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Posts posted by SuperGers

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you Rangers !!

    Glasgow Rangers are champions of the SPL title for season 2010/11 against all the odds. Congratulations to Walter Smith and the boys for pulling off an unlikely 54th Championship title(a World record )and completing a league and CIS cup double. Astonishingly brilliant" as someone once said !

    Despite the woeful financial position, tiny squad and dreadful luck with injuries Rangers made it 3 SPL titles in a row. Remarkable, given the constraints the club has been working under !

    A well funded Celtic with a far stronger squad had held a 2 point advantage with 4 games to play, but were unable to hold their nerve and slipped up on the final run in, with former Gers captain and current ICT manager Terry Butcher's side taking a vital 3 points from the Bhoys, when they visited Inverness. Rangers really found some excellent form in their final four matches and produced some of their best performances of the season just when it mattered most.

    No doubt the conspiracy theories will surface once again . It'll be the SFA, the referees, the SPL, the alignment of the planets or wee blue men from Mars that cheated Celtic ! However, the unpleasant truth remains for the Parkhead side that if that big fairy Samaras HAD scored the dubious penalty awarded at Ibrox, Celtic WOULD be SPL champions. Maybe big Sammy's in on the conspiracy as well ? ;)

    Now, let me state plainly that some of the football dished up by the Gers mid-season was poor. For all Walters "miracles", beautiful free flowing football wasn't one of them. But to Rangers credit, a determination and dogged spirit has seen us through some games where we have quite simply been outplayed. Without the investment in players and a tiny squad it's had to be that way. Nonetheless, even the harshest of critics will thank Walter for picking up the pieces after the PLG fiasco. "

    With the recent purchase of Rangers by Craig Whyte, and the promised cash injection ( if we ever see it ! ), it's unlikely Glasgows "other" team will continue to enjoy the advantage they've had over the boys in blue for the last few years. David Murray, the previous owner, divided opinion amongst Bears fans, but Rangers won an impressive 36 trophies and 15 out of 22 League titles, during his time in charge.

    So as Walter retires after a trio of consecutive titles, the fans look to an old favourite to replace him. History has a way of repeating itself, and it was after achieving 3 in a row, some 20 years ago, that Graham Souness handed over to his assistant at the time, a youthful, Walter Smith. I sincerely hope Ally can go on to be as successful a manager as Walter was !

    And it's a well deserved break for the team before it starts all over again on 23rd July. Post season trip to Japan anyone ?

    Anyway good luck to Ally and the boys for next season all Bears fans are behind you on this new, exciting period in the history of Scotlands premier club -the mighty Glasgow Rangers Football Club.

  2. So it's only the larger one left and it seems perfectly happy in the cage, never appears distressed and lives on a nice diet of fish, shredded chicken and pork.

    I still cant help thinking however it really belongs in the wild but I would be wary of just releasing it somewhere as i am sure it would be killed very quickly .

    keep on feeding & taking care of it, but take note - if it is a kite, they can live in captivity for up to 20yrs !

    absolutely forget about releasing it yourself. The bird has been imprinted on humans, & it would not survive.

    But, this is what i would do.. seeing as though the bird is still quite young, why not contact the Kasetsart University Raptor Rehabilitation Center in Bangkok & see if they would be prepared to take it in ? They have an excellent record for raptor rehab. Contact details for KURRC are at the bottom of the link..

    Thanks for the advice Goshawk, i'll do that.

  3. Nearly there..

    Gers edge closer, Hamilton down

    May 10, 2011



    By ESPN staff

    Rangers put one hand on the SPL trophy with a 2-0 win over Dundee United at Ibrox.

    Goals from Kyle Lafferty and Nikica Jelavic gave Rangers boss Walter Smith the perfect send-off as he watched his side stroll to victory in his last match at Ibrox.

    Jelavic gave the home side the lead after 21 minutes, heading in Steven Whittaker's cross, before Lafferty doubled their lead four minutes later, drilling the ball low into the corner after a well-worked move with strike partner Steven Naismith.

    The win sees them four points clear ahead of their final match at Kilmarnock on Sunday, but they could be crowned champions on Wednesday should Hearts beat Celtic.

    Yes JS, watched the game on RTV last night. Very good 1st half performance but had a few jittery moments late on.

    We've hit some good form just at the right time, after a poor mid season. Great atmosphere last night and an awesome "send off" for Walter !

    Need to hold our nerve now, for what would be a truly remarkable title, given the wafer thin squad and "nonsense " we've been put through this year.

  4. Just wondered if anyone could give general advice or had any experience of looking after hawks or birds of prey ? Here's the story, yes i know it goes on a bit ! :-

    Every day when driving to my g/f's farm via a narrow tree lined track we pass the house of a very elderly lady. Outside her house was a large enclosure about 3m cubed made from bamboo and metal mesh. Inside she kept two baby "eagles" !! She had been given them about 8 months ago, when they were chicks, after their mother had been killed, and had looked after them since. Being from UK and not having had much opportunity to see birds like this close up i had often stopped to have a look. In the daytime she would open the door for the smaller one who would go out, fly around for a while and then return in the evening or whenever hungry. The larger one never wanted to leave the cage.

    The problem was her elderly husband had recently fallen sick and she no longer had time to devote to them. So she asked if we could look after them for her. Over the next few days i built an enclosure in our garden and until last week they had been here for a few months without incident.

    The problem is these birds are VERY tame and have no fear of man whatsoever and are used to being hand fed. Last week after having missed the small bird for a few days we found out it had been killed by a local farmer. Probably it had been attempting to eat fish or chicks from his farm.

