

    I've always driven in Canada and Korea which is on the left side. It did feel very strange, but I was able to pass the test. It took a full day to get both drivers licenses and was a bit stressful, but it can be done.

    Thanks Mike, it seems the test is not too difficult but i'd rather avoid the hassle and waiting around if poss. Did you have to watch the 1 hour video about road safety ?

    Think i'll pop into the office next time i'm passing to find out exactly what's needed.

    Many thanks, SG

  22. I got mine down the road at Det Udom ,

    I needed

    My british drivering liscence ( it was in very poor nick , a bit of pink washed out paper ).

    The proof of address , the one with your photo on it , I got that at Phibun ( I was given another proof of adress thingy and had to make a second trip to Phibun to get the right one the next day ).

    A medical from a local doctor .

    My passport , with non O visa 2 years back to back . They did want proof of 3 years residence and weren't very comfortable with me not being retired .

    Some passport photos.

    I didn't do any tests and the lady was very friendly the second time around.

    Good luck out on the road .

    Edit ; Det Udom is about the same distance from Ubon as Glasgow is from Kilmarnock .

    Ouch- Please don't mention Kilmarnock !! ;)

    What's at Det Udom ? I thought the office to make licence in Ubon was just off ring road ( near all the car showrooms ) ?

    I've got the newer credit card style UK licence - hopefully thats going to be ok.

    Thanks for the warning about the proof of address. :jap:

    Cheers, SG

  23. I intend to apply for the 1 year ( temporary )Thai driving licence at the Ubon office shortly.

    I have read the Driving Licence section on here ( all 29 pages of it ! ) and am pretty clear what is required.

    However there seem to be 2 main areas where local offices have discretion as to what documents are needed.

    1) Proof of Thai residency by letter from immigration office OR letter from UK embassy.

    2) National driving licence ( in my case UK ) OR international driving permit.

    Anyone have any experience what documents the UBON office will accept ?

    Obviously i dont want the hassle of having to take the practical and theory tests if possible.

    Cheers in advance. :jap:

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