    So it's only the larger one left and it seems perfectly happy in the cage, never appears distressed and lives on a nice diet of fish, shredded chicken and pork.

    I still cant help thinking however it really belongs in the wild but I would be wary of just releasing it somewhere as i am sure it would be killed very quickly .

    Btw the locals call them "eagles" but from a bit of research on internet i thing they're Black Kites. Maybe someone can confirm - I'll put a few photos in my gallery later.

    Anyone any comments ?

  5. sepp's got more than enough dirt on bin hammam any which way. it isn't the corruption at fifa that winds me up so much as it being done under a banner of goodwill. fifa is a registered charity which pays no taxes on its gigantic revenues. this cannot be right but i don't really know what anyone is supposed to do about it. they're a genuine law unto themselves.

    Totally agree mate. Panorama done a very good documentary recently showing the hypocracy and corruption within FIFA. They were slated by Cameron and the press because it put the kibosh on Englands 2018 bid. Not a word against FIFA though ! :angry:

    Here's a link if anyone interested

  6. I am in the process of transferring funds from my UK Santander account into my Thai Kasikornbank account for the "purchase" of land to build on ( 2 x 30 year lease ). Does anyone know if i can get a Tor Por 3 for the incoming funds ? A slight complication is i am using HiFx, a foreign exchange company, who will be converting it to TB before paying it into my Thai account, so technically it will be entering Thailand as Baht ? Some of the posts on here suggest to get the TP3 the money has to enter as foreign currency ?

    It's unlikely i would want to move funds back to UK but i'd like to keep the option open.

    Any advice would be appreciated

    The requirement to bring in foreign currency is for purchase of a condo in a foreign name and the TT3/FETF is proof of that, as you can't legally 'purchase' land in Thailand as a foreigner I doubt it would be issued but you may get a letter from the bank stating the Thai currency was received from overseas. I don't know if that would be of any use for re-transferring in the future though.

    Foreigners (individuals) can not own land in Thailand, expect under some unique/big buck bond investments.

    SurperGers, at best you are transferring money in to go into a least agreement (you won't own any land in your own name)....and beware of any lease deals/promises beyond one 30 year lease period.

    I've had a legal contract drawn up with a clause stating after first 30 year period expires, a second 30 year lease will automatically be granted free of charge ( land tax fees apply again ). Ratified by lawyer and signed by both parties . I think this is as watertight as i can get but whether it would stand up in Court, who knows ? This is Thailand after all, and i am a falang

  7. "......Amazing Thailand! Here we have a report stating that dependent on their age group, between one eighth and one fifth of Thai workers are addicted to alcohol. Note, "workers" not "factory workers". The solution: ban the sale and consumption of alcohol in factories - that is to only part of the workforce. Absolutely no consideration of reducing industrial accidents!....."

    No, they said 8% & 5% so that would be 1 in 13 and 1 in 20 for those respective age groups.

    I would think the rate of people addicted to alcohol is probably that high in the west....at least in the UK anyway :whistling:

    These figures are rubbish--making it a small problem--NOT SO--last year it was stated that over 60% were alcoholics in RURAL Issan areas, and my friend -boss of health in my town would confirm that---are these figures telling me it's a reflection of m/cycle riders %...............Do the workers walk to WORK ???????????

    Higher !

    I have lived in a small village in rural Issan on and off for the last year.

    I estimate around 80% of males are alcoholics.

    Some villagers i've NEVER seen sober despite seeing them on a daily basis. No seriously !

    It does seem to be a big problem, more so than UK certainly and probably most Western countries.

    IMO of course

  8. I wish i was as confident in Rangers "run in" as you are Salty ! I've got a feeling there are more surprises in store over the last few games. Both sides have still to play Hearts and these could be the crucial games, although we've also still got Dundee Utd and they've already beaten us at Ibrox this season. Rangers slight favourites but all to play for i think.

  9. I am in the process of transferring funds from my UK Santander account into my Thai Kasikornbank account for the "purchase" of land to build on ( 2 x 30 year lease ). Does anyone know if i can get a Tor Por 3 for the incoming funds ? A slight complication is i am using HiFx, a foreign exchange company, who will be converting it to TB before paying it into my Thai account, so technically it will be entering Thailand as Baht ? Some of the posts on here suggest to get the TP3 the money has to enter as foreign currency ?

    It's unlikely i would want to move funds back to UK but i'd like to keep the option open.

    Any advice would be appreciated

  10. The classic where he gives the ref back the card that he dropped and gets booked for it ! Even the opposition Hibs player has a go at the ref ( humourless pratt )


  11. I give you Davie Cooper(RIP). Total legend.

    Absolute legend mate. Never forgotten and still missed. Couple of great quotes - Coops "I played for the team I loved." and Walter "God gave Davie Cooper a talent. He would not be disappointed with how it was used."

  12. Can't comment about midnight, but at midday yesterday it seems to be business as usual (i.e. pretty bad). Just what you want after a long flight from Europe. About 45 minutes to clear immigration - a slow shuffle made worse by some sort of alarm going off and not dealt with.

    And to top things off, there were problems with the baggage system.

    In all it took me two hours from plane landing to leaving the airport. Suvarnabhumi word class airport? It's a bad joke.

    Surprised - midday normally very busy in my experience. Took me 1.5 hours to get through immigration in March. Then took me another 20 mins to find my luggage that had somehow found it's way onto wrong luggage belt. When i queeried this i was met with a shrug of the shoulders. Mai Pen Rai, i guess ?

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